EP 18: I will never recover from this embarrassment
EP 18: I will never recover from this embarrassment  
Podcast: I Beg Your Pardon
Published On: Fri Nov 10 2023
Description: In this episode Nurse John will tell you all about embarrassing stories and moments from healthcare workers and other profession that got them humbled real quick, things so unexpected and unwanted it forever stayed with them. Nurse John will also share some of his embarrassing moments that will surely make you cry, laugh, and scream so get your caffeine ready and let’s unwind together. Do me the biggest favour bestie, by giving us a 5 star in Spotify & Apple podcast, and to other platforms you're listening to, follow our podcast, leave a comment, turn on notification and share it to your social, it will help us spread the love and get us going!Follow me here:TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@nurse.johnnInstagramhttps://instagram.com/nurse.johnnYouTube https://youtube.com/@NurseJohnnFacebookhttps://www.facebook.com/nurse.johnnSpotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/show/7Hp3DBH...Apple:https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...Check out my merch and get yourself one bestie!https://nursejohnn.comFollow the podcast on Instagram and tune in for story submission:https://instagram.com/ibegyourparrdon