Pastor Rick's Daily Hope
Pastor Rick's Daily Hope

Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.

Overcoming your problems boils down to how well you trust and obey God. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains the root of most conflicts and the ways God teaches us to resolve them.
The road to recovery often has a few setbacks—times when you relapse into old patterns of living. Join Pastor Rick as he shares why you need to make Jesus your GPS for life. As you make him your unchanging point of focus, he’ll keep you on track.
When you choose to be the manager of your life, it often causes conflict, confusion, and stress. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why letting Jesus become the manager of your life is the better choice that leads to more peace and less stress.
Knowing that life on earth is just a temporary assignment will radically alter the way you live. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to fix your attention on the things that are eternally important.
To have hope, you need to understand that God doesn’t come into your life to make you feel judged but to let you know he really cares. In this message, Pastor Rick explains why God’s “rod and staff” (Psalm 23:4 GNT) are meant to comfort and not condemn you.
If God can raise Jesus from the dead, he can certainly raise a dead marriage, career, or dream when we ask for his help. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick talks about how God specializes in turning crucifixions into resurrections.
God can heal your hurts, hang-ups, and habits—but it takes humility. In this message, Pastor Rick helps you discover what you need to confront in yourself so that God can bless your life.
When you want God to bless something, you need to give it to him first. There are several ways to do that in your job. You can care about the people you work with, exceed what is expected of you, keep learning to expand your skills, and dedicate you work to be used for God’s purposes.
If you want to be blessed in your work, do these three things: Work enthusiastically no matter where you are or what you do; understand that you are ultimately working for God; and concentrate on building your character.
Creating a spiritual legacy means investing your life in something that outlasts you, and there's no greater cause than the kingdom of God. To build that kind of legacy, follow the example of Jesus.
Did you know that you can honor God—and benefit yourself—by managing your body well? When you make healthy choices, you’re honoring God by taking care of the body he created.
As a Christian, you already have the key to help you live a long, healthy life. God has given you all of the principles for health management in his Word, the Bible.
If God told you to go do something right now, financial bondage might keep you from doing it. Pastor Rick teaches about the importance of managing your money and becoming debt-free.
The first law of financial freedom is the law of possession: Everything you have belongs to God; you are only a manager. In this message, Pastor Rick explains what it means to be a steward of the things God has given you.
Pastor Rick teaches that, from the beginning, God’s plan has been to make you like his Son, Jesus—this is your destiny. The Bible describes Jesus as “the exact likeness of God,” “the visible image of the invisible God,” and “the exact representation of his being” (2 Corinthians 4:4 GNT, Colossians 1:15 NLT, Hebrews 1:3 NIV).
God will use not only your gifts but also your limitations to fulfill your destiny. In this message, Pastor Rick explains that what may seem like a disaster could be part of a bigger plan—but you’ll never reach your destiny if you’re stuck in self-pity.
Do you know what God created you for and what your destiny is? To begin discovering this, Pastor Rick teaches you to recognize the unique gifts God has given you—your background, your SHAPE (spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences), and all the other factors that make you uniquely you.
Following Jesus means you must dare to be different from the culture; you must listen to God’s voice instead of voices of doubt and follow exactly what he tells you to do. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why you should never give up on the dream God gives you.
Cultural distractions, voices of doubt, tempting shortcuts, and discouraging delays will test you as you pursue God’s purpose for your life. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how God helps you push past the barriers that keep you stuck in short-term thinking instead of long-term growth.
Did you know that there are over 7,000 promises in the Bible from God to you?  There are promises of security, safety, and provision. Most people go through life never claiming any of the promises of God, but he made those promises to help you fulfill your purpose in life.
As you look ahead to the next 10 years, ask yourself: What do I want to be? What do I want to do? What do I want to have? Most importantly, consider: Why do I want it?
The first step to reaching your goals is knowing where you currently stand. Ask yourself, Where am I now? and What would I like to change?
When Jesus invites you to take on his yoke, he's not giving you his problems—he doesn’t have any! Instead, he’s offering to share your burdens, taking on your stress and bearing it with you.
The main source of stress is worry about whether your needs will be met. When you rely on people or things instead of God to fulfill those needs, you're bound to face frustration and disappointment, because only God can truly provide.
Renew your mind daily with God’s Word because true transformation begins in your thoughts, not your actions. To fulfill God’s purpose for you, invite him to expand your imagination and inspire a vision for your future. Without a guiding vision, life can feel chaotic, but with God’s direction, you can move forward with confidence and purpose.
Don’t believe everything you think—because not all thoughts are true. What you allow into your mind affects your stress, success, and stability. So guard your mind carefully.
Bartimaeus shows us that we receive our vision through faith. Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you” (Luke 18:42 NIV). As Pastor Rick explains, to receive and maintain your vision, you must stay on the path with Jesus, like Bartimaeus did.
To regain your vision, take time to listen for God’s call as you slow down and focus on him. Bartimaeus, a blind man, teaches us the importance of being clear with God about our desires. He simply said, “Lord, I want to see” (Luke 18:41 NIV). Jesus responded immediately, showing that sometimes, all it takes is a straightforward request and unwavering faith.
The first step to reclaiming your vision is believing that Jesus can transform your situation—because without hope, change is impossible. Learn to ignore the negative voices around you that try to hold you back and stop you from dreaming big for your future.
James warns against presuming about tomorrow, planning without God, and putting off what’s right. Those mistakes only lead to poor decisions and procrastination—and procrastination often leads to regret. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why you should live each day as if it were your last.
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how your destiny is shaped by your choices, and how those choices affect your life and also influence future generations. As you listen, you’ll learn how to make the best choices.
To possess your destiny, you must courageously step out in faith. As you do, you can trust that God is with you, he keeps his promises, and he has commanded you to move forward. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why, even though you may not know what challenges are ahead, you can trust that God will be with you every step of the way.
The Bible teaches that God’s plan for your life is good and includes a future filled with hope. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches that the first step toward your destiny is to prepare a plan, building your life firmly on the foundation of God's Word.
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the importance of renewing your spirit daily to give you strength for that day. And he reminds you to stay focused on eternity, knowing that no matter what you’re facing, your struggles are temporary compared to an eternity in heaven with God.
Do you want to finish well in the Christian life? Listen in as Pastor Rick explains why you need to commit to living with humility and refuse to compromise your integrity.
It’s hard to run a race when things are holding you back! Pastor Rick teaches how prayer, forgiveness, and confession will help you break free and pursue God’s purpose for your life.
Pastor Rick teaches how to let go of the worries, wounds, and wrongs that may be keeping you from running the race God has planned for you.
Being certain about the future is key to living with hope. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about trusting in God’s promises.
You were created for much more than just existing. To truly live with hope, you need to anchor your life in God’s purpose for you. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why it’s important to know your life mission.
Did you know that God custom-designed you to be uniquely you? In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how hope comes from knowing the truth of who God made you to be.
There are some gifts only you can give to Jesus, such as your trust, your talent, your time, and your heart—and you can also bring others to him. Join Pastor Rick as he helps you consider what gifts you will bring to Jesus this Christmas.
The wise men sought Jesus, and wise men and women still seek him today. You can have Jesus right in your midst and miss him if you’re not looking for him! Pastor Rick explains in this message how to keep seeking Jesus in the busyness of the Christmas season—and throughout life.
In the hustle and bustle of life, even good things can crowd out the truth that God wants to plant in your heart. When it’s all said and done, the most important question is: Did you truly get to know the Son of God? Join Pastor Rick as he explores how to fulfill God’s purpose for your life by putting first things first this Christmas season.
There’s often a self-sufficiency in us that declares, “I’m doing fine on my own; I don’t need God.” But God didn’t create us to be disconnected from him. In this message, Pastor Rick shares the benefits of making room for Jesus in your life and connecting with him.
This Christmas, you can give Jesus the prominence he deserves in your celebrations and schedule. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how to clear the distractions that keep you from experiencing joy and peace when you celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
You can be sure about the most important things in life because the Bible promises that Jesus has victory over everything in the end. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the importance of standing firm in your convictions and how it helps you build a legacy that lasts.
God wants to use and bless you. He desires for you to be a world changer, but he’s waiting for you to trust him. In this message, Pastor Rick helps you identify what keeps you from believing that God can accomplish great things in your life.
Life isn’t about making money, being popular, or anything else the world says is important. It’s all about God! Pastor Rick shares in this message the most important thing you can do to avoid wasting your life.
This is the Good News: You are forgiven, and you are free. God is for you and will never stop loving you! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how your response to the gospel—the best news ever—helps point others to Jesus.
In heaven, you will have unlimited access to the unlimited resources of God because he created you to be his child. Join Pastor Rick as he explains the choice you need to make so that you can accept the awesome inheritance God has for his children.
One day your heart will stop beating, and that will be the end of your body—but it won’t be the end of you. Pastor Rick teaches in this message why believers can live with unshakable hope.
You don’t become a godly person by merely following your feelings. And you won’t become more like Jesus by accident! Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how faith grows when you choose to develop habits that lead to godliness.
There will be many times in life that you do not understand what God is doing. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how immediate obedience to God—despite not understanding his ways—leads to spiritual growth and blessing.
God loves to bless our generosity! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the principles you need to follow for God to “bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV).
God has already taken care of your greatest need—your salvation—and he can take care of every other need you have. Join Pastor Rick as he shares personal experiences that illustrate why you can trust God to meet your needs when you put him first in your finances.
If you want to know what’s really important to someone, you just have to look at their calendar and their bank statement. Pastor Rick explains in this message how the way we spend our time and money reveals our priorities and what matters most to us.
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how you can focus on the things that God loves so that God can use you more effectively.
If you want to be used by God, you need to purify your heart. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the one simple thing you have to do to be ready for God to use you.
God wants you to invest in his family. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how investing in God’s Kingdom provides for the needs of others and is also proof of your faith.
God doesn’t need you to give him anything. But when you choose to give him an offering anyway, you’re saying, “God, I love you. I want you first in my life.” In this message, Pastor Rick explains how to honor God through your giving.
God didn’t put you on earth to live a self-centered life. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why being part of a church family helps you focus and center your life around God so that you can fulfill his purpose for you.
God shaped you to serve him, and he wants you to serve him by serving others. Pastor Rick will help you understand what ministry is and how you can use your talents to benefit others.
Join Pastor Rick as he explains how your spiritual family helps you fulfill God’s purpose for your life.
The Bible says God created you so he could love you. Learn why understanding and embracing this truth will help you overcome insecurities and transform your life.
You don’t need a lot of friends. You just need a few good friends who are wise and who build you up. Join Pastor Rick for this teaching on why you can’t grow to spiritual maturity on your own.
Proverbs 20:5 says, “A person's thoughts are like water in a deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out” (GNT). Join Pastor Rick as he explains how learning to ask wise questions will make you wise.
If you can’t name the top three values in your life, you’ll live by someone else’s values instead of your own. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the importance of knowing your values and living by them.
Moses made a choice to endure short-term pain so he could experience long-term gain. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why you need to make a similar resolution if you want to develop godly character.
To become all that God made you to be, refuse to be defined by others. In this message, you’ll learn, through the story of Moses, how to find real success by being exactly who you were created to be—and nothing else.
God answers your prayers when you humbly confess your sins and thank him for his love and promises. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about reminding yourself how good and gracious God is and how to live with an attitude of gratitude.
Pastor Rick explains how the life of Daniel teaches that God answers sincere, passionate prayers. God wants you to show that you’re serious about your requests—today you’ll learn practical ways to make that happen.
The life of Daniel teaches that God answers your prayers when you focus your attention on him and let him speak. Today you’ll learn about how God is the initiator of everything in your life and you are the responder.
Teaching from the book of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains that when you publicly stand strong for God, it encourages other believers to stand strong too. Your courage is a powerful example to unbelievers, and your boldness encourages other Christians to be bold too.
The book of Daniel teaches that when you publicly stand up for your beliefs, God has a chance to do a miracle in your life. But if you never risk anything, you’ll never give God the opportunity to do a miracle.
Pastor Rick talks about ways to fight fear, and how you benefit every time you stand for God. Daniel’s life shows how God can give you victory over fear.
Daniel’s life is a reminder that you can learn lessons from prior generations. Pastor Rick explains how you can do this through relationships with mentors, role models, partners, and friends.
The Bible says, “If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success” (Ecclesiastes 10:10 NIV). Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about how lifelong learning is the key to being a leader.
When God makes you successful, he wants you to tell others about how God saved you and changed you. Pastor Rick explains why being embarrassed to talk about how God has changed your life is prideful, and how you can overcome that.
When you’re successful, God wants you to continue to trust him and worship him. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about getting your focus off yourself and back on God.
Whether it’s greater responsibility, prosperity, or influence, there’s always a testing before a blessing. Pastor Rick explains what that testing looks like in this message from the book of Daniel.
Did you know you will receive rewards in heaven for how much you trust God on earth? Pastor Rick explains how, when you trust God in the fire, your faith will produce great rewards for eternity.
Teaching from the book of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains that trusting God in a crisis will bring unbelievers to God—because new life springs out of fire.
People may try to use problems in your life to enslave, entrap or destroy you—but God wants to use those things to liberate you. Teaching from the life of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains how God will give you new freedom as he walks with you through the fire.
The book of Daniel teaches that no matter what crisis you face, God will walk through the fire with you. But God will also use the fire (adversity) to burn off the things that keep you from a full commitment to him.
No matter where you work or go to school, do you know what to do when you’re asked to do the impossible? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about the connection between difficult situations and pointing people to God.
Pastor Rick explains how you can use what you learn in seemingly impossible circumstances to point others to God. When you do that, God can do great things through you!
Pastor Rick teaches from the book of Daniel, explaining why you should enlist prayer support from friends when you’re asked to do the impossible. And then you should praise God, expecting him to answer your prayers.
Teaching from the life of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains how to respectfully ask “why” when you’re asked to do the impossible.
How do you become a great student of the Lord and his Word? Learn some simple steps in this practical teaching from Pastor Rick.”
Staying connected to a church, a small group, and a ministry is vital to your spiritual growth! Learn more in this message from Pastor Rick.
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why it is important to maintain Christian friendships.
Daniel’s life teaches you how to stay faithful, even when surrounded by people who don’t live according to the Bible. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to remain strong in your convictions at all times.
Daniel teaches the biblical way to appeal to an authority when you’re asked to do something you don’t think you should do. Join Pastor Rick as he gives practical advice on how to combat the lonely feelings of standing up for your convictions.
Using the life of Daniel, Pastor Rick teaches about the qualities God wants you to develop in your life: integrity, discipline, control, and humility.
Daniel’s life shows that God tests you with stress before he trusts you with success. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the steps God told Daniel to take to thrive in a hostile environment.
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how you can choose to trust God even when you don’t understand your circumstances.
When you’re in a crisis, you should ask, “Where is this problem leading me? Where does God want me to go?” Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how God uses difficult situations to help you mature spiritually.
Jesus warned that adversity would be part of life. So don’t be shocked by hard times—be unshakable. As he teaches from the life of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains why God uses adversity for your good and how that can teach you to be unshakable.
What is the right way to pray when you’re in pain? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches in this message how to pray like Jesus, who trusted God and prayed for God’s will even as he faced the cross.
Sometimes God delays his answer to our prayers because he knows his plan is better than ours—but we’re not ready for it! Pastor Rick shares in this broadcast how God uses our seasons of waiting to grow our character and faith and make us more like Jesus.
Because God can see what we can’t see, he sometimes does not give us what we ask from him. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to trust in God’s goodness and love—even when God says “no.”
Healing doesn’t happen on your own. God has given you people in your life to help you, and he wants to give you everything you need for restoration. He just wants you to ask him! Pastor Rick explains in this message the importance of prayer in our healing.
Humility is when you admit you’re not in control, when you say, “God is God, and I’m not.” In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why humility is a choice and the first step you need to take for healing and restoration.
God created you for a close relationship with him. When you’re honest with God about your sin and ask for forgiveness, you’ll grow in intimacy with him. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why confession is an important part of our communication with God.
There is no secret strategy to having a powerful prayer life. The Bible has given us everything we need to know how to pray. Pastor Rick shares in this message how to combat distractions to prayer so that you can focus on God as you talk to him.
Is it possible to maintain a running conversation with God that’s as natural as breathing? Yes! In this message, Pastor Rick explains why you need to keep your conversation with God going throughout the day and how it will change your life.
You cannot imagine what God will do in you and through you when you surrender to him and tell him you want to live out his purpose for your life. In this message, Pastor Rick shares the significance of saying these two words to God: “Use me.”
When you understand how deeply God loves you, it will transform your prayer life. In this message, Pastor Rick shares how God’s love and acceptance gives you confidence to approach God and ask him for everything you need in Jesus’ name.
Every day you go without prayer and spending time with God, he is waiting to hear from you. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches in this message about the way God feels when you don’t talk to him. You were created for companionship with God—it’s time to start talking to him!
God doesn’t want you to try and impress him with your prayers. He already knows everything about you—and he still loves you and accepts you. In this message, Pastor Rick continues teaching about how to draw closer to God by being yourself.
Prayer is not a formal ceremony that requires you to follow a set pattern for God to hear you. In this message, Pastor Rick shows you how to talk to God in simple and sincere ways and explains why longer prayers are not necessarily stronger prayers.
You can’t grow to spiritual maturity by yourself. In this message, Pastor Rick explains why spiritual growth is relational and how you can become more like Christ by involving godly people in your life. We’re always better together!
Every time God moves in somebody's life, it’s because they believed in his promises. Are you ready to grow spiritually and claim the promises God has for you? Then join Pastor Rick as he challenges you to expect great things from God when you pray.
Whether you’re talking about relationships at home or at work—or anywhere—this truth applies: Hurt people hurt people. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how looking for the hurt underneath the anger leads to understanding and reconciliation.
If you want to have strong relationships, you need to work through the big and small points of contention that keep you from moving forward. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches biblical methods for resolving conflict.
You’re never going to make peace with others until you make peace with God, and there’s only way to do that. Join Pastor Rick as he discusses the fundamental issue that causes our war with God and how to be at peace.
The Bible says you need to resist the devil by preparing for the temptation. Join Pastor Rick as he shows how to claim the promises of God so that you will have “a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV).
God has made a way for you to handle temptation—but don’t go into it unprepared! In this message, Pastor Rick walks through the ways God has provided for you to defend yourself against temptation.
Too often we see the problem in our lives as something external, when in reality we need to do some serious self-evaluation. Pastor Rick teaches that the biblical path to freedom requires you to stop fixing the blame and start fixing the problem.
God is more interested in your character than your comfort. He’s not going to give you things if you haven’t yet learned the principle of contentment! In this message, Pastor Rick helps you understand one of the greatest keys to being content.
Are you in financial need and waiting for God to help? Sometimes we can’t see how God is working—but sometimes God is waiting on us. Pastor Rick talks in this message about one of the reasons people see so few miracles in their lives.
Do you endure your kids or do you enjoy them? The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 11:8, “People ought to enjoy every day of their lives, no matter how long they live” (NCV). Join Pastor Rick as he shows you how to celebrate your kids.
Being more like Christ in your parenting means becoming a more compassionate person toward your kids—and everyone else! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to show compassion to your kids through the three ways they understand love.
Losses and tragedies have a way of putting everything into perspective; they clarify your values and help you figure out priorities. In this message, Pastor Rick explains how you can keep from losing your joy over the unimportant things.
When you experience loss, it’s important not to isolate yourself and try to get through your grief on your own. Pastor Rick uses this message to teach why you need other people’s support when you face a season of loss.
Psalm 62:8 says, “Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge” (NLT). In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why you need to talk to God about your loss and how to release your grief so God can heal your heart.
Even a season of loneliness has a purpose, but it’s hard to remember that when you feel alone and can’t see how God is working. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to keep your loneliness from turning into bitterness.
Did you know that God can use your time of loneliness for good in your life? Join Pastor Rick as he looks at the life of Paul, who made the most of his loneliness when he was in prison by taking action and using the time in creative ways.
God wants to take the broken pieces of your life and use them to create something good. Through this message, Pastor Rick teaches how God uses all the events of your life to shape you into the person he created you to be.
Every farmer knows that what you sow in one season, you will reap in another. Join Pastor Rick as he explains the four questions to ask yourself as you sow in one season so that you reap the things God wants for your life in another season.
We live in a world full of critics and criticism. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches about the importance of affection and affirmation for keeping a marriage healthy.
The most loving thing you can do is give someone your attention.  Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about the importance of showing others how much you value them by simply paying attention.
Listen in as Pastor Rick explains why gossip is so destructive and how you can choose a better path.
What should you do when you’re struggling to forgive someone who has hurt you? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to let go of your hurt and experience God’s blessing.
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why, when you’re dealing with people who are offensive or irritating, you need to look past their behavior to see their pain.
If you recognize how much God is for you, it gives you the ability to withstand tremendous rejection from other people. Join Pastor Rick as he looks into the Bible to answer the question: If your life here on earth is temporary, why be afraid of other people’s opinions?
We all feel negative pressure from our peers sometimes. In this message, Pastor Rick explains three things to do when you are tempted to give in to peer pressure.
Join Pastor Rick as he explains how God can give you the courage to take healthy steps forward and break free from abuse.
In this message, Pastor Rick uses the story of King David to teach the first step in breaking free from abuse: sharing your pain with someone else.
Learn from Pastor Rick as he teaches how to take an honest look at your relationship with the Lord—and with your spouse.
In this message, Pastor Rick details specific traits to consider when you’re searching for and praying about God’s mate for you.
Listen in as Pastor Rick debunks some of the myths people believe that lead to poor choices of a life partner.
In this message, Pastor Rick explains how you become more like Jesus Christ when you actively work to reconcile with the people in your life that you have a conflict with.
What’s more important: fixing the blame or fixing the problem? In this message, Pastor Rick teaches some ground rules you need to establish in any relationship to help you handle conflict.
Unresolved conflict has three devastating effects in your life: It blocks your fellowship with God, hinders your prayers, and inhibits your happiness. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches what the Bible says about facing and resolving conflict.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why hurt people hurt people. Learn how to let go of your anger so you can respond with God’s love to people who have been hurt.
Before you let anger take control, calculate what it will cost you—because there’s always a price for returning anger with anger. In this message, Pastor Rick talks about the relationship costs of out-of-control anger.
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why growing more like Jesus will lead you to become a more peaceful person.
People often use manipulative tools and tricks to get what they want from relationships, but those strategies are actually counter-productive. Listen in as Pastor Rick explains what the strategies are and why they fail.
God is a Father who is never too busy for us and who loves to meet our needs and heal our hurts. We can turn to him for comfort and support, attention and protection. Join Pastor Rick as he digs deeper to explain how God has the heart of a good Father.
When we embrace just how much God cares for us, it’s only natural to start trusting him more. In this message, Pastor Rick helps you understand how committed God is to working good out of all the details of your life.
Instead of running from difficult situations, God wants you to stand strong! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches what it means when the Bible tells us to stand firm against adversity.
No matter how impossible your situation, your problem is never too big for God to handle. Join Pastor Rick for this lesson on why it’s important to go to God first when things seem overwhelming—and why God is your best defender.
Will you trust God with your disappointments? Pastor Rick speaks about the importance of acknowledging that God is sovereign in your life, that he knows what’s best for you, and that his plans for you are good, even when things seem bad. Will you trust God with your challenges?
God is ready to pour out his blessings upon you, but first you have to decide: “Who will be first in my life?” Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why you need to rely on God and not yourself.
You can’t have the peace of God until you first make peace with God. But how do you do that? In this message, Pastor Rick explains how to live a life surrendered to Christ and how to make God your first priority.
The starting point to peace is accepting what cannot be changed. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how you can get stuck in resentment, bitterness, or guilt over things you cannot change. Learn how, instead, to change what you can and accept what you cannot.
God sees it all, God knows it all, God cares about it all, and God is in control of it all. So what are you worried about? In this message, learn how to break free from worry, conflict, and “when and then” thinking so you can be joyful, no matter what happens.
A joy-filled person has creativity, energy, and productivity. But to become that kind of person, you must learn to forgive past hurts, trust God for the future, and understand God’s purpose for your life. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to live a joy-filled life according to God’s Word.
God wants you to experience his best for your future. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how you can stop focusing on your hurts and start focusing on Christ. You will learn how to live a life of significance and purpose.
God wants to heal your hidden wounds. In this message, Pastor Rick provides practical, biblical steps that will transform the way you think about your past, helping you to find healing from rejection, ridicule, and regret.
No matter how hopeless your situation may seem, God is always there, working to give you a future and a hope. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches that you are never alone because God will never abandon you. Where God is, hope is.
God is the only source of true and everlasting hope. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how God is always present in your life, no matter how good or bad your circumstances are. Where God is, there is always hope.
Suffering doesn’t automatically build character, but it can if you respond to it in a godly way. Pastor Rick teaches how to handle unfairness in a way that honors God.
God could make the world completely fair in just an instant. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why God doesn’t do that and how God wants you to respond to unfairness.
No matter how you’ve strayed from God’s design for sexuality, there’s hope and forgiveness available to you. In this message, Pastor Rick explains how you can find a fresh start after moral failure.
Garbage in, garbage out. That’s not just a cliché. It’s what the Bible teaches! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to make good choices based on biblical truth that protect your moral purity.
You can’t expect to maintain moral purity if you can’t agree on a moral standard. In this message, Pastor Rick reminds us that purity begins with a commitment to live by God’s standards instead of making up our own rules.
After his life fell apart, Job had every reason to harbor resentment toward God and his friends. Instead, as Pastor Rick teaches in this message, Job’s story demonstrates how to deal with resentment in a healthy, God-honoring manner.
The Bible says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV). In this message, Pastor Rick introduces you to the best model for living in forgiveness: Jesus.
In this message, Pastor Rick looks into God’s Word to explain how to show respect to people who disagree with you.
Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why and how to show respect to people, even when they don’t appear to deserve it.
You have just enough time to do everything God wants you to do. In this message, Pastor Rick shares the importance of putting Jesus at the center of your schedule and the steps it takes to do that.
If you feel like the load you are carrying is too heavy, then it doesn’t come from Jesus. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest . . . the load I give you to carry is light” (Matthew 11:28, 30 NCV). In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to find rest and balance in Jesus.
In this message, Pastor Rick explains why a balanced life is only achievable when you put Jesus at the center of all you do.
We all experience anger. But just getting angry doesn’t automatically mean you’ve sinned. Join Pastor Rick for this message where he teaches what the Bible says you should do to keep your anger from turning into sin.
When you respond to a conflict impulsively, you’re more likely to respond in anger. But if you wait to talk about it, there’s a better chance you’ll be more rational and reasonable. Join Pastor Rick for this biblical lesson on self-control.
God wants you to step out of your comfort zone in faith. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches what God can do through your life when you fully trust him.
When you don’t trust God, it leads to worry, conflict, and the feeling you have to control everything. Only God is truly worthy of your trust! In this message, Pastor Rick continues to teach steps toward developing a greater trust in God.
When you trust anything or anyone other than God, you set yourself up for stressful living. The Bible makes it clear that those who make idols are disillusioned. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to develop a greater trust in God.
God values who you are more than what you accomplish. Join Pastor Rick as he explains what it means to live with great character and teaches how the Bible can help you build it into your life.
One day you “will give a personal account to God” of how you lived, and that’s why you want to live responsibly (Romans 14:12 NLT). Join Pastor Rick as he teaches practical wisdom from God’s Word on how to become more responsible in all areas of your life.
The Bible says, “Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling” (Psalm 119:105 TLB). We desperately need a light to guide us through moral chaos. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches you how to make the Bible your standard as you build your life on its unchanging values.
What you value in life will define how you live. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to identify and claim eternal values so you can establish your life on a rock-solid foundation.
In this message, Pastor Rick explains why God wants you to build up, motivate, and inspire other people by sharing your experiences with them. you help take away their fears.
By sharing your experiences, you can give people hope, help them overcome their fears, and help them break through barriers. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why God wants you to use your experiences to mentor others, and how you can do that.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick continues to explain what it means to be a talker, feeler, thinker, or doer in service to Christ. God expects every one of us to mature in all of these areas. But he also knows each one of us tends to lead in one area. The great news is that God is always right there with us, helping us to follow his instructions.
Jesus said, “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (Mark 12:30 NLT). In this broadcast, Pastor Rick helps you identify if God shaped you to be a talker (heart), feeler (soul), thinker (mind), or doer (strength) in service to Christ.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick walks through three ways you can use your abilities the way God intended. He created you and shaped you with unique abilities, and one day he’s going to ask you, “How did you use your abilities to honor me, to serve others, to make a living, and to be an example?”
Knowing what you’re good at will help reveal what God wants you to do with your life. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach how your SHAPE—your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences—points you in the right direction for how to be who God created you to be.
Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the good news that God specializes in heart transplants. Learn about what God can do through a broken heart submitted to him. When you do what God wires you to do, your purpose in life will be fulfilled and you will bring glory to God.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can make a difference in the world by placing your passions, desires, and dreams under God’s control so that you serve God through the way he has designed you.
Join Pastor Rick as he helps you discover the specific mission God created you to fulfill, based upon your SHAPE. Your spiritual gifts are the equipment he gives you to do what he asks you to do. Learn how to develop your gifts and then use them to serve God and others.
In this message, Pastor Rick explains the gifts God gives you when you become a believer. When you know who you are shaped to be, then you can start focusing on the things God created you to do.
Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach why God doesn’t compare you with anyone else. He created you to be uniquely you with a specific mission in life.
Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the importance of accepting the way God shaped you so you can be the person he created you to be and live out God’s purpose for your life.
God doesn’t expect you to be anyone else but you. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how God has given you the tools and temperament to succeed in your service to him.
God prepared a generous banquet for all of us. It’s a party in heaven that’s going to continue for eternity, and he wants a full house! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick paints a picture of what it looks like to be a member of God’s family.
When you’re in God’s waiting room, it’s important that you continue to pray and serve. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why God, in his love for you, will keep you waiting.
When God has you in a waiting period, don’t put your life on hold. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches several things you can do, such as paying attention to what God is doing, acting on what you believe, and trusting God is working in your life.
Some of the smallest lessons you learn during depressing and discouraging periods can lead to big successes in your life. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why it’s so important to focus on the lessons God is teaching you in the waiting periods of life.
Influence doesn’t come from what you get in life. Influence comes from what you give away in life, and the more you give away, the more influential you’re going to be. Join Pastor Rick as he shares examples of how this has been true in his own life.
You’re probably not going to get your strength renewed by watching TV, but you can strengthen your faith by uniting with others in worship. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches two of the ways worship benefits you.
Sometimes God will call you to make a sacrifice—through your money, time, or talent—and you may want to say, “I don’t feel like it.” Pastor Rick teaches in this message why it’s so important for you to plant by faith and not by your feelings.
The first law of the harvest is this: Everything starts as a seed. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains what the seeds are in your life and why you need to work hard to plant seeds of trust, kindness, and encouragement in your relationships.
While you’re running the race of life, it’s easy to get sidelined, but Jesus wants you to make it to the finish line and win the prize. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the three things you can learn from an athlete about being the best you can be.
The Bible says, “Do your best to improve your faith” (2 Peter 1:5 CEV). In this broadcast, Pastor Rick walks through three things you can learn from a soldier so you can give your best to God.
How do you know if you are living for your dream or God’s dream? In this message, Pastor Rick talks about why you need to ask God to give you his dream for your life so you can be part of his vast and eternal story.
Most people don’t imagine doing big things because they’re afraid of failure, and doubt and fear often neutralize what God wants to do in their lives. Pastor Rick explains in this message how to let your imagination be governed by faith, not fear.
The Bible says you need to focus on the things that will last—the things you can’t see with your eyes. So how do you focus on things you can’t see? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches why your imagination is essential to living by faith.
When you believe in Jesus Christ, you are guaranteed eternal life. Jesus’ resurrection changed everything! In this message, Pastor Rick walks through the three things the resurrection proved and how you can take advantage of the most important benefit of believing in Jesus.
You cannot fulfill your purpose in life without being plugged into God’s power. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how to get God’s strength for your life so you’re not worn out all the time.
Today so many people are confused about who they are and why they’re here because they’re looking in the wrong places. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick shares the one thing that will help you know what your purpose in life is.
God is not sweating your unsolvable problem. He knows the solution to your problem before you even recognize it’s a problem! Pastor Rick explains in this message why you need to give God whatever you have—your “five loaves and two fish”—even if you don’t think it amounts to much.
Faith doesn’t always take you out of the problem. But faith always takes you through the problem! In this message, Pastor Rick explains why resilience is one of the most important characteristics you need in life and how it’s connected to your faith.
If you study the Bible and history, you find that every time God moves on earth and does a miracle, it’s because somebody believed. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how your faith can move mountains and open the door to miracles in your life.
This life is not all there is. And when life isn’t going the way you planned or wanted, you need to focus on the things that will last for eternity. Pastor Rick continues to teach in this broadcast what to do when things don’t go your way and how Jonah shows us that the greatest use of our lives is to invest in what can never lose.
What’s so great about God’s goodness? Just look at Jonah, who ran from God and rejected his mission and thought he knew better—and God still showed his goodness to Jonah and brought him back into his good plan. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick helps you understand why you can rest and trust in God’s goodness when things seem out of control.
God sees the big picture—the past, present, and future all at the same time—and that should be a great comfort as you pursue God’s mission for your life. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he teaches how to trust God when things don’t go your way instead of clinging to your limited understanding.
Warning, warning! Those words may get your heart racing, but when God gives you a warning, it's a good sign! It means he still trusts you with your life mission. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why it’s critical to obey God right away when he gives you a second chance and how God wants to use you, no matter who you are or what you’ve done.
We know that God’s plan is always the better way to go—and we still choose our own way sometimes. But no matter how your circumstances have changed since you stopped following God’s plan, your life mission never changes. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he looks at Jonah’s example of returning to the mission God created us to complete.
Do you ever wish you could get another chance at something? When God gives you a second chance to get on track with your mission, you need to respond with gratitude and obedience. Pastor Rick shares in this broadcast why you need to use your second chance to make God’s mission the top priority in your life.
God always responds to faith. When you look at the life of Jonah, it’s amazing to see what God did through him when he finally decided to submit to God’s plan, even though he didn’t understand it. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast about what to do when you feel hopeless and why you need to take a step a faith and thank God in advance for what he will do through you.
Do you ever want to just cry out to God and tell him how hard life is? God wants to hear it! He wants you to look to him and tell him how you’re struggling while you’re pursuing your mission. Pastor Rick helps you understand in this broadcast how God cares about your pain and is ready to restore your hope.
When you feel hopeless, it’s easy to focus on your circumstances. That’s when you need to remember this: No matter what is changing around you, you can always count on God’s unchanging goodness and faithfulness. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach a biblical response to feelings of hopelessness so you can continue in your mission.
Jonah didn’t want to follow God’s mission for him and go on a long journey to preach to Israel’s enemies. But Jonah also found out that the longer you run from your mission, the worse the storm is going to get. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he shows you how to stop running from God and accept and follow God’s mission for you.
When you run from God’s mission for your life, there will always be consequences. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick continues to look at the book of Jonah and shows you why, even though your life mission may be scary at first, it is always better to take a step of faith and follow God’s plan.
If you want to know God’s mission, then you have to get in the Bible. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why you need God’s wisdom when you face the storms that come with your mission. You’ll learn the ways God speaks to you to reveal his mission for you and keep you on the right path in the middle of the storm.
In today’s message, Pastor Rick teaches about the crucial role Jesus plays in fixing the broken bond between God and us. Learn why Jesus needed to step in and make amends for our mistakes, setting the stage for a new beginning. Learn how you can always live in peace for the present and rest in hope for the future!
Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how the sinful choices made by humans have devastated the world and been disastrous in our lives. When we mishandle the gifts God has given us, there will always be consequences. Learn about God’s plan for our redemption.
Are you ready to uncover the mystery of God's plan? Pastor Rick digs deep into the reasons the world is in such chaos, and then he reveals the heart of God and his endless love. The great mystery of God’s redemptive, eternal plan applies directly to your life, both now and in the future.
The cross and the resurrection prove God’s power over death so you no longer need to fear it. In this episode, Pastor Rick explains how the resurrection frees you to live with purpose and faith, knowing that when you die, you'll live forever in heaven because of your faith in Jesus Christ and his resurrection.
But God never intended for you to live life that way. That’s why he sent Jesus—to give you forgiveness for your sins so you can live free, letting go of the sin and guilt from your past that weigh you down. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how the power of the resurrection transforms your life.
Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to earn the trust of your colleagues by being reliable. As you learn to take on more responsibility, you’ll be able to reach your maximum potential at work.
In this message, Pastor Rick explains why loyalty is important to your success at work, and how your choices affect the way the way your coworkers relate to you”?
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick looks to Joseph for an example of how to follow an audacious dream given to you by God. Learn how to step out in faith, even when God’s plan doesn’t make sense or the odds seem against you.
When you have a major decision to make, the Bible says to count the cost. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can use God’s Word to evaluate the cost of any decision.
Are you facing a tough decision about what to do with your career, such as whether or not to change jobs? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches what you can learn from Solomon—the wisest man who ever lived, a wealthy businessman, and author of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches what God promises when you trust him by faithfully using your gifts to fulfill his purpose for your life.
Ecclesiastes 5:7 says, “Dreaming instead of doing is foolishness, and there is ruin in a flood of empty words” (TLB). In this message, Pastor Rick explains why it is important to start trying those things you’ve always wanted to do.
You can learn a lot from your experiences—good and bad. In this message, Pastor Rick explains why it’s important to review the events of your life so you can see how God has taught you through your successes and failures.
In today’s global economy, the new missionaries are businesswomen and businessmen. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how to use your business to further God’s Kingdom.
God is far more concerned about who you are than what you do, but he does use your work and your workplace to develop your character. Pastor Rick uses this message to explain how your workplace is a life course in character development.
God wants you to work so you can express what he made you to be. He’s given you certain gifts and talents, and he expects you to use them! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can know if your job is right for you.
How do you put on the full armor of God? Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why prayer is essential for preparing yourself for spiritual war. Prayer is how we fight the battle! And the best time to put on your spiritual armor is in the morning, before you even set foot out the door.
If you’re going to win spiritual battles over doubt, discouragement, and defeat, then you have to understand that the truth about you is what God says about you. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches in this broadcast how to submit your thoughts to God as he leads you to truth.
No matter who you are, you’re part of a spiritual war. But the Bible tells us that we’re not alone in this fight—and we already know who wins! In this message, Pastor Rick explains how God’s presence and promise of victory gives us power for the battle.
No matter what you’re going through and no matter what’s happened in your life, God isn’t done with you, and he’s never going to forsake you. You don’t have to be afraid! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how God hears and answers your cries for help, no matter how deep the well of pain and grief seems.
God wants you to know he can handle your anger, your gripes, and your grief. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches why, if you don’t talk out your emotions with God, you’ll end up taking them out on someone else. When you feel like your world is falling apart, the first step toward recovery is getting real with God about how you feel.
God wants us to learn to be generous, because he wants us to be more like him. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why, when you use what God gives you to help others, you learn to trust him and develop one of his characteristics: sacrificial generosity.
The Bible tells us that God is looking for people with faith—but faithful people are hard to find. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why living the life you were created to live requires you to trust God with your finances, your health, your job, your relationships, and your future.
When you get closer to God, his light reveals your sin and how it causes emotional distress and disappointment, relational distance and discord, and a disconnect with God—the worst result of all. But Jesus overcame the world and defeated the power of sin! Learn from Pastor Rick in this message what that means and how it will change your life.
Disappointment is a natural part of life, because everything on this planet is broken. No one is perfect, and nothing works perfectly! The good news is that God knows we’re in a mess. And Pastor Rick wants you to understand in this message why God had to send Jesus to rescue us and bring us home to heaven.
Why is this world so hard to live in? The Bible says it is because we all want to be our own boss—we think we know what will make us happy more than God does, and so we want to do life on our own. But that will never work! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how Jesus helps us make it through the difficulties of life.
Satan wants to establish a foothold in your life, and once he gets deep enough into an area of sin, he turns the foothold into a stronghold. Once that happens, it will be harder for you to take back control of your life. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick talks about strongholds and what we can do to protect ourselves against them.
Spiritual transformation is a process of developing new habits over time. Habits become the building blocks of change and collectively shape our character. Join Pastor Rick as he encourages you to engage in the small, step-by-step process with the Holy Spirit that leads to spiritual maturity.
Before there was sin, death and sadness and sorrow and difficulty did not exist. It was only when everything got broken that our rebellion brought death into the world. But Pastor Rick reminds us in this message that God did not leave us without hope—and he is ready to help us change and become more like him.
It’s easy to become so focused on what not to think about that you end up thinking about it even more! The Bible teaches that the thoughts we resist tend to persist. Pastor Rick explains in this broadcast how Jesus helps us to shift our thoughts from negative to positive.
You can say “no” to sin—and you need to constantly remind yourself of that as you seek freedom from your hurts, habits, and hangups. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how to make the right choices as you respond to the Holy Spirit at work in you.
You simply can’t make lasting changes on your own. The only way to make a real change in your life is to let God change you from the inside out. Pastor Rick explains in this broadcast how the Holy Spirit helps you overcome the self-destructive things you do that keep you from life change.
Do you feel defeated today? Maybe you’re thinking, “I just want to give up.” Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why being ready to give up is a good thing. You can stop trying to do everything on your own, because it’s impossible. But you can’t do life without Jesus. You need his power to keep going!
As Christians, we are born again through the Holy Spirit, yet our old sin nature still fights for control. In this broadcast, you’ll learn how the apostle Paul reached a point in his walk with God where he was exhausted because of the intense war going on inside him and how Paul’s testimony can encourage you as you fight the same battle.
You know that when you come to God and confess your sin, he is faithful to forgive. But God also wants you to confess your sin to another person. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast how an accountability partner helps you make lasting changes as you experience someone else loving you unconditionally, accepting you, and praying for you.
God expects you to run the race he has set for you—not the race you set for yourself or the race that other people set for you. Run the race God created you to run! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how living for the approval of others will hold you back and why you need to live for an audience of One.
The Bible says two things will hold you back as you run the race God sets before you: the things that weigh you down, such as unrealistic expectations or being stuck in the past, and sin, the things we know are wrong but we do anyway. Join Pastor Rick to learn how to let go of the things that keep you from running your race well.
God hasn’t just seen every tear you've cried—he's counted them. He's even recorded them in a book. You may be in tremendous pain right now, thinking God doesn't care. But the Bible says that God pays attention to the details of your pain.
Don't waste your pain. The Bible teaches you need to let it turn you to God, spend more time with him and his Word, and remind you of his promises.
Your life will be transformed as you learn to worship, trust, and draw closer to God when you’re in pain. Learn why God is never closer to you than when you’re brokenhearted.
You may think your weaknesses are something to hide, but they're actually something God wants to use in your life. For this to happen, you’ll need to learn to recognize and respect your limitations and to trust in God’s power to accomplish his purpose for you.
Nothing is more discouraging than trying to please everybody. If you're always trying to be something you're not, you’ll always be stressed and discouraged. To defeat discouragement, simply be who God made you to be. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why you don't have to be perfect for God to bless you, but you do have to be authentic.
The Bible is worthless to you when it’s sitting on a shelf at home. But with God’s Word in your mind, it becomes a powerful weapon to fight every temptation Satan can throw at you. In this message, Pastor Rick explains why memorizing God’s Word will help you overcome the persistent temptations in your life.
Don’t be intimidated by Satan. As a Christian, the Holy Spirit’s power lives in you. You’ve got God’s Word to give you truth. You’ve got Jesus who is the Truth. The Bible says you have everything you need to overcome your temptations.
You are far more vulnerable to temptation when you’re experiencing negative emotions. Satan knows what they are and will try to use them for your destruction. Shouldn’t you know what they are, too?
Join Pastor Rick as he explains how to change the way you think by relying on the power and direction of the Holy Spirit.
When you feel inadequate, it reveals your doubt in God’s power. God said that his power shows up best in your weakness. So if you think your sin will make you inadequate to serve God, you’re not thinking like God. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how God views sin and grace in your life.
God wants you to center your life on him, but unfortunately, sin puts the focus back on you. When you sin, it reveals an area in your life where you don’t trust God. Willpower will never be enough to break the power of sin in your life. Learn to think with the mind of Christ and watch what amazing fruit God will provide in your life.
Does it seem like the thoughts you don’t want to think are what you can’t stop thinking about? How do you focus your mind on the things that lead to the freedom only found in Christ? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the biblical way to manage your thoughts.
To have the mind of Christ means you want to do God's will, even when it's painful, even when it's difficult, and even when it seems impossible. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how Jesus gave us the ultimate example of this the night before he went to the cross.
When you have the mind of Christ, you will be so secure in your identity, your purpose, and God's presence in your life that you won't need to look to other people for approval.
Jesus was always aware of God's presence because he knew who he was and he knew his purpose. That means, when you learn to think like Jesus, you’ll become sensitive to the truth that God is always present in your life. You’ll know your purpose in life, and you’ll see how God is supporting you to succeed in your mission.
Join Pastor Rick as he continues to explain how knowing and applying biblical truth leads us to the life God wants us to live.
God’s truth always leads to life. That’s why the Bible teaches us to take every thought captive, so we can live the way God wants us to live.
Anytime you sin, you’re believing the lie that you’ll be better off going against God’s will. That is never true! Learn why the Bible says it’s important to think about what you think about.
As a believer, your goal is to learn to think like Jesus. This starts by seriously thinking about the things you think about. Learn why it is important to let God guide your thoughts.
When you give your life away for Jesus, you can’t fail. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how you’ll begin to fully live when you do this.
When you go through deep waters of difficulty, God doesn’t promise you won't get wet. But he does promise you won’t drown. Pastor Rick explains in today’s message how God is for you and wants you to succeed.
Make your time on earth count for eternity. Listen to Pastor Rick as he explores how to help people come to know Christ, discover their purpose for life, grow in their maturity, find their ministry, and serve in their mission in the world.
Part of God's plan and purpose for your life is for you to become like Jesus, who is unselfish in his love. When you give your life away, it takes on new meaning, new joy, and new excitement. In today’s message, Pastor Rick explains why you can’t fail when you follow God’s will.
One of the most significant things you can do with your life is to give it away. God calls you to be generous with what you’ve been given, including your money, resources, time, and talent. Join Pastor Rick as he examines what God’s Word says about being rewarded in heaven for our generosity on earth.
God wants you to succeed in life and to fulfill your purpose. That’s why you can step confidently into the future, trusting God to keep his promises. Join Pastor Rick to find out what this means for you.
Imagine what God can do with godly women and men who refuse to stop working for whatever God has called them to do. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach about the promises God has for your future.
If love is the motivation for everything you do, then you’ll be able to live out your purpose in the face of fear. Join Pastor Rick for today’s broadcast about God’s promises for your future.
Many people think faith is the opposite of fear. It’s not! The opposite of fear is love. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why real love—God’s love—will chase away your fear.
The Bible says you determine how much God blesses your life: “The amount you give will determine the amount you get back” (Luke 6:38 NLT). Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach on God’s promises about giving.
The truth is that we can’t out-give God. When we learn to be generous with others as God is generous with us, he promises to bless us with more and in a variety of ways. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches on God’s promises about giving.
Does your life revolve around giving away what God has blessed you with? Is it marked by a joyous desire to grab hold of God’s promises as you let go of earthly things? This message by Pastor Rick will help you answer these questions.
Christmas is all about peace on earth and good will toward others. But there will never be peace on earth until there is peace in us. In this message, Pastor Rick talks about the peace Jesus came to bring and how to let the Prince of Prince reign in our hearts.
At Christmas, we have more parties than any other time of the year. Yet often, the Guest of Honor is left out of the party. Pastor Rick shows us in this message why Christmas is good news of great joy for everyone and why Jesus should be the focus of our celebrations.
No matter where you’re from, you have something in common with everyone else in the world: hidden wounds. None of us have it all together! Pastor Rick shows us in this message why we needed Jesus to come at Christmas to heal our hurts and offer us new, abundant, and eternal life.
God can see much further along the path than we can. That’s why he wants to guard and guide our steps as we trust him to lead us through life. In this message, Pastor Rick continues to teach about the different ways Jesus came to earth to light up our lives.
Before you were born, God planned a purpose for your life. He wants you to know and live out your purpose—and that’s why he came at Christmas! Pastor Rick teaches in this message why we need Jesus to light up our minds with truth so that we can know his purpose.
When Mary and Joseph’s plans were turned upside-down, they didn’t have all the promises from the Bible that we do today to help them have faith. Pastor Rick helps you understand through this message what God is doing when he changes your plans and how he wants you to respond.
God’s plans will always be better than yours—and that’s why he sometimes messes up the plans you were making for your life. In this message, Pastor Rick explains how to have faith that God is changing your plans for the better.
Have you ever put God on hold? Many times, God is trying to speak to us through his Word, but we’re too busy listening to social media, the news, and other people for him to get through. Pastor Rick shows us in this message how God sometimes changes our plans to get our attention—all for our good.
Jesus was convinced that, no matter how busy he was, he needed time alone with God to pray. Do you have any time like that in your life? If you want to be a resilient person, learn from Pastor Rick as he shares insight on how to develop the habit of spending time with God.
Some things in life aren’t necessarily wrong—they’re just not necessary. Once you figure this out, you’re going to be able to better withstand the hard times in life. You’re going to be resilient! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how to set priorities that have an eternal focus.
Our culture is constantly trying to fit you into its mold. When you have a confused and unclear identity, when you don’t really know who you are, it makes you more vulnerable to the culture’s influence. Join Pastor Rick as he helps you settle in your mind that God loves you unconditionally.
The antidote to the two biggest causes of stress in your life is gentleness and humility. You learn them by reminding yourself every day that you are not God and you don’t need to be anybody's savior. Listen to this broadcast by Pastor Rick to continue learning about the calm and rest only Jesus offers.
One reason we often feel overloaded is because we’re trying to control things too much. Sometimes we act this way without realizing it. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches the importance of staying in step with Jesus, the One who loves us and has great things in store for us!
What does Jesus say when we come to him with an emptiness in our lives—an empty soul, an empty heart, an empty character? How does he respond when we tell him we have nothing to give? Join Pastor Rick as he reminds you that God will never scold you or turn you away; he will always say, “Come to me.”
The bigger the changes that happen in your life, the more time you need to spend with God. You read the Bible, talk to God in prayer, and listen to what he wants to say to you. Join Pastor Rick as he highlights the importance of spending daily time with God so you can experience God’s peace and rest.
There will always be people in your life who have bad intentions, who will resent you, criticize you, and hurt you. There is no way around it. Thankfully, as Rick teaches in this broadcast, we can trust that God sees, cares, and will have justice.
Anybody can be happy when everything's going their way. But God teaches you true joy in the middle of suffering, grief, and heartbreak. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explores how God’s peace can flood into the most chaotic of circumstances.
Happy people are more likely to look at every situation in life from God's viewpoint. They look past the pain and pressure; they see the bigger picture. Listen to Pastor Rick to learn that God “causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God” (Romans 8:28 NLT).
The negative opinions of others can easily get us down. But if our happiness depends on the approval of other people, disappointment is bound to follow. Discover God’s strategy for happiness in this broadcast by Pastor Rick.
Pain, pressure, people, and problems—they’re the four most common sources of unhappiness. They’re the killjoys of life. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick examines why happiness is not based on circumstances; happiness is a choice we all get to make.
Many of us tend to focus on our problems instead of on God. But when we do that, we don’t have the eternal perspective we need to keep going, no matter what happens. Listen to Pastor Rick as he once again reminds us that God promises to help us when we feel like giving up.
Do you feel under attack? Tell God. Do you feel like you have no energy? Tell God. Do you feel rejected or lonely? Tell God. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick encourages you to dump everything you’re feeling right now onto the Lord—he wants to hear it all!
Spectators at a race often shout, “Keep going!” to motivate the athletes. That’s also great advice for anyone who feels emotionally, mentally, or spiritually exhausted from running the marathon of life. Join Pastor Rick as he reminds us that God will give us the power we need to finish what he has called us to do.
In the Bible, there are more promises attached to faithful giving and generosity than any other subject. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches that God wants his children to be generous because he’s generous—and he wants his children to be like him!
Each time you give an offering to God, it represents three kinds of gratitude: past, present, and future. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how your offering shows God you trust him for all things and at all times—and how God will always honor your faith.
Too many of us focus our lives on unimportant causes. Trivial Pursuit isn’t just a game; it’s a description of our culture! In this ­­message, Pastor Rick shows how goals focus your energy and are an antidote for the kind of life that chases what’s urgent rather than what’s important.
Goal setting isn’t just a good idea for productivity. It’s a spiritual discipline, like prayer, fasting, giving, and reading your Bible. In fact, goal setting can be an act of stewardship. Pastor Rick continues in this message to teach from Noah’s life about how to make the most of your life and invest it in a way that outlasts you.
The Bible has more than 7,000 promises from God to you—promises of success, confidence, health, prosperity, strength, and wisdom that will help you learn to trust in him. When you set a goal, don’t focus on the problems; focus on the promises. Learn from Pastor Rick in this message how to find a promise in God’s Word that will take you to your goal.
Whenever you want to make a fresh start with faith in your life, you have to face your fears. Don’t let them control you! Pastor Rick continues in this message to show how Mary made the choice to tame her fear and step forward in faith and how you can make the same choice.
Your fears reveal where you do not trust God—whether it’s a fear of feeling inadequate, rejection, change, or disappointment. Pastor Rick teaches from the life of Mary in this message and reveals how she overcame her fears with faith. Like Mary, you’ll learn how to replace your fears with trust.
Joseph depended on God's help in every setback—and he had a lot of them! In each one, he faced a new challenge that was way beyond his ability, but he trusted God to provide what he needed to get him where God wanted him to be. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to look at Joseph’s life for inspiration on how to handle your setbacks.
Setbacks are a stepping stone to get you where God wants you to be. In this message, Pastor Rick continues to look at the life of Joseph and how he handled setbacks. You’ll see that God has a plan for your life and, if you don’t give up when you have setbacks, he will get you in position to fulfill your purpose.
God wants to know if you will depend on his presence like Joseph did, whether you’re in the pit or the prison or the palace. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how to handle one setback after another by having the kind of faith Joseph had, no matter the circumstances.
Nothing you do is private. You have an audience in heaven! That should encourage you, because it means you have a cheering section that doesn’t want you to give up. Pastor Rick explains in this message how that “crowd of witnesses” helps us “run with endurance the race God has set before us” (Hebrews 12:1 NLT).
Have you noticed how discouragement sets in at the midpoint of almost anything you do? It’s true in parenting, marriage, school, and in your career. But God has called you to finish the race he has prepared for you—and to finish it well. Pastor Rick continues to teach in this message from the life of Nehemiah about how to keep going when you feel like giving up.
If you’re discouraged because something is taking longer or is more complicated than expected, then you may start to doubt yourself and get discouraged. As Pastor Rick looks at Nehemiah’s efforts to rebuild Jerusalem after the Israelites’ returned from captivity, he’ll explain what Nehemiah did at the halfway point of the project to keep people from becoming discouraged.
At the time Jeremiah wrote Lamentations, he was emotionally exhausted and for an entire book of the Bible released his frustrations to God. He wrote, “Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this” (Lamentations 3:21 NLT). Pastor Rick explains in this message what gave Jeremiah hope during this difficult time that can also help you in your setback.
When Elijah faced emotional exhaustion, God led him to do three things that helped him recover—and they’re the same things that can help you recover, too, when you’re at the end of your rope. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach lessons from Elijah’s experience with setbacks.
After a highlight in his ministry, Elijah, one of the most important prophets in Israel’s history, began a downward spiral of emotional exhaustion. In this message, Pastor Rick shows you how to keep your eyes open for 10 indications of emotional exhaustion from Elijah’s experience.
When we experience a setback, we tend to focus on the wrong things. But when everything in life is falling apart, God wants you to focus on one thing instead. Find out what it is as Pastor Rick continues to teach about how the apostle Paul anchored his life when he experienced a setback.
No one gets through life without setbacks. All of us will face storms from time to time! The real issue is how we respond. Do setbacks dominate you? Do you stop trying and give up? Pastor Rick continues to teach in this message how Paul’s life models how to make wise and helpful decisions when you have setbacks.
Sometimes a setback is rooted in your own actions or choices. But often the storms we face in life aren’t because of something we did. Instead, we suffer because of other people’s poor decisions. In this message, Pastor Rick talks about the three anchors Paul used to get past setbacks caused by other people.
When we experience setbacks, our most common response is our worst response: We want to withdraw, to build a wall around ourselves, to push people away. But that’s the last thing we should do! Learn what you need to do instead in this message from Pastor Rick.
Bitterness is like saying you don’t trust God when troubles hit. It’s like a poison that will tear your life apart if you let it! Pastor Rick shares in this message why it’s okay to express all your emotions to God when you experience a setback so that you don’t become bitter.
Sometimes our setbacks are so devastating that we think, “How am I ever going to get out of this? I’ll never recover from it!” Pastor Rick teaches in this message the five things that Job did when he faced setbacks that seemed irreversible.
Do you need to turn your setback into a comeback? Join Pastor Rick for this message as he explains why, no matter what you’ve experienced with your work, God can still turn the faucet on even more quickly than it was turned off. Your comeback may be just around the corner!
If you’ve ever felt discouraged with your work, then you’re not alone. We’ve all faced setbacks at work! Whether you’re worn out from overwork or reeling from failure, learn from Pastor Rick why you can expect God to reverse your setback when you acknowledge that your ways have not been working and you need God’s help.
Ever wonder why God isn’t blessing your work? Maybe you never invited him to be a part of it! Join Paster Rick as he uses Simon Peter as an example of how to ask Jesus to take control of your boat so you can get back to catching the fish. You’ll learn why you can expect God to turn things around when you submit your plans to him.
God’s kind of love can be challenging! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how you can keep your love tank full so you can consistently love others the way God wants you to.
Love is a skill. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how God will help you develop genuine, lasting love for other people.
God will never force you to love him. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why you have the God-given ability to make your own choice.
Before you react in anger, you need to reflect. Pastor Rick teaches three reflection questions: “Why am I angry?”  “What do I really want?”  “How can I get it?”
How does God help you with your anger habit? He goes straight to the heart of the problem, which is a problem in the heart. Pastor Rick teaches that anger doesn’t start in your behavior, your background, or your feelings. It starts in the heart.
The way you express your anger is a learned response. The good news is you can unlearn it. Pastor Rick teaches how, to change the way you act, you first need to change the way you think.
We often use anger to get people to do something. It works in the short term, but the long-term effects are devastating. In this message, Pastor Rick explains the cost of anger and what the Bible teaches about how you can manage your temper.
How do you respond in love when people disappoint you? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches about the words and speech that bring life and healing to a relationship.
How should we respond to difficult people? In love. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast how the Bible says that love is understanding, not demanding.
God doesn’t expect you to ignore the hurt in your past. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why you need to deal with your pain, and why doing that is essential to forgiving others.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick continues to teach how we’re to not only model God’s love by loving each other, but we’re also to carry it together to the rest of the world.
Jesus believes in you—because when you place your trust in him, his Spirit lives inside you. Listen as Pastor Rick teaches how God can use you—as part of his spiritual body of believers—to share his love with the world.
One way Jesus wants you to love is through membership in a local church. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why the church is God’s agenda for the world.
Loving like Jesus means you must value others the way Jesus values you. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how the Bible reveals the depth of God’s love for you and how you can express God’s love to others.
God never made a person he didn’t love. He made you; he loves you. Period. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches what the Bible says about self-esteem, status symbols, and God’s love.
Human love has its limits. But as Pastor Rick explains in this broadcast, God’s unconditional love has no limits—a significant truth for us to understand.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how Jesus demonstrates God’s unconditional love for you, and why we can never be separated from God’s love.
You’re alive because you were made to be loved by God. And the only reason you can love God or anybody else is because God first loved you. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how life is a lesson in love.
Love is an action, not just an emotion; love is something you do. Real love does the loving thing even when you don’t feel like it or someone doesn’t deserve it. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches what mature love looks like.
If you want to learn how to love other people, you first need to understand and feel how much God loves you. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick examines how God uses Christian community to teach us how to love.
How do you hold onto hope when your situation seems hopeless? Pastor Rick teaches why trusting in God's promises will transform your situation and allow His Word to revive your hope and faith.
Learn how to trust God when facing impossible circumstances. Whether it's a failing marriage, financial crisis, or shattered dreams, Pastor Rick explains how God specializes in breathing life into dead situations and giving you a fresh start.
Obedience is not just a suggestion; it is about faithful steps toward experiencing a blessed and fulfilled life as you learn to trust in God’s promises. Pastor Rick explains the vital connection between faith, obedience, and God's blessings as you align your actions with God's Word.
Pastor Rick teaches the importance of obeying God fully because partial obedience is still disobedience. This message will give you insights into God's unchanging standards and his big-picture perspective, and it will help you trust him even when you don't understand his plan.
Discover the key to financial security. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how to apply biblical principles for financial stability.
No problem is ever too big or too small to bring before God in prayer. Pastor Rick teaches a three-step approach to prayer when you’re facing overwhelming circumstances.
You're most like Jesus when you choose not to retaliate after someone criticizes you or hurts you. Pastor Rick teaches how you can persist in faith by letting God handle the situation, trusting him to defend you.
God rewards patience. Pastor Rick teaches how God uses seasons of waiting to build your character, help you avoid mistakes, and keep you on the right path to achieve your goals.
God’s timing is always perfect, even when it doesn’t make sense to you. And if he’s given you a dream for your life, it will happen—but on his timetable, not yours. Join Pastor Rick for this lesson on why God is never early, never late, but always right on time.
Discover the transformational power of obedience to God. Pastor Rick teaches about the importance of following God's direction and not delaying in taking your next step of faith.
Don't let fear hold you back from living by faith! Pastor Rick teaches biblical strategies to overcome fear, break free from selfishness and shortsightedness, and how to embrace a life of faith and courage.
Discover the power of honest doubt and sincere faith, and how Jesus meets you in the middle of your uncertainties. Pastor Rick teaches the biblical truth that, with just a mustard seed-sized faith, you can conquer mountains and experience the impossible.
Pastor Rick provides biblical lessons on how to overcome fear and embrace a life filled with endless possibilities. Don't let doubt hold you back—unlock the power of courageous imagination and experience an extraordinary journey of faith with God.
Discover how to break free from the grip of worry and anxiety that holds you back. Pastor Rick teaches the biblical steps to letting go of worry's burden and embracing a life of peace and trust in God's faithful care.
You can always expect the best from God, even in the face of adversity. In these messages, Pastor Rick explains how God is in control of your future, lovingly guiding you along a unique journey that deepens your faith, helps you mature, and prepares you to complete your life mission.
Prayer is not a duty; it’s a privilege you get to do. The Creator of the universe invites you to talk with him! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to have a deep, significant conversation with God.
Christianity is not about religion. It’s about a love affair, where music and love go hand in hand. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches why making a joyful noise—no matter how well you sing—helps increase your awareness of God’s love and presence in your life.
God expects you to invest the time, talents, and resources he’s given you into the things that will last for eternity. When you use what he’s given you to serve people, God will multiply what you have. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the principle of “use it or lose it”.
What keeps you from developing your full potential and building a legacy that will last into eternity? Fear! Listen as Pastor Rick explains the three kinds of fear that will keep you from using your talents and accomplishing God’s purpose.
Most of the choices you make in life are not so much between good and bad, rather they’re between what’s good and what’s best for you. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches an improvement test that will help you determine which choice is best for you.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how to use a biblical integrity test to help you make wise decisions and keep you from violating your own conscience.
What will be the ultimate authority in your life? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches why it’s essential to make your decisions based on God’s Word and not on what other people say.
Good relationships require commitment, effort, and time. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches what the Bible says about developing trusting, supportive friendships.
In this message, Pastor Rick shares biblical teachings on how gossip can harm friendships, families, and churches. He also offers guidance on how to respond when you’ve been hurt by someone gossiping about you.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how fear keeps us disconnected, but the Bible reveals how you can find the courage to go deeper in relationships.
You can’t do anything to earn God's grace; God gives it to you out of His love and kindness. Join Pastor Rick for this lesson on how God’s grace transforms your life through a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
You don't have to stay stuck in your mistakes or bad choices. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why God’s grace is available to you, no matter who you are or what you’ve done. Through Jesus Christ, you can have fresh start.
Generosity is an investment in the future. You’ve heard it said, “You can’t take it with you.” But you can send it on ahead! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how to use your worldly resources to invest in people—helping them to know Christ and helping them to grow as Christians. You’ll be making a positive impact on others and building up treasures in heaven.
The Bible says that your heart will be wherever you put your time, money, and energy. Listen to Pastor Rick as he teaches that generosity isn't just about giving money, but also about investing time and energy into building relationships with those around you. By doing so, you can help create a sense of community that encourages generosity.
Empathy is crucial because it meets your fundamental needs to be understood and have your feelings validated. In this message, Pastor Rick shares how to become an empathetic person, enabling you to serve in harmony with others.
Proverbs states that it's hard to find a trustworthy person—and that’s a problem that still exists today. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to become trustworthy, which is essential for serving God together with others.
In this broadcast, Pastor Rick shares four reasons why God wants believers to work together to serve other people. Philippians teaches that we’re to agree wholeheartedly with one another, love one another, and work together with one mind and purpose.
Admitting your mistakes is the secret ingredient that builds community faster than anything else. In this message, Pastor Rick explores four benefits of being honest about your mistakes, feelings, faults, and fears.
We often pray for people's physical, financial, and relational needs but not as much for their spiritual growth. Pastor Rick shares in this message the Bible verses that will guide you in praying for others to mature in their faith.
Everybody is looking for affirmation, and they will do almost anything to get it. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how to affirm other people so that you are not only encouraging them to grow but also ministering to them like Jesus did.
Do you want your relationships to grow? In this message, Pastor Rick continues to teach the qualities and practices that can help you build up your relationships instead of tearing them down.
Insecurity prevents intimacy and can ruin your relationships. You can’t get close to somebody if there’s fear in the relationship. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how love removes fear from a relationship, and he explains how shifting the focus from you to other people is a powerful way to build relationships.
Pride destroys relationships. It shows up in a lot of different ways, like criticism, competition, stubbornness, and superficiality. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how humility is the antidote to pride and what you need to do to become a more humble person.
Selfishness is the number one cause of conflict, arguments, divorce, and even war. If selfishness destroys relationships, then what builds them? Pastor Rick answers that question in this message about growing healthy relationships.
The most effective way to let other people know about the great things that God can do in their lives is to tell them the story of what God has done in your life. In this message, Pastor Rick discusses the steps you need to take to prepare yourself to share your story with others.
God wants you to share the Good News, but you don’t have to do it alone! God’s plan has always been that you go on mission with other people. Join Pastor Rick for this message as he shares ideas for how to partner with your small group as you pray for and reach out to your community.
You need people in your life who will encourage you and point you toward Jesus. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick concludes his teaching on the significance of Christian community—the body of Christ—in helping you become the person God created you to be.
Tragedy and heartache are inevitable, but you can prepare for them by building a network of supporters and friends. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the importance of building such a safety net—and that the time for doing it is now.
Most Christians are defeated because we try to fight Satan on our own. That’s foolish! You’re never going to win against the Devil if you fight him on your own. You need other people who will watch out for you and pray with you. In this message, Pastor Rick explains why a supportive community of believers is God’s answer to defeating sin and temptation.
You were never meant to walk through life alone. God wants you to find community in your spiritual family—the body of Christ. In this biblical teaching, Pastor Rick explains three reasons why you need others to walk with you and serve with you through life.
In this continuation of the previous message, Rick and Kay Warren look deeper into how God can use your pain to transform you. They explain how your suffering can draw you closer to Christ and help you become more like him.
When something bad happens, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and want to run away. But in this message, Rick and Kay Warren teach that you can choose to run to God instead. They provide practical guidance for taking your pain to God and finding comfort and healing in his presence.
One of the most challenging transitions during a time of grief is moving toward the future rather than hanging around in the past. Join Rick and Kay Warren as they teach how surrendering to God can lead to hope and healing.
The first step toward peace is to accept what you cannot change. Join Rick and Kay Warren as they continue to teach about God’s presence in your grief and why it is essential that you rely on his presence and comfort during difficult times.
The Bible teaches that it is okay to argue with God. Join Rick and Kay Warren as explain that you can bring your doubts and complaints to God, and that doing so can be an act of worship.
When you begin to see yourself the way that God sees you, it will transform you and your life. Join Rick and Kay Warren for this message about what to do when life makes no sense.
Join Pastor Rick for this biblical message on how God is with you when you suffer and how he offers comfort and hope.
In this biblical message, Pastor Rick explains why grief is a necessary and healthy response to loss, and how avoiding it can keep you from moving forward in life.
Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the importance of empathy and compassion for those who are suffering and explains what the Bible means when it says we should “weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15 NLT).
In this message, Rick and Kay Warren teach how God helps you overcome feelings of hopelessness and despair.
In this message, Rick and Kay Warren teach that despite the brokenness of the world, you can still experience joy and hope in God, who is good and has a plan greater than any circumstance.
Join Rick and Kay Warren as they teach how you can faithfully rely on the promises of God to find strength and hope in difficult times.
God is actively working to bring good out of whatever happens in your life. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to experience hope in your life, regardless of circumstances.
One of the fundamental questions in life is this: Is there hope? And if there is, where do you turn to find real hope? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how you can have confident hope in God and how that hope can serve as a foundation to get through any circumstance.
Satan doesn’t mind you studying the Bible as long as you don’t do anything with what you’ve learned. In this teaching from Pastor Rick, find out what you need to do to make sure that doesn’t happen.
If you starve yourself of God’s Word, you won’t have much success in winning spiritual battles. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how to feed yourself on the Word of God—the only thing that will feed your soul.
It’s not enough to know the Bible; you have to do it! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick wants you to understand how to turn your biblical knowledge into action so that you can take responsibility: “Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it” (James 4:17 NLT).
Simplicity is key when it comes to having an effective quiet time. Join Pastor Rick as he walks through six simple steps that will start you on a rewarding devotional journey. “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty” (Proverbs 21:5 ESV).
One tip that will help you become a doer of the Word is to write a one-sentence application based on what you read in the Bible. Pastor Rick points to four characteristics of a good application sentence that will help you become a doer of God’s Word and not just a hearer.
As you read the Bible, you should be asking God, “What should I do with this passage?” In this broadcast, Pastor Rick shares his Bible study tool called the “probe-it” method, in which you probe a biblical text with questions so that its application will change your life.
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches that the ultimate goal of all Bible study is application. If you only believe the parts of the Bible that you apply in your life, then what do you truly believe? Let God’s Word and this message move you forward in faith as you let the Bible change the way you live, love, and think.
God says that, if you want to be successful, you should meditate on his Word: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Joshua 1:8 NIV). So how do you do it? Pastor Rick shares the answer in this broadcast on biblical meditation.
The Bible is your water and bread—you were never meant to live without it! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick uncovers just how essential God’s Word is to living a full and abundant life.
“If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples” (John 8:31 NASB). In this message, Pastor Rick shares four tips that will help you develop a lifelong habit of reading and studying God’s Word.
Too many of us spend our lives working for the approval of others. But Pastor Rick wants you to know that only your Creator can fathom your full potential. Join Pastor Rick as he reveals words from the Bible that will unlock all you’ve been made to do and be.
The more you read God’s Word when you’re down, the more he lifts you up. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick presents the Bible as the ultimate mood elevator. Find out how you can get freedom from discouragement through the truth of God’s Word.
It’s not enough to just know the Bible and study it. We are meant to be doers of the Word and not just hearers. Find out how to activate your faith and stimulate your spiritual growth through this message from Pastor Rick.
God doesn’t want you to carry the baggage of guilt, regret, and shame throughout your life. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick offers hope through the Word of God for those struggling with the weight of their sin: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NIV).
God wants you to know that he loves you, he saved you, and you can spend eternity with him. How does he let you know? Through his Word. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to make God’s Word a regular part of your life so that it can change your life.
Join Pastor Rick as he continues to explain why you can trust the Bible to be the unchanging foundation of your life: “Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice . . . They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock” (Luke 6:47-48 NIV).
In this message, Pastor Rick talks about the marvel of the Bible—how one book could be so despised and disputed, yet such an integral part of culture. Learn why you should trust in the one thing that will last: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (Matthew 24:35 NIV).
Many people have a hard time trusting the Bible because they don’t trust the people who wrote it. Pastor Rick uses this message to show just how much Jesus believed in and trusted the Bible—and why you should too.
The only reason the universe works is because God is true all the time. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick offers proof, through examples from history, that we can trust God’s Word. This is not only because the Bible is doctrinally and theologically accurate, but because God cannot lie.
There’s a difference between gazing into God’s Word and just glancing at it. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches four simple steps to use God’s Word as a mirror to evaluate your life.
Just like a gardener prepares the soil to receive new seeds, you need to prepare yourself to receive God’s Word. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches you four steps to help prepare your heart to receive God’s Word.
How did Jesus treat those who opposed him? Even on the cross he said, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing” (Luke 23:34 GW). In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how you can show love—even when you’re under attack—to those who oppose you.
The Bible says sometimes suffering is God’s will for your life. Why? Because it makes you more like Jesus. In this message, Pastor Rick talks about three kinds of suffering and how to remain faithful while facing opposition.
The pressure you feel to cave in, be quiet, or sit down when you should stand up is not coming from other people. Pastor Rick explains in this message why, when you face opposition because of your faith, you need to recognize the source of the opposition.
You should never be embarrassed for standing for the truth and doing what’s right. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick helps you understand why you don’t need other people’s approval to be happy and how that understanding will help you face opposition to your faith.
Join Pastor Rick as he continues to explain how you can be a peacemaker in your relationships at home, at work, and with your friends.
In a relationship, you can have unity without uniformity. You can walk hand in hand together without seeing eye to eye. In this message, Pastor Rick helps you understand how to repair a relationship where there is conflict by focusing on reconciliation, not resolution.
When you meet with someone to resolve a conflict, you need to listen to the other person’s hurt and perspective. Pastor Rick shares in this message how to speak less, listen more, and change your focus so that you can reconcile a relationship.
It takes courage to approach someone you are in conflict with and tell them you want to work things out. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why, if you want to resolve conflict in your relationships, you have to be willing to make the first move.
Integrity demands that every area of your life is treated with the same standard. Pastor Rick wants you to understand through this message what that means for you. Join him as he shares six practical ways you can work to become a person of integrity.
If you are serious about becoming a person of integrity, the first step is to admit that you don’t always act with integrity. In this message, Pastor Rick explains why, if you want to have integrity, you must confess your sins and then make the choice to sin less.
In a world that is absolutely obsessed with appearance and image, how can you keep it real when everybody else is faking it? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick gives you the one thing you need to care about if you want to be a person of integrity.
You can go overboard on mercy; just look at what Jesus did on the cross. In this message, Pastor Rick shares personal applications for the different facets of mercy so that you can learn how to be generous with your premeditated acts of mercy.
Most people think mercy means forgiving people who don’t deserve it or helping people who can’t help themselves. Those are two definitions of mercy, but Pastor Rick wants you to understand through this message the many facets of mercy so that you can apply them to your relationships.
Jesus says in Matthew 5:7, “God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (NLT). If you want to experience God’s mercy, then you need to learn to be a minister of mercy. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick gives you four reasons God expects you to show mercy.
Are you hungry for God? It is possible to maintain a spiritual hunger for God for the rest of your life. In this message, Pastor Rick shares five ways to keep a spiritual appetite so that you will “grow into a full experience of salvation” (1 Peter 2:2 NLT).
The Bible says in Romans 1:17, “The Good News shows how God makes people right with himself” (NCV). Pastor Rick uses this message to explain the three points of the Gospel, how God makes you right with himself, and what you need to do about it.
“Righteousness” is a big word that’s used hundreds of times in the Bible. But what does it really mean? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick boils righteousness down to two words and explains how it applies to your life.
Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach what the Bible says about gentleness and how it can transform your relationships with others and with God.
Practicing gentleness helps you become more like Jesus. Listen to Pastor Rick as he teaches why developing a Christ-like gentleness will help you rest faithfully in God’s love.
If you claim to be a follower of Jesus, you don’t want to speak evil of anyone or be quarrelsome. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick shares how to treat others with respect without compromising what you believe so that your gentleness is a witness to unbelievers.
It’s human to mimic the emotions of people around you. When someone gets angry at you, you often get angry back. Pastor Rick explains in this message why you need to respond to anger with gentleness and the effect that will have on the conflict.
When you have a broken heart, God draws you close and grieves with you, and then he uses your grief to help you grow. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how God can bring good out of your pain.
Everyone will experience loss in their lives. You don’t just get over a loss, and you can’t go under it or around it. You’ve got to go through the grief. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick shares six ways God blesses and heals a broken heart.
Life is full of losses. The world is broken, and nothing—including your relationships—works perfectly. Pastor Rick uses this message to help you understand a couple truths that will provide perspective as you face inevitable losses in life and rise above them.
If you put your security in your bank account, your job, or your investments, it won’t make you more secure—because you can still lose all of those things. Pastor Rick explains through this message how you get God’s blessing when you depend on God’s wealth and not your own.
When you are criticized or attacked, you’ll be tempted to defend yourself. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why you need to let God be your defender and, instead of retaliating, respond like Jesus did when he was insulted.
If you really want God’s blessing on your life, you can’t depend on what your feelings or your gut tells you. Join Pastor Rick as he shares in this message how to get God’s wisdom so that you will have fewer dead ends and failures in your life.
Romans 4:18 says, “Abraham, when hope was dead within him, went on hoping in faith . . . He relied on the word of God” (Phillips). In this message, Pastor Rick shares how you can have hope even when you face a dead end as you trust in God’s promises to deliver you from your troubles.
When you’re stuck in the dead-end phase of faith and you’re waiting for deliverance, the situation may be out of your control—but it’s never out of God’s control. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains what you need to remember and focus on when you face a dead end.
God has a plan for your life, and his purpose for you is greater than your problems and pain. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how God uses your pain to help you mature in faith and become more like Christ.
In Acts 27, Paul and other prisoners face great difficulty on a sea voyage. Despite Paul’s warning, the men set sail into a storm and make three mistakes instead of following God. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can avoid these same mistakes on your journey of faith.
Sometimes you get a dream from God and make the decision to go for it—but then you’re forced into God’s waiting room. When that happens, you have two choices: You can try to figure it out on your own, or you can have faith in God’s timing. In this message, Pastor Rick shares how to trust God’s timing when you are delayed.
When God delays your dream, he is testing you and preparing you for the inevitable difficulties you will face in your faith process. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast how to respond when your dream is delayed so that God will find you faithful.
You will never realize God’s dream for your life until you make the decision to step out in faith. Pastor Rick shares in this broadcast a simple, workable plan for making biblical decisions that will keep you on track as you pursue God’s dream for your life.
When you have a God-given dream, you visualize the dream first, and then you verbalize it by saying, “This is what I believe God wants to do in my life.” You announce it to other people! Pastor Rick explains in this message the three effects of publicly stating your dream.
When you get serious about discovering God’s dream for your life, you have to decide: Will you choose the good life or God’s life? Materialism or ministry? The rat race or God’s race? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how to follow God’s dream instead of settling for your culture's idea of success.
Can you imagine a life where everything is possible? It sounds like a great adventure! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick walks through each step in God’s six phases of faith, from dream to deliverance, so that you can claim God’s promise in Mark 9:23: “Everything is possible for the person who has faith” (GNT).
When you don’t understand God’s six phases of faith—the steps he uses to build your character and lead you toward your dream—you may get discouraged, and you will certainly worry. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how the phases of faith help you grow spiritually and keep you from becoming fearful about the future.
After Jesus’s resurrection, he gave an assignment to all his followers, to go into the world and teach people about him. Join Pastor Rick as he explains what heaven will be like and what Jesus wants you to do before you get there.
Jesus is praying for you right now. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how Jesus is constantly interceding for his followers and why that should give you great comfort and confidence.
When God created the universe, his plan was to have a family to love. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how Jesus is building that family and keeping it secure—and how you can be a part of his family.
What does it take to make changes that last? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how God transforms you when you ask him to help you make changes in your life.
Making changes in your life won’t happen overnight. It’s a lifelong process that requires the power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how the Holy Spirit helps you overcome destructive habits as God transforms you into the person he created you to be.
Have you ever asked, “Why are some things in my life so hard to change?” or, “Why do I hold on to self-defeating habits?” Join Pastor Rick as he explores the answer to these questions.
What do you choose to think about? In this message, Pastor Rick explains why what you feed your mind controls your behavior and why you need to be on a steady diet of God’s Word.
To reset your life, you need to make a choice to fill your mind with the best thoughts. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how to focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, beautiful, admirable, excellent, and worth praising.
Resetting your life starts with changing how you think. Pastor Rick explains in this message why the things you choose to think about make such an impact on how you live.
You can’t reset your life on your own, and you also can’t reset without making some big changes. Pastor Rick explains in this message how to embrace community and let go of things that slow you down as you prepare to reset your life.
The Bible encourages followers of Jesus to examine their lives and be honest about how they’re living. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to search your life and do an honest appraisal of the areas where you need a reset.
When you’re ready to make a change in your life, start by asking God to do something new in you. It’s a request he wants to answer! In fact, God says in Isaiah 43:18-19, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” (NIV). Listen as Pastor Rick explains how to begin preparing for a reset.