The Fastest Way Down
The Fastest Way Down  
Podcast: Stories Podcast: A Bedtime Show for Kids of All Ages
Published On: Fri Feb 05 2021
Description: Jasper and Hattie are climbing down a mountain to get to their home in the valley. Hattie knows that you need to go slow when you're on a steep path, but Jasper can see their house in the distance below and he just wants to hurry! But is the fastest way down always the best one? Tune in to find out! Draw us a picture of what you think any of the characters in this story look like, and then tag us in it on instagram @storiespodcast! We'd love to see your artwork and share it on our feed!! If you would like to support Stories Podcast, you can subscribe and give us a five star review on iTunes, head to and pledge to make a monthly donation, check out our merch at, follow us on Instagram @storiespodcast, or just tell your friends about us!