Best of In the Bubble: What No One Knows About COVID-19 (with Larry Brilliant)
Podcast:In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt Published On: Mon Jan 04 2021 Description: If you didn’t catch this Best of In the Bubble episode the first time around, you are in for a treat! And even if you've heard it already, go ahead and give it another listen. If there is one expert Andy could talk with about coronavirus and how we are really doing, it is epidemiologist Larry Brilliant. Larry, who helped eradicate smallpox and is hard at work on coronavirus, grades our performance on a scientific, sociological, and political basis. He also shares everything that science knows, and doesn't know, about the way the novel coronavirus is transmitted and infects us. Larry doesn’t mince words about political leadership or the CDC. Keep up with Andy on Twitter @ASlavitt and Instagram @andyslavitt. Follow Larry Brilliant on Twitter @larrybrilliant. In the Bubble is supported in part by listeners like you. Become a member, get exclusive bonus content, ask Andy questions, and get discounted merch at Support the show by checking out our sponsors! Livinguard masks have the potential to deactivate COVID-19 based on the testing they have conducted from leading universities such as the University of Arizona and the Free University in Berlin, Germany. Go to and use the code BUBBLE10 for 10% off. Check out these resources from today’s episode: Check out the latest information on the Oxford vaccine, as mentioned in this week’s Zach Fact: Here is more information if you are Interested in volunteering for a COVID-19 prevention clinical study: Watch Larry Brilliant’s 2006 TED Talk here: Read more about how chronic fatigue syndrome may hold keys to understanding post-Covid syndrome: To follow along with a transcript and/or take notes for friends and family, go to shortly after the air date. Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. See for privacy information.See for privacy information.