The Floodgates of Willowhill
The Floodgates of Willowhill  
Podcast: Undertow: Trio of Nightmares
Published On: Fri Mar 17 2023
Description: "Everybody whose grown up in Faulkesville, well, they’ve always guessed there’s something wrong with the woods on the edge of town, the ones that border Willowhill, something people don’t like to bring up in polite company." Teenage Samantha keeps her nose in her books and her head in the clouds - in lands far beyond the borders of the small town of Faulkesville where she's grown up. It's not just boredom Samantha's escaping - Willowhill is where her parents mysteriously died two years ago, and where her Uncle Ted and buddy Hank Jedsoe are about to discover the real horrors that lurk in the haunted woods. Undertow: Dark Tome is a Realm production. Listen Away. For more shows like this, visit, and sign up for our newsletter while you're there! Follow us! On Instagram @RealmMedia_ On Twitter @RealmMedia Check out our merch at: Find and support our sponsors at: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit