Podcast:Stories Podcast: A Bedtime Show for Kids of All Ages Published On: Mon May 04 2020 Description: Little Millie has been tied up at Old Mr. Price's zoo for so long that she's not just a calf anymore, she's a full-grown elephant. But is she big enough to finally pull herself free? Draw us a picture of what you think any of the characters in this story look like, and then tag us in it on instagram @storiespodcast! We'd love to see it and share it on our feed!! If you would like to support Stories Podcast, you can subscribe and give us a five star review on iTunes, head to patreon.com/stories and pledge to make a monthly donation, check out our merch at storiespodcast.com/shop, follow us on Instagram @storiespodcast, or just tell your friends about us! You can also thank today's sponsors. When you support our sponsors, you support our show! Here are the details from today's episode: Best Fiends: Engage your brain with fun puzzles and collect tons of cute characters. Trust me, with over 100 million downloads, this 5-star rated mobile puzzle game is a must play! Download Best Fiends FREE on the Apple App Store or Google Play. That’s FRIENDS without the R - Best Fiends! Thank you!! Stay safe!!