Calm Extrovert or Manic Introvert? (with Betty Gilpin)
Podcast:Choice Words with Samantha Bee Rating: Explicit Published On: Thu Jun 29 2023 Description: When actor Betty Gilpin was simultaneously filming “Masters of Sex” and doing wrestling training to prepare for “Glow” (oh, and planning her wedding), she went into full upper body muscle spasms. Her nervous system was having a panic attack. Sam asks Betty how that moment taught her to slow down and changed the way she approached her life and career. They also discuss horse feuds, fake authenticity, and why we need to stop calling women badass. Keep up with Samantha Bee @realsambee on Instagram and Twitter. And stay up to date with us @LemonadaMedia on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Apple Books has teamed up with Lemonada Media for an audiobook club. The June pick is "Honey, Baby, Mine: A Mother and Daughter Talk Life, Death, Love (and Banana Pudding)" by actress and activist Laura Dern, and her mother, legendary actress Diane Ladd. For more details, visit Choice Words is sponsored by Hairstory. Have your best hair day ever and try New Wash today. Go to and use code SAMBEE for 20% off your order. For a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this and every other Lemonada show, go to Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at for privacy information.