Choices We Made: Honest Conversations or Family Secrets? (with Laura Dern and Diane Ladd)
Choices We Made: Honest Conversations or Family Secrets? (with Laura Dern and Diane Ladd)  
Podcast: Choice Words with Samantha Bee
Published On: Mon May 20 2024
Description: When Laura Dern found out that her mother, Diane Ladd, had scarring on her lungs, the doctor told her to be gentle with her mom because she’d be dead in 6 months. Laura chose to challenge that diagnosis by taking her mother on regular walks to expand her lung capacity. Not only did it work, but it turned into a new book co-written by the two award-winning actresses. In one of our favorite episodes from the vault, Sam asks the mother-daughter duo how those walks saved Diane’s life and what family stories and secrets were uncovered during those strolls. Follow Laura Dern @LauraDern on X and Instagram. Follow Diane Ladd @Diane_Ladd on X and @rosedianeladd on Instagram. Keep up with Samantha Bee @realsambee on Instagram and X. And stay up to date with us @LemonadaMedia on X, Facebook, and Instagram. For a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this and every other Lemonada show, go to Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at for privacy information.