Sean Donohue Show
Sean Donohue Show

Parenting is hard and messy, but help is here. With videos and teachings enjoyed by many millions, Sean Donohue - the world-famous Family Coach & viral social media sensation - has helped countless parents for 25 years transform their parenting and build connected, healthy homes...and raise amazing adults.Filled with edgy story-telling, intense scenarios and Positive Parenting tools to fill your toolbox, enjoy unfiltered coaching from the man himself. Go Deeper with Sean at

If you are ready to stop yelling and threatening, this episode is for you. If you are ready to stop caving, people-pleasing and letting them wear you down, this episode is for you. If you are ready to hear new ways of discipline and training your children, this episode is for you. Go deeper with Sean at
How we think about anger and calmness matters. Join Sean as he invites you to look at the world through new lenses. Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean and this very insightful leader, Samantha, as they discuss deep issue like: -How we bring our childhoods into our parenting -What a "Core Wound" is -How "Core Wounds" can be healed and we can have deep change! Samantha Bachota is an ICF & CPD accredited somatic trauma informed coach and CPD accredited narcissistic abuse specialist. As a survivor of childhood trauma and narcissistic abuse, she has devoted her life to helping others heal and shift from surviving to thriving! Find her on Instagram Or on her website Go deeper with Sean at
It can be so hard and uncomfortable talking to your children about these substances. It can be stressful to talk to your teenagers! But with the right parenting tools and strategies, it can be much easier and more enjoyable! ...and help your children thrive in our tempting world. Listen in as Sean empowers you! Go deeper with Sean at
We all need good parenting tools. Most parents don't know what to do when their child/teen rages or melts down. Most parents react poorly. Listen in as Sean empowers you with the step-by-step process on how to respond perfectly, how to stay calm, how to teach and how to guide them out of these patterns. Go deeper with Sean at
Learning new things as a parent can be so exciting! Helpful. Useful. But is it a trendy trend...or is it a mainstay? These 5 need to become a foundation of our parenting. Go deeper with Sean at
Everywhere you go, your inner voice goes with you. Everywhere you go your Self-talk talks to you. What you say to yourself matters. What you think matters. Go deeper with Sean at
Do not lower the bar on your teenager. Inside, raise the bar and equip yourself with the parenting tools you need to raise mature, loving, responsible young adults. Open your mind and your parenting toolbox, this episode will help. Go deeper with Sean
Join Sean and Jordan on this unique episode. Sometimes it's good to be real, look at our blindspots and talk about hard things. They will have fun, have some laughs, encourage you, equip you..and talk about some negative things we should all steer away from! Go deeper with Sean at
Parents are teachers and every home is a school...Teach well. Sean believes in you and he is the teacher of teachers. He is your coach and cheerleader. Listen in. Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting is so stressful and hard that our hearts can become... ...bitter ...resentful ...angry ...stressed. Open your hearts and your ears- this will help. Go deeper with Sean at
Claire Tomkinson is a passionate advocate for empowering parents to have open, honest conversations with their kids about sex, relationships, and body image. With over 15 years of experience in sex education and nearly 7 years of working closely with middle schoolers and their families, Claire has seen firsthand how essential it is for parents to be the primary source of guidance on these critical topics. After starting her career as a middle school youth director in Charlotte, NC, Claire moved to the peaceful Blue Ridge Mountains to raise her own family on a small homestead. There, she created Clarify Sex Education—a resource designed to make “The Talk” easier and more comfortable for both parents and kids. Through the Clarify Lesson Series, Claire provides families with age-appropriate, fact-based, and values-aligned sex education that helps parents navigate these tough conversations with confidence and clarity. Claire is also the host of the Clarify Kids Podcast, where she practices what she preaches by answering her own children’s unrehearsed questions about sex, relationships, and growing up. These real, unfiltered conversations provide parents with an inside look at how to approach these important topics in a natural and non-awkward way. Additionally, Claire writes the blog Cringy Conversations, offering valuable parenting tools, reflections, and advice to help families navigate the often tricky—and sometimes cringy—discussions about sex and puberty. Claire believes that, in today’s fast-paced world, where kids are exposed to information earlier than ever, parents have the unique power to shape their children’s understanding of relationships and sexuality. Her goal is to empower parents to transform what may feel like uncomfortable conversations into meaningful connections, setting the foundation for healthy relationships and emotional well-being in their kids’ lives. Claire is excited to share her insights, practical tips, and experience, because she believes talking about sex doesn’t have to be awkward or intimidating—and it’s never too early or too late to start.
...and it's a parent's job to teach their child to do this. You are their teacher. If you need help and some expert parenting tools on how to lead your children into kindness and deep apologies, this is for you. Go deeper with Sean at
If you feel like you yell too much... If you feel guilty after you yell... If you need help breaking a toxic yelling pattern.... This episode is for you. Go deeper with Sean at
If you are a Mom, or you live with a Mom, listen in. You will be educated and inspired. Motherhood is the foundation of our society. Here are some tools for the most important job in the world. Go deeper with Sean at
In this special episode, Sean will help you to see a new version of yourself. Beyond where you are right now. More mature. More kind. More impactful. More loving. Listen in and Sean will help you get there. Go deeper with Sean at
Join two good dads, Sean and Jordan, for The Dads episode! They will share specific insights, stats and parenting tools for modern-dad fatherhood. This will help dads be the best dads they can be and help the rest understand fathers in deep and important ways. Send this to someone you love! Go deeper with Sean at
Bad parents don't struggle much. Bad parents don't care about their children very much, so they don't struggle as much. Listen in and allow Sean to educate you and inspire you! You are a good parent and it's ok to struggle with these 3 things! Go deeper with Sean at
When life gets stressful and heated - we go to what we have memorized. We go to our training. We store things in our hearts so that when life gets hard, we know where to find it. Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean and Jordan as they kick off the new year with a bang! They will educate and inspire you! Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean as he shares 3 habits that you need to incorporate into your parenting life! Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean and Jordan as they chat about some of the most important, most encouraging and most inspirational stories and facts of 2024! 2024 was very interesting! Gop deeper with Sean at
Join Sean for this special episode as he fills your parenting toolbox! Go deeper with Sean at
Good news, with the right parenting tools and mindset tools, you can be the parent you want to be. Join Sean as he coaches you and inspires you with these 10 great tools. Go deeper with Sean at
Listen in as Sean shares 5 incredible parenting tools with you! Use them today and watch the goodness start! Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean as he gives you some great tools for your parenting mind. He'll help you to see your problems in a new light - and it'll change everything. Go deeper with Sean at
...parenting and family life is not always positive. There are some dark things that our kids can get caught up in. Join Sean as he shares some concerning things that he and his team are seeing -  and he'll share some great tips with you. Go deeper with Sean at
Sean is your parenting coach...via this podcast. His job is to educate you, empower you and inspire you! Join your Coach as he gets in your ear and gives you some great tools and support! Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean for this inspirational episode as he encourages you to cast a vision for your parenting self. How you will grow, change and mature! Can you see it now? Go deeper with Sean at
It's very real - Sean identifies 14 types of holiday guilt! Real stuff that you and I, and others, feel and deal with. How many do you or your partner have? Join Sean and Jordan as they take a deep dive into a topic that NO ONE talks about! And like always, they will provide helpful tips and strategies so you can thrive as a leader and guide. Go deeper with Sean at
When we were kids... Some of us hated the way our parents disciplined us. Some of us grew up with no discipline. Good discipline is a craft. An art form. A work in progress. Join Sean as he coaches you with some amazing parenting tools so you can guide and lead and discipline your child in positive and effiective ways. Go deeper with Sean at
This episode will help. Sean will educate and empower you with some powerful tools to help your child manage their big emotions. The goal: Teach our children to manage their emotions so the emotions do not manage them. Emotion Coach them. Teach them. Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean and Jordan, two modern parents, who each have modern, plugged-in kids, and they'll give you some amazing ideas for screen-free Christmas gifts! This episode will leave you smiling and encouraged! Our kids don't need more screens - there are a LOT of other ideas! Go deeper with Sean at
Prayer and meditation is a powerful experience. It changes us. It helps us. Sean will share some creative ideas with you on how to think about prayers. Go deeper with Sean at
...there are a few things that we need to have a healthy fear of. Join Sean as he shares some helpful thoughts. Go deeper with Sean at
Dr. Meg Meeker is a global leading authority in child-father relationships. She has over 35 years of experience as a pediatrician; is the author of the bestselling book and now movie, Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters; host of the popular parenting podcast, Parenting Great Kids; TEDTalk and international speaker; and father-inclusive advocate. As an expert in the field, Dr. Meg equips dads (and those who love them) with coaching, tools, and training based on extensive practical experience and research. Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting is soooo hard! And emotional. The emotions hit us hard. We can get overwhelmed and say things we don't mean, and do things we later regret. Join Sean for this power episode as he shares some great tools for your parenting mind. Go deeper with Sean at
Sean loves to give parents like you tools for your powerful emotions. Your anger. Your stress. Your triggers. Your anxiety. Listen in as Sean empowers you and helps you become the parent you were meant to be! Go deeper with Sean at
...sometimes our passion and stress get the best of us. We get triggered. Angry. And reactive. Too much of this causes serious problems. For our kids. Our spouse. Ourselves. Take heart, help is here. Join Sean and Jordan as they give you powerful tools and support for your parenting journey! Go deeper with Sean at
...and that 1-thing is...connection. Join Sean as he talks about what connection is and how to get it, keep it, protect it, and build it with your children. Go deeper with Sean at
Then this episode is for you? Join Sean as he helps you, inspires you and coaches you to become the positive parent you want to be. Go deeper with Sean at
Join Jodan and Sean as they share tools and support about how to become the best version of YOU. Positive. Loving. Present. Consistent. These are powerful parenting tools! Go deeper with Sean at
Loving our little toddlers can be easy. Hugs and kisses. Playing with them. But... As our kids get older it can be MUCH HARDER to connect with them and love them. In this special episode Sean will show you some amazing hacks and tools on how to really love your ways that really connect! Go deeper with Sean at
But there is a lot you can do. A lot. There are do's and don'ts for what to do - and Sean would love to coach you and give them to you! Go deeper with Sean at
It can be so hard to talk about the birds and the bees, online and in real life. Porn is a serious issue. Our children can access it with one click. Our teenagers can become addicted to it. It's a topic that your kids need your help, wisdom and mentoring with. This episode will help! Go deeper with Sean at
We punish our kids because we care, and we are trying to do the right thing. Trying to help them to grow, learn and make better choices. Trying to help them to become better people. But those punishments usually don't work. (Have you noticed?) There is a better way. Open your ears and your mind and allow Sean to show you a better way. Go deeper with Sean at
But these thoughts can do damage. They can cause harm. They can affect how we think, how we respond and how we parent. Dark thoughts can get in the way And being loving. They can make life even harder. ...and we all have them. Join Sean as he coaches you to do inner-work on your thought life. Go deeper with Sean at
It's very concerning about how all the negativity around our current political environment is affecting, and going to affect, our children and teenagers. Now, and into the future. Join Jordan and Sean as they share valuable parenting approaches and research about this important topic! Do's and Don'ts. Tips and Tools. No matter who you vote for, this episode will be a winner. Go deeper with Sean at
I'll teach you how to pass these on to your kids. Go deeper with Sean at
So much of parenting is about trust. Can you trust your child to listen to you, the first time? Can you trust your child to manage their responsibilities...and emotions? Can your child trust you to be the adult in the relationship? When you have deep trust, you have it all. Join Sean as he guide you on how to deepen your relationship with your children and deepen the culture of TRUST in your home. Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean and Jordan for an important episode about an important topic - and get ready to be inspired and SHOCKED! This episode is for every parent of all ages and will leave you feeling educated and equipped to help your children and teens thrive in a youth culture of bullying. Go deeper with Sean at
There is a reason for everything. Nothing is weird...or by accident. Understanding why our kids act the way they do is extremely helpful in this journey. It will help us to better connect with them, guide them, and help us cope with it. In this important episode, Sean will give you a trick he learned about how to understand your child - and how to parent them into good behavior! Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean as he gives you great tools for your parenting mental health. We need to care for our kids, but the more we care for ourselves the better we care for our kids - this episode will help. Go deeper with Sean at
But it doesn't have to be. Help is here. Join Sean as he puts some great parenting tools into your toolbox. Tools that you need. Tools that will help you to defuse the bomb inside your child, stop power struggles and lead your child into peace and harmony. Go deeper with Sean at
...and we all need good parenting tools so we can teach our children well and create a home culture of healthy screen-time balance. Peace and harmony. Self-control around screens. Join Sean, he can help. Go deeper with Sean at
If you do--you need to grow in emotional resilience...and you need to teach it to your children. Join Sean - he will help you to be a more calm and connected parent, and help you teach your children to follow your lead. Go deeper with Sean at
Good news: There are parenting tools for this. And if this happening to you, you need these! Join Sean and Jordan as they empower and educate you with the tools you need to better connect with your child, get the painful pattern to go away and be replaced with closeness, openness and connection. Go deeper with Sean at
But we don't have to. Join Sean as he gives you tools and scripts on what to say in the heat of the painful moment. Add these tools to your parenting toolbox today and watch them work their magic! Go deeper with Sean at
But help is here. Join Sean as he shares some parenting tools and some insights about how you can break through to your child and may be a part of this problem. Stop getting shut out - use these tools instead! Part 2 of this episode comes out in 1-week - so come back for more! Go deeper with Sean at
If you asked 10 parents, "What is a successful kid?" you will get 10 different responses. If you asked 10 parents, "How do you raise a successful kid?" you may get a lot of, "I don't know, just do your best." Join Sean and Jordan as they share scientific evidence on what you can do to raise a successful kid/teen and what success looks like to you. Go deeper with Sean at
But they don't have to. There are many tools and ways you can become a more calm and loving just need the right tools and the desire to use them in the heat of the moment. Join Sean as he coaches and inspires you. Go deeper with Sean at
But it can be hard. They can be resistant. Lazy. Defiant. But with the right tools, you can maximize your impact. Join Sean as he shares the tools with you. Go deeper with Sean at
But we yell works. It gets our kids to listen and comply. Some parents feel that yelling is "the only thing that works". Others have a lot of shame after they yell. Guilt. Listen in as Sean and Jordan coach you and help you stop your yelling pattern and use these other tools instead! Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean as he parent coaches you with some great tools on how to thrive with transitions! You don't want to miss this set of tools! Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting coaching with Sean can be very intense. Sean sometimes calls it, "The Inner Work" because that is what is required to grow and improve as a parent. And in this work, stuff comes up. Listen in as Sean responds to this emotional mother as she does her "inner work". Go deeper with Sean at
But is it changing for the better or for the worse? Join Sean and Jordan as they share the struggles and psychology of parenting, the stats on how parenting changes us... ...and listen in as they are vulnerable and share how the journey is changing them. Go deeper with Sean at
When we were kids we likely never spoke the words, "mental health" aloud. For most of us the concept was not a part of our culture back then... For many of us, the adults in our lives never coached us or helped us with our mental health. And now we are parents, and we need good mental health more than ever. We have kids who need us, are watching us, and are learning from us. Join Sean and allow him to coach and inspire you. Go deeper with Sean at
...then bad things will happen. Join Sean as he shares 10 incredible affirmations that you can think about every morning to start your day and set your mind right! Our mind is so powerful and needs good food to fuel it. Go deeper with Sean at
This episode is special. Ross Kimball is an actor, keynote, and public speaker coach who...has incredible wisdom and insight into parenting. If you want to laugh and cry and be inspired - enjoy this episode. Go deeper with Sean at
...and when the pain hits, we often get confused and hopeless. In this intimate episode, Sean shares some golden bits of wisdom and encouragement for those dark days. Go deeper with Sean at
The Sweet Spot is where you thrive, and your child thrives. You have tried so many things, but when you find the Sweet Spot, everything feels....SWEET. Sean will help you find it in this episode. Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting is hard...but with the right tools and approach, it doesn't have to be. Allow Sean and Jordan to coach and support you in your journey and put these 3 PARENTING HACKS into your toolbox! Go deeper with Sean at
Sean has been studying child psychology and motivation for 25 years years. He has worked with some incredible kids and parents who have pushed WAY past their limits. In this special episode Sean will share some of the secrets he has learned! Go deeper with Sean at
But we don't have to repeat the patterns and habits and we don't need to continue with toxic generational cycles. We can break them! We can lead our families in health and maturity...but we need the right tools and support. Listen in as Sean empowers and educates you to be a cycle breaker! Go deeper with Sean at
For some kids, Back-2-School is the best time of year...and for's the worst time of year. Anxiety. Social group pressures. Acne. Braces. Frenemies. Academic pressure. New teachers. But good news! We can help our kids with this transition, and all others! Join Sean and Jordan as they coach and encourage you. Go deeper with Sean at
Allow Sean to guide you on the journey to your child's heart. Go deeper with Sean at
Blame can be a coping mechanism for our kids (and for some adults.) But it's not good...or healthy. It can be hard when we feel like blaming someone, or if someone is blaming us! The BLAME GAME is not a fun game to play.... so stop playing it. Listen in, Sean will show you how. Go deeper with Sean at
..we meet the man behind the comedy. Join Sean and Jordan as they ask Taylor all types of personal and intimate questions about being a parent, being a good parent, the mission fueling his videos, and get tips, tools and tricks that he uses with his children and in his Dude Dad home. Listen and be inspired...and laugh! Go deeper with Sean at
Co-dependency is not talked about as much as it should be. It's a common issue that many adults struggle with - and their struggle started when they were young. Join Sean as he helps you raise healthy and adjusted kids who understand the dangers of co-dependency. Go deeper with Sean at
There are topics that parenting experts talk a lot about: Anger. Screens. Connection. ...But there is an important parenting topic that is hardly talked about that needs attention: PEOPLE PLEASING. Pleasing can be a destructive habit/pattern in our parenting, our mental health and all of our relationships. And we do not want to foster this trait in our children. Join Sean and Jordan as they teach on this very important subject and share tools and inspiration. Go deeper with Sean at
Mr. Rogers had a special skill in reaching and teaching children. Us modern parents can learn from this legend...listen in closely and "Won't you be my neighbor?" Go deeper with Sean at
If you ask 10 parents, "What are boundaries we need in our homes?" you will hear 10 different responses. Boundaries are everywhere. If you have a chaotic home, you likely have a home that lacks boundaries. Join Sean and Jordan as they tackle this important subject and get the tools and support you need to lead your family into healthy boundaries. Go deeper with Sean at
As our kids age we parents will see immature and unhealthy patterns develop in our children. This is common and normal. No human is perfect, including your kids! How will you respond? How do you respond right now? In this powerful epside, Sean speaks to this intense and important topic and shares 5 powerful parenting tools that we can use today to lead our kids into healthy habits and patterns! Go deeper with Sean at
Sean loves to say, "Parents are teachers and every home is a school" and... we want our kids learning about their changing bodies and their sexuality from us - not from the people on social media or who make pornography. Join Sean and Jordan as they tackle this important topic and empower and educate you - all with their typical mix of seriousness and good laughs! Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting is hard. One of the reasons why it's so hard is that many of us did not have good role models in our parents. Sean speaks a lot about this and his personal experience with his parents. Good news. You can heal. Change. Grow. And parent yourself. Sean will help you. Go deeper with Sean at
Help is here. We all need good parenting tools. Tools for our minds...and for our mouths. Allow Sean to coach you and inspire you. This episode will help you to bring CALM to your mind, your moods and your house. Go deeper with Sean at
Good parents yell sometimes. Snap. Rage. Get anxious. Lose their calm and LOSE IT. But if you are doing this a lot, you need this episode. You can do this, you can become a calm, loving, connected parent - and this episode will not only help, it will hopefully change your life. Join Sean and Jordan as they give you the parenting tools and support you need. Go deeper with Sean at
We all want our kids to be filled with perseverance, mental toughness, hard work-  and to not give up when it gets hard. But they need our help with this. You are their teacher. Their guide. This episode will teach the Teachers - and will help you to guide your child into good, tough things! Go deeper with Sean at
Every one needs kindness in their life. Support. Faith. Hope. A positive word during hard times. This is what chaplains do. The world needs more caring people like this...and your kids would love to see you grow in their characteristics. Listen in as Sean educates and inspires you the chaplain of your home. Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean and Jordan on this fun and helpful episode as they each give the TOP 5 List of Top TV/Movie Parents! They will talk about what made the parents great and how WE can learn from their strengths and weaknesses. You will love this episode! Go deeper with Sean at
Good parenting is not done by accident. Good parenting is always intentional. Good parenting is good leadership. Parents are lead well...and this episode will help! Go deeper with Sean at
This episode will help. Listen in as Sean teaches you some great tools and responses for those painful times when your kid acts selfish! Bring your pen and take notes cause this is helpful! Go deeper with Sean at
"Wonder" (now out on Netflix) and was one of the biggest hits of 2017 and offers parenting "gems" and tidbits of love and wisdom throughout. Go deeper with Sean at
Every parent needs good communication skills. We need the ability to speak to our child so that they hears us, respects us, cares for us and obeys. If you have a child who doesn't listen or cooperate well, it may say more about you, and your lack of speaking skills, then it does your child. Join Sean as he helps you improve your "speaker" skills  - and most of all - reach your child's heart. Go deeper with Sean at
Your children need your help to become lovely, selfless adults. They will struggle with selfishness as they age and get older - we all did- and we all still struggle. This episode will give you some great tips and tools for your selfless journey! Go deeper with Sean at
Good parents need good tools. And to be a good parent, we need good tools and to keep growing and learning. This episode will help! Join Sean and Jordan and they share some of the latest and greatest research! Go deeper with Sean at www.SaveMyFamily.Us
Do you ever wonder, "Am I making the right choice? Was that the right response?" Parenting can be so confusing. Help is here. Join Sean as he gives you some tools to help you feel confidence and clarity! Go deeper with Sean at
When your kid acts out..again...and again...and again... You need the right parenting tool to reach their heart, solve that pattern, and change the behavior- for good! Join Sean as he shares 7 amazing tools for your parenting toolbox! Go deeper with Sean at
So much of the world has become R-rated...and X-Rated. Sexuality. Cuss words. Pornography. Ads. Vapung,. Drugs. Sexting. Etc... It's hard to raise a good kid with a good, moral heart in this world. It can be scary. But have hope, with the right tools, you can do it! This episode is a life-changer! Go deeper with Sean at
There are good parenting choices and bad parenting choices. Most parents do not excel in this choice - and it's a GREAT one! Go deeper with Sean at
But this can be so hard! Our challenging kid/teen may not want to build connection...or keep trust. This episode will give you the tools and support you need. Go deeper with Sean at
And... There are a lot of strict Disney parents...who parent in fear. King Triton. Moana's Dad. Belle's dad. We all know these strong-willed characters and their strict parents...and we can learn from them! Go deeper with Sean at
Family life is mostly, "Same thing different day" = our Routines. In this episode, Sean invites you to look deeply into your daily family routines and to toss the bad choices  - and to grow the good choices. His tools will help you feel empowered and inspired to lead your family into great family rhythms! Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting is a head game. And it's a head game we must master. This episode will help. Go deeper with sean at
Help is here. With some kids you can not come through the front door- you have to come in through the side door. If you have a power-sensitive kid or a deep-feeling kid then this episode will empower you with some great tools that will make parenting so much more easier and calmer! Go deeper with Sean at
It's good to want to parent your child, mold them, help them and guide them. But it's also good to accept them for who they are... In this epside, Sean will help you to thrive to thrive in the "sweet spot" in this important area of parenting. Go deeper with Sean at
Words can tear down...and words can build. Sean will share a few words of insight and wisdom on how to use your words in powerful ways. Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting and family life is so stressful and emotional! The daily grind is so hard. It can bring out the worst in us. But it doesn't have to. Go deeper with Sean at
There are "dos" and "don'ts" to raising great teenagers - and enjoying the experience. This episode will give you the tools you need to thrive! Go deeper with Sean
You don't want to bring your baggage, your childhood pain and your selfish ego into your parenting. Your anger and avoidance could be a sign that you need to do more "inner work". This episode will help. Go deeper with Sean at
When we were growing up Summer time was a time of adventurere, sun and making memories! For some families, summertime has become a time of screen battles, arguments and trying to get your kids out of the house. Help is here. Go deeper with Sean at
Our children are the most beautiful, vulnerable, sacred, lovely beings in our lives. But how we view them, really matters. If your parenting mind is off, or in a bad place, it will impact your parenting and the relationship. Allow Sean to help you to see your kids the right way: In love and a healthy place. Go deeper with Sean at
If you ask 10 parents how to discipline a child/teen the right way, you are going to get 10 different answers! Discipline can be hard, confusing...and scary. But if it's done with love, strength and in the right way - it's very good. Allow Sean to coach and inspire you. Go deeper with Sean at
In this epside, Sean and Jordan have a deep discussion about how to speak in such powerful and lovely ways that it impacts how our kids see themselves. You will get lots of creative ideas and helpful tools.   God deeper with Sean at
In this epside, Sean and Jordan have a deep discussion about how to speak in such powerful and lovely ways that it impacts how our kids see themselves. You will get lots of creative ideas and helpful tools.   God deeper with Sean at
You play different parenting roles with your kids. Nagger. Pep-Talker. Teacher. Homework Reminder. Mentor. Snuggler. Drill Sergeant. The roles you pick are important. And as your kids age and get older, your roles MUST CHANGE! What roles do you play? Do you enjoy playing that role? Does your child enjoy you playing that role? Take Sean's quiz to learn, be inspired, and to grow as a parent! Go deeper with Sean at
Acceptance is a complicated topic when it comes to our own children. Why? Good parents say no.  "I won't accept that." For some topics, parents are the only people in the world who are going to say "no" to their child...who will not accept a choice or pattern. But if you say no too many times, you become a mean, authoritarian parent that a kid won't trust - it can be so confusing! This episode with help. Go deeper with Sean at
Every child asks, "Who am I?" "Am I strong?" "How do I feel about my family?" "How do I feel about morals?" "What do I believe about myself?" Join Sean and Jordan as they share parenting tools and strategies that will help you shape your kids' hearts and minds. Go deeper with Sean at
In this helpful and inspirational episode, Sean shares helpful tools and tips on how you can deepen the closeness with your most challenging child. How to break down walls and be their "Person". We will also listen to a quote from a famous inspirational speaker and discuss it. Go deeper with Sean at
It can be so hard to really listen to your child or teen. They trigger you. Provoke your fears. Anger you! But if you want to experience a new realm of parenting, you have to get there. This episode will help. Go deeper with Sean at
Join Sean and Jordan as they each share the Top 5 List: The Worst Things About Being a Parent. And like they always do, they will also share some words of inspiration and tools for your toolbox! Go deeper with Sean at
Is your kid a debater? A master manipulator? Have you said, "This kid could be a lawyer!" Does your kid tempt you or bother you...and then you break? If you said 'yes' to any of these, you are not alone...and you need good parenting tools! Go deeper with Sean at
In this important episode, Sean takes a deep dive into your mindset and thought patterns. He provides tips and tools on how to best process your thoughts and emotions in those hard moments - every parent needs these tools! Go deeper with Sean at
Garrett Fuller performs as different characters, does improvisational comedy and makes millions of people laugh every day! He is probably your husband's favorite comedian. (He is Sean's!) But let's talk to the man behind the mask...the Dad. The husband. The actor who has spent years of hard work on his craft. Go deeper with Sean at Find Garrett everywhere on social media under the title "Wayne County Lyfe" or go to
Parenting is very emotional. Painful at times. We want the best for our kids. We want them to make good choices and develop good habits. But they are on their own journey and they won't always choose what we wish for them, or do as we have taught them. In this sensitive episode, Jordand and Sean talk about this, give tools and advice and whether you are there now or will be there in the future, this is a must-listen to the episode. Go deeper with Sean at
Our goal should be to build a home culture of trust. Harmoney. Teamwork. This means that you ask a child to do something and you can trust it will be done...and you don't have to yell, remind, nag or punish. And trust means so many more things... Sean will help you build a beautiful, trustworthy home. Go deeper with Sean at
Who is going to teach your children to be patient? For better or worse, you are already teaching them. Every parent should do the inner work to grow in patience. Patience is a key to a healthy home and being a healthy parent. Allow Sean to coach and inspire you. Go deeper with Sean at
Our kids can bring out the worst in us! But when you have this ratio down, you will see so many amazing things happen to your parenting and your family. Go deeper with Sean at
Our kids should listen to us. It's no fun reminding. Yelling. Feeling ignored or unheard. This episode will show you how! Go deeper with Sean at
Sean and Jordan bring in author and expert Richard Capriola to have a meaningful conversation about how to keep our kids off drugs, how to respond if you find drugs, and some great strategies to raise healthy, lovely kids! Buy Richard's book: The Addicted Child Go deeper with Sean at
We all want a peaceful home. No yelling, screaming, arguments. Peace and love. But in the stresses of everyday life, we parents can develop an avoidance pattern. We make excuses for why we appease our kids or give in to them. In time, this causes MAJOR problems. If you are having a hard time stepping into the conflict of everyday parenting and home life, this will help. Go deeper with Sean at
Parents are teachers and every home is a school...and one of the most important lessons a child need to learn is about trust. And how trust is the backbone to every healthy person and healthy family. This episode will help you increase your teaching. Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting is so hard, but when you and your partner/co-parent are not on the same page, it can be even more difficult! Painful. If you want to have a healthy, happy family, you are going to have to do your part - and be a great partner! Sean and Jodan share some great tools, skills and insights! Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting is so hard. Sooo hard. But here are 5 hard that the BEST of the BEST do. Listen and ask yourself, "Do I do these 5 hard things?" Go deeper with Sean at
You love your kids! You want them best for them! Join Sean as he encourages and empowers you! Go deeper with Sean at
There are five stages of parenting....and we parents MUST shift our parenting strategy and approach as we go through the stages! Join Sean and Jordan as they discuss the five stages and give you the TOOLS you need to thrive. Go deeper with Sean at
Whether you love The Office or not, you will love this podcast! Jim and Pam are two of the most iconic tv characters of all time! We can learn a lot about good parenting from their interactions with the craziness of Michael Scott, Dwight Schrute and The Office characters. Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting is less about how to speak to your kids... ...and more about how to speak to ourselves. It's a constant mind game. And it's hard. And gets harder during the teen years. Our ego gets triggered. Our fears. Our past. Our morals. This episode will help you to thrive. Go deeper with Sean at
We all feel lost and hopeless at times. Discouraged. We've all been there! Every parent should listen to this podcast..and save it for when those dark times hit hard. Go deeper with Sean at
Reactive parents...this episode is for you! If you get triggered...this episode is for you! Or send this to a parent you love and want to help to become less reactive, less triggered. Go deeper with Sean at
Authoritarian parents can be strict. Intense. Harsh. Like drill Sargents. Or police Sargents. But your home is not an army barrack. Or a firehouse. Or a business. Or a competition. It's a place where little humans live and learn. Join Sean as he talks about intense parenting and how to best move past it into more, gentle, flexible, authoritative practices. Go deeper with Sean at
Parents - what do you think about? Why? Your thoughts matter. Why? Because your thoughts become your reality. Your moods. Your emotions. Your actions and reactions. Your thoughts matter..but most of all, your Top 10 Thoughts matter! Go deeper with Sean at
Parents, we hate feeling powerless! Parents, we love feeling powerful! And they are both a normal part of everyday parenting. And if you can thrive with these two emotions....good things will happen. Go deeper with Sean at
Your child is never going to take a class on "trust". What it is. What it isn't. How to build it. How to break it. Why it's the key to every healthy relationship. Why it's the key to having a healthy family. Why it's the key to thriving the teen years. So who will teach them? Parents are teachers and every home is a school. Go deeper with Sean at
"Leave me alone" One word answers. "I'm fine." "Please stop talking to me." "This is why I don't talk to you!" Fight. Flight. Freeze. It's hard when your child shuts down. Avoids. Flights. Freezes. Here are some tools. Gp deeper with Sean at
When you were a child, did you have a parent who could hold your emotions? This is a hard thing to do... They can be angry. Salty. Rude. Nasty. Mean. They can also be quiet. shut down. Avoident. We get triggered. We can feel attacked, rejected, disrespected, scared and many other things. We want to change them. Fix them. Stop them from...feeling. This episode will help. Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting can be confusing! So many issues to stress about and worry about. Sean helps us to thrive in our top goal, our top priority! Go deeper with Sean at
There is some amazing research on parenting, parenting dos and don'ts and how we can best raise our kids. This research can be helpful, confusing, challenging...and strange! Join Sean and Jordan as they discuss how to implement good things into our modern homes. And if you want to go deeper with Sean visit
Researchers tell us that you and I are always sending out "bids for connection". And so do you kids... And so does your spouse/partner... Bids are a sort of invitation for attention. Some are small and subtle. Some are loud and obvious. Let's excel at seeing them and responding. Go deeper with Sean at
We all want to be a loving, patient, positive, hopeful parent. But it's hard. The daily grind and stresses bring out the worst in us! Allow Sean to empower and inspire you. Go deeper with Sean at
Humans parent their children in incredibly unique and different ways. Your next-door neighbor may have 180-degree different methods than you. And other countries are doing some very cool, amazing, positive...and interesting things! We can all learn from each other Join Jordan and Sean as they travel the world learning and laughing together! Go deeper with Sean at
They don't listen. Don't obey. They misbehave. Act lazy. Defiant. Blame. Whine. Argue. This episode will help. Listen and learn the secrets to reaching your kids' hearts. Go deeper with Sean at
You want to make a deep, genuine impact on your children. You want to be their role model. You want them to have positive memories of their childhood. You want them to remeber you as a loving parent. Legacy. Go deeper with Sean at
Sean has been listening to our sons and daughters for 25+ years. They have told him many things. Shared their feelings. Their fears. Their dreams. And now he will tell you. Enjoy part 4 of this popular series. Go deeper with Sean at
We all saw it. It was shocking. Disturbing. It affected many of us. Star player Travis Kelce verbally attacks his coach and even bumps the man! Our kids were watching. Is this ok? Is this how he treats Taylor Swift? Lots has been said about this...but here is a fresh take. Tune in to hear how you can view this situation, relate it to your family, and improve your parenting! Fo deeper with Sean at
We all want to be close with our kids. But it's hard. It can be hard when they are young...and even harder during their teen years. But have hope. With the right tools and approach, and a healthy mindset, you can be closely connected to your child! Go deeper with Sean at
Feeling powerless around your child/teen is a horrible feeling. Feeling unheard. Like you have no control. Not good feelings. Sean shares some amazing parenting tools for these hard moments. Grow your mind and your toolbox - and enjoy! Go deeper with Sean at
Sean has been working with hurting kids and families for 25 years...and has seen a lot. Just like the tv show, The SuperNanny, Sean sometimes travels inside of homes to coach/counsel in-person with parents, kids and teens in person.... ...and he has been a part of some incredible stories! Listen to 5 stories of teenagers. They are stories of intense pain....intense healing...and intense change!
We have that one kid... The "challenging kid." The one who pushes our buttons more than the other kids....who gets under our skin. The "hard one". If you have a kid like that - this episode is for you! Go deeper with Sean at
Under-parenting is not good. Over-parenting is not good. We all struggle with one of them. We all want to find that sweet spot of balance. This episode will help! Go deeper with Sean at
You can under-parent a kid. And yes... You can over-parent them. Listen and learn about the signs of over-parenting, the dangers, how to stop....and how to find that right balance! Go deeper with Sean at
Parenting experts have put labels on the various parenting styles. Just like labels on a spice rack or a filing cabinet, labels help us to understand and organize. Parenting labels can help us to know ourselves, and change ourselves. Take Sean's quiz and see where you stand! Go deeper with Sean at
We all want our kids to obey. Comply. Cooperate. Respect. We all want to raise good, obedient kids. Some parents demand it. They use fear, punishments, and threats to get kids to behave. Before you do, listen to this episode and consider what Sean teaches instead. Go deeper with Sean at
In part 2 of this powerful series, Sean and Jordan open up and talk about how they've carried some baggage from their past into their present parenting. Their realness and vulnerability will help you to be real and vulnerable.....and look into your past... Go deeper with Sean at
When you were a kid, did your parents do a good job of sharing their feelings with you? Most of us this say - No. Some would say NOOOO!!! It's interesting how the only emotion that some parents share with their kids is...anger. It's hard to do something that our parents did not model for us. Some parenting experts tell us horrible advice - to never share our feelings with your kids. Such bad advice, and research his debunked this! This is a must-listen for all parents. Go deeper with Sean at
It's clear as day - our childhoods shapes our adulting. But in sooooo many ways especially, our childhoods shape our parenting. For better and for worse. Let's make it, for the better. In this intimate episode, Sean and Jordan get into a time machine and go back in our childhoods. They teach you things you probably don't know. Help you see connections that you have not seen. Help you make changes you have struggled to make. And you give you lots of tools and support for your parenting journey. It was so good we did a part 2! Go deeper with Sean at
Co-parenting is hard. So hard. IF you and your co-parent, spouse or ex don't see eye to eye, then ouch. It can be so painful. Sean believes in positive parenting. And IF YOU believe in it also, and want some creative ideas and tools to get your co-parent on board, this episode is for you! Go deeper with Sean at
"Go and say you are sorry!" "You can't go until you apologize!" "You need to say you are sorry!" If you force your kids to apologize... If you want to stop an apologizing loop... If you don't want to just move one after bad blow-up... If you want a great skill to stop a painful behavioral pattern... If you want your kids to excel at apologies and making amends... This episode is for you! Go deeper with Sean at
Co-parenting is hard. So hard. And you and your co-parent, spouse or ex don't see eye to eye, then ouch. It can be so painful. Sean believes in positive parenting. And if you believe in it also, and want some creative ideas and tools to get your co-parent on board, this episode is for you! Go deeper with Sean at
Many parents say that their kid's whining is their #1 trigger! It's hard to be a kind, connected parent when your kid is whining or saying negative things. In this helpful, and hilarious, episode, Sean and Jordan talk about the tools we parents need to help our kids to communicate well and put the whiny ways away! Go deeper with Sean at
Parents are Teachers and Every Home is a School. This also means that every parent is a leader. We lead our home...for better and for worse, we lead our kids. You should lead your home as best as you can...and Sean is here to help you. Go deeper with Sean at
The rage! The explosions! The tantrums! The acting out! It's all so hard. Good news, there are many great parenting tools that can help. Join Sean as she shares some words of education and inspiration! Go deeper with Sean at
Part 1 was so fun and helpful, we are back! Join Sean and Jordan as they inspire you to be the best parent you can be! They will share personal stories, discuss tempting and dangerous parenting pitfalls and provide wise insights into the art of parenting your modern kid! God deeper with sean at
Our minds are so powerful. Our thoughts are powerful. How we process stressful everyday family makes all the difference. Allow Sean to coach you, teach you, and inspire you in this powerful episode. God deeper with Sean at
Rainsg great kids is hard. But with good parenting tools - you can do it! In this incredible episode, Sean and Jordan talk about the importance of rites of passage and give you a number of helpful and inspirational ideas... ...that you can use in your home to help your children be ome strong young adults, and usher them into mature adulthood! God Deeper with Sean at
Parenting can be sooo painful. It's horrible to feel unheard, unhelpful, unwanted...and powerless. Sean gives us great parenting tools. Tools for our minds and for our mouths. The next time we feel powerless, use these tools! Go Deeper with Sean at
In this episode, Sean shares a personal and thrilling story about a serious crisis he jumped into to help... ...and what the experience taught him about parenting and being a healthy adult. Go Deep with Sean at
You want to build a family of teamwork, cleanliness, selflessness and harmony. And all parents and science agree, having your children to chores is an important part of that! Get some great tips, tools and ideas from Sean to reach your kid's hearts on chores! Go deeper with Sean at
Good parents want to impact their kids. Help them. Coach them. Guide them. This is not easy! The right mindset will help.... Go deeper with Sean at
Start your day right! Allow Sean's words and these 10 statements put your mind into a state of wisdom, peace and mindfulness. Go deeper with Sean at
There is some interesting research on parenting, parenting dos and don'ts and how we can best raise our kids. It can be helpful, confusing, challenging...and strange! Join Sean and Jordan and they share some of the latest research and discuss how to implement it into our modern homes. And if you want to go deeper with Sean visit
Family life is so hard and stressful! But here is some good news, with some good mindset tools, if doesn't have to be. With some good parenting tools, family life can be filled with joy and happiness. Go deeper with Sean at
In this intimate "Sean Speaks" episode Sean tells a personal story about how he screwed up and lashed out...and what he did about it...and what happened next. Hear this special story and we hope you walk away feeling empowered and inspired. Go deeper with Sean at
Researchers tell us there are four parenting styles. They tell us that three have negative impacts on our children, our connection and our impact - and there is one style that we should all try to thrive have! Join Sean and Jordan as they take a creative approach on this important topic - and take the parenting quiz with them! Go Deeper with Sean
Power struggles are soooo hard! You end up fighting, arguing, yelling, punishing,...or caving, rescuing,'s all so hard. Here are some great tips to avoid, defuse and thrive with them! Connect with Sean at
Look under the surface. Their surface. Your surface. That is where the action is.
Family vacations, outings and adventures are amazing and can be so memorable...and can also be horrible, stressful, disappointing and extremely painful. We parents save, plan, prep, and then the kids act out, complain or take the experience for granted. Ouch! In this unique episode, Jordan shares the personal story of his family's two-week adventure to Scandinavia and to the actual North Pole...and the steps he and his wife Dani took to have a once-in-a-lifetime holiday trip with three young children. Connect with Sean at
The holidays can be so wonderful...and so stressful! Allow Sean and Jordan to share some parenting wisdom, some comfort, some tools and some inspiration - for this special time of year!
Episode 33 of Sean Speaks takes a heartfelt turn as we delve into the complexities of divorce and coparenting, featuring a special guest – Jordan’s dad. In this candid conversation, we explore the challenges, triumphs, and invaluable lessons learned from navigating through the storms of separation while keeping the best interests of the children at the forefront. Discover practical strategies and mindset shifts that can turn potentially tumultuous times into opportunities for growth, resilience, and stronger parent-child bonds. Whether you’re a single parent, a step-parent, or just looking to understand the dynamics of coparenting, this episode offers a treasure trove of insights and real-life experiences. Don’t miss this journey of transformation, empathy, and empowerment as we uncover the secrets to thriving amidst divorce and creating a coparenting alliance that stands the test of time. Go Deeper with Sean
Discover the invaluable tools and strategies Sean lays out to transform the way you interact with your children, fostering an environment where cooperation and attentiveness flourish. Kearn how to speak their language, turning potential conflicts into moments of connection and understanding. Whether you’re dealing with toddler tantrums or teenage defiance, this episode is your golden ticket to a more harmonious and responsive household. Tune in, embrace the change, and watch the magic unfold in your parent-child relationship! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
"Parenting is like the movie Forest Gump. We are Forest, and our child is Jenny" -Sean Donohue Discover how the characters, their challenges, and their journey together in this movie illuminate the path to understanding, empathy, and connection in your own family dynamic. Whether you're a movie buff or just eager for fresh parenting insights, this episode is a must-listen! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Dive deep with 'The Science of Parenting' as we uncover the top 5 evidence-based facts every parent should know! This episode breaks down the fascinating world of child psychology and biology to give you actionable steps grounded in genuine science. Why does positive reinforcement truly work? What neural connections light up when you engage with your child? Discover these and more as we demystify the art of parenting through the lens of science. Equip yourself with knowledge and transform the way you approach daily parenting challenges. Listen in and elevate your parenting game with facts, not just intuition! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this episode, Sean delves deep into the various hats we don as parents— from the cheerleader and mentor to the disciplinarian and protector. Understand why it's essential to strike a balance and when to switch roles to meet our children's evolving needs. Whether you're navigating the turbulent teen years or guiding a young soul, this episode offers invaluable insights to ensure you play your part right. Get ready to uncover the nuances of parenting and redefine your relationship with your kids Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Dive into a revolutionary episode with Sean Donohue as we explore 'How To Be a Parent World Changer!' Discover the power every parent holds to shape not just their household, but the entire world. From daily habits to mindset shifts, Sean unveils the secrets to raising empowered, compassionate kids who will make a difference. Every small action at home has a ripple effect, and it's time to harness that potential. If you've ever dreamt of leaving a lasting legacy for your children, this episode is your blueprint. Gear up to be inspired, challenged, and transformed! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Back by popular demand, we dive deeper into the journey of mastering our emotions in 'How to Stop Yelling Part 2.' Uncover advanced strategies, practical tools, and real-life scenarios to further transform the way you communicate with your children. If Part 1 was a game-changer for you, this follow-up episode will elevate your parenting even more. Wave goodbye to raised voices and embrace a calmer, more connected household. Ready for round two? Let's turn down the volume together. Tune in now! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Is your home ruled by the whims of your kids? Dive into this game-changing episode as we unpack the pitfalls of a 'kid-centric' home. Discover the balance between nurturing and creating boundaries, and learn how to reclaim your space while still fostering an environment where your children flourish. If you've ever felt your home's dynamics might be a tad skewed, this episode is your blueprint to harmony. Find out if it's time for a shift! Listen now. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Unlock the secrets of trust psychology in parenting with Sean in this must-listen episode! Explore the vital role of trust in your children’s lives, shaping a world where they not only feel safe but thrive. Dive into actionable insights and practical tips to weave trust-building into your daily parenting tapestry, setting the stage for your kids to foster healthy relationships and robust self-esteem. Ready to empower your kids with the gift of trust? Tune in now! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Feel like your home echoes with the sound of raised voices more often than you’d like? You're not alone. In Part 1 of ‘How to Stop Yelling’, we initiate a judgment-free exploration into why we resort to yelling, and how we can begin to create a more serene, understanding, and effectively communicative environment within our homes. Delve into the practical steps and mindset shifts necessary to start minimizing the volume and maximizing the connection with your kids. Ready for quieter, more loving interactions? Let’s take the first step together in this transformative episode. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Values are the compass guiding us through life, and as parents, we hope to instill the best in our kids. In this episode, explore effective strategies to seamlessly pass down your positive values to your children, creating a legacy of wisdom, empathy, and strength. Discover the art of nurturing a value-rich environment where your kids not only learn but also embrace and live by these principles. Ready to pave a path of enduring positive values for your children to follow? Tune in and embark on this transformative parenting journey with us. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Navigating the lively years of 3-10 can be a thrilling roller coaster for any parent. Ever wished for a manual? In this episode, unlock the secrets to not just parenting, but thriving with your young ones during these formative years. Offering practical tips and seasoned advice, this is your guide to embracing and excelling at parenting. Ready for a transformative journey? Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Lost in the mist of parenting advice and feeling disoriented? The fog of confusion is real, but clarity awaits. Join us in this episode as we light the way, cutting through the haze with straightforward insights and actionable tips to guide you confidently in your parenting journey. Ready to navigate with ease? Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
When Chad from Canada reached out, he was at his wit's end with his daughter's fiery temper. Dive in as Sean offers real-time coaching, uncovering strategies every parent can apply. Can this heartfelt session be the breakthrough Chad—and perhaps you—need? Listen in and find out. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Fear - an unspoken companion on our parenting journey. Join Sean as he unravels the universal anxieties of parenthood and offers actionable steps to face them head-on. Dive deep and find the courage to parent with confidence. Ready to conquer your fears? Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Every child is unique, but are we truly seeing them? Dive in with Sean as he challenges preconceived notions and opens the door to embracing our kids' authentic selves. It's time to nurture their true essence, not our expectations. Are you ready to truly connect? Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Triggers - those unexpected reactions that surprise even us. Join Sean as he dives into the heart of what sets us off in our closest relationships and uncovers strategies to heal. Ready to break the chain and find harmony in family and marriage? Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Are we shielding our kids too much? Dive in with Sean as he tackles the fine line between protection and overbearing. Unearth the pitfalls of doing too much and discover the liberating benefits of letting go. Ready to set both you and your child free? Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Ever feel trapped by your own mind? Sean dives deep into the transformative power of reshaping our thoughts. Discover the keys to a life-altering mindset shift and uncover why the journey within might just be your most crucial endeavor. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Parenting isn't just about guiding our kids—it's a journey of self-transformation. Join Sean as he reveals the profound ways in which the role of a parent should reshape us. Ready for a mirror to your soul? Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Think back to the guiding figures of your youth. What lessons still echo today? In this episode, Sean delves deep into the wisdom we've inherited from those mentors of our past. Rediscover, reflect, and realize the power of mentorship anew. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In a world full of comparison, how do we ensure our kids truly value themselves? Dive into this episode with Sean as he unveils the secrets to nurturing self-esteem and crafting a confident identity. Your child's self-worth journey starts here. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Diving deep into your child's world can reveal wonders you never imagined. Are you ready to discover? Join Sean as he uncovers why truly immersing yourself in your child's passions and play might just be the key. Playtime will never be the same again. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Are you always hovering, excessively praising, or too involved in your child's life? You might be a "weird, too much" parent! We discuss the signs to watch out for and provide practical advice on how to strike a balanced parenting approach that fosters independence, self-confidence, and healthy relationships for your children. Tune in for an honest conversation about the fine line between being supportive and going overboard. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Ever wonder why sometimes your words just don't seem to reach your child? In this episode of Sean Speaks, we tackle the intricacies of communicating with our children in a way that not only resonates with their hearts but also solidifies their identity. his episode offers actionable tips on using affirmation and active listening to break emotional barriers, bolster your child's self-esteem, and create lasting bonds. Don't miss this transformative conversation that could change your approach to parenting. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
No one wants to screw up their kid. Hurt them. Negatively affect them. Damage them. We want to be the best parents we can be and raise a child who is healthy, adjusted and successful. Sean Donohue has been helping parents like you for 24 years and has learned that there are 3 big ways that modern parents can screw up their kids! So listen with an open heart and open mind, and when it comes to these three pitfalls and dangers - avoid them! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Are you a product of your genes or your environment? Dive into Episode 37 of Sean Speaks as we explore the fascinating interplay between nature and nurture, unearthing how your upbringing doesn't just shape your choices, but empowers you to transcend genetic limitations. Join Sean and expert guests for an enlightening conversation on the transformative power of intentional nurturing. Learn practical strategies for fostering resilience, understanding the dynamic between genetics and environment, and creating a nurturing space that amplifies natural talents. Whether you're a parent aiming to foster growth or curious about the eternal question of what makes us who we are, this episode offers a fresh perspective on why your nurturing matters. So tune in, and discover how to harness the potential within yourself and those you care about. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Ever felt like your family's core values are getting lost in the shuffle of modern life? In this crucial episode of The Sean Donohue Show, we'll uncover the secrets to making those values stick. Join Sean as he explores effective techniques to communicate principles, balance external influences, and shape your children's character in a way that resonates with your deepest beliefs. It's not just about rules; it's about creating a living legacy. Tune in for a parenting game-changer! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Ready to shake up your parenting world? 🎙️ Join Sean and Jordan for Part 2 of this eye-opening episode, as they uncover the hidden truths about time-outs, spankings, and groundings. Together, they'll reveal the science behind why these methods are outdated, and share empowering alternatives to help you connect with your children like never before. Tune in to redefine your parenting approach and turn a new page in your family's story! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
"Why have we been left in the dark about principles that shape every relationship in our lives?" This question forms the core of 'Sean Speaks 35: Why Didn't Someone TEACH Me This About Boundaries, Intimacy, and Communication Earlier?!' Sean tackles the universal struggles surrounding boundaries, intimacy, and communication, offering wisdom that transcends to every relationship - with your children, in marriage, friendships, and even in the workplace. Through this enlightening episode, viewers are guided to unlock healthier connections, leading to more profound understanding and harmony in every aspect of life. It's not just an episode; it's a transformative life lesson that you can't afford to miss. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Imagine having the keys to unlock richer relationships through understanding five distinct reaction styles; that's what 'Sean Speaks 34: Why Didn't Someone TEACH Me This About Boundaries, Intimacy, and Communication Earlier!?' delivers. In this groundbreaking episode, Sean dives into these five reaction styles that shape how we approach boundaries, intimacy, and communication, offering actionable steps to identify and change them. No longer left in the dark, viewers are equipped with the tools to enhance their personal and professional relationships in ways they never thought possible. It's a transformative masterclass that leaves you questioning why you didn't learn these vital insights earlier. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Warning: Everything You Thought You Knew About Discipline Is WRONG! Tune into Episode 22 of The Sean Donohue Show and discover the SHOCKING proof why time-outs, spankings, and groundings are destroying your relationship with your child. This game-changing episode reveals what experts are calling 'The Parenting Revolution.' Don't waste another moment—listen now and transform the way you approach discipline forever. The first step to a happier, more connected family is just a click away. Are you ready to take the leap?" Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In an episode that promises to redefine parental introspection, 'Sean Speaks 33: How You Respond To These Three Stories Reveals A LOT About Your Parenting and How Your Kids View You! You will hear three evocative tales. As Sean delves into each narrative, he reveals the subtle layers of our reactions, shining a light on the profound connections between our responses and our children's perceptions of us. This is not just an episode—it's a mirror into the soul of our parenting. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Groundings and timeouts have lost their place in modern parenting. Diving deep into the psychology of power dynamics, in this episode Sean Donohue "The Family Coach" offers transformative insights into fostering a healthier relationship with your children, teaching them about shared authority and mutual respect. This is a must-watch for every parent committed to raising empowered and understanding children in today's fast-evolving world. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this gripping installment of the Sean Donohue Show, we're joined by Chris Smith, whose childhood story is nothing short of cinematic. Kidnapped by his own father, a man ensnared by the clutches of addiction, Chris's early life was marked by fear, uncertainty, and an unyielding hope for rescue.But Chris's story isn't just about survival. It's about resilience, recovery, and reclaiming life. From his harrowing ordeal to the exhilarating moment of rescue, Chris takes us on an emotional roller-coaster, shedding light on the enduring scars of trauma and the healing power of love and determination.For anyone who believes they can't overcome their past or feels trapped by their circumstances, Chris's journey is a beacon of hope. His tale proves that with unwavering spirit, support, and belief in oneself, you can surmount even the most daunting challenges.Dive deep into an episode filled with suspense, emotion, and inspiration. Witness how Chris triumphed over trauma and discover how you, too, can overcome anything. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
The most amazing and under-rated parenting tool ever - the family meeting! Join Sean as he shares practical tips and heartfelt insights on how to utilize this powerful technique to foster open communication, strengthen bonds, and create a harmonious family dynamic. Tune in and unlock the secret to nurturing a thriving and connected family through the transformative magic of regular, engaging family meetings. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Discover why a temporary exchange of bodies might just be the perfect recipe for understanding, empathy, and family bonding. Learn how to communicate to your family so you can ride "shotgun" with them in life. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Ever find yourself in the loop of reminding your kids about tasks, escalating to nagging, and finally losing patience and yelling? If yes, you're certainly not alone. This episode seeks to provide strategies and insights to help you break free from this unhealthy cycle and create a more peaceful and productive home environment. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
How to build trust and connection in the face of parenting disagreements. In this enlightening episode of "Sean Speaks," Sean delves deep infto the realities faced by adoptive parents from the 1980s who embraced Russian children into their families amidst the backdrop of Cold War tension. This is a poignant exploration of the trials and triumphs they encountered, as well as an illuminating guide on dealing with parenting disagreements. Sean unfolds three key strategies that these parents used to build trust and connection when disagreements arise. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network Call the Podcast: To ask a parenting question to be featured on the podcast, leave a message for Sean at 916-365-2915
Welcome to another heartwarming and insightful episode of Sean Speaks, where Sean Donohue, the beloved parenting mentor, shares his wisdom on cultivating love in your parenting journey. In this episode, Sean emphasizes the transformative power of love and how it can strengthen the parent-child bond. With a genuine and compassionate approach, Sean explores practical ways to infuse more love into your daily interactions with your children, fostering an environment of trust, understanding, and emotional connection. From active listening to small gestures of affection, Sean's guidance will inspire you to be a more loving and nurturing parent. Join us for this uplifting episode and discover the profound impact of incorporating more love into your parenting. Subscribe now to Sean Speaks for weekly doses of encouragement and support in your role as a parent. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Join "The Family Coach", Sean Donohue, in this eye-opening episode of The Sean Donohue Show, where he delves into the challenging topic of dealing with an angry child. Sean takes the reins to explore the underlying reasons behind a child's anger and shares practical strategies for parents to defuse their child's outbursts in the moment. Through empathetic communication, setting boundaries, and nurturing emotional intelligence, parents will learn effective ways to stop the pattern of anger and create a harmonious and emotionally connected family dynamic. If you're seeking valuable insights and actionable tips for managing anger in your child, this episode is a must-listen for all parents. Don't miss it! Subscribe now to The Sean Donohue Show and be empowered in your parenting journey. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
"I'm not trying to be bad."In this compelling episode, Sean dives deep into the often misunderstood behaviors of children. Often, when kids act out, parents might label the behavior as "bad." But what if they're trying to communicate something else entirely? What if their so-called 'bad behavior' is merely a cry for help, a bid for attention, or an inability to express complex emotions? Whether you're dealing with tantrums of a toddler, the rebelliousness of a teenager, or somewhere in between, this episode is filled with enlightening insights and practical advice. Unearth the real motives behind your child's actions and discover strategies to foster a more harmonious household. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Learn the art of problem-solving by seeing beneath the surface and offers valuable insights for fostering sibling love within the family. Gain practical strategies for resolving conflicts, nurturing strong sibling relationships, and creating a harmonious family environment where love and understanding thrive. Prepare to strengthen the bond between your children and cultivate a lifelong sense of sibling connection. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this dynamic episode of the parenting podcast, join host Sean as he unveils his top five essential parenting tools. Discover practical strategies and valuable insights that will empower you to navigate the parenting journey with confidence. Additionally, delve into the art of giving advice, providing help, and effectively coaching your child through life's challenges. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Discover how to be fully engaged, emotionally available, and attentive to your child's needs, fostering a deeper connection and a more meaningful parent-child relationship. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Welcome to Episode 17 of "The Family Coach" with Sean Donohue, now recognized as one of the top 10 parenting podcasts! In this thought-provoking episode, Sean dives deep into a common challenge faced by many parents - the impact of a kid-centric home on their marriage. Join us as we explore the dynamics, consequences, and solutions to restore balance and strengthen the connection between you and your partner. When children come into our lives, it's natural for them to become the center of our attention and focus. However, inadvertently prioritizing our kids over our relationship can lead to strain and emotional distance between partners. In this episode, Sean sheds light on the potential pitfalls of a kid-centric home and offers practical advice to reclaim and nurture the love and partnership that brought you together in the first place. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Sean draws an intriguing parallel between good parents and good Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). He explores how parents can adopt the mindset and skills of EMTs when it comes to managing and responding to their children's emotional pain. Learn valuable techniques for providing emotional support, offering comfort, and helping your children navigate through difficult emotions in a compassionate and effective manner. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Drawing from personal experiences and expert advice, he discusses how embracing humility can foster stronger connections with our children, promote a positive learning environment, and encourage healthy growth and development. Discover how humility can positively shape your parenting style and create a nurturing atmosphere for your family. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
How to handle it when your child starts asserting their independence with a resounding "No!" Join host Sean Dononhue as he shares insightful strategies and expert advice on mastering the art of responding to your kid's "No" in a positive and constructive manner. Children's independence is an essential part of their development, but it can be challenging for parents to navigate this phase effectively. Tune in as Sean and his co-host Jordan Steele as they explore a range of practical approaches and techniques designed to empower parents to respond to their child's "No" with empathy and understanding. Discover how to maintain a strong parent-child connection while fostering healthy boundaries and cooperation. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Join host Sean in an intimate and heartwarming episode of "Sean Speaks" as he delves into the art of humanizing yourself to your children and forging deeper connections within your family. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy for parents to get caught up in their roles and responsibilities, often losing touch with their children on a more personal level. But fear not, as Sean shares invaluable insights and practical tips to help you reconnect and foster meaningful relationships with your kids. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this enlightening episode of "Sean Speaks," join host Sean as he dives deep into the topic of building trust with your kids in the comfort of your own home. Trust forms the foundation of a healthy parent-child relationship, and nurturing it is crucial for their emotional well-being and development. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
You have the Costco chairs, and the pop-up tent, but it's not about you! Learn how to be a supportive sideline parent with the National Coach of the Year by the American Baseball Coaches Association, and The Family Coach, Sean Donohue! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Time Outs & Groudings not working? Learn what a "bid" is how you should respond to build a connection with your children!
Unlock the keys to thriving in both your marriage and co-parenting journey. This episode is a must-listen for individuals seeking to enhance their relationships, strengthen their family bonds, and create a supportive and loving environment for themselves and their children.Whether you're in the early stages of a relationship, navigating the ups and downs of co-parenting, or simply looking to improve your connection with your partner, this episode provides valuable insights that will empower you to build a thriving and fulfilling life together. Sign up for FREE Parenting help here! Follow "The Family Coach" on Tik Tok Follow the Family Coach on Instagram Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network Call the Podcast: To ask a parenting question to be featured on the podcast, leave a message for Sean at 916-365-2915
Delve into the art of conducting effective family meetings! Discover how these structured discussions can strengthen communication, foster collaboration, and nurture a sense of belonging within your family unit. Join Sean Donohue as he guides you towards building happy homes through the power of regular family meetings, and embark on a journey of fostering stronger family connections, finding common ground, and building a loving and supportive environment that nurtures the happiness and well-being of every family member. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Whether you're a parent seeking validation, a soon-to-be parent preparing for the journey ahead, or simply curious about the nuances of modern parenting, this episode is a must-listen. Join Sean Donohue as he navigates the complexities of parenthood and sheds light on how we can all strive to be better parents, one step at a time. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this enlightening and metaphorical episode of "Sean Speaks," host Sean invites parents to reflect on the majestic and resilient nature of redwood trees and draws parallels to the role of parents in nurturing and protecting their families. Sean begins by painting a vivid picture of the awe-inspiring redwood forests, highlighting their towering presence, interconnected root systems, and the remarkable ways they provide support and protection to one another. He poetically relates these qualities to the essence of parenting, where families can embody the spirit of redwood trees.Throughout the episode, Sean dives into the various ways parents can emulate the redwood trees' nurturing and protective qualities within their own families. Join Sean in this captivating episode of "Sean Speaks" as he invites parents to step into the role of redwood trees, to stand tall, nurture, and protect their families, creating an environment where love, support, and growth can flourish, just like the awe-inspiring redwood forests. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this heartfelt episode of "The Sean Donohue Show" podcast, host Sean Donohue delves into the intriguing world of parenting from a unique perspective: the thoughts and desires of children. Sean has spent years studying the intricacies of child-parent relationships. With the aim of bridging the communication gap between parents and their children, Sean embarks on a captivating series dedicated to exploring the innermost thoughts and wishes of kids. This enlightening conversation is sure to inspire parents and caregivers to create meaningful connections and cultivate an environment where their children feel truly seen and understood. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this heartfelt and introspective solo episode of "Sean Speaks," host Sean takes listeners on a journey of self-reflection and explores the profound topic of deepening connections with our children and ourselves.Sean opens up about his own personal experiences, highlighting the transformative power of building strong bonds with our kids and the profound impact it can have on their emotional well-being and overall development. He shares candid anecdotes and lessons learned from his own childhood, parenting journey, providing a relatable and empathetic perspective to his listeners.Throughout the episode, Sean delves into the multifaceted nature of connection, emphasizing that a genuine connection with our children is built upon a foundation of understanding, trust, and active listening. He explores practical strategies and insightful techniques that parents can implement to enhance their relationships with their kids and foster an environment of open communication and emotional intimacy. With a blend of personal insights, expert knowledge, and practical advice, Sean guides you through a thoughtful exploration of deepening connections with their kids and, in turn, with themselves. He encourages you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, recognizing that the depth of connection we foster with our children is intrinsically tied to our own self-awareness and growth. Sign up for FREE Parenting help here! Follow "The Family Coach" on Tik Tok Follow the Family Coach on Instagram Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network Call the Podcast: To ask a parenting question to be featured on the podcast, leave a message for Sean at 916-365-2915
In this emotionally charged episode of "Sean Speaks," host Sean welcomes listeners to a discussion on a topic that touches the hearts of many: parenting during times of family crisis or painful transitions.Drawing from his own journey, he dives into the complexities and unique challenges parents face when their families are confronted with crises. Whether you are a parent currently facing a crisis or wish to be prepared for potential future challenges, join Sean in this compassionate and enlightening episode to provide guidance, encouragement, and hope for parents navigating difficult times. Sign up for FREE Parenting help here! Follow "The Family Coach" on Tik Tok Follow the Family Coach on Instagram Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network Call the Podcast: To ask a parenting question to be featured on the podcast, leave a message for Sean at 916-365-2915
Are you a parent struggling with anger issues? Do you find yourself losing control when dealing with your kids, leaving you filled with regret and guilt? Well, fear not, because on this episode of the Sean Donohue Show, we dive deep into the topic of parental anger management. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this thought-provoking episode, Sean Donohue delves into the topic of avoidance patterns in parenting and offers actionable strategies to break free from these patterns, both in ourselves and in our children.Avoidance patterns can be detrimental to our growth as parents and hinder our children's development. Sean brings his expertise and personal insights to the forefront as he explores the reasons behind avoidance behaviors and their impact on family dynamics. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Welcome back to the Sean Donohue Show! In this empowering episode of Sean Speaks, join Sean as he dives deep into the fascinating world of parenting and unveils powerful strategies on how to thrive in the headgames that come with it.Parenting is a beautiful journey filled with joy, love, and growth, but it also presents its fair share of challenges and mental hurdles. In this episode, Sean shares his personal experiences and expert insights to equip you with the tools needed to navigate the intricate dynamics of being a parent. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
How do we share our feelings in a way so our kids really hear us? In this insightful episode of "The Sean Donohue Show," join host Sean Donohue as he delves into the art of communication between parents and children. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In today's digital age, where technology is pervasive, many people, including children and adolescents, find themselves trapped in the cycle of screen addiction, porn consumption, drug abuse, and other compulsive behaviors. Recognizing the detrimental effects these addictions can have on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being, Sean dives deep into strategies to overcome these challenges and provide hope for a healthier future.Throughout the episode, Sean addresses the multifaceted nature of addiction, shedding light on the underlying causes and triggers that contribute to these destructive behaviors. Drawing from his extensive experience as a parenting coach, he offers practical guidance and evidence-based solutions for parents, guardians, and individuals seeking to break free from these addictions.Sean explores various techniques for setting boundaries, fostering open communication, and establishing a supportive environment that encourages healing and growth. He discusses the importance of addressing the root causes of addictive behaviors and provides insights on how to navigate the process of recovery with compassion and understanding. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this highly anticipated episode of Sean Speaks, join renowned parenting expert Sean Donohue as he delves deep into the art of disciplining children effectively. As parents, we often find ourselves facing the challenging task of correcting our children's behavior while maintaining a loving and nurturing environment. But how can we discipline our kids in a way that not only brings about behavioral changes but also touches their hearts? Drawing upon his extensive experience and expertise, Sean unravels practical strategies and timeless wisdom to help parents navigate the intricacies of discipline. He explores the essential balance between firmness and compassion, demonstrating how these qualities can work together to establish respectful and healthy parent-child relationships. Throughout the episode, Sean shares personal anecdotes and relatable examples that shed light on the core principles of effective discipline. He explores the importance of setting clear boundaries, fostering open communication, and nurturing emotional intelligence in children. By instilling discipline that reaches the heart, parents can guide their kids towards understanding the consequences of their actions and making positive choices for their future. Tune in as Sean equips parents with essential tools and practical techniques to implement discipline that truly resonates with their children. Discover the transformative power of discipline rooted in love, respect, and understanding, and unlock the potential for deep connection and growth within your family. Listen to this episode for valuable insights and actionable tips that will empower parents to discipline their kids in a way that goes beyond mere behavioral correction and fosters long-lasting positive change. Join Sean on this journey of discovery and transformation as he guides you towards building a loving, supportive, and harmonious family dynamic. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In today's fast-paced world, where distractions and technological devices abound, it is easy to fall into the trap of reacting hastily to our children's words and actions. However, Sean emphasizes the importance of taking a step back, slowing down, and truly listening to our kids.Throughout the episode, Sean shares practical tips and strategies to help parents enhance their listening skills, fostering deeper connections and stronger bonds with their children. He highlights the power of active listening, empathetic responses, and nonverbal cues to create a safe and open environment for kids to express themselves.Drawing from his extensive experience as a parenting coach, Sean also addresses common obstacles that hinder effective communication, such as personal biases, preconceived notions, and the tendency to jump to conclusions. He provides guidance on how to overcome these challenges and truly tune in to our children's needs, desires, and concerns. Gain valuable insights into the transformative power of active listening and its positive impact on the parent-child relationship. Whether it's fostering emotional intelligence, resolving conflicts, or simply creating a space for open dialogue, Sean Donohue equips parents with the tools they need to become better listeners and, ultimately, better nurturers for their children.Tune in to the tenth episode of the Sean Donohue Show, as Sean reminds us all that by pausing to listen, we create the foundation for meaningful connections and nurture our children's growth and well-being. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Now what are you supposed to do with the kids? School is almost out and The Family Coach is back to save your family and save your summer with his tips and tricks to make this the best summer ever! YOU can be on the NEXT Parents Club and get YOUR questions asked. Join the Parents Club Here! Sign up for FREE Parenting help here! Follow "The Family Coach" on Tik Tok Follow the Family Coach on Instagram Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Do you think it's weird that your child doesn't ever want to come out of their room? Here is help! In this episode of Sean Speaks, parenting expert Sean Donohue explores the topic of coping mechanisms and how childhood coping skills can impact our parenting as adults. Many of us develop coping mechanisms as children to deal with difficult situations or emotions. However, these coping skills may not serve us well as adults and can even sabotage our parenting. Sean shares his insights on how to identify and overcome negative coping skills from childhood, and how to develop healthy coping mechanisms as an adult. By doing so, we can become better parents and create a healthier environment for our children. Sean also emphasizes the importance of healing from past traumas and developing self-awareness to break the cycle of negative coping skills. Whether you're a new parent or an experienced one, this episode will provide valuable insights and actionable tips on how to break free from negative coping skills and become a healed adult. Tune in to Sean Speaks and join the conversation on how to be the best parent you can be. YOU can be on the NEXT Parenting Club Session and get YOUR questions asked. Join the Parenting Club Here! Sign up for FREE Parenting help here! Follow "The Family Coach" on Tik Tok Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Don't you hate those painful cycles of bad behavior? In this episode, Sean Donohue "The Family Coach" teaches you how to break those negative behavioral patterns in children and provides seven creative ways for parents to do so. Sean also discusses the role of consistency and patience in the process of changing behavior and offers practical advice on how to implement these strategies in daily parenting routines. Whether you're a new parent or an experienced one, this episode will provide valuable insights and actionable tips to help you raise confident, resilient, and well-adjusted children. Tune in to Sean Speaks Parenting and join the conversation on how to be the best parent you can be. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
If you're a parent, you know all too well the constant battle that can arise between your children. Sibling rivalry is a common occurrence in many households, and it can often lead to tension and stress within the family dynamic. In this episode, we'll be discussing how to stop the fighting and create a happier home for everyone involved. From creating a positive family culture to using conflict resolution techniques, we'll cover all the key elements needed to create a harmonious household.Whether you're dealing with minor squabbles or full-blown sibling warfare, this episode is a must-listen for parents looking to promote a happier, more peaceful family environment. So, tune in to The Sean Donohue Show - "Happy Siblings, Happy Homes: How To Stop The Fighting". YOU can be on the NEXT Parenting Club Session and get YOUR questions asked. Join the Parenting Club Here! Sign up for FREE Parenting help here! Follow "The Family Coach" on Tik Tok Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Welcome to a new episode of The Sean Donohue Show! Today's topic is a must-listen for all parents - the Top 5 mistakes parents make. In this episode, Sean will be discussing some of the most common parenting mistakes that he has seen throughout his career as a family coach. From overprotecting your child to not setting boundaries, Sean will share his insights on what these mistakes are, why they're harmful, and what parents can do instead .Sean will also share some personal stories from his own experience as a parent, giving listeners a real-life perspective on the challenges of raising children. Whether you're a new parent or have been parenting for years, this episode is sure to offer valuable advice and insights that you can apply to your own family. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and join Sean for this eye-opening episode of The Sean Donohue Show. Don't forget to take notes and share with fellow parents who can benefit from this discussion. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
If you're looking for ways to build deeper connections with your children, join Sean Donohue on this powerful episode of "Sean Speaks." Learn how to use positive labels, the 5 love languages quiz, and practical techniques for diffusing anger and building connection with your kids. Don't miss this opportunity to become the best parent you can be. Sean discusses the power of labeling children in a positive way. He shows how you can identify their child's unique emotional needs and connect with them on a deeper level. Sean also shares practical tips for diffusing anger and building stronger connections with your kids. By avoiding negative labels and instead focusing on positive affirmations, parents can help their children grow and thrive. Through personal stories and expert advice, Sean explores the ways in which labels can impact a child's self-esteem and limit their potential. He challenges parents to rethink their assumptions about their children and approach them with an open mind and heart. By doing so, parents can create a supportive and loving environment that encourages growth and development. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this episode, Sean Donohue dives into the topic of babying our kids and asks the question, "Has our generation gone too far?" With helicopter parenting on the rise and children being coddled more than ever before, Sean takes a closer look at the potential downsides of overprotective parenting and the impact it can have on children as they grow older. Sean explores the importance of striking a balance between nurturing and challenging our kids. He shares personal anecdotes from his own parenting journey, as well as practical tips for parents looking to find the right balance between nurturing and challenging their kids. Ultimately, Sean emphasizes the importance of trusting our kids' abilities to handle challenges and grow from them, and the role that parents can play in supporting their children's development into confident, independent adults.Tune in to this episode of The Sean Donohue Show to join the conversation on parenting and explore the question of whether our generation has gone too far in babying our kids, and what the right approach may be. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this episode of The Sean Donohue Show, we dive into the important topic of managing anger, especially for parents. Sean provides valuable insights and practical tips for parents who struggle with anger management and are looking for ways to better manage their emotions so that they don't negatively impact their relationships with their children. From identifying triggers to developing coping mechanisms, Sean shares his expertise and personal experiences to help parents navigate the difficult terrain of anger management. If you're a parent who has ever struggled with controlling your anger, this episode is a must-listen. Sean's guidance and advice can help you create a more positive and peaceful environment for yourself and your family. Tune in to learn how to manage anger so it doesn't anger you. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In the latest episode of "The Sean Donohue Show," Sean dives into the topic of marriage and co-parenting, offering three keys to thriving in these important relationships. Drawing from his personal experience and professional expertise, Sean provides valuable insights and practical tips for listeners looking to improve their relationships with their partners and co-parents. Sean covers a range of crucial topics that are sure to resonate with anyone looking to build stronger, healthier relationships. Whether you're a new parent or a seasoned pro, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in thriving in marriage and co-parenting. So tune in and join Sean as he shares his wisdom and experience on this important topic. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Strap in for another episode of The Sean Donohue Show, where we dive deep into the chaos and confusion of modern life. Today's topic? Thriving With These Friggin' Screens, Friggin' Everywhere! Now, we all know that screens are taking over our lives. From our phones to our laptops to our televisions, it seems like we can't escape them. But fear not, my friends, because on this episode, Sean is going to give you all the tips and tricks you need to thrive in this screen-filled world. Whether you're a new parent struggling with screen time battles or a seasoned pro looking for new tips and tricks, this episode is for you. So don't miss out, tune in now and let's get real about parenting in the digital age. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In this episode of "Sean Speaks," host Sean opens up about a personal struggle that led him to take a break from alcohol. Through his story, Sean shares valuable insights on how to speak hope to your kids and yourself during difficult times. As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate tough situations and have the right words to say to our children. Sean offers practical advice on how to approach these moments and instill a sense of hope in our kids. Sean's story of overcoming his struggle with alcohol serves as a powerful reminder that we can all overcome challenges and emerge stronger on the other side. By sharing his experience, Sean provides encouragement and inspiration to those who may be going through a similar journey.If you're looking for ways to speak hope to your kids and yourself during difficult times, this episode of "Sean Speaks" is a must-listen. Tune in to hear Sean's personal story and learn valuable tips on how to navigate tough situations with grace and optimism.7 Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Sick of competing with screens? In this episode, we're going to be talking about something that's near and dear to all of our hearts: spending quality time with our families. We all want to create those special memories with our loved ones, but sometimes it can be tough to find the time or know where to start. In this episode you'll learn 3 Steps to Master Family Time! So, if you're looking to create some fabulous family memories, be sure to tune in to this episode of The Sean Donohue Show. We've got the tools and the inspiration you need to make it happen! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
We live in a world where we give too much importance to intelligence and academic achievements. For most parents, the ultimate goal is to raise a smart kid who can get a high-paying job and live a comfortable life. However, little do they know that smartness is not the only factor that determines success in life. In this episode, we are going to introduce the concept of grit and resilience and discuss why they are crucial for your child's success. Grit is defined as the combination of passion and perseverance that enables a person to achieve their long-term goals, while resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks, failures, and adversity. We will also debunk the myth that calling your child smart is beneficial for their self-esteem and confidence. Research shows that praising intelligence can be harmful to your child's development, as it creates a fixed mindset that undermines their willingness to take risks and embrace challenges. Instead, we will give you practical tips on how to praise your child's effort, progress, and growth mindset. We will also discuss the importance of failure and how you can help your child develop a growth mindset that views mistakes as opportunities for learning and improvement. So, if you want to raise a kid who can handle the challenges of the real world, tune in to this episode of Sean Speaks. We promise it will be edgy, eye-opening, and thought-provoking. Let's raise a generation of gritty, resilient, and innovative leaders who can change the world. Sign up for FREE Parenting help here! Follow "The Family Coach" on Tik Tok Follow Jordan Steel on Instagram Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
In today's episode, we're going to dive deep into the topic of boundaries, and why they are critical for building a home of healthy relationships. We'll provide practical tips and advice for how to establish and maintain boundaries, without sacrificing the love and connection that makes a home feel like home. We'll share stories from our own experiences from childhood and parenting ourselves. We'll tackle all kinds of boundaries; physical, emotional, privacy, moral, discipline, and safety. You will learn actioanble steps on setting healthy boundaries in parenting, and life! So if you're ready to say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and stressed out in your own home, tune in to this episode of the Sean Donohue Show. We promise you won't be disappointed. Highlights in this Episode: 3 Action Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries   Mindfulness: Ask yourself what is happening inside of you? Why are you being triggered? Use the word "Boundaries" in your home a lot, and model them, make in normal . This way your children grow up learning how healthy it is to set healthy boundaries! Ex: "Hey my room is a boundary, please knock and wait to come in until we say it's okay." Teach Boundaries to your kids, how complex they are, how many there are. Speak from your heart, not from your head. Sign up for FREE Parenting help here! Follow "The Family Coach" on Tik Tok Follow Jordan Steel on Instagram Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Welcome to the second episode of Sean Speaks, where we dive deep into six essential keys to thriving as a parent during the tumultuous teenage years. As a parent, it's easy to feel lost and overwhelmed when it comes to guiding your teenager through this critical period of their lives. But fear not, because in this episode, Sean will share valuable insights and strategies to help you navigate this journey with confidence and success.Whether you're a seasoned parent or a newbie to the teenage years, this episode of Sean Speaks is sure to equip and inspire you to thrive during this crucial period of your parenting journey. So tune in, take notes, and get ready to take your parenting game to the next level!Go Deeper with SeanFind MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Get ready to become the ultimate parent ninja as Sean Donohue, aka "The Family Coach," and his co-host Jordan Steele of "The Weather Channel" reveal their secrets to tackling those challenging power struggles in your family. Say goodbye to those infuriating battles over screen time, chores, and homework. Sean and Jordan will guide you through practical strategies to defuse conflicts and even come out on top (we won't judge if you do a victory dance). The real kicker? They aren't just focused on short-term solutions. They'll teach you how to make those stupid things that usually cause power struggles disappear for good (yes, please!). If you haven't heard of Sean Donohue yet, where have you been? He's the Tik Tok sensation that's now taking on the podcast world with his mission to help parents raise amazing adults. His philosophy? Stay strong, be close, and teach wisdom. So, are you ready to dive deeper and become the ultimate parenting ninja? Tune in to The Sean Donohue Show and get ready to make those power struggles go away forever! Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Good parenting changes the world! Listen in to Sean Donohue's live teaching from his online parenting club. In this episode Sean opens his heart about what he has learned about the art of happiness and joy, and the power of the mind while serving San Quentin Prisoners. In this episode you will learn: How to be happy How to get your power back when you feel powerless How to be happy and find joy and contentment in hard, painful situations How to break patterns and cycles in your own mind, life, and your own home How to take control of your life using your own mind. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Connect, solve painful patterns, raise amazing adults, and have a healthy family. This podcast will help you become the best parent you can be by learning why presence changes everything in your parenting and home life! Meet "The Family Coach" Sean Donohue with over 500k followers on Tik Tok, and his co-host Jordan Steele from "The Weather Channel" as they share their personal experience on fatherhood, and how YOU can increase your emotional EQ with your family too! Highlights in this episode: Three Ways to Practice Presence With Your Kids [33:75] 1. The Cherry Festival: Look at what your kids are already doing and adapt yourself to do that. Instead of forcing gets join you in your hobbies all the time, join them where THEY are at and what THEY like to do. Once you show interest in their hobbies, then it's easier for them to enjoy joining in yours! [ 37:22] 2. Tell them "I want to be close to you." Kids aren't psychic.It's important to humanize yourself to your kids, and this is a great way. Start sharing your feelings with your kids as soon as you can. It's never too late. [38:30] 3. Wisely, Assertively, and Gently don't take "no" for an answer when teens say they want to be alone. Fight for the relationship you want to have in an effective way. Go Deeper with Sean Find MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network
Helping you become the best parent you can be! Connect, Solve painful patterns, raise amazing adults, and have healthy families with Sean Donohue aka "The Family Coach" and his co-host Jordan Steele of "The Weather Channel." You may know him from his viral Tik Tok videos, now dive deeper and as Sean always says, "stay strong, be close, and teach wisdom."Launching Tuesday, March 28, 2023Go Deeper with SeanFind MORE shows to inspire you to live a strong and courageous life on The Brave Podcast Network