Podcast:Battleline Podcast Published On: Mon Mar 16 2020 Description: Joy Villa is a musician as well as an actress and natural bikini competitor who has worked with the Donald Trump campaign. She is also sponsored by our friends at Thaddea. Joy can be found online at JoyVilla.com, on Twitter @Joy_Villa, and Instagram @JoyVilla. Her latest single is "Freedom (Fight For It)" featuring Flint Bedrock.Follow us: http://instagram.com/battlelinepodcast http://twitter.com/battlelinepodFor 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions products go to http://fortscottmunitions.com & use promo code: BattlelineOrder from Thaddea, inspired by the heroic and worn by the courageous and brave at http://thaddea.comFor 15% off at Hero Soap Company combined with 10% off with sud-scription for best savings go to http://herosoapcompany.com & use discount code: Battleline