Toolkit: How to Build a Bubble
Toolkit: How to Build a Bubble  
Podcast: In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt
Published On: Mon Dec 14 2020
Description: Frankly, it's a little embarrassing it's taken this long to do this toolkit, but better late than never: In the Bubble answers your questions about bubbles. Andy and Lana enlist the help of epidemiologists Emily Gurley and Saskia Popescu to get a better understanding of what a bubble is (and what it isn't), how to build a safer one, what to do if someone in your bubble gets sick, and more. Plus, why the UK has bad bubbles.   Keep up with Andy on Twitter @ASlavitt and Instagram @andyslavitt.   Follow Saskia Popescu @SaskiaPopescu and Emily Gurley @EmilyGurley3 on Twitter.   In the Bubble is supported in part by listeners like you. Become a member, get exclusive bonus content, ask Andy questions, and get discounted merch at    Support the show by checking out our sponsors! Livinguard masks have the potential to deactivate COVID-19 based on the testing they have conducted from leading universities such as the University of Arizona and the Free University in Berlin, Germany. Go to and use the code BUBBLE10 for 10% off.   Check out these resources from today’s episode:  Check out the ‘Quaranpod Discussion Checklist’ created by Joseph Osmundson that Saskia mentions in today’s episode:  Here is the graphic showing the bubble you think you have vs. the bubble you actually have:  Emily is quoted in this New York Times piece where Farhad Manjoo tried to figure out how big his bubble is: Learn more about the UK’s Christmas bubbles:  Read The NYT article Lana and Andy mention surveying what activities 700 epidemiologists have done in the last 30 days:  Learn more about the Swiss Cheese Model:  Pre-order Andy’s book, Preventable: The Inside Story of How Leadership Failures, Politics, and Selfishness Doomed the U.S. Coronavirus Response, here:    To follow along with a transcript and/or take notes for friends and family, go to shortly after the air date.   Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit  See for privacy information.See for privacy information.