Ep. 50 - I Am A Servant
Ep. 50 - I Am A Servant  
Podcast: Bible Caddie Podcast
Published On: Thu Nov 02 2023
Description: We are continuing in our series called “Who do you think you are?” You don’t have to look long or far to realize that our world is having an identity crisis. Everywhere we look, people are on a constant search to figure out who they are, to define themselves, to make themselves significant or important. The good news for us is that the Bible has lots to say about who we are. It communicates that those of us who are in Christ have a brand new identity. In the first 8 weeks of this series, we’ve looked at different realities that have become true about those believe in Christ. Identity defining realities. In Christ, we are justified, redeemed, reconciled, adopted, new creations, members of His body, and saints. We are completely secure in Christ. This is who we are. In the last couple episodes we made a slight shift. Even though we are continuing with this same theme of our identity, instead of looking at realities that are already true of us, we are now looking at realities that ought to be true of us if we understand what Christ has done for us. Last week, we saw that in light of who Jesus is and what He has done for us, we ought to be disciples. By His Word and by His Spirit, we want to follow Him. Today, in light of those same realities, we are going to see that not only should we be disciples, we ought to be servants! Go check out our socials for the 50th episode giveaway! **Bible study starts at 8:50**
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