Science Hoaxes
Science Hoaxes  
Podcast: SciShow Tangents
Published On: Tue Nov 13 2018
Description: We’re delving into the complicated world of scientific hoaxes. Some are just goofs that went a little too far, but others have had serious negative impacts on public health.Welcome, traveler, to the first episode! This is Sam from December of 2020. I can't believe, more two years later, we're still playing this goofy game! If you're starting here, you have a long and grand adventure ahead of you. It only gets way better from here!If you're working your way backwards... well, you did it! Hopefully a new episode will be coming out soon, otherwise what will you listen to while you do your chores?? Sources:[Truth or Fail]Cello Scrotum:’s Ear: Butt:[Fact Off]Mary Toft:[Ask the Science Couch]Andrew Wakefield:[Butt One More Thing]Fake coprolite: