Camp Firefly - Part 5
Camp Firefly - Part 5  
Podcast: Meet Cute Originals
Published On: Tue Aug 17 2021
Description: Meet Cute Presents: Camp Firefly – Part 5, an audio rom-com where Levi and Emma get married (against all odds) and end up where their love first began.Story by Abigail Ann Schwarz. Produced by Elaisha Stokes. Post Producer: Ross Brunetti. Associate Producer: Baylon Bulambo. Starring: Michael Herman, Sara Kane, Andrea Shapiro, Khaya Fraites, Ross Brunetti. Follow @MeetCute on Instagram and @MeetCuteRomComs on Twitter & TikTok. Join our Patreon community for free to share your reactions and feedback on our series and get cool perks, like sneak peeks, early listening, and more!Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN. Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS. Have a crush on us? Follow Meet Cute, rate us 5 stars, and leave a review!