Lions Win Bigger Than Chiefs Loss, Super Bowl Picks, and NFL Trade Value Rankings With Sheil Kapadia
Lions Win Bigger Than Chiefs Loss, Super Bowl Picks, and NFL Trade Value Rankings With Sheil Kapadia  
Podcast: The Ryen Russillo Podcast
Published On: Fri Sep 08 2023
Description: Russillo opens the show with his takeaways from Lions-Chiefs and shares his Super Bowl picks for the season (1:00). Next, he’s joined by The Ringer’s Sheil Kapadia to talk through his trade value rankings and go through some mock trade scenarios (14:00). Then, Ceruti and Kyle join to make this week’s Alliance Parlay (52:00) before they close the show with some listener-submitted Life Advice questions (57:00). The Ringer is committed to responsible gaming. Please check out to find out more or listen to the end of the episode for additional details. Host: Ryen Russillo Guest: Sheil Kapadia Producers: Steve Ceruti, Kyle Crichton, and Mike Wargon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit