Curating and Celebrating the Culture with Dr. Diana Baird N'Diaye
Curating and Celebrating the Culture with Dr. Diana Baird N'Diaye  
Podcast: Stitch Please
Published On: Wed Mar 23 2022
Description: Dr. Diana Baird N'DiayeInstagram @dndaiayegorgeous website: Youth Opportunities Unlimited or HARYOUMamie Phipps Clark  and Kenneth ClarkCyril deGrasse Tyson led anti-poverty programs inside and outside of governmentZelda Wynn Valdes, American fashion designer and costumerArthur Mitchell, American ballet dancer, choreographer and founder of ballet companiesGladys KnightEartha Kitt, American singer, actress, comedian, dancer and activistDiahann Carroll, American actress, singer, model, activistMae West, American stage and film actress, playwright, screenwriter, and singerJohn Whittington Franklin, historianThe Will To Adorn, African American Dress and the Aesthetics of Identity and at the Museum of the African DiasporaThe Crown ActThe DuSable Museum of African American HistoryInstitute of Texan CulturesMadaha Kinsey-Lamb, Mind Builders Creative Arts CenterCrafts of African FashionCamila Bryce-Laporte,  "Black In The Land of the Piscataway"Kibibi AjankuMichael Twitty, TastemakerJames Beard AwardBlackWomenStitch Instagram, homepage, Patreon Sign up for the Black Women Stitch quarterly newsletterCheck out our merch hereLeave a BACKSTITCH message and tell us about your favorite episode.Join the Black Women Stitch PatreonCheck out our Amazon StoreStay...