The Scriptures Are Real
The Scriptures Are Real

The Scriptures Are Real (TSAR) with Kerry Muhlestein is a podcast where we look at elements of the scriptures that have become real to us. We interview both experts (people with language, archaeological, historical backgrounds, etc.), and lay folks, and explore times when the scriptures became real to them. This is done from the viewpoint of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe that there is real power in the scriptures and that as they become more real we can better apply them to our lives and draw more power from them. If you listen to this podcast you will learn all kinds of interesting background information that will help you understand and learn more from the scriptures. We believe it will allow you to add real power to your life. My gratitude to my co-host Lamar Newmeyer. Also to my friend Rich Nicholls, who composed the introductory music.

Kerry created some extra content on these sections that you will love. You can access this content by joining us at joining us on a cruise where Kerry, Anthony Sweat, Elaine Dalton, and others will speak, and where Nathan Pacheco, Jeanny Oaks Baker, David Osmond, and others will perform. This will be an amazing trip. Go to and look for the Momentum 26 cruise. Use the code KERRY to get a discount.In this episode Kerry and Sharalyn Howcroft go over the background of how we get D&C 20. They investigate the use of the Book of Mormon in creating a first draft of the section, and then how the Lord changed what was being created and revealed to them what they needed, and the relationship between the draft Oliver Cowdery had made and the revelation Joseph received. They look at the use of Section 20 in the original Pearl of Great Price. They explore the importance of this section in our ability to have the Church function. They also look at the relationship between Section 21 and Section 20. They also talk about God's instructions to keep records in the Church and the impact that has had on us. They also look at God's description of Joseph Smith's roles, including his being a translator, and the way Joseph receives the word of God as if from His own mouth.We are grateful for our Executive Producer, B. Fisher, and for our generous donors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios who produce the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join us at TSAR.Website for more fantastic content! If you have any marketing, production, brand, or social media advertising needs, use who we do: Launchpad Consulting Studios. Email us at and we will give you all the information you need to be as well taken care of as we are. In this episode Kerry and Andrew Skinner explore the historical background of the revelation, which gives surprising added meaning to this profound section. They help us see how Martin Harris and his questions about financing the publication of the Book of Mormon draw forth this revelation, and how it is about consecrating, and how Christ uses His own consecration to the Father to help Martin, and by extension all of us, to give ourselves fully to God. They delve into the profound teachings about Christ's sufferings that are a part of Christ's teachings, one of the few places we hear Christ Himself describe the depth of His suffering for us. We are grateful for our executive producer, B. Fisher, and for all our generous donors. We are grateful for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Please support us by joining us on our Patreon channel ( to get fantastic content and to help keep the podcast going. We have so much amazing content available there!In this episode Kerry and Scott Esplin explore the background of Section 18, along with its meaning. They talk about what it teaches us about ourselves and how it should affect the way we see and interact with everyone around us. They also talk about repentance and how we should see it. They delve into what this section teaches us about apostles and the role of apostles. We are grateful for our generous donors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios who produce the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Please support us by joining our Patreon site (, where you will get a lot of fantastic extra content! In this episode Mark Staker, who helps direct the restoration and management of the Church's historic sites, tells us some of the process of figuring out more about when, where, and how the visit of John the Baptist took place. He and Kerry explore what it meant for Joseph and Oliver, and for all of us. This is a truly seminal event in the restoration that is worth studying. We are grateful for our generous sponsors. We are also grateful for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studio, and for our Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Get our fantastic extra content by joining us at There you will find more from each guest, daily thoughts by me on the scripture content and lots of bonus lectures that get into some deep dives. In this episode the amazing Susan Easton Black joins Kerry to discuss the revelation to Hyrum Smith. They also explore what the Lord has to say about Joseph Smith and the lost pages and all we can learn from that. They make the story about Martin Harris and the translation pages come to life. There are details about that story that most people don't know that Susan explains well. She also shares stories from her research efforts. Then Kerry and Susan explore who Hyrum is and how important he was in the Smith family and to Joseph in particular. They talk about how the Lord loves Hyrum and what Hyrum is asked to do and how it applies to us. We are grateful for our generous sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
We have amazing and fantastic extra material for you on our Patreon Website. Join us there ( for a lot of rich and meaningful extras.In this episode Kerry and Janiece Johnson discuss the background of these crucial sections, and what it teaches us about recognizing how God speaks to us. They talk about common misconceptions, things that can make the process difficult, and how wonderful it it that God speaks to us, and that He speaks to us in so many ways.We are grateful for our generous donors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful for Launchpad Consulting Studios, who produce the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join our Patreon site ( to get some fantastic extra content and to support the podcast. To rent fantastic space and take advantage of the "penthouse suite" in Central Park East building on the Orem/Provo border, email We are grateful for their support of the podcast.In this episode Gerrit Dirkmaat and Kerry explore the translation of the Book of Mormon. They analyze the sources from which we can learn anything, and teach how to evaluate them. They help us think through what it means to be a seer, the nature of having seer stones like the Urim and Thummim, and what we know about Joseph's translation. They help us see things from the point of view of people from Joseph's time, place, and culture, and help us understand the divinely aided translation of this sacred book. We are grateful for our generous donors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful to Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join our Patreon site ( to get some fantastic extra content and to support the podcast. To rent fantastic space and take advantage of the "penthouse suite" in Central Park East building on the Orem/Provo border, email We are grateful for their support of the podcast. In this episode Richard Bushman and Kerry discuss the ways that God worked with Joseph Smith to help him learn, grow, and do what he needed to do. They explore the loss of the 116 pages and the role that Martin Harris played in that and in the Restoration, and the story of Lucy Harris, a law suit, and how all of those things combined to create the pressure that led to the loss of the 116 pages. They also talk about the lessons that Joseph Smith, and we, needed to learn in order to not fall prey to this same kind of mistake. They also talk about how the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants are like God speaking into our ears. We are grateful for our generous donors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful to Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Get a 15% discount on D&C and Restoration titles at by entering the code KERRY2025 Also, consider getting access to a lot of extra material by joining us at In this episode Kerry and Robert Millet explore facets of Moroni's visits to Joseph Smith. In particular they talk about the prophecies of Elijah's return that Moroni quoted, and how that was fulfilled and the importance of that. They also explore other teachings of Moroni, and the visit of John the Baptist, and the keys of ministering of Angels that he restored. They talk about the truth of the Book of Mormon and the power of knowing. We are grateful for our generous donors and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Please join us at our Patreon website ( to get fantastic extra content from Dr. Skinner and many others. We also encourage you to reach out to for all your marketing, brand, recording, and production needs. In this episode Andrew Skinner and Kerry explore the beginning of the Restoration. They first delve into the prophecies about Joseph Smith and the restoration in general. They also look at the large societal, historical, and cultural movements that created the environment for the Restoration. They look at the specific history of the Smith family, and how that lead to Joseph's experience in the Sacred Grove. They talk about the experiences that Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith had that were part of Joseph Smith's predicament and why he went to pray in the Grove. They also explore the amazing and profound elements of the First Vision. We are grateful for our generous donors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studio for producing the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Get a discount on all D&C and Church History books and products (including Kerry's on the First Vision called "I Saw the Lord") by going to and using the code KERRY2025. In this episode Kerry interviews Robin Jensen from the Church History Department of the Church. Together they explore what it means to receive revelation from God, and how God worked with Joseph Smith as He revealed truths to His children. They talk about what that would have looked like for the early Saints. They delve into the simultaneously sacred and mundane nature of God speaking to His prophet, and how important it is that God does speak to prophets. They investigate the intimate nature of revelations, and the process of them becoming public. They speak about how this process applies to us in our personal revelation. They show how what we learn about Joseph receiving revelation echoes our own lives and is valuable for us to learn about. They discuss how Section One was revealed to be a preface for the D&C, and then they talk about how revelations came in general, and how that can help us understand the revelations we will study this year. Robin leads us through a discussion of what the Doctrine and Covenants is in general. They also explore the resources that are available as we study revelations this year. We are so grateful for our generous donors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join us for extra and fantastic content on our Patreon website each week ( This week Steve Harper talks about different ways to learn from the Restoration material there. Also, you can get a 15% discount at on Church History and D&C products by using the code KERRY2025. In this episode Steve Harper takes us through how we can know about the Restoration and how to learn about and think through the history and issues of the restoration. He helps us see family and other factors that brought Joseph Smith to the Grove, and how to think about that and understand that. He and Kerry discuss resources and go through little known stories that help us learn about Joseph Smith and those who knew and believed him. We are grateful for our generous donors, and for Launchpad consulting studios for producing the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
To see the Archaeology of Nazareth lecture, and so much more, join us at To get a discount as, use the code KERRY2025. In this episode Kerry and Lamar are joined by Andrea Woodmansee, who has been studying Jewish wedding traditions from the time of the Savior and how it helps us understand biblical texts. They begin by exploring imagery in John 10, and then follow that line of reasoning to understand the betrothal process and other elements of Jewish weddings that make the Christmas story come to life. You will understand and appreciate Mary and Joseph like never before. They also focus on the gift of Christ. We are grateful for our generous sponsors. We are also grateful for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Please give even $10 to help the podcast keep going. Go to to see ways to donate.Also, please register for the Church History Workshop that will be held on January 2nd (not the 3rd) at my house. Go to to register. Here is what we will talk about:10 am: Welcome10:15 – 11:00: Smith Family and First Vision11:00-12:00: Moroni’s visits and Joseph’s Tutoring12:00-12:15: break12:15 – 1:00 Translation of the Book of Mormon and the development of a prophet1:00 – 1:45: lunch1:45 – 2:45: Translation of the Bible and its impact on revelation2:45 – 3:45: Consecration in Ohio and Missouri and what it teaches us about consecration today in our lives3:00 – 4:00 break4:00 – 5:00 Missouri Period and how it ties to the development of the ChurchAfterwards, those who want to go to dinner together can.In this episode Kerry and Andy talk about the role of Moroni and how he leaves us with a powerful testimony. They especially explore the role of the Holy Ghost in the way that Moroni talks about it, and how it draws on the Doctrine of Christ. Dr. Skinner points out and teaches about the 8 exhortations that Moroni gives us in this one chapter. He touches on the need to remember, and to ask, and the power of the Holy Ghost and how it enters us and changes us and helps us understand and know all things. They also talk about the gifts God gives us and how they are not over and we should experience them. They also talk about how pride can rob us of joy and these gifts. They also talk about loving godliness more than ungodliness, and letting God prevail in your life. They talk about the grace of God in all of this.
We would love it if you joined us for a Church History workshop this Saturday, Jan. 14th. We will cover a bunch of topics that we think will make it so that you get more out of the entire year of studying D&C and Church History. Go to to register. In this episode renowned scholar Robert Millet explores with Kerry the powerful teachings in Moroni 7-10. They look at what hope and faith mean, and how they are interrelated. They also discuss how charity springs from those attributes, and how those attributes come from charity. They talk about how the Holy Ghost is a key component to all of this, and how recognizing that all good things come from God can increase your ability to receive promptings from the Spirit. They also talk about the profound things we learn about Christ's atoning sacrifice as they discuss Mormon's teachings about infant baptism.We are so grateful for our generous donors and sponsors. We are also grateful for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studio, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Please consider giving to us for the week of Giving Tuesday. We could use any amount of donation. Go to for giving options, or email us at, we would love for you to join us in a workshop at Kerry's house to prepare for Church History. Go to TSAR.Website to learn more and to register. Or email at for more information. In this special episode Kerry leads a roundtable discussion with Jenet Erickson and Byran Korth. They look at hos Moroni's teachings about how to help the Church nourish and flourish also applies to families and friends. They discuss how to nourish with the good word of God when people may not want to be nourished. They also look at how Moroni's teachings tie covenants to nourishing and coming to Christ. They talk about the importance of centering on and having faith in Christ, and how that brings hope to all of us regardless of circumstances. They address the importance of finding joy while loved ones struggle. We are grateful for our generous sponsors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful for Launchpad Consulting Studios, who produce the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
To help you and your family with your health and happiness balance using all natural products by going to In this episode Brett Miller and Kerry discuss the way that Moroni uses Ether to teach lessons they have both learned in the trials they went through. They explore how trials refine us and the lessons Moroni and Ether try to help us understand it very well. They teach about how our relationship with the Savior affects the way we learn from trials and from life, and bring in insights from their service as bishop. They discuss how we need to come to a place where we completely rely on Christ, and how Christ then prepares for us a personalized place in the mansions of His Father. They also teach about how we need to be filled with love for others, and then remember how that felt when we are not feeling it. We are grateful for our generous sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios who produced the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Lamar explore the Jaredite barge stones and possible parallels with the ark and the flood (see season 1, They also discuss the symbolic journey of the barges, and lessons to be learned from the cycle of righteousness that the Jaredites continually went through. They discuss the secret combinations of their day and lessons Moroni wants us to learn for our day. They also talk about the peace that can come from living righteously and believing even during times of terrible chaos and insanity. We are grateful for our generous sponsors, and for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studios, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Sister Michelle Craig talk about learning to ask for blessings and miracles from God. They delve into how that interacts with personal revelation. They also talk about the archetypal journey the Jaredites were on and how we can learn from it They explore the practice God gave them on that journey, and the miracles that came as a result. They also talk about the fears, growth and faith of the brother of Jared. They tie that faith into the ability to move forward with God's power, tying that into Sister Craig's call and her response to it. They then see God's redemptive power in the story. We are grateful for our generous sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast, and to Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and General Authority Emeritus Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander discuss Mormon's last address. They particularly key in on how Mormon emphasizes the need to recognize Israelite heritage. They look into what that means and how it should impact us. Elder Neuenschwander's experience in various parts of the world and as a patriarch give him a wonderful insight on this topic. We are grateful for our very generous donors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
If you would like to use our studio, or are in need or marketing, production, or brand services, contact us at to be put in touch with Launchpad Consulting Studios. In this episode Hank Smith and Kerry explore the difficult circumstance during which Mormon was writing. They talk about Mormon as an author. They also explore the way Mormon hears from God and the sweet experiences he had as a result. They also discuss how much he wants to help his people repent, and the wonder of repentance. We are grateful for our generous sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
We would love it if you joined us on a cruise to start 2025 with spiritual momentum. Join Julianne and me, and Elaine Dalton, and the Tops, and Jenny Oaks Baker, and the Bonners, and Nathan Pacheco, and many others on the Momentum 25 West Cruise, leaving from San Diego and going to beautiful Mexican destinations, all with a powerful purpose of creating spiritual strength and momentum. Go to, join the Momentum 25 West Cruise, and use the promo code Kerry to get a discount and to make sure we get to be together. See you there!!!! We also hope you enjoyed seeing our new studio. If you would like to use this studio and its incredible equipment to create edifying content, contact us at In this episode Julianne and Kerry explore the powerful elements of 4 Nephi that lead them to Zion. They examine what that path is, and delve into how President Nelson has been helping us to do the same thing. As they do so, they help us see that we have a clear path forward to experiencing the love, unity and joy that are part of becoming Zion. We are grateful for our generous sponsors who made the studio and podcast possible, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios who produces and markets the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
To take advantage of our new recording studio, email us at In this episode Kerry and Josh Matson explore how Christ uses Malachi's prophecies. They look into his covenant promises and how that interacts with what President Nelson has been teaching and how the expansion of temples are part of that. They also tie that into the keys restored in the Kirtland Temple. They also talk about Malachi's tithing prophecies.We are grateful for our generous sponsors. We are also grateful for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studios, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this special edition, about which Kerry is as passionate as he has ever been about anything, he covers his special Education Week lecture that was interrupted by a fire alarm. He helps us see Christ's atoning sacrifice in a way that you never have before. Kerry explores elements of Christ's atoning sacrifice that surprised him and that helps us all better understand what He has done for us. Kerry delves into our greatest wound, our greatest potential, and the unity God want for all of us and how Christ makes it possible for us. He explores how Christ's spiraling and towering path of abandonment, rejection, and aloneness heals us from our aloneness. We are grateful for our generous sponsors and for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studios, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode John Tanner and Kerry explore the Savior's message to descendants of Lehi. They most especially focused on the institution of the Sacrament and the power and import of that ordinance. We are grateful for our generous donors and sponsors, and for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studio, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
If you have marketing, brand, or production needs, use who we do: Launchpad Consulting Studios. Email us at and we will get you in touch with them. In this episode Kerry and Rob Eaton explore the different ways Christ invites us to come to him, and how the context of the righteous descendants of Lehi changes the way we can understand the Sermon on the Mount. We are grateful for our generous donors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios who produces the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Don't miss this special episode. Our audience asked for help in studying section 109 like our prophet asked us to, so we gave it to you. Steve Harper, one of the greatest experts ever on the Doctrine and Covenants, helps Kerry explore Section 109, the Kirtland Temple dedicatory prayer. Last conference President Nelson asked us to study section 109, so in this episode we share with you the context, and show how it teaches again and again the power of covenants and how God wants to sanctify and change us. This episode is invigorating and powerful. We are grateful for our generous donors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studio for producing the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Make sure you tune in for the second episode this week. Viewers asked for help with doing what President Nelson asked us to when he said to study Section 109, so we did an episode where we explored that section for you.Kent mentions some articles in this episode. Here is the information for them: Benjamin R. Jordan, “‘Many Great and Notable Cities Were Sunk’: Liquefaction in the Book of Mormon,” BYU Studies 38/3 (1999): 119–22. Benjamin R. Jordan, “Volcanic Destruction in the Book of Mormon: Possible Evidence from Ice Cores,” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12/1 (2003): 78–87. Bart J. Kowallis, “In the Thirty and Fourth Year: A Geologist’s View of the Great Destruction in 3 Nephi,” BYU Studies 37/3 (1997–98): 136–90.In this episode Kent Brown and Kerry explore the disaster and darkness that came at Christ's death, and the amazing burst of light that came a year later when Christ appeared to them. They then delve into the incredible things Christ taught them, and they experienced, when He appeared to them. In the way that only Kent Brown can, they explore the relationship between God and His Son, and His Son and His children.We are grateful for our generous donors, and for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studios, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Space for one more couple just opened for our Oct. 10 Church History Tour. Email now to get that spot on this very special tour: In this episode Stephen Taeger and Kerry explore just a few verses and the incredible impact they can have on us as we realize the awe we should have for God and what He does for us. This launches them into a discussion about being able to recognize miracles and how doing so increases gratitude, faith, and the opportunity for more miracles. We are grateful for our generous sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
For Marketing, Brand help, video/audio editing, Social Media marketing, filming and production services, use Launchpad Consulting Studios, like we do! You will be so glad! Contact them at You will be glad you did. In this episode Kerry and Andrew Skinner talk about the amazing prophecies of Samuel the Lamanite. They discuss the powerful lessons Samuel teaches and how it parallels what will happen in our day. They talk about the need to remember God and what He has done for us, and explore the need for daily repentance and how to go about that. They also emphasize the ability to receive daily revelation. We are grateful for our sponsor, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join us for the spiritual cruise of a lifetime (with Kerry, Brent and Wendy Top, Jenny Oaks Baker, Elaine Dalton, Nathan Pacheco, Conlon and Rachel Bonner, Bruce Porter, and others)! We will leave from San Diego and hit luscious ports and try to create the kind of spiritual momentum we need in these times and as we start 2025. Go to, select the Momentum 25 West cruise, and use the promo code KERRY.Also, for any marketing, branding, advertising, and production needs, email to be put in touch with Launchpad Consulting Studio. In the episode Kim Matheson and Kerry discuss the way Mormon uses this part of Helaman to teach us about prophets. The explore the parallels Mormon makes between Old Testament prophets and those in the Book of Mormon. They talk about how this directs us in our lives. The discussion brings them to prayer, and to Christ. We are grateful for our sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studio for producing the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Get ready for Come Follow Me D&C/Church History! We are conducting a tour this Fall specifically to help us get ready for next year's Come Follow Me. We will go to the sites in a way that is specifically designed to help you get more out of next year's study. For information email the, join us on the cruise of a lifetime to start out 2025 with great spiritual momentum. Join us on the Momentum 25 West cruise, leaving from San Diego and going to luscious Baja ports in Mexico. Go to, use the promo code KERRY, and hear from me and other great lecturers and enjoy music from Jenny Oaks Baker and some of the Bonners and Nathan Pacheco and others.In this episode Patrick Mason and Kerry explore the things that lead the Nephites to terrible lows, and the things that can break us all out of that pride cycle. They talk about the things that bring pain and sorrow, and the things that bring peace. They focus on the opportunity to have peace, and what it takes. They also look at the different motivations that lead to either sorrow or peace, and explore the importance of pure desires.We are grateful for our sponsors, and for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studio, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join us on a Spiritual Momentum Cruise! Go to, choose the Momentum 25 West Cruise, and use the promo code KERRY to get a discount and join Kerry, Elain Dalton, Brent and Wendy Top, Jenny Oaks Baker, some of the Bonners, and a host of others for what will be an amazing cruise to launch us into the new year with tremendous spiritual momentum.Also join us for a Church History Tour to get ready for the 2025 Come Follow Me year. Email us at to learn more.In this episode Brad and Kerry explore the difference the stripling warriors made in Nephite life, and how those principles are so needed in our day, and the how we can use them in our lives and the lives of those we love. This is an incredibly important topic, and we need everyone to listen and use it.We are grateful for our sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studio for producing the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join us for for an in-person Meet and Greet for The Scriptures Are Real fans on Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 6 pm in room 213 of the Joseph Smith Building at BYU. Also join us for a live online lecture on Wednesday the 28th at 6 pm MDT at our Patreon website, We would love to be with you! In this episode Kerry and Lamar explore the rich and powerful symbolism of the war chapters. They talk about how in our day there truly are people who want to kill our testimonies and those of our loved ones, and the chapters for this week contain the ideas we need to know how to defend ourselves and those around us. They delve into principle after principle and draw out powerful ideas to help us survive the unprecedented attacks we are all experiencing. We are grateful for our sponsor, and for Launchpad Consulting Studio for producing the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join us in the Church History tour of a lifetime by emailing us at for details. Also join us for a fantastic cruise where Kerry will lecture, along with Brent Top and others, with music from Jenny Oaks Baker and the Bonners and many others. Get a discount at by entering the promo code KERRY.In this episode Robert Millet and Kerry Muhlestein explore how Alma teaches his son doctrine because he has learned what the core problem is that caused him to sin, and he knows that true doctrine, correctly understood, will change behavior. We explore the importance of understanding doctrine. We talk about what it means to come into the presence of God. We look into what it means to be taken home to that God who gave them life, and the nature of our life after death and before final judgment. They explain how wonderful it is that part of our judgment is according to the desires of our hearts. The have a deep discussion about the nature of godliness and happiness and how uncleanness keeps us from the deep joy that is part of having a godly nature, and how much God wants us to be happy. They tie all of this together to help us understand who Christ and God are and what they are like and thus to understand what our future is like.We are grateful for our sponsors, who make this podcast possible. We are also grateful for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studio, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Please consider joining us on a personalized Church History Tour in October by emailing for details at Also consider joining us on the Momentum 25 West cruise. Go to for details.Alma 36-42 represents the largest section of a parent teaching children in any of our scriptures. Mark Ogletree and Kerry walk us through the amazing sermons with an eye towards parenting, or grandparenting, or uncle and aunting, etc. They help us see not only the principles he taught, but the way he taught them. They explore the ways different children need different things taught to them in different ways. They help us see the power the Book of Mormon has for families in a time when it is desperately needed.We are grateful for our sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios, our producer, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
We would love to have you with us on our Church History Tour in October as we prepare for a Church History Come Follow Me year in six months. For information email us at In this episode Kerry and Gaylamarie discuss how to develop faith, and the role that desire, nourishing, and experimenting with real intent can play in the life of every kind of person. We are grateful for our sponsors, and for our producer, Launchpad Consulting Studio, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
If you would like to join us on our October Church History Tour, email us at thescripturesarereal@gmail.comIn this episode Kerry and Andrew Skinner discuss the Anti Christs of the Book of Mormon and how they apply in our day. They also explore the reality of Anti Christs in our day, and how the things we learn in the Book of Mormon help us defeat the ideas of Anti Christs, and understand the Power of Christ, and help those who doubt understand the need for Christ in their lives.We are grateful for our sponsors and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Email at to learn about our amazing Church History Tour in October.In this episode Kerry and Lori Denning explore the few verses of King Anti-Nephi-Lehi's speech and what we can learn from it. Neither was expecting that there was so much richness in that speech, but it became such a rich discussion that they didn't move on to other material. They discussed the transformation that took place for that group of people, and what it might look like for us. They also delve into the notion of turning weapons of war into weapons of peace. We are grateful for our sponsors, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode John Hilton and Kerry discuss principles this block of scripture teaches us that will help us bring others to God through Christ, whether they are already members of the Church or not. They look at principles that help spread the Gospel, or help spread the Gospel inside of us and our loved ones, whatever their current spiritual state.We are grateful for our sponsors, who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
We would love to have you join us for a Church History tour this October. Email us at thescripturesarereal@gmail.comIn this episode Ben Lomu, who played King Lamoni in the Book of Mormon Movies, helps us think through some of the things Lamoni must have thought and experienced. He also helps us think through what Ammon, Aaron, Abish, and others must have gone through. All of this helps us better understand this famous story and how it might be applied in our lives and how it might help us help those we love.We are grateful for our sponsors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Consider joining us at to get more thoughts on this week's reading, especially Alma 13, which we don't cover very much in this episode. In this episode Kylie Turley and Kerry talk about the horrific story of burning women and children at Ammonihah. The delve into the possibility that Amulek's family was part of the martyrs. They talk about how, either way, this would have affected Amulek, who had brought these people to believe and then watched them suffer for it. They use this to discuss hard things that happen to the best of people, and how we can wonder where God is during those times. They look to the Book of Mormon chapters for answers to those tough questions. We are grateful for our sponsors, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
To get even more on this powerful block of scripture, consider going to and joining to listen to Kerry's Daily Bread shorts on Alma 8-12.In this episode Jan Martin and Kerry discuss some of the principles from Alma and Amulek's powerful sermons. They talk about the importance of working to bear multiple witnesses. They talk about the need to learn how to fail successfully, and how that propels Alma towards Amulek and the sermons they preach together. They also talk about the way these men teach us to choose eternal life. They share insights about how Alma's own experiences colored how he taught and implored the people of Ammonihah. We are grateful for our sponsors and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Go to to access the incredible content Kerry spoke of in the podcast.In this episode Kerry and Andy explore the profound and piercing questions raised by Alma the Younger in Alma 5. They go through Alma's past, and how it got him to where he could understand and ask those questions. They also discuss the way Alma's questions help us become truly reborn, and the role that Christ and His atoning blood play in that. They focus on how real this can be for all of us and how we can make rebirth a continual part of our lives.We are grateful for our sponsors, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Daniel Belnap and Kerry discuss elements of Nephite kingship and society that most people don't ever think of. They talk about the merging of Mulekite and Nephite cultures and the role that Davidic kingship played in that merge, and how we see echoes and ramifications of that throughout Nephite history. They also talk about how it impacts what happens in the various stories of the Book of Mosiah, and in the life of King Mosiah. They then tie this into your sins and Christ and forgiveness. We are grateful for our sponsors, and for our producer BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Aaron Shumway and Kerry discuss the powerful story of those who struggle with sin and being forgiven in several Book of Mormon stories, such as the church in Alma the Elder's day and the story of Alma the Younger. They discuss what this has to do with us in our lives, and the Savior's unrelenting, unending desire and ability to forgive us. They draw lessons from the power of the stories of forgiveness that are incredibly relevant for us today.We are grateful for our sponsors, and for our produce, BJ Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast
For more lectures and other events, join In this episode Kerry and Melinda Brown discuss what happens to Alma's community as they make a covenant with Christ. They show an inclusio in Mosiah 18 that helps us better understand the chapter. They look at what we covenant at baptism and explore what that really means, and how it happens for us today. They also discuss the importance of sacred places. They tie all of this into what it means to be on the covenant path. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and other anonymous donors. We are also grateful for our amazing producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
For great additional content that will bless your life, join us at!You can get help understanding the Isaiah passages in this reading by buying Kerry's book "Learning to Love Isaiah."In this episode Kerry and Stephen discuss Abinadi's teachings. They go over the story to help us understand Abinadi and the power of his story. They then delve into the doctrine Abinadi teaches, especially how he teaches us about Christ and Christ's mission and how Christ is the Father and how He is the Son. This includes understanding something about Isaiah and how Abinadi uses Isaiah.Kerry references an article by John Gee, as found in We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and other anonymous donors. We are also grateful for our amazing producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join us on the Momentum 25 Cruise from San Diego through luscious Mexico ports and back! Go to, look at the Momentum 25 west cruise, and enter in the promo code Kerry. This will be so much fun!In this episode Lamar and Kerry explore the sometimes confusing storyline of this part of the Book of Mormon. They talk about the story of people moving from Zarahemlah back to the land of Nephi-Lehi, and some of the interesting cultural currents that stem They talk about lessons to learn from those groups, and the especially explore the teachings about what it means to be a seer. They discuss some of the historical details that make these stories come to life and help us learn from them. They also look at what we can learn about Abinadi from this reading in preparation for next week's reading.Kerry references an article that can be found at . He also references an article by Kerry Hull on the east wind that can be found at We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and other anonymous donors. We are also grateful for our amazing producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
We really believe you can get help for you or loved ones who struggle with depression. Email In this episode Robbie and Kerry discuss the power that King Benjamin's sermon had on his people, and how they became a holy and powerful covenant community. They look at how King Benjamin sought for feedback, and what he taught about maintaining changes and having the difference stay with you. They also explore the change that comes to us as we better recognize God's power and love. They also look at how this should affect the way we see others, and what we should do because of seeing them that way.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and other anonymous donors. We are also grateful for our amazing producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Email to get help for you or your loved ones.To learn about our Church History Tour, email us at Consider gaining access to all the fabulous material at In this episode, Andrew Skinner and Kerry explore the great things we know about King Benjamin and how he set up his kingdom. They also look into all he did to prepare his people, and how he taught about our dependence on God and the effect this should have on us. They discuss Benjamin's teachings about Christ. In all of this they show how King Benjamin's teachings are a manual for how to be a true disciple of Christ. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our anonymous donors, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Email to get help for you or your loved ones. Do it this week to get a discount!Consider gaining access to all the fabulous material at TSAR.websiteIn this episode Josh Matson and Kerry explore the "minor prophets" of the Book of Mormon. They talk about Enos's experience, and even look into whether Enos is Jacob's son or a later descendent. They explore what we can learn from Enos, and how it applies to our families. They talk about the importance the Book of Mormon puts on remembering. They also explore how we receive our own witness from God. Additionally, they teach some valuable scripture study skills. They especially focus on how this helps us come to Christ, and the power of teaching in our families.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our anonymous donors, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
To learn about the Church History Tour, email . To get more lectures and other fantastic material, join us at In this episode Brad Wilcox and Kerry discuss the allegory of the Olive tree and all the amazing lessons to learn therefrom. They especially emphasize the gathering of Israel, and the amazing things happening in the Church and among youth today. They explore the role of Christ in the allegory and gathering and the way He nourishes us. We are grateful for our anonymous donors and our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Consider going to to get more from Jacob's sermons. There, I give daily thoughts, and this week they come from exploring Jacob's sermon more in depth. You can also access masterclasses, workshop, lectures, and all sorts of other material. Go to to access all this material.In this episode Jan Martin and Kerry set the background for understanding Jacob's sermon. They also discuss the temple setting and how it impacts our understanding. They also explore how the crux of the teachings are about our relationship with God and our relationships in general. How do you relate to possessions? How to you relate to others, especially family members and members of the opposite sex? How do these things affect your relationship with God? Are you letting possessions or other things prevail more in your life than God? They also explore different ways we can share of our "substance" with others and how we can bless others in many ways. They talk about how stratification of society and not seeing people equally is part of the concubine issue Jacob speaks of. They also delve into how Jacob's teachings can help us understand how to deal with trials and have them bring us closer to God rather than push us away from Him. They also speak of the need to be reconciled to God and receive of His counsel and submit to His will.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Consider accessing extra content by joining our group at TSAR.websiteMy book, the Easter Connection, would be a great enrichment for your Easter and a gift for others. this episode Andrew Skinner and Kerry Muhlestein discuss the events of Easter Sunday. They revel in the reality of the resurrection, and explore the profound witnesses we have of that blessed event.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Consider accessing extra content by joining our group at TSAR.websiteMy book, the Easter Connection, would be a great enrichment for your Easter and a gift for others. this episode Andrew Skinner and Kerry Muhlestein discuss the events of Holy Saturday. They cover the burial of the Savior, and also the things we know He did while His body was in the tomb but His spirit was in the Spirit World.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Consider accessing extra content by joining our group at TSAR.websiteMy book, the Easter Connection, would be a great enrichment for your Easter and a gift for others. this episode Andrew Skinner and Kerry Muhlestein discuss the events of Good Friday. They talk about the Savior’s trials, and about His suffering on the cross, and His death.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Consider accessing extra content by joining our group at TSAR.websiteMy book, the Easter Connection, would be a great enrichment for your Easter and a gift for others. this episode Andrew Skinner and Kerry Muhlestein discuss the events of Holy (or Maundy) Thursday. The discuss the powerful events and teachings at the Last Supper, and then explore the profound suffering of Gethsemane.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Consider accessing extra content by joining our group at TSAR.websiteMy book, the Easter Connection, would be a great enrichment for your Easter and a gift for others. this episode Andrew Skinner and Kerry Muhlestein discuss the events of Holy (or Spy) Wednesday. The talk about how we don’t know very much about what happened on this day, and explore the possibility that the Last Supper may have taken place on Wednesday, rather than Thursday.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Consider accessing extra content by joining our group at TSAR.websiteMy book, the Easter Connection, would be a great enrichment for your Easter and a gift for others. this episode Andrew Skinner and Kerry Muhlestein discuss the events of Holy Tuesday. They talk about finding the fig tree withered, and more of the Savior’s teachings at the temple, including His lament over the temple and how that led to His great prophecy about its destruction and the Last Days.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Consider accessing extra content by joining our group at TSAR.websiteMy book, the Easter Connection, would be a great enrichment for your Easter and a gift for others. this episode Andrew Skinner and Kerry Muhlestein discuss the events of Holy Monday. They talk about the cursing of the fig tree and the Savior’s teachings in the temple, including teachings about hypocrisy.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
You can get a discount on the coolest ties (and a great Easter gift) by entering the code TSAR20 at accessing extra content by joining our group at TSAR.websiteMy book, the Easter Connection, would be a great enrichment for your Easter and a gift for others. this episode, Kerry Muhlestein and Andrew Skinner discuss what the Holy Week is, and why it is important, and why we should commemorate it. They talk about the traditions of other faiths and how it can and should be meaningful for Latter-day Saints. They then explore the meaning, and power of Palm Sunday, and how it can affect us today.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Get a tie for an Easter gift at Use the code TSAR20 for a 20% discount.And also get The Easter Connection as an Easter gift, at, you can learn about our Missouri Workshop by emailing thescripturesarereal@gmail.comIn this episode Kerry continues the conversation about the powerful and beautiful teachings in Nephi's teachings about the Doctrine of Christ. He takes us through other places in the Book of Mormon where we see the Doctrine of Christ being taught, so that we can see the similarities. He continues to explore the role of the Holy Ghost.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Get a tie for an Easter gift at Use the code TSAR20 for a 20% discount.And also get The Easter Connection as an Easter gift, at, you can learn about our Missouri Workshop by emailing thescripturesarereal@gmail.comIn this episode Shon Hopkin and Kerry discuss the powerful and beautiful teachings in Nephi's teachings about the Doctrine of Christ. Shon emphasizes the temple connections in the teachings. Kerry helps us see that there is more to the Doctrine of Christ than we often see, and how important the Holy Ghost is in that doctrine.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
We invite you to join us for our Palm Sunday march on Sunday, March 24, at 4 pm. It will start on the Lindon View Trailhead of the Murdock Canal Trail (330 N. 780 E, Lindon). We will walk along the trail to the Lindon Temple. Then people will need to walk back to their car. Consider getting an Easter gift from In this episode Rachel and Kerry discuss ways of making more time for Christ by flooding our lives with more light, and how what Rachel is doing on her Instagram channel is helping us all with that. They also look into how this has made the scriptures real for Rachel and can for all of us. They also talk about how we can use online platforms to influence our children and grandchildren for good, and encourage us to make the effort to help the youth in our lives find their phones to be a tool for bringing light into their lives.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
We invite you to join us for our Palm Sunday march on Sunday, March 24, at 4 pm. It will start on the Lindon View Trailhead of the Murdock Canal Trail (330 N. 780 E, Lindon). We will walk along the trail to the Lindon Temple. Then people will need to walk back to their car.Consider getting an Easter gift from He-Lives.netIn this episode Stephen Smoot and Kerry teach about the ways in which Nephi intertwines his writings with Isaiah's. They provide some of the Isaiah context that allows us to get more out of what Nephi was saying. They explore the real meaning of being spoken to out of the dust and what that should mean to us in our day. They flesh out the ways the Bible and the Book of Mormon are designed to work together, according to Nephi's prophecies. They talk about the Gathering of Israel, and the role of the Book of Mormon in that, and the way Nephi uses biblical poetic patterns (like Isaiah) to teach about how universally available God's salvation is. They point out that the Book of Mormon, and especially this part of Nephi's writings, are aimed primarily at the descendants of the Lamanites, and how they and we are all gathered together as we use all of God's writings together.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Join us for the fantastic workshop with Ganel-Lyn and Kerry as they discuss scripture study skills and the Book of Mormon. Reserve your spot on the shop link of You can also join the amazing Missouri workshop by emailing thescripturesarereal  In this episode Kerry and Ganel-Lyn discuss a few key verses in 2 Nephi 25 and 26. They set the background of Nephi's witness of Christ in these chapters. They discuss what it means to rejoice in Christ and prophecy of Christ. They explore the necessity of grace in being saved, and the need to turn to Christ and fully rely on Him. They delve into what it means to be reconciled to God. They emphasize how important it is to have Christ as the central focus of our lives and worship, and to testify of Him. They discuss how we can and must rejoice in Christ, and how we are seeing an emphasis on finding joy in Christ and the gospel. They also explore how Christ suffered for all, and salvation is available to all. They compare our parental roles with what we can learn about God, and how patient He is with all of us, and how mighty to save He is with all of us. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
To join the exciting, once in a lifetime Missouri Workshop, email thescripturesarereal@gmail.comRabbi Joe Charnes and Kerry delve into some of the prophecies of Isaiah that are contained in the Book of Mormon. To begin with we discuss what it means to be a prophet in terms of Judaism and Latter-day Saints, and how that ties into our understanding of Isaiah's prophecies. We delve into the meaning of the words used for prophets, and how prophets convey God's word, whether the world likes the message or not. We also explore how seeing prophecies of justice coming upon people should be painful for us in some ways. We discuss Isaiah's teachings about ending oppression. We investigate how we can find hope in the times that God cuts us down. This discussion stems from the Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 11 (2 Nephi 21) and how the Assyrias of life can cut us down, but new life and Messianic hope can sprout from there. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
You can email to A leap year sale of 29% off has just come up, available on the 28th and 29th only, so act quickly!!!You can join activities such as the Missouri workshop and Church history tour by emailing You can learn about other opportunities at can learn more about Tamara Uzelac Hall by going to Tammy and Kerry help us understand Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, such as the Daughters of Zion.We are grateful for our sponsor Lisa Spice and our producer BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
You can email to A leap year sale of 29% off has just come up, available on the 28th and 29th only, so act quickly!!! You can join activities such as the Missouri workshop and Church history tour by emailing You can learn about other opportunities at Matthew Bowen and Kerry help us understand Isaiah in the Book of Mormon. We are grateful for our sponsor Lisa Spice and our producer BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry's Easter book can be found at Registration for workshops can be done at, and for tours can be done by emailing thescripturesarereal  In this special episode, Kerry and Dan Debenham discuss the powerful things that happen as Relative Race helps connect people with their families, and how that can help us understand Christ and His role of connecting us with God. They delve into the importance of relationships, and of God and Christ in those relationships, and how we learn that we are not cut off from God forever. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
For registration and other information, go to Easter Book Kerry speaks of that has just been published, go to the article that Andrew Skinner mentions, go to this episode Kerry and Andrew Skinner explore the incredible sermon given by Jacob in 2 Nephi 6-10. They delve into the context of the sermon and how Jacob used Isaiah in the sermon and how it addressed what was happening in their lives at the time, and how Christ and Covenant were the answer. They speak of Jacob's exploration of his people's covenant relationship with God, and what that has to do with us. They also explore how the theme of not being cast off from God and that covenant relationship with Him is much of the theme of 2 Nephi. They speak of the infinite power of Christ's atoning sacrifice and what that has to do with the Nephite need at the time and our need in our day. They show how Jacob teaches about how to take advantage of Christ's atoning sacrifice and what makes it difficult for us to do so. They also look at the joy that is available for those who do take advantage of Christ's atoning sacrifice and of God's redeeming desires.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
You can register for workshops at, and get on the list for the Missouri workshop or Church History tour by emailing In this episode Kerry and Patrick plumb some of the depths of Nephi's psalm. We talk about what anger is, what we do about it, and answers we learn from Nephi. We examine what we can learn from Nephi's growth and learning, and how we can try to go through the same thing. We explore the beauty of Nephi's humanity and the purity of what he is trying to become. We try to take his powerful and moving writings and make it applicable to each one of us. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
You can register for the workshops at, and get on the list for the Missouri workshop and Church History Tour by emailing We explore 2 Nephi 4, or Nephi’s psalm. We look at the context of the beautiful psalm, and what caused Nephi to feel such a heartfelt, deep-seated stirring. John Tanner reads two of his own poetical renditions of the psalm. We explore what it teaches us about being born again and the pathway go holiness and godliness and how those teachings can apply to us at whatever level of godliness or holiness we are in. We look at how this all ties to Christ and His atoning sacrifice, and the need to trust in Christ’s transformative power and its ability to truly change us.You can read about John's renditions at,of%20an%20American%20folk%20song.You can listen to them at (there are other renditions as well).We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
You can find the materials, and registrations, that Kerry talks about at In this episode Kerry and James Moore discuss the founding of the We Believe app, and how it can help with scripture study and help families and individuals of all types to find greater success as they throw themselves into the Come Follow Me Program. They discuss the value of scripture study and how using the app can help the scriptures become more real.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
You can find the materials, and registrations, that Kerry talks about at In this episode Casey and Kerry talk about the context of Lehi's great teachings to his son, and how their family situation affected what he taught. The delve into the complexity and beauty of those teachings, highlighting how it helps us understand mortality, and emphasizing how Lehi centers it all on Christ.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
You can find the materials, and registrations, that Kerry talks about at this shortcast, Kerry explores elements of the Fall and redemption and opposition. He uses some elements of Egyptian cultural understanding to help us more fully understand what Lehi was trying to convey.  We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Access Kerry's book on Isaiah at the new deep dive website Kerry has been talking about by going to or talk about Natalie's work, etc., which can be found at com this episode, Kerry and Natalie discuss Isaiah in the Book of Mormon in general, and the specific context of Nephi's quotation of Isaiah 48 and 49 in particular. They also discuss how Natalie's Isaiah art project has led her to consider some of the imagery in those chapters and how that plays out in the lives of people in general, and in her life in particular. Kerry and Natalie draw lessons from that that are real for all of us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Access Kerry's book on Isaiah at Access the new deep dive website Kerry has been talking about by going to or Access SPARC (the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Cultures) by going to In this joint SPARC /TSAR (The Scriptures Are Real) broadcast, Dr. Kent Brown goes through some of the things he has learned about the trail Lehi and family must have taken to get to the Land of Bountiful. He addresses the necessities of the journey, such as ways to pay for things, the need to travel at night, ancient trade routes, etc. He uses this to talk to us about the growth we see in Lehi's family, and the sometimes lack of growth, and lessons we can learn from that. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry has been speaking about the new deep dive website: or TSAR.websiteWe spoke of the following books and articles:Learning to Love Isaiah:’s article: this episode we talked about the journey of Lehi’s family, and lessons we can learn from that. For example, we discuss how we see a difference between Nephi taking charge of his testimony as opposed to Laman and Lemuel, and draw lessons from that. We illustrate some scripture study skills, and discuss Nephi’s powerful testimony and how he draws on the Exodus story to help us learn those lessons. We talk about how covenant is reflected in the story and what it teaches us about God’s love for us, and the special kind of love and relationship available within the covenant and how that relates to our lives now. We speak of likening the scriptures to ourselves and what that really means in Nephi’s context and how that all helps us understand the Isaiah passages in this part of the Book of Mormon, and what those passages teach us of Christ and Joseph Smith as well as ourselves.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
For Kerry's "Daily Bread" thoughts and other great content, go to or For Anita's children's book "Nephi, Nephi, the Scriptures Are True," go to In this episode Anita points out the powerful symbolism that Nephi uses when he repeatedly uses the phrase "the Lamb of God" to describe Christ. She points out the surprising amount of times that the phrase is used and the way understanding what it can mean helps us further understand Nephi's vision. They also explore ways that this is used elsewhere in the Book of Mormon. The discuss Passover symbolism in Lehi's life. They also discuss how this is another evidence of the Hebrew nature of the Book of Mormon. They also explore the way Lehi's family continues to grow in their understanding of Christ and the way Nephi's vision affects it.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
For the "Daily Bread" thoughts and other amazing material, go to or You can learn more about an article discussed in this episode by going to, or buying the book at In this episode Byran and Kerry discuss Byran's article, which explores the impact that Lehi's Dream/Nephi's Vision can have on families. In particular they discuss the difficulty Lehi has as he sees some of his children choose not to join him at the tree. Yet Lehi stays at the tree. Kerry and Byran discuss the ramifications of this for families, and what it may look like in real life. They talk about how this is an important and tender issue for so many. They also discuss the need to experience joy at the tree, even when not everyone is there. This is important both for the people at the tree, but also for those who are not. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
For help with your gut-brain connection, email access to the extra video content Kerry Mentioned go to or In this episode Lamar and Kerry go over some key concepts of Nephi's vision. They especially explore the different things the angel teaches Nephi about the condescension of Christ and what that has to do with us. They then discuss some of the crucial things the vision teaches about the covenant, its loss, and its restoration, and our role in that.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhelstein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
We mention an article by Noel that can be found at also mention an article by Daniel Belnap that can be found at also talk about a book by Jack Welch on charting the Book of Mormon found here and Noel discuss how the things found in Lehi's dream serve as a foundation for so many things that will be found elsewhere in Nephi's writing and also in the entire Book of Mormon. They especially discuss the theme of all of Nephi's writings, as explained in 1 Nephi 10:17-19, and emphasize how Nephi keeps illustrating the point of how one can seek to learn God's will or not, and how that affects everything else. They show how understanding this theme helps us understand everything else in the Book of Mormon.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
To get more lectures and other great material, subscribe to can access an article Phil mentioned at Kerry and Phil explore Lehi’s teachings about the fall that stem from his dream. We tie it into Nephi’s experiences as he learns from God, and the need we all have to come into conversation with God. We also discuss what our dark and dreary waste may look like, and how we can be guided through that, and what it has to do with having a fallen and divine nature, and what Christ and covenant have to do with that, and with overcoming our lost and fallen state, and the various ways that people think that through which tend to discount and negate the atoning sacrifice of Christ. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry discusses a new website with great content. Join it at and Lamar discuss the layout of the Book of Mormon, some of the most important principles that guided Lehi and Nephi, and then explore the establishment of the covenant with Nephi, and compare that to the covenant made with Israel.Kerry references an article that is found at book mentioned called “Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem” is now out of print.Lamar mentions a Book of Mormon timeline that can be found at He also mentions a Chronology chart that is at ( )and also President Nelson's talk that can be found at are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
To go to the new website with the Muhlestein Masterclass and other great content, go to this episode Noel Reynolds and Kerry explore the background of Lehi's family, and the evidence that they were very trained in languages and very literate. They discuss the possibility that being from Manasseh created an opportunity to be trained in Egyptian. They talk about the influence of that literacy and training in Egyptian on the Book of Mormon.An article that touches on much of this was written by Kerry and is available at are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Mike Goodman talks about the role the Book of Mormon played in his conversion from a different lifestyle and the power it has to bring us to Christ, to remind us of our covenants, and the importance of knowing we are not cast off. He and Kerry explore the amazing power the Book of Mormon has to change lives and families. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Sister Marriott tells her surprising conversion story and the role that the Spirit played in helping her realize that figures in the Book of Mormon were real. She teaches us about the power that comes from that and how it can impact our lives. She and Kerry explore the prophetic promises of blessings that come from reading the Book of Mormon.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry bears his testimony of Christ and shares a short Christmas message and wishes for his audience.
In this episode Kerry Interviews David Snell and Kaitlyn Fotheringham of Saints Unscripted. They discuss how this group uses media in a way that speaks to a younger audience to help them find answers to their questions and to come to a deeper understanding of the scriptures and the Gospel. Kaitlyn and David talk about their own journeys and why they do what they do and how that has made the scriptures real for them. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
For help with sleep, and a 30% discount on many of the products we have spoken of so far, email yourmentalwellnesscoach@gmail.comIn this episode Nick and Kerry explore the end of the Book of Revelation and how it carries a message of hope through the images of trial and tribulation. They discuss how the large events in John's vision have personal application for us in our daily lives. Though Satan's power is real, and what he offers seems appealing, in the end the only real source of peace is through Christ, and He will triumph over all things. They dive into many of the symbols of Revelation and different ways to understand them. They explore how the temple and the teachings in Revelation mirror each other. They discuss judgment and the end of oppression and the deliverance that comes through Christ. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Go to to get higher visibility, a better and bigger brand, and creative and far reaching marketing for whatever your big idea is. In this episode Kerry and Jasmin talk about resources for studying and teaching families about the Book of Mormon, focusing especially on Scripture Central. Jasmin explains what the resources are, and she and Kerry discuss the creation of Scripture Central and how it can help with Book of Mormon study. They also talk about the use of various media platforms and how to use them for good, and how to use them to work with youth and YSA's to really teach the gospel and help them get into the Book of Mormon and lots of good resources and teaching opportunities. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein of launchpad consulting studio, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
You can go to to see the video of Jeff Chadwick Kerry and Lamar spoke about.In this episode Kerry and Lamar answer questions such as how the covenant ties in with children who are wandering, or how much did Eve know and understand when she partook of the fruit, and the comparison of different interpretations of the Facsimiles. They also talk about the condescension of Christ at Christmas, and the irony of Christ's separation from God creates the chance for our unity with God. They also talk about Christmas traditions and making Christ the center of Christmas. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
The 25% off for Kerry's publications at ends on the 15th. Enter the code Kerry25.In this episode Kerry and Jason discuss the middle of the Book of Revelation, and discuss how many of the numbers in Revelation are symbolic of being in the middle of trials. They give the key for several symbolic numbers, including many that you may not normally think we can understand. They explore the protection that is extended to those who make and keep covenants, but that this doesn't mean that they will avoid all pain or trials in the midst of the turmoil of the world. They talk about the symbolism of beasts, and the power of the world in our day, and the way to overcome it. They discuss symbols of Christ and and Satan and angels and worldly rulers. They discuss ways to be responsible and irresponsible in interpreting things in the Book of Revelation. They also talk about how we overcome the powers of Satan and the world through Christ. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer and editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
This episode is only one hour long! I don't know why the upload makes it appear to be 5 hours, but when you listen it is only 1 hour.Go to to learn about the tour to Egypt that is sponsoring this episode.Please email us with questions and comments at thescripturesarereal@gmail.comWe mention a book in the podcast, and I wanted you to know you can get a discount on it and others of my books at by entering the code Kerry25In this episode Kerry and Phil dive into the beautiful teachings of Revelation 5. They discuss John seeing the throne of God, and the terrible problem of not being able to find someone who can open the sealed book, and the beauty and power of learning that the lion of God is the lamb who was slain. They explore the image of Christ being our advocate with the Father, and what that looks like for each of us individually. They also explore how much comfort comes from knowing that all wrongs will be set right.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Visit our sponsor at Please email questions and comments to In this episode Kerry and Andy explore the beginning of the Book of Revelation. They talk about who John is, where and when this revelation was received, what seems to have been going on among the saints and how that is addressed in the book, symbolism, the use of temple imagery, what it means to be a prophet, the majesty of seeing God, the power of Christ, and the messages to the seven churches, among other things. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our producer, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Email our sponsor, to get help with getting life changing mental wellness products for you or your children or grandchildren. With your email you can get information about how to get a $10 discount.The code for discounts at is Kerry25 .You can go to to donate to the podcast (just make a note that your donation is for the podcast).Email us at and share your experiences with the podcast and ask your questions.In this shortcast, Kerry explores the interrelation between God’s love for us, our love for God, and the notion of being born again. He discusses the covenant connection with truly becoming God’s children, or children of Christ. He talks about how God’s love is manifest in covenant, in sending Christ to fulfill the covenant, and in changing us when we have made and kept covenant, and in the power of that change. That change really results in new beings, begotten by Christ. He touches on how this is tied up into thinking Celestial, becoming godly, and the glory that awaits us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Email our sponsor, to get help with getting life changing mental wellness products for you or your children or grandchildren. With your email you can get information about how to get a $10 discount.The code for discounts at is Kerry25 .You can go to to donate to the podcast (just make a note that your donation is for the podcast).Email us at and share your experiences with the podcast and ask your questions.In this episode Nick Frederick and Kerry discuss the disputes about Christ’s nature that likely were behind some of John’s teachings in his letters. They talk about the importance of Christ being both divine and mortal, and the blessings that come to us from Christ’s mortality. They also talk about the timing of John’s letters. They draw in Book of Mormon teachings as well. They explore the importance of having a testimony of and a correct understanding of Christ and the dangers that come from misunderstanding it. They delve into John’s many teachings about love and how that interacts with his clear teachings and corrections. They also see covenant teachings in the epistles. They discuss the teachings of Jude as well, especially looking for the mercy of Christ and loving and knowing our neighbors and loving and searching for truth.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this bonus episode and joint podcast, Emilia Rabe continues her podcast by asking Kerry about how he developed and maintains testimony. You can use the code Kerry25 for a discount on Kerry's books at If you are interested in the workshops on the Book of Mormon (Dec. 7-9), or on Egypt and the Gospel (Dec. 15-16), email We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry clears up some common teachings about the covenant, and highlights the amazing teachings of Elder Renlund on how the baptismal covenant and the endowment are interrelated as part of the Abrahamic (or New and Everlasting) covenant. You can use the code Kerry25 for a discount on Kerry's books at If you are interested in the workshops on the Book of Mormon (Dec. 7-9), or on Egypt and the Gospel (Dec. 15-16), email Elder Renlund's talk can be found at We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Jennifer Lane and Kerry talk about Peter, and about leaving the world behind. They explore being redeemed and born again and finding the balance of choosing to live in a godly manner and being made godly, and how difficult it is to find that balance. They also discuss the hope we have in our and others having a chance to change in the next life and being redeemed by Christ’s blood. They explore what it means to be pilgrims in this life . They rejoice in and talk about the blessing of having successors of Peter’s furthering his revelatory teachings. You can use the code Kerry25 for a discount on Kerry's books at Seagullbook.comKerry and Jennifer discuss the books: and If you are interested in the workshops on the Book of Mormon (Dec. 7-9), or on Egypt and the Gospel (Dec. 15-16), email We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Use the code Kerry25 at to get 25% off of Kerry's books. In this episode Rabbi Joe Charnes and Kerry dive deep on the first 8 verses of James. They discuss the relationship of trials and being built up so that we can become complete, or wholehearted. They look at the meanings of the words used in these four verses and how we can become more godly through these trials. They then wrestle with the heavy questions of whether or not you can truly find joy in the worst kind of evil in your life, and whether any of this can truly help you to become perfect in this life. They ask if James is right that joy can come from experiencing evil. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Use the code Kerry25 at for discounts on Kerry's books.In this episode, Kerry and Lamar discuss what it means to ask in faith and not have wavering faith and having your heart straight and right and sincere before God. They also explore the relationship between thinking celestial and faith. They also grapple with the balance of faith and works in our lives and how those notions should interact with each other rather than be considered as opposing principles. They discuss the “superfluity of naughtiness” and how both faith and works tie into the pure religion of helping the afflicted. Then they go through how what we say and how we treat others is important and affects us and them, and is related to being double minded or not. Finally, the highlight the important principle of friendship with the world being enmity with God. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Use the code Kerry25 at for discounts on Kerry's books.In this episode, Kerry and Lamar discuss what it means to ask in faith and not have wavering faith and having your heart straight and right and sincere before God. They also explore the relationship between thinking celestial and faith. They also grapple with the balance of faith and works in our lives and how those notions should interact with each other rather than be considered as opposing principles. They discuss the “superfluity of naughtiness” and how both faith and works tie into the pure religion of helping the afflicted. Then they go through how what we say and how we treat others is important and affects us and them, and is related to being double minded or not. Finally, the highlight the important principle of friendship with the world being enmity with God. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Phil Allred and Kerry discuss how on this earth we are pilgrims, in a temporary home. They also explore how Christ, as the High Priest, is trying to help us return to God. They explore how the examples of those who have followed God in the past can help us learn to let Christ bring us home. They also emphasize how knowing we are divine beings on earth should affect us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Dan Belnap discuss how the Book of Hebrews points us to the need to stay true to Christ, no matter what. Christ is above all things, and descended to earth and below all things so that He can lift us above all things. Using chapter 12 to as a key to understanding the book, they delve into how the letter exhorts us to do better and to have communion with other holy saints and to become holy to commune better with God.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Jennifer discuss the following books: and this episode, Jennifer Lane and Kerry talk about Paul as a mentor to church leaders. They explore how this and all else he does are governed by his desire to come to Christ, and how he left sinfulness behind and came to Christ and wants everyone else to do the same and how he is disappointed when they don’t. They also address what are sometimes seen as difficult chapters because of how Paul teaches about his culture, and they couch this in the blessed advantage we have in that we can look to modern prophets to help with knowing how to take these teachings in our own day. They discuss the need to take advantage of priesthood power in being set apart and in receiving the Holy Ghost, and explore teachings about having pure motives in what we do, especially loving God and each other. They dive into what we can learn about Christ saving us and changing us which allows us to live in the space of having relationship with Christ and trying to be godly, which is part of being saved, and running the good race. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Brent discuss Paul's teachings about loving god and each other. They also talk about how we are to leave behind us the things of the world as we have become begotten as new creatures in Christ. When we turn to the world we become deceived and lose so much. When we remain fast in following our new selves in Christ, we become so much more. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Rabbi Joe Charnes discuss what we can learn from an honest study of other faiths from their point of view. Rabbi Charnes also speaks of some of the things he gained from attending General Conference. Then they explore the first two verses of Colossians, especially discussing how we should leave peace, grace, and love with those we meet, and be present for them with genuine love rather than a formulaic love. A message from Rabbi Charnes: Shalom, friends. In the podcast, I quoted a General Authority’s words speaking of the need for less judgment, and more love. Sadly, I was unable to remember his name. Here is the General Conference quote from Elder Alan T. Phillips that truly would, if followed, transform our world: “We can heed President Nelson’s counsel to judge, less, love more…” Thank you Elder Phillips. Thank you for both hearing and heeding the wise words of wisdom from President Nelson’s heart. I wish you grace and peace.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Stephen Taeger and Kerry address what Philippians can teach about the question of what makes Paul such a great Christian. What is it about who and what he is that enables him to be such an effective tool in spreading God's word? They also ask how we can accept others when they have motives and ideas that our different from ours. They then explore the difference between justification, sanctification, and perfectionism. They discuss how we can be changed by Christ and belong to Christ and the Father. They analyze the metaphor of life as a race and pressing forward in that race. They talk about what it means to be redeemed by Christ, even right now, at this present time in our lives. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Using Philip's published translation of Ephesians, Kerry and Philip Abbot discuss the language and beauty of the Epistle to the Ephesians. They also explore how the teachings in this letter are related to the temple. They also talk about its teachings about the Second Coming and Christ's conquering of the world for us. They also probe Paul's teachings about how we become alive in Christ and thus overcome what we were when we were part of the world. They discuss how this is happening for us now and we receive an earnest, or down payment, change, and how it will continue to happen for us. They also explore how Christ can bring us together to each other and to God. They touch on Paul's teachings about marriage and how we learn from Christ about how to be a good spouse. They lead us through a discussion about our spiritual battle with the world. The explore language about sitting and walking and standing that help us understand the temple. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry gives an overview of the Epistle to the Ephesians. He covers the historical background and why that has an impact on how we understand the letter. He touches on how the world influences us, how Paul says we can combat that, and on unity. He also explores what Paul teaches about praise, how unity is not just about each other, but how Christ unifies us with God. He explores how Christ creates us anew and thus helps us leave the world and the way we have been behind, and what it has to do with covenants. He also explores how Christ's condescension allows for our ascension. He also touches on Paul's teachings on marriage and how we understand those in light of modern revelation. We are grateful for our sponsor Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast, Kerry provides an overview of the Epistle to the Galatians, including some historical background. He focuses on what Paul teaches about the law, and how focusing on the law, in Paul's day or ours, brings problems. He highlights Paul's central message about Christ being able to change us, and make us new beings begotten by His atoning sacrifice. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this video Gaye Strathearn and Kerry discuss the nature of the epistle to the Galatians. They go through the added history we learn about the early Christian question regarding the Law of Moses, exploring what that meant for them and how it applies in our day. They discuss the kind of growth that comes from focusing on Christ and His law. They explore what it means to live by the Spirit and the kind of liberty that comes from that and what love has to do with that, and the way it can transform us. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Brent and Kerry explore Paul's second message to the Corinthians. They explore God's enabling grace that He bestows on us and its relationship with the covenant. They discuss how we are weak and should not be unkind to ourselves because of that, but rather trust in God's kindness. They help us see the relationship between the Father, the Son, us, and each other. They show that as God is kind to us we should be kind and sharing and charitable with others, and follow the prophets. They remind us to always be humble and kind, and then God will be kind to us.They mention the website netbible.orgWe are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry and Dan discuss how, when we see others as they are, it affects us and the way we think of and treat them. The explore the need to figure out how to see the divine nature in others. They also discuss how God and his prophets have confidence in us, and that Paul was full of love. This leads to analyzing how all other teachings work if we are full of love and have a pure heart in our actions. The compare things in Paul's day and modern membership councils. They teach us that we sometimes have to go against the flow of the world. The discuss what Godly sorrow is and understanding how what we do affects others and what that has to do with repentance and how it allows us to move on and why repentance is great, not scary.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry and Dan discuss the background of 2 Corinthians, and the pain and difficulties Paul has been through. They also explore the need to see afar off, and how blessed we are to have prophets and apostles do do, and who can help us do so as well. They then explore how sometimes prophets need to tell us what we need to change, and how they can show an increase love thereafter. They help us explore a more spiritually mature way to think of taking and giving offense. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Teneal Coons discuss how Christ is the answer to every question, and how we can both recognize the importance of the cross and still emphasize the resurrected Christ and at the same time identify and interact with our Christian cousins. Teneal shares her compelling story of finding Christ as her answer and wanting to share that light and peace with friends of her and other faiths.You can find Teneal's work at are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Jennifer Lane explore the gifts God gives us, why we should seek them, what they have to do with charity, and how we need to constantly be on our watch to avoid selfishness regarding them. They also explore the beliefs about resurrection in Paul's day, and how that influences the powerful lessons he teaches about the resurrection. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Gaylamarie and Kerry discuss Paul's teachings about unity, the covenant community, gifts from God, Christ's grace and power, and charity.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Lincoln Blumell discuss Corinth, the saints there, their challenges, and Paul's timely and timeless teachings in the first seven chapters of 1 Corinthians. They help us understand the importance of unity, and Paul's approach to chastity. They also go in depth into the often misunderstood teachings about marriage and sexuality that we find in this epistle. Looking at the letter more closely they help us understand the interaction of mission service, marriage, and sexual relations, and misunderstandings about celibacy. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry gives the background behind Paul's letter to the Corinthians and summarizes the key elements of the letter so that the listener can understand how each piece of the letter fits into the bigger picture. He helps us understand Corinth itself, and Paul's life and purpose at the time of writing the epistle, all of which will help us understand his teachings.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Brent Schmidt and Kerry discuss Brent's research into the real meaning of the Greek words translated as grace and faith. This reveals something different than is usually thought, and will revolutionize the way you understand Paul's passages in all his epistles about them. You will see that grace has to do with covenant, and in many places and ways is similar to hesed. Understanding this will make Paul's writings become more accessible and applicable in your life. This episode will affect the way you read the rest of Paul's epistles.If you would like a free pdf of Brent's book, email Kerry at We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Dan discuss the transformative power of Christ as explained by Paul in the second half of Romans. Their wide ranging discussion explores in depth the notion of killing part of ourselves and having it replaced by Christ, and the power of that happening. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
This is the full version of this episode. Due to a technical glitch, for a few days a partial version was posted, but now we have the full version presented here.In this shortcast Kerry provides and overview of the Epistle to the Romans. He explains what the reasons for the epistle were, what it is about in general, and how the various parts fit into the whole. In this way you are able to gain more out of each part of reading Romans.There is also some bonus material from next week's podcast, where Dan Belnap also gives and overview of the first several chapters of Romans, again helping you get the most out of your reading, and preparing you to get more out of next week's reading as well.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry asks Lincoln Blumell and Gaye Strathearn to help him and the audience to love Paul, even when his teachings in the epistles seem thorny, and to better understand Paul's writings. Together they explore things that can make the epistles difficult to understand, things that make them easier, and things that help us learn from and love them. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this episode.
In this episode Kerry and Jason discuss the power of Paul's testimony. They explore why many Jews sought to kill him, the parts of his testimony that they were able to receive and what they could not, and what that has to do with us and how we can apply it in our lives. They explore how his accounts of seeing Christ differ and what we can learn from that and how it parallels Joseph Smith's accounts of seeing Christ. They also discuss the effect this testimony has on Agrippa and Festus. They then explore what happens to Paul in his journey to Rome and what he does in Rome. They draw powerful lessons from the way Paul testifies and endures there, and how that should affect us. They also probe into the way Luke ends the book of Acts and why he may have done so and what that should mean to us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for BJ Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Lamar explore Paul's second and third missionary journeys. They help us see what Paul was trying to do on these trips and why he made them, and how understanding them will help us understand Paul's epistles. They help us see how many of the things that happened on these missionary journeys echo the journeys we are on, and how they apply to us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for BJ Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In part two of this episode, Andy Skinner and Kerry explore the ramifications of Gentiles accepting the Gospel. They discuss how this raised questions among those who were already following Jesus, who were all Jews. They probe into modern parallels. This leads to discussions about what all of this has to do with us in our lives in our day.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In part one of this episode, Andy Skinner and Kerry explore the vision that sent taught Peter and the church that the full blessings of the gospel and covenant were available to all people, not just Jews. They discuss how this is one of the most important events in the history of the church in any era. They also look at parallels with the spread of the Gospel in the Latter days. This leads to discussions about what all of this has to do with us in our lives in our day.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Lamar discuss the struggle ancient and latter saints have in finding the balance between being in modern culture and being in godly culture. They also discuss the ministries of Stephen and Phillip and what we can learn from them, and from those who desire good things mixed with bad things. They explore the road to Damascus and how it ties together so many things the Savior taught us and tries to do with us as exemplified by the conversion of Saul/Paul, and what "conversion" meant for him.During the discussion about Phillip they refer to a book by Kerry about being guided in studying Isaiah. That book can be found at are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this joint SPARC episode, Kerry provides an overview of the themes of the Book of Acts. He outlines how the storyline carries along those themes and how that will help us understand not only the Book of Acts, but all the epistles of Paul. He also gives a brief overview of the three missionary journeys of Paul. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nichols, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this interview Josh and Kerry explore the statement in John 20 that signs were given that we might believe. They then explore that theme throughout the book of John, and tie it in to our own lives.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for BJ Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nichols, who composed and plays the music for the podcast
In this episode Kerry and Jennifer explore the struggle of the disciples to understand Christ after His crucifixion. They delve into how we must mirror their discipleship as they come to understand who Christ really was, what it meant to be the Messiah, and how the resurrection fits into it all. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Andy follow up on the trials of Jesus, Peter's denial, the suffering on the cross, the days between, and the resurrection. They discuss some of the most powerful images and moments in all of history.They discuss Andrew Skinner's book, which can be purchased here: .We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for BJ Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who plays and composed the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Andy discuss the importance of Christ's suffering, His teachings on unity and His solitude in suffering, what we know about His suffering, how we can think about it, and other elements of the atoning sacrifice of Christ in Gethsemane. In the episode, we talk about Andy's book, which you can buy here ( (just copy and paste it into your browser) or for just the book on Gethsemane you can buy it here ( are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Jonathan and Kerry discuss how real the scriptures are. They talk about experiences that help us think through the mortal difficulties Christ experienced and how real His condescension was. They especially discuss this in terms of the teachings at the Last Supper and also Christ's sufferings, and also the David and Goliath story. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry and Lamar explore the institution of the sacrament and the in-depth teachings the Savior gives His disciples just afterwards. They especially delve into Christ's teachings about relationship between Him, God, the Holy Ghost and His followers, and what that has to do with covenant and us. They reference a talk by Elder Holland that can be found here.and a talk about it found here.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast, Kerry explains the question the Savior was asked about a woman who married seven brothers. He helps us see how understanding the cultural elements of a Levirate Marriage explains what this question was about and what the Savior's answer was. Many people misunderstand the Savior's answer because they don't understand Levirate Marriage. Understanding just a few things helps all of this make sense.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Ryan discuss the Savior's institution of the Sacrament at the Last Supper. They talk about covenants, the Lord always being willing to work with us, the power of the Sacrament, and many other things, with an eye on helping all of this have practical application in every day life. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Andy discuss the great Olivet Sermon, or the sermon on the signs of the times. They explore how the Joseph Smith translation revolutionizes our understanding of this sermon, and how it came about, and what it meant in the Savior’s day and what it means for our day. They explore the signs of the times and what it means for us and the hope we can have.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode John and Kerry explore the three parables that the Savior used to explain how to be ready for when He returned again. They discuss how we sometimes misunderstand them, and how they can be applied to our lives. They especially discuss how they can help us as individuals and as a people be unified and be ready to see Christ. They also explore what it has to do with the covenant and the love of God and others.They discuss a fireside by Kerry which can be found at are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast..
In this episode George and Kerry discuss some of the details of the Triumphal Entry, including how understanding Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern history and symbols help us understand the event and apply it to our lives. They help the story come alive in a more full way and help make the rest of the events around that time make more sense as well.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Sam discuss the young man who asks what he lacks yet. They explore that attitude in general, and tie it in to mothers and some of the issues confronting them. They tie this in to Mother's Day, which is the last day of this reading week.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this episode.
In this shortcast Kerry explores how raising Lazarus from the dead shifted the way Jesus was viewed. He also further explores Christ's teachings about His relationship with the Father.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode, Shon and Kerry explore different ways of looking at the parables of the lost. They especially focus on the Prodigal Son and how we can relate to and learn from both sons and the father. They discuss Joseph Smith's ideas that the ninety-and-nine are damned anyhow.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode, Shon and Kerry explore different ways of looking at the parables of the lost. They especially focus on the Prodigal Son and how we can relate to and learn from both sons and the father. They discuss Joseph Smith's ideas that the ninety-and-nine are damned anyhow.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry explores the things Jesus teaches about His relationship with the Father that are found in all of these chapters. He touches on what that means about us, and what it teaches us about the Father. He also touches on the man born blind and how that story starts to set up the Savior's death, and on shepherd teachingsWe are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Phil Allred and Kerry explore several things about the Savior's teachings, but they especially focus on the story of the woman taken in adultery, and how the Savior does not excuse her, but does give her space in which to change. They dive into the idea of how the Savior creates space for God, us, change, revelation, etc. They contrast what the Savior does with what Satan does.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Lori and Kerry discuss the trips the Savior, His Apostles, and the Seventy take, and lessons from that trip. In particular they focus on the story of Mary and Martha and the needful thing of coming to Christ. They explore different lessons that can be taken from that experience, especially in light of all that leads up to it, and different ways it can apply to our lives.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Emily explore the story where a father tells Jesus he believes, but also asks for help with his unbelief. The discuss what it means to believe and how we all need to increase our faith, and the many ways it can look like when we are on a journey of increasing belief. They also talk about how when we are on that journey we often have to rethink how we conceive of our relationship with God. This is a discussion that is important for everyone, for if you are not on this journey right now, you will know someone who is. This discussion can be such a blessing for so many people.Emily's book that is discussed is called Divine QuietnessWe are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and also for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Shon explore symbolism behind the setting of the Savior asking whom His disciples say that He was, and behind Peter’s declaration. They help each other see meanings behind that episode that neither had seen before.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and also for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this short episode Julianne and Kerry bear testimony of the importance of and hope that stems from Christ and His resurrection.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Julianne and Kerry explore a Latter-day Saint point of view of Holy Saturday, an Orthodox Saturday tradition, and how the disciples must have felt on that Saturday and what that has to do with us and the Comforter. They also have some ideas of how to commemorate Holy SaturdayWe are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Julianne and Kerry discuss commemorating the crucifixion and death of Christ. They speak of some of the details of how crucifixion worked, and they also focus on the Savior's statements on the cross and of testimonies.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this special Holy Week episode, Julianne and Kerry discuss some key points from the Savior's suffering in Gethsemane and His trial before the Sanhedrin.We are grateful for our Sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this episode.
I don't know why this episode didn't post on Monday the way it should have. In any case, here it is, better late than never (maybe not much better).In this special Holy Week episode, Kerry and Julianne explore some of the events of Holy Monday and some ways it relates to us and our lives and things we can learn to become better disciples of Christ and ways we can worship Him during this week. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Julianne and Kerry discuss the events that may or may not have happened on Holy Wednesday. They discuss the anointing of the Savior and the beginning of His betrayal. They also go over different options for when the Passover really was, and delve lightly into the profound teachings of the Last Supper.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Julianne and Kerry recount some of the things that happened on Holy Tuesday. They talk about possible ways of using the events from that Tuesday, long ago, to become points of worship and ways to help us deepen our relationship with our Savior today.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
In this special Holy Week episode, Kerry and Julianne explore some of the events of Holy Monday and some ways it relates to us and our lives and things we can learn to become better disciples of Christ and ways we can worship Him during this week.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode special Easter episode, April Cobb, founder of the BYU Jerusalem Center Alumni Association, discusses some of the things that have become real to her in the Holy Land. She and Kerry especially discuss the reality of the atoning power of Christ and the sacrifice He made for us in Jerusalem. They explore how this knowledge can affect us.April and Kerry discuss the site byujerusalemalumni.comWe are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Julianne and Kerry outline some of the scriptural accounts of the Triumphal Entry, some of how it can affect us spiritually, and give some ideas for how to celebrate it.In this episode we mention the book "Greater Love Hath No Man" which you can learn about at are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry and Julianne discuss celebrating Holy Week and suggest resources for doing so, and announce a special series and extend an invitation to an event. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Brook and Kerry discuss the miracle at Bethesda, and our need to have someone to help us, to be someone who helps, and how Christ is always there as the person we need. They also discuss how and when and why God does (or does not, or does not when we expect) answer our prayers. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry explores what he believes is the most important and prevalent theme in the Book of John, and how it is so clearly and powerfully explained in John 5. He then explores how it is furthered and developed in the Bread of Life sermon, and how that prepares Christ's audience to be taught the theme yet again in John 6. He explains how coming to understand this theme will help us get more out of John the rest of this year.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Lamar help you understand who all the Herods are that are mentioned in the New Testament. They also help us understand the miracle of feeding the 5000 and how that leads to the story of Peter walking on water. They explore the meaning behind that, and how it leads to the Bread of Life Sermon, and how that leads to one of Christ's most powerful questions and Peter's powerful answer. In this episode they mention the website are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composes and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Josh and Kerry explore why the Savior taught in parables, and how to gain from them. As an example they discuss the Parable of the Soils and how we can learn from that about how to become someone who gains what God would have us gain from His Son's teachings.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Andrew Skinner explore the miracles of Christ. They talk about the kinds of miracles he performed, where and why, and what we can learn from them and what it has to do with our lives. They examine the different words used for miracles, and what this can tell us about them.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry talks about how to pronounce "Capernaum", its size, what it was like there, the place it played in Jesus's ministry, and its political position. He then goes through Matthew 9 and helps us picture one of the most amazing days ever recorded. He speaks of that perhaps being a typical day when the Savior was in Capernaum.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this special joint podcast with Youth Follow Him, Kerry broadcasts with his son, Jacob, who runs the Youth Follow Him podcast. They recount the reasons why Jacob chose to be baptized and confirmed at Capernaum, and why it is such a special place. They discuss the amazing number of events that took place in that city, and how it was the base of the Savior's mission.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode RaeLynn Tessier, a former Jerusalem Center Student and a nurse, talks about her experiences at Capernaum and the amazing place it is. She and Kerry explore how important it is to think of the Savior as a healer and how that should impact our lives and the lives of our loved ones.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this episode.
In the second part of the roundtable discussion on the Pharisees, Kerry and Jeff Chadwick discuss the different pharisaic schools of thought, and how those schools are seen in the New Testament stories, and how it can affect our understanding of those stories and how it can affect us.We discussed the following books in this episode: and are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this special episode Kerry interviews Trevan Hatch and Avram Shannon to understand their points of views on who the Pharisees are, their impact on Jewish culture at the time of Jesus, and how they interact with the Savior. They don't always fully agree, but together they explore how the Pharisees are often misunderstood, how understanding their role in Jewish life can help us understand the New Testament, how misunderstanding them can lead to anti-Semitism, and other topics.Make sure you listen to part two of this roundtable.We reference the book "A Stranger in Jerusalem" by Trevan Hatch.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and John discuss the healing of the paralytic man who was lowered through the roof by their friends. They speak of coming to Christ and helping others come to Christ and of healing and of the reality of this story in Capernaum. They discuss how all of this applies to our lives.In this episode we mention how John has divided up The Chosen into episodes that help with Come Follow Me. You can find his website at We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry builds on our Old Testament understanding of what it means to judge or to do righteous judgment and helps us explore the real meaning behind the Savior's famous injunction to judge not. This should change the way we understand that part of the sermon.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Kim explore the Lord's prayer, and what we can learn from it. They explore how that prayer demonstrates the way we need to be and what we can learn and become from prayer. They explore the power of prayer in general, and how it affects our relationship with God.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry talks about the meaning of "being perfect" in Aramaic, and also about Jesus speaking with authority. He also shares part of his son's podcast where they talk about the reality of the city set on a hill, salt losing its savor, and plucking your eye from you.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editors for this episode, Jacob and Kerry Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Roger Hoffman tells the story of the inspiration that came as he composed the song "Consider the Lilies of the Field." He and Kerry discuss some of the meaning of the lyrics and its scriptural origin, and how it impacts their lives.The lyrics and many more can be found at .We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Jan and Kerry discuss patterns we see in the beatitudes, and how Christ is teaching us how to progress. They find how He makes it all possible, and covenant connections. They also help us see how to make these things happen in our daily lives. They also explore how to avoid perfectionism on the path.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Brad and Kerry explore the story of Nicodemus and what it really means to be born again. They help us see how important this doctrine is for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and how it should affect all of us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast, Kerry talks about what life was really like for people in the Savior's day. Where did they live? What were their homes like? How did they interact with family? What did they eat? How did they prepare that food? What did they eat on? What was ritual cleanliness for them and how did that play out in regular life? Answering each of these questions allows us to understand better many stories and parables we read about in the New Testament. Further, it allows us to picture these stories better, making them, and Jesus, all the more real for us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Lamar and Kerry explore why the Savior went into the wilderness, what that wilderness may have been like, and the temptations of the Savior and what we can learn from that. They establish connections between what we read about this experience and what President Nelson has been teaching lately, and how that can impact our lives.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Andrew Skinner and Kerry discuss who John is, what he does, how he does it so well, and why it is important. They explore the role of the forerunner and what that means for the Savior and his mission.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Trevan discuss what life was like for a Galilean Jew. How long did they live, how did they get by, how did they dress, what was life like for them? Addressing these questions will make many New Testament Stories be more real and understandable for you. They also discuss what the Jews of the day were expecting in a Messiah, and how that interacts with what Jesus did during His ministry, and how He was accepted. Again, this will help you understand the rest of the New Testament.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Eric discuss ways to understand John in general, and specifically the rich and deep teachings in John 1. They help us understand what the divinity of Christ as taught by John means, and what it means that He is the word, and what it means to accept His light and be His disciple. This episode will enhance the rest of your study of the Book of John, and is indispensable for it. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Sam and Kerry discuss the 3 Nephi account of the Savior's birth, and how that helps us better understand the biblical accounts, and also how it helps us understand how the Son does the Father's will, and how all of that helps us apply this story to our lives.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Dr. Chadwick and Kerry discuss the Nativity Story and all the little details that make it real. From real reasons for the move to Bethlehem (not taxes), to what kind of housing Joseph and Mary had, to stone mangers, to where they would live in Egypt, and a hundred other little things, these two make the story become very real. It is guaranteed you will learn something new here. Listen to both parts to make sure you get the whole story.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Dr. Chadwick and Kerry discuss the Nativity Story and all the little details that make it real. From real reasons for the move to Bethlehem (not taxes), to what kind of housing Joseph and Mary had, to stone mangers, to where they would live in Egypt, and a hundred other little things, these two make the story become very real. It is guaranteed you will learn something new here. Listen to both parts to make sure you get the whole story. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Lori and Kerry discuss what we can learn from the reality of life for Elizabeth and Mary. They talk about the power that can come from looking at their stories.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Andy explore what happened between the Old and New Testament. They outline key events, ideas, and movements that help you make sense of the world of Jesus Christ and the New Testament. Without this information there will be so many things you won't understand, but with it, you will have so many "aha" moments as you see why they did what they did and believed what they believed in the New Testament.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode the Chappells recount spending Christmas in Bethlehem, and what they learned from shepherds and songs and stars in the place where it happened. These things lead to a discussion of how these things apply in our lives and how we can better understand Christ.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry helps us transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament by reviewing what we have learned about who the Great Jehovah really is, and what life in the Galille area and Nazareth were really like, so that we can better appreciate what it really means when Jehovah condescended to be born in Bethlehem.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the episode.
In this episode Kerry and his Jerusalem Center student, Sterling, explore Sterling's experience with the song Angels We Have Heard On High, both on his mission and in Bethlehem. That leads to Kerry remembering a singing experience that helped the nativity story become more real to his family in Bethlehem. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Josh Matson and Kerry discuss the various ways the verses about turning the hearts of fathers and children to each other have been taken. They are used differently in our scriptures, and are even quoted differently, and we grapple with that. Josh also shows us how different ancient groups took these verses. We then tie it into the covenant, and wrap up the Old Testament with that.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry covers the major messages of Malachi, which are all really about the same theme. He looks at God's complaints about their sacrifices, and also about their tithes, and about their complaints against Him. Kerry identifies the underlying theme and what it has to do with us and what we are really trying to become, and with exaltation. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry outlines Zechariah's visions. He gives us an idea of how to approach understanding Zechariah, and applies some of the visions to Zechariah's days and our lives. He also touches on his visions about the last days. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Josh Matson and Kerry discuss how Haggai teaches us to focus on building the kingdom of God, and how remembering God is so important and changes us. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays music for the podcast.
Paul Hoskisson and Kerry explore the history behind these little known books. They then hit on the major messages of each one, focusing less on the pronouncements of judgment that make up most of these three books, and more on the rays of hope and gems of wisdom and edification that come from them. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast, Kerry explores the major messages of Micah, including Micah's teachings about the most important things God wants of us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the episode.
Stephen has another point of view for looking at the Book of Jonah. He helps us see how the author of the book teaches lessons using irony and humor. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Bethany and Kerry talk about some of the history of how Jonah has been taken. They also talk about the key messages of the Book of Jonah, and how God always gives us second chances. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and to Rich Nicholls, who composes and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Lamar discuss the several times Amos teaches about prophets and why they are important and what we should do about them. They discuss the false prophets we all have in our lives without even realizing that we are accepting false prophets. They explore what it really means to be a prophet. They also look at what Amos teaches about the obligation to take care of those who are in need. They analyze how often we are the oppressors of the poor that prophets talk about, even though we think we are not. They try to bring this message home for each of us, and hope that it will help us all to do better at keeping covenant the way God has asked us to.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, for Alexia Muhlestein who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry goes over some of Amos’s images of judgment that sometimes people struggle to understand. He discusses how Amos serves as an intercessor and what we should do as a result of the judgment God asks Amos to prophesy of.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, for Alexia Muhlestein who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt discusses with Kerry the background of Obadiah, and how he was someone who tried to bring reconciliation to the families of Esau and Jacob. They also discuss what it means to be a Savior on Mount Zion and the different ways that can look in our lives right now.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Lamar and Kerry explore the images of destruction found in Joel, and what we should make of them. They also contrast them with the powerful images of blessings that are promised. They point out the things we should be aware of and the things we should look forward to, and how we might see these in our lives.We spoke about a talk by President Hinckley you can find here: are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry and Lamar explore what makes the message of Hosea so beautiful and uplifting, rather than so shocking and such a downer. They explain why Hosea's marriage to Gomer should give us hope, why the book of Hosea helps us understand the entire Old Testament, and how we learn so powerfully from Hosea and Gomer about God's willingness to forgive us and bestow covenant blessings upon us. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry and Julianne explore some of the big picture elements of Daniel, such as what it teaches a bout intentionality and acting rather than being acted upon, and about how the world influences us and how God is the God of all the world.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Kerry and Lamar explore the background to Daniel, and also lessons we can learn from the lives of Daniel and his friends. They discuss how these men set themselves apart, and what we can learn from their willingness to accept God's will.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
In this shortcast, Kerry talks about symbolic actions that God asks his prophets to use to deliver prophecies. He then explores some of the many symbolic actions Ezekiel was asked to do as part of his ministry. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast, Kerry explores the meaning of the vision of the dry bones coming to life, and of the sticks of Judah and Ephraim. He shows us the meaning they have in the chapter, and how important that meaning is, and how it helps us understand better the interpretation members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints usually attach to them. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this special lecture, Kerry explains how a temple theme runs throughout Ezekiel. He traces that theme, and what it teaches us about being in God's presence, and how it makes sense of the entire book of Ezekiel. He also helps us see what this theme has to do with us. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
George Pierce and Kerry explore the things Jeremiah went through and his mission and his prophecies, and how those can relate to us. They also explore how Jeremiah finds consolation in the midst of great tribulation.We are grateful for Lisa Spice, our sponsor, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this episode.
In this shortcast Kerry and George explore the trial of Jeremiah being cast in a mire and other elements of the end of Jeremiah's ministry and his laments over Jerusalem.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Sabrina Muhlestein for editing this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry discusses Jeremiah's teachings about God forgiving, healing, and restoring Israel. This leads to profound teachings about the gathering of Israel, and even more profound teachings about renewing covenant and what the covenant means.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Sabrina Muhlestein who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry explores Jeremiah and his life and how that interacts with his prophecies. Jeremiah was persecuted as much as any prophet. His prophecies caused him to be persecuted, which then affected his prophecies. We will understand the Book of Jeremiah better by understanding what Jeremiah himself went through. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein for editing this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast, Kerry explores images that we can relate to that help us see how we need to be humbled and built up, and how we need to let God prevail in our lives more than anything else.You can find a chart correlating the chapters in Jeremiah the the historical chapters of 2 Kings, and a chart putting all of the chapters of Jeremiah in chronological order (as best we can) at Kerry's website: Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Avram and Kerry discuss the background to the book of Jeremiah and Jeremiah's call and what all of this has to do with us.You can find a chart correlating the chapters in Jeremiah the the historical chapters of 2 Kings, and a chart putting all of the chapters of Jeremiah in chronological order (as best we can) at Kerry's website: Kerry and Avram mention the book "Glimpses of Lehi's Jerusalem," which can be found at are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry discusses the teachings of Isaiah 65 and how it sums up many of Isaiah’s themes, especially how God accepts us back and blesses us when we return to Him and keep His covenant.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, who edited this video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this class video Kerry discusses (and shows lots of images about) the imagery Isaiah paints of the Messiah treading the winepress alone.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry discusses how our Isaiah reading coincides with the celebration of Yom Kippur. He shows briefly how Isaiah 58, a traditional reading for the Day of Atonement), fits into the Day of Atonement. He spends more time on Isaiah 61 and the verses Christ read in the synagogue at Nazareth, and how Isaiah and Christ were drawing on the imagery of the Jubilee Year and the Day of Atonement, and what that has to do with us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, who edited this video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Terry and Kerry talk about Isaiah 58 and 59, and then discuss how Gentile nations will help gather Israel, and how Israel will help Gentiles come to the covenant.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this class video, Kerry goes over how Isaiah 58 teaches about the fast, and the importance of doing it with true intent. This represents a change for Judah, who will have a change of heart, leading to the exultant chapters following this.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this video, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this short class video, Kerry explores some Isaiah passages that teach us about symbolic Babylon, especially Isaiah 57. He focuses on our need to learn from Isaiah about leaving Babylon.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this episode.
In this shortcast Kerry explains Rosh HaShannah (being celebrated on Monday and Tuesday this week), and how it ties into the Days of Awe/High Holy Days, and Yom Kippur, and how Isaiah 55 ties into that, and what that should have to do with your life this week.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry shares on the podcast an in-service lesson he presented to seminary teachers about the chapters covered in Come Follow Me this week. He especially focuses on how recognizing the covenant language in the reading, and how looking closely at how Jacob uses these chapters in 2 Nephi, reveals another layer of meaning to Isaiah’s teachings.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Jacob Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this class video Kerry briefly discusses the notion of a “Third Isaiah” and covers the first 8 verses of Isaiah 56 and how they teach us about God gathering the outcast and making everyone part of His family.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Alexia Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this class video Kerry discusses how much Isaiah 52 is used in the Book of Mormon. Then he covers 52:1-2, exploring its interaction with Isa 47. Then he explores its interaction with 2 Nephi 8 and 9 and Isaiah’s notion of communal salvation and how we are saved as individuals as God saves Israel as a whole.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Alexia Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this broad ranging discussion, Kerry and Shon explore the meaning of many of the chapters and verses in Isaiah 50-57. They touch on what we learn from Abinadi, and King Benjamin, and on the context of Isaiah’s day. They find many spiritual insights together.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Alexia Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Bethany Jensen and Kerry discuss in depth many of the verses in Isaiah 48-49. The explore how chapter 48 is set up like a treaty in Isaiah's day and what this might mean for us. They explore the impact of these chapters on the Book of Mormon and dive into the symbolism of many verses and how they can apply in Isaiah's day and in ours.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Jacob Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this short class video Kerry explains the symbolism behind the Mesopotamian gods Bel and Marduk. He then addresses why Babylon is punished, and does a big overview of these chapters. He also covers verses in 47:7-9 about Babylon thinking they will be a lady forever, and contrasting that with Isaiah 52, since that contrast is crucial for understanding that famous chapter.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Alexia Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
In this short class video, Kerry discusses the servant and its various interpretations. He then discusses the end of chapter 41 and beginning of chapter 42. After this he explores Isaiah 42:5-7, and how the covenant is the servant.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Alexia Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
In this joint podcast with the Proctors of Meridian Magazine's Come Follow Him podcast, Kerry and the Proctors explain how to best understand elements of key chapters, images and ideas that span the entire reading assignment for this week.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Michaela Proctor Hutchins for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
In this short video made for his class, Kerry explains a chiasmus he has discovered that gives a tremendous amount of added meaning to chapters 40-57.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Alexia Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
This episode helps cover some of the material that was not in the reading for last week or this week. In this episode made for Kerry's Isaiah class, Kerry covers the timing of chapter 32. He also explores 32:1-5, and 9-12 and why Isaiah is addressing women. Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
Kerry provides the historical and spiritual background to help us understand how Judah got to where they were largely destroyed, and how they got to where Jerusalem was spared, and what the famous lines about comforting God's people means in light of that, and what we can learn from that.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Alexia Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and Lamar explore the real (and more profound and involved) meanings of Isaiah's teachings about line upon line, and upon speaking out of the dust. You will find that it all means more to you than you had thought and applies to you more than you thought.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Jacob Muhlestein for editing the episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry discusses some important images from chapters 25 and 27, and how the Savior fights for us to save us.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry discusses how difficult it was for Isaiah to see the destruction of Babylon, and also the destruction of Edom. He also discusses lessons we can learn from Shebna looking to the world and being replaced by Eliakim who is a type of Christ.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry helps explain the meaning of the first few verses of Isaiah 21 and a few verses in Isaiah 22.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry covers some of the history of Egypt and how it helps us understand chapter 20.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry explores the history of Moab to help us understand Isaiah 15-17, which history helps us understand all of Isaiah better.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry explores the history of Babylon and Persia to help us understand Isaiah 13-14.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this episode Josh and Kerry explore Isaiah's teachings about how he delivers us from oppression. They also explore what that looks like for those who are oppressing, and the kind of hope it holds out for us, and what that means in terms of Jehovah as a divine warrior.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Alexia Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In order to understand Isaiah, we need to understand some of his background and what kinds of things he was dealing with as a person. In this shortcast, Kerry makes available a video he created for his classes that is designed to help them know the Isaiah's background well enough to really start to understand and love Isaiah.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
In order to understand Isaiah, we need to understand some of the historical events of his time. After all, Isaiah lived in his own day and addressed his own people, so we need to know something about it to understand his prophecies. In this shortcast, Kerry makes available a video he created for his classes that is designed to help them know the historical background of Isaiah well enough to really start to understand and love Isaiah.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry explores what is going on in chapters 10-12. He explores God's humbling of Israel, Judah, and Assyria. He then shows how that leads to the imagery of chapter 11, and how that can apply to more than one time period and how it has a very real application to our lives. He then shows how that will bring peace to us, which will cause us to want to praise and exult God!We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Jacob Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Sam Millburn and Kerry explore meanings of Isaiah Chapter Six. Sam shares some amazingly applicable insights as to how Isaiah's vision can be compared to our own sacramental experiences.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to our editor, Jacob Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for this podcast.
This is one of the videos Kerry has made for his Isaiah courses that we are adapting for use in the podcast as Kerry is doing all he can to help everyone get as much out of Isaiah as possible. In this episode, Kerry explores some poetic elements of the Song of the Vineyard in Isaiah 5, and touches on the meaning of judgment in Isaiah, and how the Abrahamic Covenant helps us understand what Isaiah is saying about houses being built close to each other, and what Isaiah is trying to say when he speaks of planting an ephah of grapes, etc.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this joint podcast with One Minute Scripture Study, Kristen Walker Smith and Cali Black work with Kerry to explore some other keys to understanding Isaiah. In particular they focus on imagery, Isaiah's use of the Abrahamic Covenant, and recognizing how verses flow together in Isaiah's writings. They explore chapters 2-4 as they do this. After listening to the first two episodes of the podcast for this week, listeners should be well on their way to being equipped to getting more out of Isaiah than ever before, and should be loving it! Don't worry, more is to come!We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Tasha Bradford for editing this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this joint podcast with Meridian Magazine's Come Follow Me podcast, Kerry leads Scott and Maurine Proctor through some keys to understanding Isaiah and examines much of the first chapter and some elements of chapters 7-9 of Isaiah. They explore symbolism, history, and multiple fulfillments in Isaiah, and also discuss what the word judgement means, especially as used by Old Testament prophets. By the end of this episode you will be well on your way to better understanding Isaiah and loving his book.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Michaela Proctor, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this joint podcast (with the Sunday on Monday podcast), Kerry, Tammy Hall, and Melinda Wheelright Brown discuss the book of Ecclesiastes. They explore the fleeting and transitory nature of seeking the ways and wisdom of the world, and compare it to seeking to do God's will,, seeking to help others, and seeking the things of eternity. They may even have convinced Tammy that Ecclesiastes is a good book.We are grateful for the opportunity to make this a joint podcast. We are also grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this joint podcast (with the Sunday on Monday podcast), Kerry, Tammy Hall, and Melinda Wheelright Brown discuss the book of Proverbs. They share some of their favorite funny proverbs, some meaningful proverbs, and discuss the history of proverbial genres in the ancient world in general. They explore the important themes of proverbs and do a deep dive on Proverbs 31.We are grateful for the opportunity to make this a joint podcast. We are also grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Singer and actor Casey Elliott speaks about the power of music and its universal nature to speak to us. He and Kerry explore several psalms both in terms of their power as music and lyric and in terms of their doctrine and their applicability in our lives. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Jacob Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the episode.
Jared Ludlow further explains the psalms. He walks us through psalms about Jerusalem, about the Sabbath day, and helps us see the worshipping nature of the psalms. He and Kerry explore a number of topics as the various psalms introduce us to them.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Jacob Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Dallyn Bayles, Broadway performer, discusses the power of music in our lives. Together he and Kerry explore several psalms that demonstrate our personal connection with God and how that can protect, us, help us repent, and reassure us. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry explores Psalms 46. This psalm speaks of God's power, His reliability, and His ability to comfort us. Kerry explores one possible setting for its origin and how it can apply in our own time and lives.We are grateful to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Jacob Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this episode Lamar and Kerry explore how the Psalms help us worship and praise God, and why we should want to. They also explore why we should care about the Psalms, especially why we would sing psalms written by David.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Jacob Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the episode.
In this shortcast Kerry explores the meaning behind having clean palms and a pure heart, tying it into the rituals of the tabernacle and temple that he has spoken about before, as well as into images in Isaiah. There is more to this meaning than you may have supposed.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Jacob Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry is joined by Shon and Arden Hopkin. Shon is the Ancient Scripture Department Chair at BYU. His father, Arden, was a professor of music and a professional cantor for multiple synagogues. Along with Kerry they explore what the psalms are, how they are used in various traditions, how they have affected music, and how they can affect us. This episode includes demonstrations of a cantor reciting the psalms. various artists reciting the psalms, and even Arden singing a psalm. It will help you understand the psalms like nothing else!Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, to Jacob Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls, for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry gives a brief introduction into the Book of Job, helping us think through the reality of Job as a person and outlining some of the things Job suffered.This is an updated version of this episode. Somehow the upload of the last version had a spot with no audio. In this version not only is there audio throughout, but I added just a little more information. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
In this episode Kerry interviews Josh Sears, and together they explore what the scriptures can teach us about suffering. They explore several examples of scriptural characters who endured suffering and what we can learn from them.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
In this episode Heather B. Moore, who wrote a historical fiction novel about Esther, helps Kerry explore both what it takes to think through the life of a biblical character and some lessons from the Book of Esther and her actions. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Jacob Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry gives a brief introduction to the Book of Esther and its major themes, making it possible for you to get the most out of your study and other episodes dealing with Esther.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Jacob Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Kerry and John discuss Nehemiah as he tries to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. They highlight several lessons we can gain from Nehemiah's experience.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Jacob Muhlestein for editing this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Jennifer Lane helps us think through many elements of life that those returning from Babylon had to negotiate. She helps us relate those to ourselves and highlights some lessons to take away.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry walks us through the history of how we get from the Babylonian captivity of the Jews to their return and the rebuilding of the temple. This allows us to understand several prophetic works better as well as the era of the New Testament, and even our own day.
In this very short shortcast, Kerry discusses Josiah and the influence he has on the Bible and the Book of Mormon.We are grateful for our sponsor Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
In this episode Kerry interviews Andrew Skinner, who walks us through a number of elements of Hezekiah's reign and ministry. He helps us learn about the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem and Hezekiah's leadership in preparing for that and national repentance.In this interview Kerry and Andy discuss Hezekiah's tunnel, a run through which Kerry posts on his Scriptures Are Real YouTube channel. You can watch it there. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast, Kerry goes just a little more in depth into the Fall of the Kingdom of Israel. He then spends some time on some of the powerful lessons we can learn from this, and how they apply to our lives. He also helps us understand the scattering and gathering of Israel.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this episode Gaye and Kerry discuss the archaeology and texts from Lachish, one of the most fortified cities in Judah. They go through some of the evidence that makes the fall of the last city to be attacked before Jerusalem, both by the Assyrians and the Babylonians, become real to them. They also discuss lessons we can learn from this.On the YouTube version of The Scriptures Are Real I have posted a video of our using the mirrors at Lachish and Azekah.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast
In this episode Kerry takes us through the story of how the kingdoms of Israel and then Judah fall. He gives a quick storyline, hitting only highlights. He then spends some time on some lessons we can learn from why they fell, and the role that their leaders played in that fall.For more details and geography, etc. on this storyline, consider watching and and and (In this video I accidentally say "Ural Mountains" when I mean the "Zagros Mountains". Sorry about that. What are you going to do with me?)and are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, for Sabrina Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and played the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry reviews the storyline of Elisha, the kings of Israel and Judah, and other key stories that are necessary for understanding the Old Testament and drawing the lessons we need to draw.To further understand these stories and picture them, consider watching and thank Lisa Spice for sponsoring us, and Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this touching and hope filled episode, Kerry and Kristen explore the story of Elisha and the chariots his servants sees when Elisha tells them "they that be with us are more than they that be with them." Kristen compares this to the ways God helps us in our day, and shares how that has helped her with some mental health challenges. You can see more about what Kristen does at and I find Kristen's and Cali's podcast so powerful and helpful!We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Sabrina Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and played the music for the podcast.
Kerry and Lamar explore some of Elisha's better known miracles, and some strange stories that are hard to make sense of. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Sabrina Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for this podcast.
Kerry and Lamar discuss the calling of Elisha and what it meant for Elijah's day, and what it means for our day. The story and the symbolism is very real and very powerful.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Sabrina Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kim talks about the story of Elijah learning from the Still, Small Voice and how it has worked in her life, and together she and Kerry explore some lessons for everyone.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry casts light on the story of Elijah using knowledge of the Canaanite pantheon. He also explores what we can learn for our own lives from the real meaning of Elijah's question about how long we will limp between two opinions. There are very real applications for our lives.Consider watching and and are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, wo composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry explores how the kingdom divided upon the death of Solomon, and how the Kingdom of Israel hurtled towards idolatry, and asks of us how we might have the same proclivities.Consider watching and and are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls who composed and plays the music for the podcast
In this shortcast Kerry explores lessons we can learn from the life of Solomon. He pays especial attention to Solomon's dedicatory prayer and the themes of forgiveness, covenant and atonement that are present in the prayer.Consider watching and, and We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this interview Trevan and Kerry explore the importance of looking at the daily and personal elements of the scriptures, using the story of David and Goliath as an example.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
Kerry discusses the steps that led to David's fall (including how we often think of mistakes he made that were not necessarily mistakes), and what we can learn from it. He also discusses David's repentance, and what David's life was like after that. Consider watching and and and We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry reviews how David became king of Judah, and then all Israel. The establishment of Jerusalem, the problems with Joab, and lessons we can learn are all discussed.Consider watching are grateful to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry covers some of the material that is not assigned in Come Follow Me, but which is crucial for understanding the storyline that is assigned, and for learning what we need to learn. The lessons from Saul's life are important for us to learn from, and the loss of Jonathan is tragic.Consider watching tch?v=Y1ZCR0nlg0kWe are grateful to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
Kerry and Dustin discuss the friendship of Jonathan and David. They compare it to other other ancient literature an to modern friends. In a far ranging discussion they hit on principles that are pertinent to modern life and especially to youth and young adults and anyone who knows or loves them.We are grateful to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
Kerry explores the story of David's beginnings, trying to make sense of some chronological questions, highlighting geographical elements of the story that are real, but largely focusing on elements of the story that are so similar to our day and what we can learn from them.Consider watching the YouTube video he made for his classes to understand the geography better. It is found at and gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry explores why Saul is called as king, and how it affects his reign. He explores the downfall of Saul, and how similar we are, and lessons we should learn from this.You may want to consider the geography that can be learned at gratitude for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry and Lamar explore the success Israel has under Samuel, and what it means that Samuel sets up an Eben-Ezer, and what that has to do with our life. They also explore Israel's request for a king and what that has to do with our life.Our gratitude for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Ric Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry covers some of the material not listed in the Come Follow Me reading, but which helps us to make sense of the rest of the stories we do read for this week. It helps us understand who Samuel is, what he does, and also the story of Saul. There are so many lessons to learn from these chapters, and so much that helps us make better sense of the rest of the reading.Consider looking at the geography, maps, and pictures that are found at Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this joint podcast/broadcast with SPARC, Kerry explores the elements of the story of Ruth that point towards Christ and covenant and redemption. Just a few little background elements help us see so much more in this story and it becomes so much more powerful.If you are interested in learning more about SPARC, go to sparcproject.orgWe are grateful to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and played the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry explores the calling of Samuel, and also the composition of the Book of Samuel. There are tremendous lessons for our life in the story of Samuel's calling.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Sabrina Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls who composed and played the music for the podcast.
In this episode Julianne and Kerry explore the story of Hannah's miraculous conception and her willingness to sacrifice, and contrast it with Eli's unwillingness. There are powerful lessons to learn from the repeated theme of the Abrahamic Sacrifice.Our gratitude for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and played the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry explores more of the lessons we can learn from the Samson story. He also explores some of the sad and strange stories from the end of the Book of Judges, which gives us information that will help us make sense of stories we will encounter in the First Samuel.Our gratitude goes to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and played the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry explores the stories of Gideon and Jephthah. He delves into the lessons we can learn from these stories, and the strange aspects of the Jephthah story.We are grateful for Lisa Spice, our sponsor, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and played the music.
In this Shortcast Kerry gives and overview of the lessons to learn from the Book of Judges. Then he looks at the story of Deborah, Barak, and Jael, drawing lessons from their story for our day.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
Kerry interviews Jeff Chadwick, a colleague who has been excavating in Israel for well over 3 decades, and has worked on Philistine sites in which the stories of Samson and Goliath took place. They discuss the applicability of the Book of Judges for our lives today.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music for the podcast.
In this shortcast Kerry reviews the challenges the Israelites had in the wilderness and how God overcame those as they entered the Land of Promise. In doing so, he recaps the conquest of the land.Our gratitude for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing our music.
Lamar and Kerry talk about the most important messages from the Book of Joshua. There is a surprising amount of important theological meaning in a book that most people think of being about warfare.Lamar and I referenced some videos I have posted with more details about history and geography and archaeology. These can be found by going to the following website and scrolling to the bottom to find the "Old Testament Video Series" column. Our thanks to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry and Lamar give a bird's eye view of the Old Testament so far. As we leave the Torah, or Pentateuch, and enter into the Promised Land, it is worth looking at the big picture. It will help us understand the rest of the Old Testament. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and played the music.
Kerry interviews George Pierce on what we can learn from archaeology about the Israelites coming into the Promised Land. With all of that we can flesh out the stories better.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, to Kaleb Muhlestein for producing the episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing our music.
Sam and Kerry explore why Moses couldn't go into the Promised Land, and lessons we can learn from that for our own lives.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the song.
In this episode Kerry and Jenet have an open discussion about some elements of the covenant in our lives and how it affects us. They explore how understanding the covenant and God's relationship with us correctly affects the way we view how we approach salvation. Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry gives a quick overview of Deuteronomy. Because Deuteronomy is largely about the covenant, Kerry especially explores the most crucial verses in Judaism and in the covenant, and what it means for each covenant holder in their life.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Keith Wilson and Kerry explore the story of the fiery serpents who bit the children of Israel in the wilderness. They discuss the theme in the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon and what it may really have been like and how it applies to us.Thanks to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Kaleb Muhlestein for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this shortcast Kerry explores how the journey of the Israelites is similar to our journey to be with God. This allows us to better understand the role of faith, atonement, and believing Christ in our lives.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Kaleb Muhlestein, for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry interviews Julianne Muhlestein about times when they witnessed people living the Law of Moses and how it impacted them in a positive way. They especially focus on holiness and the atoning sacrifice of Christ and how it affects them and their family. Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, to Kaleb Muhlestein for editing the episode, and to Rich Nicholls for playing and composing the music.
In this shortcast, Kerry explores elements of the Law of Moses that demonstrate mercy and love. He talks about how this is part of the covenant and how to think about applications today, even post-Law-of-Moses. Our gratitude to Lisa Spice for being our sponsor, and Kaleb Muhlestein for editing this video, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this podcast Kerry examines how the tabernacle was made and the elements of the tabernacle. He explores how this is symbolic of our journey through life to be with God again. Our thanks to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our video editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry and Avram discuss the purpose of the Law of Moses and what it means to be holy and what that has to do with us today.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Kaleb Muhlestein for editing this podcast, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In a joint podcast, done by both The Scriptures Are Real and Meridian Magazine's Come Follow Me podcast, Kerry visits with Scot and Maurine Proctor about Israel entering into the covenant on Mount Sinai.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Michaela Proctor Hutchins for editing the episode.
In this shortcast, Kerry discusses some elements of God's glory on Mount Sinai, what it has to do with the faith of the Children of Israel, and what that has to do with us.
Phil Allred and Kerry Muhlestein explore elements of the Sinai storyOur gratitude to Lisa Spice for sponsoring us, and to Kaleb Muhlestein for editing the episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry explores stories where Gethsemane and the resurrection became more real to him.
Kerry talks about Exodus 15 and the beautiful but powerful imagery of the Lord as a Divine Warrior. He discusses why it is important that we and our children understand that we have a Savior who can conquer and deliver.Our gratitude to Lisa Spice, our sponsor, to Kaleb Muhlestein for editing the episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the theme song.
Kerry touches on a number of elements of the Exodus story that are very real and help make sense of some of the details (such as the migratory route of quails).Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls who composed and played the theme song.
Kerry talks with the composer and writer of the song Gethsemane, Melanie Hoffman, about Christ, His gift, and what happened in Gethsemane.hoffmanhouse.comThanks to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to Kaleb Muhlestein, for editing the episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this episode Egyptologist John Gee joins Egyptologist Kerry Muhlestein in Egypt to discuss some of the realities of Exodus 14 and the deliverance from Egypt.In this video Kerry mentions a video that can be found on the playlist "Old Testament Class Video". The link is Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, to Kaleb Muhlestein, for editing this episode, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry and Josh Matson explore Josh's experience at a Samaritan Passover and how it can help us understand the Passover and some of its symbolism.Our gratitude to Lisa Spice for being our sponsor, Kaleb Muhlestein for editing, and Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry helps us understand the plagues from an Egyptian point of view, which helps us better understand the message God was sending.We are grateful to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.My editor tells me that due to not having my sound equipment with me in Egypt that my mic cuts out a few times, and that I said that they saved Seth when I meant they saved Osiris. I apologize.
Kerry discusses the meaning of the name I AmWe are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry and Lamar discuss elements of the Exodus story that help us understand it and make it more real.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Lamar and Kerry discuss the transition from Genesis to Exodus, and the beginning of the Exodus story and the theme of deliverance.We thank our sponsor, Lisa Spice, our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry talks with childhood friend Wayne Anderson about the hope they find in the changes people make as demonstrated in the Genesis and beginning Exodus stories.Our gratitude to Lisa Spice for sponsoring the podcast, to Kaleb Muhlestein for editing it, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
In this short-cast, Kerry discusses the different blessings pronounced upon each tribe, including the blessings Moses gave them. He also briefly discusses the importance of knowing the tribes from which we come.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, our editor, William Stoughton, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing our music.
In this short-cast Kerry discusses the symbols that point towards Christ in the Joseph Story, and what they have to do with us.
Kerry Muhlestein and Joe Spencer explore meaningful elements of the Joseph story, especially the redemption of Judah and the power of the story in our lives.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the music.
Kerry Muhlestein and Stephen Smoot discuss the Joseph Story as a whole, and some Egyptological elements that cast light on the story.Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing our theme music.
In this shortcast, Kerry explores briefly some cultural and historical elements that cast light on the Joseph Story.
In this short-cast Kerry explores cultural elements that help us understand and even learn from the story of Tamar and Judah.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, for our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing our theme song.
Lamar and Kerry discuss the moving story of Jacob, Rachel, Leah, Billah and Zilpah, and the birth of their 12 sons, and the creation of the House of Israel. They also discuss whether or not God has a chosen people, what it means to be of the House of Israel, and what we should do about it today. You can learn more about this on his website about it, and in the many podcasts, firesides and devotionals found there. You can also read or listen to his latest work on this topic here. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein, and to Rich Nicholls for composing and playing the theme song.
Kerry discusses the wrestle Jacob has at Peniel and how it is the culmination of his Abrahamic Sacrifice. He then explores the different ways such a sacrifice might look in our lives, sharing the story of his father. He also touches on how significant this was of Jacob.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, Sabrina Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and played the theme song.
Kerry interviews Kim Matheson as she talks about when reading about Jacob's wrestle became real for her.
In this shortcast Kerry explores temple and covenant elements of Jacob's experience. He focuses on his dream at Bethel, but touches on his other temple experiences, such as at Peniel and his return to Bethel with his family. We see how similar we are to the great patriarchs and matriarchs of old.We are grateful to our Sponsor, Lisa Spice, and to our editor, Sabrina Muhlestein, and the composer and player of the music, Rich Nicholls.
Lamar and Kerry discuss the story of Jacob receiving the birthright blessing. They tackle issues such as tricks being employed, the birthright, and inspiration. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Sabrina Muhlestein
Camille Fronk Olson highlights some of the incredible stories we have about women in the book of Genesis. Their lives are so real, and so inspiring, and there is so much we can all learn from them, whether we are male or female. Sister Olson shares many powerful messages. We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein
Lamar and Kerry discuss the marriage of Rebekah and Isaac. They speak of lessons we can learn from Rebekah and the role model she is. There is so much we can learn from Rebekah. Our gratitude to our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and our editor, Kaleb Muhlestein
Lamar and Kerry interview Dr. Daniel Peterson about the biblical story of Ishmael and how it impacts the world today. They explore the Arab connection with Ishmael and Islam today.
Dr. Avram Shannon and Dr. Muhlestein discuss the story of the messengers coming to Abraham, and also the near sacrifice of Isaac. They discuss what the Abrahamic Sacrifice really means and what it has to do with us. This is a theme that we will find repeated in the Old Testament
In this short-cast Kerry and Lamar talk about the messengers that came to visit Abraham before they went on to Sodom and Gomorrah. They discuss what kind of messengers they may have been, and the very practical implications for our lives today.
In this short-cast Kerry explores just a few elements behind the geography and the history that makes Abraham's life a little more real. He touches on things from evidence for where Abraham started life to evidence for famine.
In this interview Rebekah Call first talks about how she can picture the teachings of the Savior because of the geography of the Holy Land. She also talks about how understanding Hebrew Poetry brings the scriptures to life. The largest part of the interview is explaining what covenants are, how understanding ancient culture helps us understand the covenant, and what God's love is inside a covenant context.
In this fantastic interview Dr. Taeger explains how the establishment of the Covenant with Abraham became real to him, and helps explain the covenant. Dr. Taeger is a masterful teacher. In this episode you will gain a greater appreciation for what the Abrahamic Covenant has to do with you and your life.
In this episode we discuss Abraham's beginnings and how it didn't always go as one might think. As we watch what makes Abraham so great, we can see how much more like our lives his life was than we may have initially thought. This can give us great insights into how to live our lives.
In this short-cast Kerry discusses timelines for the flood, Abraham and the Bible. He also discusses how understanding temple imagery helps us understand elements of the flood and the Tower of Babel
Lamar and Kerry discuss the flood and what it teaches us about God's wrath and His mercy. They help us understand God's justice and gain a helpful perspective on why dramatic events happen in the Old Testament and how to understand them and see God's mercy through them. This discussion will help you understand many stories in the Old Testament.
Kerry and Lamar address interesting questions such as why Noah cursed Ham's seed. They also discuss Noah's "perfection" and questions of his communing with God.
In this short-cast Kerry traces the covenant from Adam through Enoch and looks at its evidence for Noah, which will allow us to follow it to Abraham. He explores the idea of the covenant helping us be changed to become children of God in a different way.
Kerry does a "short-cast" on the definitions of Zion, and what it means for us to become a Zion people and a Zion person, taking it into very real and practical levels.
Kerry discusses how we learn from God (through Enoch and Adam) about how we are all damned but how the chance for being born again saves us. He also explores what it means to be born again.
Lamar and Kerry explore Enoch's call as a seer. They delve into what it means to have communication with God, especially what some verses in Moses 6 teach us about that in our lives. They also explore what it means to prophesy, or to open our mouths. They help the story of Enoch have application in our lives.
In this episode Kerry explores aspects of the fall, such as was it necessary, did it have to happen through transgression, the role of Eve, and consequences for not understanding the Fall correctly.
This was a fireside I did for my ward on keys to understanding the Old Testament. These are things that can help us draw more from the Old Testament throughout out lives.
In this short episode Kerry goes over a set of Ancient Near Eastern symbols that are present in the creation account and briefly discusses them and the use of symbols in this and other stories.
Lamar and Kerry discuss Facsimile Two. They explore the translation of some of the hieroglyphs, the symbolism behind some of its figures, and gospel messages. They reference the work of Dr. John Gee from BYU, and Kerry's book Let's Talk about the Book of Abraham.
Kerry and Rebekah Call discuss her in-depth study of the phrase we translate as "help meet." We discover what it really means and the impact that should have on our relationship with God and each other.
Dr. Kerry Muhlestein explains Abraham Chapter Three and what it teaches us about our relationship with God.
Kerry and Lamar explore some elements of Facsimile One and Two
In this episode Lamar and Kerry explore historical kings and compare it with God as a king who wants to exalt us. This is crucial for understanding the entire plan, the scriptures, creation, and everything else. Moses 1 is briefly discussed.
Lamar interviews Kerry about the Book of Abraham. We discuss its source, its history, how it was translated, and a little about the Facsimiles. We also explore the relationship between scripture and inspiration.Helpful resources"Let's Talk about the Book of Abraham," a book by Kerry Muhlestein
In this episode I interviewed J Moody, a retired professor of astronomy. We visit about repentance, forgiveness and Matthew 9. We also talk about creation and astronomy.
Dr. Kerry Muhlestein and Lamar Newmeyer introduce each other and the program. They discuss why we should care about the scriptures and how we gain power from them when they become more real. They share times when the scriptures began to become real for them. Joseph Smith, the First Vision, Kirtland, Section 121, Captain Moroni, the Savior in Capernaum, Christ's apostles, and more. Please like, Subscribe, Share, and do whatever you can to spread the word!
In this episode Kerry Muhlestein interviews Andrew Skinner. Dr. Skinner masterfully discusses lessons learned from Moses 1, Matthew 16 and other passages. His insights are illuminating and edifying. While the content is fantastic, unfortunately there was an audio glitch so that there is a slight echo during much of the program. The content was so fantastic that we decided to not try to redo it, the content is worth the echo. Enjoy!