Does media have an economics problem? (with Charles Mudede)
Does media have an economics problem? (with Charles Mudede)  
Podcast: Pitchfork Economics with Nick Hanauer
Published On: Fri Dec 13 2019
Description: Earlier this week, we examined whether journalists live up to their responsibility to discuss economic issues fairly and intelligently. Here, we continue that conversation with Charles Mudede, a local economics reporter here in Seattle. Charles joins Paul to examine the ways that media has let economics down, as well as the deep economic implications of films like Alien and Pretty in Pink.  Charles Mudede writes about film, books, music, and his life in Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, the USA, and the UK for The Stranger, Seattle’s alternative biweekly newspaper. He is also a filmmaker.  Twitter: @mudede Further reading:  A Note on the Movie ‘Alien’ and Self-Checkout Machines: Piketty Gives Good Economics: And viewing:  Charles Mudede, “Adventures with Thomas Piketty”: Our website: Our twitter: @PitchforkEcon Our instagram: @pitchforkeconomics Nick’s twitter: @NickHanauer