Kristof Lewis, Navy Special Warfare veteran & podcast host
Podcast:Battleline Podcast Published On: Mon May 04 2020 Description: With New York City still in more or less a state of total shutdown, we're still doing the show on Skype at a reduced quality and look forward to using a studio again. On the positive end of things, the month of May begins us doing 2 shows every week that you will hear every Monday and Friday, so that is pretty damn cool! Joining us for Episode 26 is NSW veteran with a background in communications, Kristof Lewis. Kristof is also the host of his own podcast, The Kristof Lewis Podcast, centered around inspiration and self-improvement. Tanto was a guest on there for Episode 109 last year if you look back in the archive. We get into many topics with Lewis including his involvement in Extortion 17, and working with guys in SEAL Team 6. You can find Kristof very active on his Instagram page @kristoflewis. Follow us: For 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions products go to & use promo code: Battleline For 15% your first order with Ned CBD and all Ned products plus free shipping, go to