Inequality is bad for everyone (with Djaffar Shalchi)
Podcast:Pitchfork Economics with Nick Hanauer Published On: Wed Jun 09 2021 Description: We’re back to our favorite topic this week—TAX THE RICH! Beyond all the benefits that come from a well-funded social safety net, taxing the wealthy would lessen inequality, which would make most people—including the extravagantly wealthy—happier. Super-rich Danish entrepreneur Djaffar Shalchi shares the wisdom that Denmark understands: Inequality is bad for everyone. Djaffar Shalchi is an entrepreneur from Denmark and founder of Millionaires for Humanity, a network of wealthy people who advocate for raising taxes on wealthy people. He is also the founder and Executive Director of Move Humanity, a global initiative to mobilize at least one percent of the wealth of the world’s super-rich for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Twitter: @djaffarshalchi OPINION: I’m a millionaire who wants to be taxed to pay for COVID-19: The American dream is now in Denmark: Dear Mr. Deutsch: Come to “F***ing Denmark.”: Biden will seek tax increase on rich to fund child care and education: Website: Twitter: @PitchforkEcon Instagram: @pitchforkeconomics Nick’s twitter: @NickHanauer