Episode 15: Standing for Life in a Secular World
Episode 15: Standing for Life in a Secular World  
Podcast: Fearless with Cissie Graham Lynch
Published On: Wed Jan 22 2020
Description: Show NotesMost Christians would take a stance as pro-life. But are you able to stand on a platform and discuss what you believe and why you believe it? This week marks the 47th anniversary of Roe vs Wade. Abortion is such a controversial topic, with far-left Democrats going so far as saying they would murder newborn babies. We need to be able to defend our position on why the sanctity of life is so important. Listen to my new Fearless episode, where I address this polarizing topic and discussing how to have a conversation as a Christian and in a secular world about why abortion goes against God’s Word. The 47th March for Life is this Friday in Washington D.C. and in cities across the country. Let’s continue to pray for this nation and our leaders as many are taking a strong stand on this subject.Scripture Referenced•1 Peter 3:15•Genesis 1:26-27•Psalm 106:38•Jeremiah 1:5•Luke 1:41-44•Psalm 139:13-16Going Farther•March for Life: www.marchforlife.org•Family Research Council: www.frc.org•The Elephant in the Room - ABFBoone.com: abfboone.com/elephant-in-the-room/•J.K. Dobbins – Abortion survivor story: www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/entertainment/2019/december/miracle-baby-sportscaster-reveals-star-ohio-state-running-back-was-almost-aborted •Articles from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association on Abortion: billygraham.org/grow-your-faith/topics/crisis-situations/abortion/•Roe vs. WadeoFull Text: caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/410/113.htmloCase Information: www.landmarkcases.org/cases/roe-v-wade•Guttmacher Institute – Studies asking women why they have chosen to have an abortiono1998: www.guttmacher.org/journals/ipsrh/1998/09/reasons-why-women-have-induced-abortions-evidence-27-countrieso2005: www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2005/reasons-us-women-have-abortions-quantitative-and-qualitative-perspectives•Students for Life: www.studentsforlife.org•Americans United for Life: www.aul.org•The Heritage Foundation: www.heritage.org•Christian resources for those looking for hope and help:•For women dealing with an unplanned pregnancy Human Coalition: www.thewomens.clinicCare Net: www.pregnancydecisionline.orgHeartbeat International: www.optionline.org•For post-abortive women seeking emotional healingoSurrendering the Secret: www.surrenderingthesecret.com