My Mother Stole My Children
My Mother Stole My Children  
Podcast: We're All Insane
Published On: Mon Jun 10 2024
Description: In this heart-wrenching video, Elise shares the painful story of how her own mother legally took her children away from her. Through a series of calculated tactics and legal maneuvers, her mother managed to gain custody, leaving Elise devastated and fighting to reclaim her family. Elise recounts the events that led up to this, the emotional and legal battles she faced, and the ongoing struggle to reunite with her children. Elise also shares her harrowing experience of being sent to a troubled teen program. These programs, often marketed as therapeutic and rehabilitative, can sometimes hide darker realities. Elise's Links: Instagram: "Good Inside" : "Good Inside" book: "Good enough parenting" - book that promotes the connection and relationship with kids rather than focusing on "bad" behaviors: Link that offers something other than AA/NA: the idea that addiction is not a disease but a coping mechanism and the "cure" for addiction is connection: TED talk about freeze response:
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