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S1E11 | Tomorrow's Reason (with Hunter S. Thompson, George Plimpton, Terry McDonell, Pablo Neruda, Antonio Gueudinot, Amie Barrodale, Paul Heesang Miller)
The Paris Review
Published On:
Wed Feb 14 2018
Shotguns, peacocks, golf, acid. Editor Terry McDonell recounts his 1984 visit, along with George Plimpton, to Hunter S. Thompson's home in Colorado, including never-before-heard archival tape; a poem by Pablo Neruda, translated by Alastair Reid and read by Antonio Gueudinot; and actor Paul Heesang Miller reads WILLIAM WEI, a short story by Amie Barrodale. "Emerging" from EXTRAVAGARIA by Pablo Neruda, translated by Alastair Reid. Translation copyright © 1974 by Alastair Reid. Used by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
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