Episode 21: Mental Illness & Disorders, OWCP Stress Claims, & Other Resources
Episode 21: Mental Illness & Disorders, OWCP Stress Claims, & Other Resources  
Podcast: FedUp with Ron Speakman
Published On: Sat Nov 11 2023
Description: In this episode we talk about mental illness and mental disorders stemming from having to work in a toxic and hostile work environment. We also address how we can file an OWCP stress claim regarding our mental illness and/or disorders, what's needed to do that, and other useful resources to combat the mistreatment from management and the toxic and hostile working conditions we deal with at any moment on any given day. It's time we realize that mental illness is real and can affect anyone at any time during our careers, and it's time we take a stand and hold those who knowingly and willfully created our mental illness and/or disorders accountable for their actions.    * Please call the National Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Crisis Line at 988. They will be there with you in the moment, in your time of need, and could be that shinning light in your darkest moment. And it's free. Again, please call 988 if you need someone to talk with. You are not alone, never forget that.