Podcast:The Jeselnik & Rosenthal Vanity Project Published On: Wed Dec 08 2021 Description: Motorcyclists remove their dead friend from his casket for one last ride, cash is scattered across the highway, and a headless body falls out of a cannibal's car after a crash. Helix is offering up to 200 dollars off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners at helixsleep.com/JRVP. JRVP listeners can get their first month of treatment for free by going to keeps.com/JRVP. This episode is brought to you by Zen Business. Get started today for as low as $49 at zenbusiness.com/JRVP. Paint Your Life! Get twenty percent off your painting and FREE shipping by texting the word VANITY to 64-000 Dad Grass is offering 20% off your first order when you go to DADGRASS.COM/JRVP