Explain Yourself! + Rankings Debates, Metcalf Island - Fantasy Football Podcast for 5/30
Explain Yourself! + Rankings Debates, Metcalf Island - Fantasy Football Podcast for 5/30  
Podcast: Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Published On: Tue May 30 2023
Description: Surprising rankings on today’s fantasy football podcast! Find out which player ranks Andy, Mike, and Jason are forced to defend during “Explain Yourself!” Plus, the latest NFL News and picking some of our favorite features from the 2023 Ultimate Draft Kit! Manage your redraft, keeper, and dynasty fantasy football teams with the #1 fantasy football podcast. -- Fantasy Football Podcast for May 30th, 2023Preorder the 2023 UDK to get the lowest price! UltimateDraftKit.comBallersLive.com -- to get MEGALASHOW tickets!Connect with the show:Subscribe on YouTubeVisit us on the WebSupport the ShowFollow on TwitterFollow on InstagramJoin our Discord