Frank Verrastro: The Middle East and Global Energy Markets
Frank Verrastro: The Middle East and Global Energy Markets  
Podcast: Babel: Translating the Middle East
Published On: Tue Jun 28 2022
Description: This week on Babel, Jon speaks with Frank Verrastro, a senior advisor with the Energy Security and Climate Change Program at CSIS. They talk about price volatility in the energy market, President Biden's trip to Saudi Arabia and its potential effect on the oil supply, and the current bottlenecks affecting the production of oil and natural gas. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Caleb Harper about how Middle Eastern oil producers are thinking about the near-term future of energy and what that means for U.S. relationships in the region. Frank Verrastro and Albert Helmig, "High Gasoline Prices Put Focus on Refiners, No Easy Solutions Ahead," CSIS, June 28, 2022. Jon Alterman, "Who Needs Oil When You Have Land?" CSIS, March 28, 2022. Jon Alterman, "A New Revolution in the Middle East," CSIS, August 9, 2021. Transcript, "The Middle East and Global Energy Markets," CSIS, June 28, 2022.