La Plouc | Season 01, Episode 01
La Plouc | Season 01, Episode 01  
Podcast: Enemy in Paris
Published On: Thu Dec 21 2023
Description: Sam and Bec break down Season 1, Episode 1: Emily in Paris, and are already starting to regret the decision to do this podcast. If you'd like them to continue torturing themselves, make sure you subscribe, rate, and review the show. And don't forget to share it with anyone else who loves to hate (or hates to love) Emily in Paris! Thoughts or questions? You can reach us via the Q&A section on Spotify, or via: Sam Kieffer can be found @mostfunsam across most platforms. Bec Hill is @bechillcomedian. The theme tune is by Frankie Lowe (and a reel of the full version can be found on the Enemy in Paris Instagram and Facebook page).