African Folktales
African Folktales  
Podcast: Stories Podcast: A Bedtime Show for Kids of All Ages
Published On: Fri Mar 05 2021
Description: I want to introduce you to a podcast called African Folktales. My friend Ms. JoJo takes kids on adventures all over Africa in her Magical Jeep to laugh and learn lessons with a fun twist. African Folktales are stories that are told by word of mouth through generations, so each episode is a tale that’s hundreds or even thousands of years old, but Ms. Jo Jo worked a little magic so we can all enjoy them today. Today we are going to hear two stories from Ms. Jo Jo, one called “The Happy Man” and the other called “The Pot of Wisdom”. If you enjoy these podcasts be sure to visit to subscribe and hear more! And in honor of our partnership, stories podcast is making a donation to Draw us a picture of what you think any of the characters in this story look like, and then tag us in it on instagram @storiespodcast! We'd love to see your artwork and share it on our feed!! If you would like to support Stories Podcast, you can subscribe and give us a five star review on iTunes, head to and pledge to make a monthly donation, check out our merch at, follow us on Instagram @storiespodcast, or just tell your friends about us!