The Sheep Too Fluffy to Eat!
The Sheep Too Fluffy to Eat!  
Podcast: Stories Podcast: A Bedtime Show for Kids of All Ages
Published On: Sat Jul 25 2020
Description: The big bad wolf is gobbling up all the animals! Some want to fight back, but the sheep just wants to eat grass and get fluffier and fluffier. It's a wooly yarn to be certain! Draw us a picture of what you think any of the characters in this story look like, and then tag us in it on instagram @storiespodcast! We'd love to see your artwork and share it on our feed!! Support our sponsor: Register your child at today and receive a waived registration fee.! Get ad-free episodes for just $1 a month at If you would like to support Stories Podcast, you can subscribe and give us a five star review on iTunes, head to and pledge to make a monthly donation, check out our merch at, follow us on Instagram @storiespodcast, or just tell your friends about us!