Podcast:Hyperfixed Published On: Thu Jan 02 2025 Description: Your support makes this show possible! Please consider becoming a premium member for bonus episodes, access to the discord, merch drops, and morehttp://hyperfixedpod.com/joinThere are still buttons available from our episode "Casey Wants to Believe" but they're going fast! Get one athttp://hyperfixedpod.com/buttonThis week, Kyle asks us whether a bit of folk wisdom, passed down through generations, is actually true, and once again we end up in a big philosophical discussion about the nature of knowledge and stuff.LINKS:Adam Savage's YouTube Channel TestedAdam Savage's own Savage Indusries tape measure The Lufkin Night Eye Tape Measure (again, this is not a sponsorship -- just what Adam recommends) Learn about your ad choices: dovetail.prx.org/ad-choices