Work In the Seams & Cracks (ft. Marc D'Amelio)
Work In the Seams & Cracks (ft. Marc D'Amelio)  
Podcast: Let Me Save You 25 Years
Published On: Thu Jan 18 2024
Description: If you really want to do something- anything!- and you want to be great, you’ve got to work in EVERY seam and crack because it's a competitive world and there's a TON to get done.That’s the ESSENTIAL Shawnism for you this week from Shawn D. Nelson, host of Let Me Save You 25 Years: work in the seams and cracks. This is for everyone who wants to excel in what they are doing- from building a business to simply getting to the top of your game. Shawn has built his career and company working these spaces. It’s more than the hustle, it’s the creativity to work the spaces that others pass over.We have the ultimate influencer, from a family of influencers, joining Shawn to tell you how he does it. Marc D’Amelio, Chief Executive Officer of D'Amelio Brands LLC, a serial entrepreneur with a full footwear line, apparel, snack brand, and media empire, AND an influencer himself, shares how he has kept momentum and staying power over decades to build an iconic brand and a life full of joy.Marc and Shawn talk about finding those truly unique opportunities in business (they involve lots of risk!), what makes a TikTok trend, why results over hours worked is the goal and so much more. Marc did not get to where he is today without working in the seams & cracks and finding opportunities in these unlikely corners.Do you want to make your dreams a reality in an increasingly competitive world? Then make sure you work in the seams and cracks. Go on…. get in there!