217. The Liske Family Murders -- Bad Moon Rising
217. The Liske Family Murders -- Bad Moon Rising  
Podcast: The Prosecutors
Published On: Tue Oct 17 2023
Description: Untreated mental illness culminates in the Halloween massacre of a family. Could it have been prevented? Or was the horror that happened inevitable?  Sponsors: One Minute Remaining Podcast PlutoTV Noom FirstLeaf: TRYFIRSTLEAF.com/PROSECUTE. ZocDoc Resources: Black, Caroline. “Ohio Triple Murder: Teen Thought It WasHalloween Prank.” CBS News, 2 Nov. 2010, www.cbsnews.com/news/ohio-triple-murder-teen-thought-it-was-halloween-prank/.   Dziemianowicz, Joe. “Ohio Man Targets His Family in‘Real-Life Horror Story on Halloween.’” Oxygen Official Site, 10 Oct.2022, www.oxygen.com/homicide-for-the-holidays/crime-news/bj-liske-kills-3-family-members-in-halloween-murders.   Fuqua, Lisa Marie. “BJ Liske Butchers Family onHalloween?-?True Crime.” Medium, 1 Oct. 2019,medium.com/true-crime-addiction/bj-liske-butchers-family-on-halloween-true-crime-114279f06b8c. Kennedy , Bruce. “Halloween Horror.” Homicide for theHolidays, season 4, episode 5, Oxygen , 7 Oct. 2022.   Legacy.com, and Legacy. “Derek Griffin Obituary (2010) - OakHarbor, OH - the Blade.” Legacy.Com, 3 Nov. 2010, www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/toledoblade/name/derek-griffin-obituary?id=25637826.   Legacy.com, and Legacy. “Susan Liske Obituary (2010) - OakHarbor, OH - the Blade.” Legacy.Com, 3 Nov. 2010, www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/toledoblade/name/susan-liske-obituary?id=25637789.   Legacy.com, and Legacy. “William Liske Obituary (2010) - OakHarbor, OH - the Blade.” Legacy.Com, 3 Nov. 2010, www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/toledoblade/name/william-liske-obituary?id=25637781.   Proffitt, James. “Judge Sets Bail for Liske at $3M.” NewsHerald, 11 Nov. 2010, pp. A1–A2. Newspapers.Com, https://www.newspapers.com/image/293497589/?terms=liske.   Proffitt, James. “Liske Gets 3 Life Sentences .” TheNews-Messenger, 15 Sept. 2011, pp. A1–A2. Newspapers.Com, https://www.newspapers.com/image/182359050/?terms=liske.   Proffitt, James. “Man Pleads Guilty to Murdering 3 .” TheNewark Advocate, 13 Aug. 2011, p. 2. Newspapers.Com, https://www.newspapers.com/image/289183577/?terms=liske.   Proffitt, James. “Reports: Man Accused of Homicide HadTroubled Past .” News Herald , 9 Nov. 2010, pp. 1–2. Newspapers.Com,https://www.newspapers.com/image/293496782/?terms=liske.   Shoup, Craig. Confessed Murderer Found Dead in Cell ,18 Apr. 2015, p. A1. Newspapers.Com, https://www.newspapers.com/image/128256411/?terms=liske&match=1.   Ulloa, Gabriela. “‘Asesino de Halloween’: La Historia DelJoven Que Mató a Toda Su Familia En Noche de Brujas.” BioBioChile, 31Oct. 2021, www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/sociedad/historia/2021/10/31/asesino-de-halloween-la-historia-del-joven-que-mato-a-toda-su-familia-en-noche-de-brujas.shtml.