Eddie Gallagher admits to unlawful killing after trial; CIA Officer Ron Moeller
Podcast:Battleline Podcast Published On: Mon May 10 2021 Description: We are joined on this show by former CIA paramilitary operations officer Ron Moeller. Ron previously served in the Army and Air Force additionally, and has combat deployments that include Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, the Balkans, and more. You can follow Ron on Twitter @OGA_Ron Also on this episode Tanto and Ian get into Chief Eddie Gallagher's admission to the crime he was previously found innocent of and granted a full pardon and re-instatement of rank by President Trump. Gallagher appeared on the Apple sponsored “The Line” podcast with Dan Taberski, and made the admission when asked during his interview. We give our take on this bombshell. Follow us:http://instagram.com/battlelinepodcasthttp://twitter.com/battlelinepod For 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions merchandise go to http://fortscottmunitions.com & use promo code: Battleline - check out the dealer locator to find ammunition near you For 15% your first order with Ned or 20% off your first subscription order plus free shipping go to http://www.helloned.com/BATTLELINE