Play Along the Way (ft. John Mackey)
Play Along the Way (ft. John Mackey)  
Podcast: Let Me Save You 25 Years
Published On: Thu Jan 25 2024
Description: Fun is essential. You can be the worker bee, head down- getting it done- but not only will you be missing out on the FUN, you may just miss the mark entirely. All work and no play? It may cost you your business. That is the Shawnism this week: PLAY ALONG THE WAY.This week we have a modern day business TITAN: John Mackey, Founder of Whole Foods Market. He revolutionized retail and grocery while starting multiple movements in health and wellness, organic foods, conscious operations and many facets of positive movements in business and culture. Basically, Whole Foods Market revolutionized the way we do business. He is the co-author of Conscious Capitalism and is in the midst of starting a new venture on wellness, Love.Life.John and Shawn talk about playful attitudes and their profound impact in creating work culture (hear about meetings that have fun "top secret" missions), the importance of authenticity, how a holistic approach to health helps spur creative problem solving, and SO much more. Trust us, you want to be a fly on the wall for this conversation full of delightful stories and practical advice.Do you want to make your dreams a reality in an increasingly competitive world? You can just work- make the work fun and PLAY ALONG THE WAY, See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at