E203 The Abdominal Snowman and Christmas on an Embered Ash
E203 The Abdominal Snowman and Christmas on an Embered Ash  
Podcast: And That's Why We Drink
Rating: Explicit Published On: Sun Dec 27 2020
Description: Christmastime is here! It's episode 203 and our official holiday episode so whether you celebrate with Elf on a Shelf, Mensch on a Bench, Krampus on the Mantle or Caillou in the Bayou, we're here to bring you some festive cheer! Em takes us into the wintery snowbanks to cover the history of the Yeti, then Christine covers the Christmas crimes of lone outsider Dewey Sham aka the Santa Clause Burglaries. Em also declares Christine dangerously good at bamboozling... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! See for yourself why TRUFF is the biggest hot sauce on Instagram and Tik Tok! Get 10% off site-wide when you use promo code DRINK at truff.com. That’s 10% off everything—including White TRUFF VIP box and TRUFF Variety Pack. Just in time for the holidays! Just shop at truff.com and use promo code DRINK. Get a 3-Step Routine for any skin type by visiting glossier.com/podcast/DRINK. For a limited time, new customers can get 10% off your first order. Simply visit athleticgreens.com/DRINK and join health experts, athletes and health conscious go-getters around the world who make a daily commitment to their health every day. Go to HelloFresh.com/drink10 and use code drink10 for 10 free meals, including free shipping! With HelloFresh, you get fresh, pre-measured ingredients and mouthwatering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door. HelloFresh lets you skip those trips to the grocery store, and makes home cooking easy, fun, AND affordable – and that’s why it’s America’s #1 meal kit! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices