Podcast: SciShow Tangents
Published On: Tue Apr 16 2019
Description: Pregnancy is, biologically speaking, extremely weird! A pregnant animal’s body goes through so many hormonal and physical changes to make sure a zygote has everything it needs to grow. This week, we’re talking about a few of those things, like why pregnant people get nauseated and other animals might not. So is pseudopregnancy a real thing, or are pandas just tricking zookeepers to get extra treats? Why is there a patent for a birthing machine that looks like a horrible carnival ride? And what the heck is a stone baby?Want to know more about our topics? Check out these links:[Truth or Fail][Fact Off]Panda pseudopregnancy:Lithopedion:[Ask the Science Couch]Morning sickness:[Butt One More Thing]Meconium: