138-Why Pruning Matters: Principles, Recommendations and Tips from the Pruner's Bible
Podcast:The joe gardener Show - Organic Gardening - Vegetable Gardening - Expert Garden Advice From Joe Lamp'l Published On: Thu Jan 09 2020 Description: One of my favorite gardening tasks is pruning. In fact, I love it so much that I don’t really consider it a task at all, and it was the focus of my very first joe gardener Show podcast episode. Unfortunately, it’s a subject that tends to confound or intimidate many gardeners. Today’s guest, Steve Bradley, was determined to break the sometimes confusing principles of pruning down to the basics, and his book, The Pruner's Bible, does just that. Download my free eBook 5 Steps to Your Best Garden Ever - the 5 most important steps anyone can do to have a thriving garden or landscape. It’s what I still do today, without exception to get incredible results, even in the most challenging conditions. Subscribe to the joegardener® email list to receive weekly updates about new podcast episodes, seasonal gardening tips, and online gardening course announcements. Check out The joegardener® Online Gardening Academy for our growing library of organic gardening courses. Follow joegardener® on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, and subscribe to The joegardenerTV YouTube channel.