Tom Block & reflecting on 9/11 Benghazi
Tom Block & reflecting on 9/11 Benghazi  
Podcast: Battleline Podcast
Published On: Mon Sep 14 2020
Description: This episode was recorded on 9/11 so we reflect heavily on what this day means to Kris on the anniversary of the attacks on Benghazi, and of course The World Trade Center. We are also joined by Sgt. Tom Block. Block is an Army Ranger combat veteran with many distinguished achievements. He was also the 2014 Army Times Solider of the Year. His story is documented in Kris's latest book "The Patriot's Creed" available now. You can follow Tom on Instagram @TommyBlock52. Follow us: Visit our friends at Mid-Evil Industries for the only fully adjustable fore grip on the market and Quick Detach Adjustable Monopod at For 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions products go to & use promo code: Battleline For 15% your first order with Ned or 20% off your firstsubscription order plus free shipping go to