Video: The Sage Steele Show
Video: The Sage Steele Show

The Sage Steele Show is a weekly podcast hosted by former ESPN anchor Sage Steele. Each week, Sage sits down with entertainers, athletes, business people, and politicians to have a deep dive, personal, one on one conversation that enlightens, entertains, and engages. There’s a whole big world out there that’s not just sports, and Sage wants to talk about all of it.

Sage and Maria Bartiromo from the Fox Business Network discuss their shared experiences of navigating male-dominated industries, Maria’s historic achievement as the first person to report live from the New York Stock Exchange in 1995, the bullying Maria endured at the NYSE, and how she credits her toughness to her Brooklyn upbringing and her mother's principles, how  Maria's interest in finances deepened after covering stories about 9/11 widows, underscoring the importance of women being financially independent. Sage shares her own financial challenges and the importance of teaching her children, particularly her daughters, about financial literacy and so much more.
Sage Steele and stand-up comedian and podcaster Aries Spears on a critique of wokeness and political correctness, self-care, the differences in culture and attitudes across various parts of the United States, the legacy of slavery, the importance of self-respect, and the ongoing challenges of race in America, Aries’ dislike of saggy pants, Spears’ struggles with maintaining his authenticity while navigating a career in Hollywood, his admiration for comedians like Dave Chappelle and Patrice O'Neal, Sage’s encouragement to persevere and come out victorious, overcoming obstacles, and Aries’ determination to keep pushing forward in his career, despite the difficulties he encounters.
Sage Steele and Lynne Patton Senior Advisor to @realdonaldtrump and longtime close friend and confidante of the Trump family, sits with Sage Steele on economic stability, Lynne’s work with the Trump family, cheap gas, convention politics, how the Trump family saved her during her struggles with substance abuse, how the Trump family responded to business setbacks with resilience, her involvement in the current campaign, policy critiques, and much more.
Sage Steele and Tyrus on the importance of Alpha Males, how building and enforcing boundaries is essential for maintaining health, Tyrus’s diverse family, how African Americans are often grouped together as a monolithic community, Tyrus’s journey of personal growth, his difficult childhood including abuse from his father, the importance of letting go of toxic family relationships, and the importance of his legacy with his kids.
Sage Steele and Dave Rubin discuss the challenges of working in a politicized environment, how an audit led to Dave’s move to Florida, the cultural differences between Miami and Los Angeles, the importance of family structure and how their respective upbringings and environments influenced their perspectives, balancing professional life with personal values, especially when confronting societal changes, how the pandemic changed their perspectives on life, politics, and the importance of freedom and autonomy, Dave’s experiences with surrogacy, the joys and challenges of being a father and much more.
Sage Steele and Kat Timpf, a panelist on FOX News Channel’s Gutfeld!, talk about today's divisive, partisan politics, why Kat identifies as neither Republican or Democrat, dating unambitious men, her abusive ex and how she overcame trauma with therapy, her struggle with mental health issues, the significant impact of her mother’s death, and how it motivated her, how she uses humor to cope with grief, criticism of her humorous Mother’s Day post, the unrealistic portrayal of death in the media, her willingness, as agnostic, to explore faith and much much more. Sponsor the Sage SteelePodcast:
IF YOU SUPPORT ISRAEL, YOU CAN’T VOTE FOR KAMALA  Michael Rapaport and Sage Steele on Michael winning MVP at the NBA celebrity game, Sage’s sportscasting journey, how their love of sports has influenced their lives, Michael’s stance on supporting Israel and the lack of support for Jewish people from certain public figures and communities, openness to potentially voting for Trump in the next election, the importance of public figures using their platforms responsibly, the changes for the worst in safety and security in New York City, Michael’s comedy tour and his supportive wife’s impact on his career.
Sage Steele and Oscar winning actor and activist Jon Voight on Jon's "red button,” Sage being a military brat, their greatest influences, the concept of marriage, the lack of appreciation for history among the kids, the influence of the KGB in spreading misinformation, societal division, Trump's leadership qualities and accomplishments, the changes in election laws and their impact on trust in the system, Jon’s support for Trump, the challenges Trump faced and his potential to restore America's greatness, Jon’s spiritual journey and the significant turning points in his life that deepened his faith, the importance of storytelling, Angelina Jolie's humanitarian efforts, Jon’s desire to use his remaining time to make a positive impact and ensure a better future for the next generation. Sponsor the Sage SteelePodcast:
Chris Distefano is a hilarious comedian and podcaster with a new sitcom being produced by Jimmy Kimmel. Chris and Sage Steele discuss his criteria for approving who his daughters date, how Chris cries at the drop of a hat, how to navigate cancel culture in comedy, his dad and his unconventional parenting style, the advice he got from Louis CK, on the career he left to pursue comedy, Oprah and her advice for winning, how to develop a sitcom, and reaching a point of contentment in life and career. Sponsor the Sage SteelePodcast:
Sage Steele and Corey Lewandowski on Corey’s role in the early Trump campaign, Trump’s growth and sophistication as a politician from 2016 to 2024, 2016 and the Golden Escalator Moment, current role as a senior advisor for the Republican Convention, the allegations and circumstances surrounding his dismissal from the Trump campaign in 2021, the Republican National Convention and its significance, Trump’s performance and approach compared to Joe Biden’s, especially in debates and public appearances, discussion on Biden’s mental acuity and the media’s portrayal, and Corey’s thoughts on early voting and absentee ballots. Sponsor the Sage SteelePodcast:
Lara Trump is a prominent American political strategist, television producer, and advocate known for her dynamic role in the Trump family and her extensive involvement in national politics. Sage Steele and Lara Trump go deep on what it’s like to have the Trump last name, handling public scrutiny and media portrayal, coping with personal attacks, the physical and mental toll of her political involvement, the importance of faith and intuition in navigating life’s challenges, failure as a learning opportunity, work ethic, encouragement of others to pursue her goals, who stood up for her and who didn’t, and the importance of setting a positive example for her kids. Sponsor the Sage Steele Podcast:
The Sage Steele Show on the road from Atlanta, where Sage hosts not one but two U.S. Congressmen, Byron Donalds (Florida) and Wesley Hunt (Texas). Byron on what he learned from his first loss. Wesley on the concept of "Congress, Cognac, and Cigars," to engage the black community in discussions about conservative values. Economic, educational, and cultural challenges, advocating for solutions like school choice, which Byron credits with changing his life, Biden’s role in the rise of inflation, the immigration crisis, and crime. Wesley’s transformative experience in combat that made him fearless. Sage on the importance of having strong, articulate black men in leadership roles, accountability, the decline of trust in our political institutions, patriotism, exceptionalism, and much, much more. Sponsor the Sage SteelePodcast:
Stars Wars Lando: legend, superstar OG actor Billy Dee Williams & Sage Steele on breaking the color barrier, the pressure black public figures face, Billy’s charming demeanor, learning from different cultures, valuing individualism, true diversity, self-realization, spiritual awakening, the universe’s energy, maintaining privacy, spiritual awakening, God, faith and more.  Sponsor the Sage SteelePodcast:
Sage Steele and Adam Carolla on the pros and cons of social media, the hypocrisy of politicians, defying shutdown orders, standing up against government overreach, the civil rights movement, statue removals and how other protests are handled, double standards in coverage to various events, Adam’s difficult neighbors, not succumbing to social pressure, the sad decline of California, Adam’s career in Hollywood, and much, much more. Sponsor the Sage SteelePodcast:
Sage and Jillian Michaels on Ozempic, running barefoot, the challenges of aging, legislative decisions regarding LGBTQ rights, the myths of Jillian’s time on "The Biggest Loser," Big Pharma, mental health challenges Jillian faced during her back injury and recovery, chronic pain, how motherhood has forced her to become a better person, and much more.    Sponsor the Sage SteelePodcast:
Reggie Watts is a comedian, actor, beatboxer, and musician. He improvs music using only his voice, a keyboard, and a looping machine. Reggie and Sage discuss, the nuances of living in LA, and Reggie’s positive take on LA traffic, Reggie’s multiple middle names, “salad power”, the impact of a military upbringing on character, Reggie dealing with bullies, the importance of standing up for yourself, Reggie’s mom’s influence, strength, and protective nature, Reggie’s creative process and their shared experiences of being biracial, the importance of embracing both sides of heritage, the role of creativity in his life, using tech to preserve memories, and the life goal of making your parents proud.
Sage Steele and Mayim Bialik on mental health, Mayim’s depression, anxiety, and OCD, the importance of understanding and accepting oneself, the importance of self-care and mental well-being, the challenges of parenting in the public eye, Mayim on the importance of fostering independence and resilience, Sage’s parents' interracial marriage and how their courage and love have shaped her values and approach to life, the obstacles in sports journalism, Mayim on starting as a child actor, being judged on your looks as a teenage actor, personal healing practices, and how to stay grounded in this crazy world.
Sage Steele and Howie Mandel on mental health, Howie’s germophobia, Howie’s special use for socks, how fear played a role in his career, how to handle kids in the modern age, how Howie’s Howard Stern Show appearance helped listeners, Howie’s massive success on "Deal or No Deal" and "America’s Got Talent," why authenticity has been a key part of his success, the impact of social media and staying positive in the face of nastiness, the value of therapy and coping mechanisms for dealing with life's challenges, Howie’s philosophy on life and legacy, and how he stresses kindness, even in his comedy.
Sage and Vivek Ramaswamy on his possible role in a Trump administration, spending quality time with his family while in politics, the challenges of being a present father while managing multiple companies, personal growth and lessons learned from his presidential run, the importance of downtime and meditation, the need for younger leaders with strong ideals, the targeting he faced from super PACs, the importance of youthful leaders with visionary ideals, and much more.
Sage Steele and Sharon Osbourne on the political divide, crime in L.A. vs. everywhere else, the loss of common decency, respect, and the principles of debate, Sharon’s turnaround on therapy, Sage speaking out against Disney, Sharon and the after-effects of Ozempic, Sharon’s challenging relationship with her father, and Sharon’s mission in life to help those who live in fear, her husband’s health, and much, much more.
Sage Steele and RFK JR. on his true stance on reproductive rights, why he hasn’t been given a Secret Service detail, his plan for the border, the morality of the current war, controlling A.I., the moment Bobby realized he was a Kennedy, how his life changed when he was fourteen, what makes an addict, his life changing arrest, his quest for love, the epidemic of children with chronic disease, and much much more.
Sage Steele and RFK running mate Nicole Shanahan on how Nicole was chosen by RFK to run with him, how a third party candidate is NOT a spoiler, Nicole’s commitment to service not celebrity, the DNC roadblocks to third party candidates, balancing being a mom with running a campaign, Nicole’s A.I. company, her journey from growing up poor to where she is today, how Nicole gained strength from her father’s mental health struggles, the good and the bad of certain social justice movements, the after effects of the lockdowns on the American population, US proxy wars, the hot button issue of politicizing women’s reproductive rights, and much, much more!
Sage Steele and Riley Gaines (Outkick’s Podcast Gaines for Girls) on gender equality in sports, women sharing a locker room with former dudes, having the b**ls to take a stand, leaning on faith in adversity, SF State and the hostage situation, the toll of advocacy on loved ones, how Riley is NOT in it for the clicks, how freeing it is to be shunned by the Left, her fight to pass legislation to make the playing field more level for women, and tons of other fun, interesting, and vital topics! Listen, share, like and comment (we read them). Check out Riley's Podcast: Gaines For Girls
Sage Steele and Matt Barnes on the top ten players to get technical fouls in the NBA, the truth behind Matt’s recent incident at the high school, Matt’s attitude on playing the villain on the court, Matt’s favorite player ever in the NBA, succeeding at life after basketball, Matt’s incredibly tough upbringing, the hypocrisy of the NBA’s substance testing policy, Matt’s podcast network, getting booed in front of his kids, and much much more.
Sage Steele and Gina Carano on what it feels like to sue Disney, how Elon Musk came to Gina’s defense, how conflict can be better handled at the corporate level, the odd timing of corporate resignations, the hypocrisy of hiring practices, the smear campaign against Gina, Gina’s rock through all of her travails, Sage having her livelihood threatened, being “sidelined” vs. fired,  the healing power of the gym, and so much more!
Sage Steele and Drea de Matteo on the reason for Drea’s Only Fans journey, Drea’s crazy childhood, the things you need to do every day for a happy life, getting along despite political differences, the friends Drea lost with her choices, the power of forgiveness, how Drea’s Sopranos character was a rat, why Drea’s house is covered in crucifixes, why liberal Drea likes Tucker Carlson, and Drea’s new clothing brand Ultra Free.
Sage Steele and Dana White on Joe Rogan’s energy drink, Dana's love of Abu Dhabi, how working hard jobs made Dana tough, the importance of competing at a high level, Michael Jordan vs. LeBron, the Fertitta Brothers’ belief in the UFC, Americans’ distrust in mainstream media, Dana’s respect for Sage standing up for her beliefs, how staying quiet equals doom, embracing the imperfection of America, cancelling people who don’t fit into the box, the courage of Dave Chapelle, the company Dana told to keep their money, Dana’s number one mantra for life, and so much more!
The Sage Steele Show is a weekly podcast hosted by former ESPN anchor Sage Steele. Each week, Sage sits down with entertainers, athletes, business people, and politicians to have deep dive personal one on one conversations that enlightens, entertains, and engages. There’s a whole big world out there that’s not just sports, and Sage wants to talk about all of it.