Podcast:Let Me Save You 25 Years Published On: Thu Nov 30 2023 Description: 'Let Me Save You 25' Years Host Shawn D. Nelson is back with a Shawnism that might be THE key turning point in your business or personal journey: "You Never Know Until You Ask." Don't shrink because of doubt! Most of what you desire to happen remains in the realm of dreams unless you are bold enough to simply ASK.This is the ultimate in advocating for yourself. If you are raising money, hiring the right people and getting them to join you, or winning allies- you need to put it out there or you will remain in the same place- just fantasizing the "what if's. " No one is advocating for you, but you. My friend, the entrepreneur's guru, Verne Harnish did this and it certainly changed his trajectory. When he was a freshman in college, he asked the chairman of his company if he could live with him- that's right, he just came out and asked. Emulating his heroes like David Carnegie he wanted to grow connections- and you know what- the chairman said yes!Verne Harnish is the Owner and CEO, Scaling Up: A Gazelles Company, the father of a movement in business building that stands completely on its own as a pillar among the CEO of gazelles. He is on many boards, a world-leading speaker, author, and entrepreneur in the field of business growth, AND the author of six books, including the best-selling 'Mastering the Rockefeller Habits.' Shawn and Verne talk about identifying the top 25 people that can help you succeed, how self-awareness is the root of all success and that there's always somebody out there that's smarter and more connected than you are - your job is just to get to them. Taking a risk like this is no small leap. People can be afraid of the NO and not let the excitement of YES, or even MAYBE, propel them ahead.. Don't be the person who stays wondering what could have happened. Take the leap because YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU ASK! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.