How Far-Right Extremism Became Mainstream
How Far-Right Extremism Became Mainstream  
Podcast: In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt
Published On: Fri May 20 2022
Description: The echoes of white nationalism have seeped into talking points espoused by conservative media and the GOP party. The shooting in Buffalo is the latest example of where those dangerous thoughts can lead. Andy speaks with hate crime researcher Jeannine Bell and extremism reporter Andy Campbell about how Republican politicians and political pundits spouting anti-immigrant and anti-Black hate leads directly to someone taking action on those beliefs. Is this a quest for country-wide reconciliation and rehabilitation, or a war over good and evil? How can you fight hate in your community? Find out. Keep up with Andy on Twitter @ASlavitt. Follow Andy Campbell and Jeannine Bell on Twitter @AndyBCampbell and @jeanninelbell. Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at    Support the show by checking out our sponsors! America's psychiatric emergency systems are struggling to assist those in dire need of help. The Kennedy-Satcher Center for Mental Health Equity, a subsidiary of the Satcher Health Leadership at Morehouse School of Medicine, is partnering with Beacon Health Options to establish critical guidelines for dismantling inequity through its new research and policy initiative. You can join the movement too by attending their upcoming virtual summit. Go to to register today. Beacon Health Options has also published a new white paper online called Reimagining Behavioral Health Crisis Systems of Care. Download it today at Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows:    Check out these resources from today’s episode:  Order Jeannine Bell’s book, “Policing Hatred: Law Enforcement, Civil Rights, and Hate Crime”: Pre-order Andy Campbell’s book, “We Are Proud Boys: How a Right-Wing Street Gang Ushered in a New Era of American Extremism”: Find vaccines, masks, testing, treatments, and other resources in your community: Order Andy’s book, “Preventable: The Inside Story of How Leadership Failures, Politics, and Selfishness Doomed the U.S. Coronavirus Response”:  Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia.  For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit for privacy information.