Episode 208 - Pedro Rodrigues Filho: Serial Killer Superstar
Episode 208 - Pedro Rodrigues Filho: Serial Killer Superstar  
Podcast: RedHanded
Rating: Explicit Published On: Thu Aug 12 2021
Description: Pedro Rodrigues Filho, aka Pedhrino Matador, Killer Petey or The Brazilian Dexter, is a bit of an anomaly as far as serial killers go. He brutally killed at least 71 people, including his own father, but still many people in Brazil revere and applaud him for his "work"...So much so in fact that today, unbelievably, Filho is free and living his best life as a YouTube sensation with hundreds of thousands of followers, and millions of views. Follow us on social media: Instagram Twitter Visit our website: Website Contact us: ContactSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.