Push Yourself Out of the Nest (ft. Daniel Pink)
Push Yourself Out of the Nest (ft. Daniel Pink)  
Podcast: Let Me Save You 25 Years
Published On: Thu Dec 21 2023
Description: "Push Yourself Out of the Nest" - this is a critical concept for anyone who wants to do anything even remotely great. This bias for action is Let Me Save You 25 Years' Host Shawn D. Nelson's next Shawnism - embrace that discomfort! It's part of the learning process even if that first flight is a bust.Shawn talks to one of his favorite authors Daniel Pink, who penned five New York Times bestsellers (some of them #1 bestsellers), including his latest, The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward. His entire body of work has loads of insights on miscalculation, risk management, and valuable decision-making tools, such as opportunity costs and the "tie goes to the runner" heuristic. We think we have to figure things out, and then take action. When in fact, action is a form of figuring things out. Let's be honest - we learn more by doing than we do by contemplating. Planning is overrated and doing is underrated. You learn to fly real fast when you just take the leap: PUSH YOURSELF OUT OF THE NEST!