Living Amongst the Dead, the Underworld & its Infernal Chthonic Cuties
Living Amongst the Dead, the Underworld & its Infernal Chthonic Cuties  
Podcast: Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold
Published On: Tue Oct 25 2022
Description: It's time for the infernal goddesses of the dead... Chthonic Cuties... the realm of the Underworld itself, and how the real people of ancient Greece worshipped and interacted with that realm while they're still in the land of the living... Learn LOADS more about Persephone and the Underworld by following Ellie Mackin Roberts on TikTok (seriously, she's amazing on there). Help keep LTAMB going by subscribing to Liv's Patreon for bonus content! CW/TW: far too many Greek myths involve assault. Given it's fiction, and typically involves gods and/or monsters, I'm not as deferential as I would be were I referencing the real thing. Sources: Early Greek Myths by Timothy Gantz; entries on Persephone, Melinoe, and Hades; Heroines of Olympus by Ellie Mackin Roberts. Attributions and licensing information for music used in the podcast can be found here: for privacy information.