#366 Wrongful Conviction: False Confessions - Ricky Davis
#366 Wrongful Conviction: False Confessions - Ricky Davis  
Podcast: Wrongful Conviction
Rating: Explicit Published On: Mon Jun 12 2023
Description: One woman was forced to talk. The other was forced to listen. Both were powerless. Laura Nirider and Steve Drizin tell us about a California man named Ricky Davis. In 1985, Ricky and his girlfriend, Connie, found their roommate brutally stabbed to death. Without any leads, the case went cold for 14 years until detectives convinced Connie that she had repressed memories of Ricky committing the crime. This updated episode shares the news that the actual murderer in Ricky's case was caught and sent to prison. Also, California has new legislation that will help prevent what happened to Ricky from happening to others.  To learn more and get involved, visit:  https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2644  https://www.centeronwrongfulconvictions.org/ Wrongful Conviction: False Confessions is a production of Lava for Good™ Podcasts in association with Signal Co. No1.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.