Gunky Gourd
Gunky Gourd  
Podcast: The Upside Down Story: Mystery Stories for Kid Detectives
Published On: Fri Oct 13 2023
Description: Welcome to The Upside Down Story! With most stories, the storyteller introduces themself at the beginning of the tale. But here at The Upside Down Story we turn everything flipsy flopsy upside downsy! You aren’t going to know who is telling you this story until the very end – unless you guess sooner, that is! Today you’re going to hear a wonderful tale with lots of little hints and your job is to guess who I am by the end of the story. A mystery narrator? What could be more fun!? Today’s hint is that the storyteller is an object. That means you’re going to be guessing what type of thing I am! Am I a cucumber, a computer, or perhaps a shoe? Hmmm. Let's start today's story and see how quickly you can guess who The Upside Down storyteller is!