Postpartum sex from a *position* of peace
Postpartum sex from a *position* of peace  
Podcast: Peace On Purpose
Published On: Mon May 01 2023
Description: Cleared for sex ≠ ready for sex. LB talks about the importance of recongizing the signs of being ready to reconnect for the first time after giving birth. Being physically ready is different from being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually ready as a couple. Was your birth traumatic? Is the baby fussy and sleeping poorly? Are you stressed about going back to work? There are a few signs that point to the possibility of being ready, but the most important ingredient in postpartum sex is peace. Both people need to be ready - and LB offers a loving way forward in this episodes for 1st and 8th time moms, and moms inbetween. PPSEX highlight on Instagram here. MARRIAGE BLOG POSTS ABOUT OUR INFIDELITY STORY
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