The Dig
The Dig

The Dig is a podcast from Jacobin magazine that discusses politics, criminal justice, immigration and class conflict with smart people. Please support us on Patreon:

Featuring TrueAnon hosts Brace Belden and Liz Franczak on our freakish and reactionary tech oligarchy. Musk and friends built a technological infrastructure that has warped everyone’s minds, including their own. Now they’re seizing the state. The hideous AI “art” we discuss: Support The Dig at Register for the Socialism Conference at before April 25th for an early bird discount! Use code "DIG" for 30% off a subscription to
Featuring Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor and Mike McCarthy on the MAGA and DOGE war on woke; the complicity of bankrupt liberal identity politics; and the centrality of various oppressions to the class domination of capital and struggles against it. Support this podcast at Read Mike’s article "The Problem of Class Abstractionism" Buy Enemy Feminisms at Buy Solidarity Betrayed at
Featuring Danielle Carr on the history and present state of American unwellness and how that's been shaped by psychiatry, prescription drugs, neuroscience, popular culture, smartphones and social media. We trace the rise of psychiatry as a Gilded Age human science, the disastrous contradictions of asylum deinstitutionalization, the invention of neuroscience and deep brain stimulation, Elon Musk’s Neuralink fraudulence, how Adderall made the Internet run, the liberal gospel of traumatic literalism recounted in The Body Keeps the Score, and the scientific Bonapartism of RFK Jr.’s medical freedom movement. Buy Empire of Normality at Buy Perfect Victims and the Politics of Appeal at Support The Dig at Check out our vast archives and newsletters at
Featuring Chris Newman on Trump's far-right anti-migrant agenda and Democrats' cruel and stupid complicity. Read All-American Nativism Read Dan's essay on Gaza and migration politics in n+1 Trump's immigration executive orders Support The Dig at Buy After Accountability at Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15— a special offer for Dig listeners!
Featuring Hannah Srajer on building tenant unions by applying labor organizing models. The Connecticut Tenants Union is partnered with SEIU 1199NE to organize fighting super majority tenant unions that win collectively bargained leases and wield working class political power. It's a model that's spreading nationwide. Support The Dig at Peruse The Dig's vast archives at Support Reclaim RI Buy Not Your Rescue Project at Buy My Country, Africa at
Featuring Leonardo Vilchis and Tracy Rosenthal on their book Abolish Rent: How Tenants Can End the Housing Crisis. Tenant unions fighting to transform Los Angeles, the country, and the world. Support Reclaim RI Buy Abolish Rent Subscribe to Dissent at Use code 'DIG50' for 50% off your first order at
Featuring Michael Denning on Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State and Law and Order, collectively authored by Stuart Hall and his colleagues at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham. Hall’s method of Marxist conjunctural analysis applied to the generalized crisis that paved the way for neoliberalism's rise; a model for how we should ask questions about our world that will provide us with knowledge we need to change it. Support The Dig at Check out our vast archives and newsletters Support Atlantic Mills Tenants Union Legal Fund Buy Dead Cities and Other Tales at Donate to Jacobin Magazine at
Featuring Michael Denning on Stuart Hall’s Marxism—a Marxism without guarantees. This is a comprehensive introduction to Marxism as a method to analyze historically specific, complex and contradictory capitalist social formations, and what that means for making, rather than assuming the existence of, a working-class socialist politics. Next week Dan interviews Denning on Policing the Crisis, a 1978 book collectively authored by Hall and his colleagues; it’s a remarkable project that anticipates today’s politics around anti-immigrant xenophobia, mass incarceration, and Trumpism. Listen to Hall’s full 1983 Inaugural Karl Marx Memorial Lecture in Sheffield Our two-part series on Gramsci with Denning: Support The Dig at Buy Set the Earth on Fire at Use code "DIG" for 30% off a subscription to
Featuring Bassam Haddad on the historical and geopolitical origins of Assad’s rise and fall—and what might happen next. We think through the contradictions: honoring the joy felt by Syrians at Assad’s ouster while simultaneously taking stock of a truly bad geopolitical outcome. Want to learn more? Listen to Thawra, our series on the 20th century political history of the Arab East Support The Dig at Buy Palestine in a World on Fire at Buy Against the Crisis at
Featuring Patrick Blanchfield on assassination and political violence: from the routine to the extraordinary; authored by the state, capital, the left, the right, the unwell and alienated; as an anxiety, in our fantasies, as a morbid symptom and repetition compulsion; and as expressing distinctively American logics of domination and human disposability. Support The Dig at Listen to the Ordinary Unhappiness podcast at Read Patrick's essay on the death drive Buy China in Global Capitalism at Use code "DIG" for 30% off a subscription to
Featuring Quinn Slobodian and Wendy Brown on Trump’s triumphant return to power and the freakish, obscene, billionaire-dominated, capitalist reactionary, Christian nationalist, contradiction-ridden MAGA movement that surrounds him. A comprehensive early assessment of what is going on, where it’s coming from, and where it all might be heading. Support The Dig at Share Thawra with a friend Use code "DIG" for 30% off a subscription to Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15— a special offer for Dig listeners!
Featuring Hilary Goodfriend and Jorge Cuéllar in the final installment of a three-part series on Central America. This episode picks up with Nayib Bukele’s authoritarian crypto enthusiasm in El Salvador; Daniel Ortega’s perversion of Sandinismo’s revolutionary legacy in Nicaragua; anti-mining movements in Panama; Honduras and Guatemala, where popular social movements have elected left presidents to confront entrenched power structures. We conclude by discussing mass migration from the region that’s taken on a mystified form in US politics as the MAGA far right’s principal scapegoat. Support The Dig at Share Thawra with a friend Check out for in-depth coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean Buy Defund: Conversations Toward Abolition at
Featuring Hilary Goodfriend & Jorge Cuéllar in the second of a three (not two!) part series on the history and present of Central America. This interview picks up our discussion of revolutionary armed struggles against brutal US-backed military-oligarchic regimes in Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Then, the peace accords and postwar transitions accompanied by the imposition of neoliberal economic restructuring. Finally, the rise of mass migration, new transnational gangs, and the regime of El Salvador’s authoritarian Bitcoin enthusiast Nayib Bukele. And more. Support The Dig at Want to learn more? Greg Grandin on The Dig: We now have a special feed dedicated entirely to our Thawra series. Listen and spread the word: Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15— a special offer for Dig listeners! Buy Abolish Rent at
Featuring Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on Trump’s decisive victory, Harris’s catastrophic loss, multi-racial working-class dealignment, and where the left might go from here. Support The Dig at We now have a special feed dedicated entirely to our Thawra series. Listen and spread the word: Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15— a special offer for Dig listeners! Buy Solidarity is the Political Version of Love at
Featuring Hilary Goodfriend and Jorge Cuéllar on the history of Central America. This is the first episode in a two-part series covering the late-19th and early-20th century rise of export-crop oligarchies and constant US intervention, the US-backed separation of Panama from Colombia to take control of the Canal, the CIA's 1954 Guatemala coup, the rise of armed revolutionary movements in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador, and the US-backed dirty wars that were prosecuted in response—that and so much more. Support The Dig at Want to learn more? Greg Grandin on The Dig: We now have a special feed dedicated entirely to our Thawra series. Listen and spread the word: Buy Mastering the Universe at Buy Disaster Nationalism at
Featuring Astra Taylor and Leah Hunt-Hendrix on their book Solidarity: The Past, Present, and Future of a World-Changing Idea. Guest hosted by Micah Uetricht. Support The Dig at Get 40% off The Years of Theory with code "DIG" at Buy Our History is the Future at
Featuring Naomi Klein on how the pandemic turbocharged a far-right conspiracist politics that’s sweeping into power. This strange new world, however, is a product of an old contradiction: the need to disavow and deny a long history and awful present; the inability to make sense of the extreme violence and oppression that makes everyday Western capitalist society possible. We discuss Klein’s book Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World and her Guardian essay "How Israel has made trauma a weapon of war": Support The Dig at Subscribe to Dissent magazine at Buy Rosa Luxemburg at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the third and final part of the epilogue to Thawra (Revolution), our epic series on the history of revolutionary Arab politics. This episode takes us from Hamas’s victory in the 2006 legislative elections, through the siege on Gaza, to October 7, the Gaza genocide, the Axis of Resistance, and Israel’s attempt to draw Iran into a massive regional war with the US. Share Thawra with a friend Support The Dig at Buy The Wannabe Fascists at Buy Visualizing Palestine at
Featuring Jake Werner on how the US and China entered into a New Cold War and why the whole world urgently needs an alternative international order that fosters great power cooperation. Read Jake’s report A Program for Progressive China Policy Support The Dig at Buy Our History is the Future at Use code "DIG" for 30% off a subscription to
Featuring Aslı Bâli and Aziz Rana on the history of left-wing internationalism from the Third Worldist currents that powered decolonization and struggles against neocolonialism through today’s renewed politics in solidarity with the Palestinian national liberation movement. Recorded in New York at Jewish Currents Live. Support The Dig now at Buy Center of the World at Buy Abolish Rent at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the second of what has become a three-part epilogue to Thawra (Revolution), our series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. This episode takes us from the disastrous Oslo Accords through the 2000 Camp David Summit and the eruption of the Second Palestinian Intifada. Then the 9/11 attacks, the War on Terror, the US destruction of Iraq, the Arab Spring, the Syrian Civil War, and the rise of Islamic State. A century of Western imperialism had undermined Arab revolutionary movements and governments; the new millennium brought two decades of US-led war that destroyed the Arab state system. Atop its wreckage was the explosion of sectarian violence and murderous authoritarianism across the Arab East. Hope still resides in the power of popular renewal. Support The Dig at Buy Visualizing Palestine at Buy Exit Wounds at
Featuring Amna Akbar, Gabe Winant, and Thea Riofrancos on the American political conjuncture: the centrality of Palestine, the contradictions of left electoralism, renewed liberal militarism, the return of Obama-ism, the state of the labor and climate movements—and more. Recorded live at Socialism 2024 in Chicago. Support The Dig at Buy Unbuild Walls at Subscribe to Jacobin in print for $15/yr at and Catalyst in print for $20/yr at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the first of a two-part epilogue to Thawra (Revolution), our series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment covers the Iranian Islamic Revolution’s huge impact across the Arab East alongside Saudi and Egyptian efforts to foster religious conservative movements in an effort to supplant and suppress the secular nationalist left. Plus the Iran-Iraq War, the mujahideen in Afghanistan, the First Intifada, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the first US-led invasion of Iraq, and the PLO’s march toward the Oslo Accords–and how Hamas and Islamic Jihad stepped into the resulting vacuum, picking up a Palestinian armed struggle the PLO had renounced. Support The Dig at Buy Nuclear Is Not The Solution at Buy The Wannabe Fascists at
Featuring Sunaura Taylor on her book Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation. What does it mean to rethink socialism and Marxism through the frameworks of disability liberation and animal liberation? How do we relate to human difference and also to non-human animals? Where does the struggle against industrial agriculture fit into the fight against capitalism? Sunaura is interviewed by her sister, Dig guest host Astra Taylor. Read about Daniel Denvir and The Dig in The Guardian Support The Dig at Take 25% off a subscription to n+1 at Buy Unite and Win at
Featuring Jeremy Corbyn and Laleh Khalili on internationalism and left-wing politics. A special Dig co-hosted with the Verso Podcast in front of a live London audience. Support The Dig at The Socialism Conference will be held in Chicago from Aug 30 - Sept 2. Learn more and register at Buy Twilight Prisoners at
Dan just did a live Dig in London with Jeremy Corbyn and Laleh Khalili. It was part of a podcast doubleheader that included this recording of the economics podcast Macrodose featuring Asad Rehman, James Meadway, and Thea Riofrancos. The live Dig with Corbyn and Khalili on internationalist and anti-imperialist politics will be posted in a few days. Subscribe to Macrodose at⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or wherever you get podcasts Support Macrodose at The Socialism Conference will be held in Chicago from Aug 30 - Sept 2. Learn more and register at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the SIXTEENTH and final episode of Thawra (Revolution), our series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment traces a massive defeat for the Palestinian Revolution: Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon and brutal siege of Beirut. Under severe pressure and isolated in the wake of Egypt’s normalization with Israel, the PLO evacuated its headquarters. What followed was a giant massacre of Palestinian civilians and the end of the decades-long era of Arab revolutionary politics to which this series has been dedicated. A substantial epilogue is coming soon. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Spread the word about Thawra Check out the Palestinian Revolution website! Take 25% off a subscription to n+1 at Enter THEDIG for discount.
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the FIFTEENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment addresses the Palestinian Revolution’s project in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan—leading up to the 1970 conflict with the Jordanian state and the violent expulsion of PLO guerrillas during Black September. Then, Egypt and Syria checked Israel’s power in the October War of 1973—only for Anwar Sadat to lead Egypt into Kissinger’s plan to pacify Arab revolution. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Spread the word about Thawra The Palestinian Revolution website is live! Buy tickets for live Dig with Corbyn in London The Socialism Conference will be held in Chicago from Aug 30 - Sept 2. Learn more and register at Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15— a special offer for Dig listeners!
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the FOURTEENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment covers the rise of the Palestinian Revolution and then its explosion after the Arab defeat in the June War of 1967 with Israel. Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation and Palestine, and other factions launched an armed guerrilla struggle against Israel, engaging the Palestinian people in a full-scale mobilization for their liberation. Also: Ba'athists Aḥmad Ḥasan al-Bakr and Saddam Hussein seized power in Iraq, as did Muammar Gaddafi’s Free Officers in Libya. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Spread the word about Thawra Buy Happy Apocalypse at Buy Love in the Time of Self-Publishing at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the THIRTEENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment covers the armed left-wing revolutionary movements that challenged British imperial power across Southern Arabia, with the National Liberation Front taking over South Yemen and Dhufari rebels in Oman waging a liberation war against the Sultan. Today’s alliance of reactionary Gulf monarchies was not inevitable; they were made by colonial power, and Arab revolutionaries in the 1960s and 70s mounted a major effort to overthrow them. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy tickets for live Dig with Jeremy Corbyn in London: Buy The Last Human Job at Buy How to Abolish Prisons: Lessons from the Movement against Imprisonment at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the TWELFTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment tells the story of Saudi Arabia, a country whose reactionary, US-aligned trajectory was throughout the 1950s and 60s challenged by labor strikes, dissident currents, rebellious princes, and an anticolonial oil minister. But Saudi royal conservatism asserted itself and a friendship with Nasser’s Egypt turned into conflict. Ultimately both countries got drawn into North Yemen’s civil war, which sapped Egypt’s military strength ahead of the 1967 war with Israel. Plus: radical politics against British colonial power in Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the Trucial States. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy tickets for live Dig with Jeremy Corbyn in London: Buy Twilight Prisoners at Buy Automatic Fetish at
Featuring Dylan Saba and Waleed Shahid on how Israel’s genocide in Gaza and the mass solidarity movement opposing it are transforming US politics. This anti-imperialist internationalist moment marks a profound turning point for the American left. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy tickets for live Dig with Jeremy Corbyn in London: The Socialism Conference will be held in Chicago from Aug 30 - Sept 2. Learn more and register at (early bird discount until 6/28!) Buy Unbuild Walls at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the ELEVENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment tells the story of the destruction of the two giant revolutionary projects of 1958: the union of Egypt and Syria under Nasser’s United Arab Republic and Iraq’s July Revolution that brought Qasim alongside communist allies to power. The rival radical projects of pan-Arabism and communism suffered huge blows. So did Nasser and Qasim, the era’s most significant Arab anti-imperialist leaders. Meanwhile, the Ba’ath, once ideological and idealistic, became increasingly dominated by military men who made the party into an instrument for raw domination. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy tickets for live Dig with Jeremy Corbyn in London: Buy Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom at Subscribe to Dissent magazine in print or online at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the TENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment tells the story of Iraq’s 1958 July Revolution: a Free Officers’ coup overthrew the imperialist-aligned Hashemite monarchy and brought nationalist Abdul-Karim Qasim to power alongside a surging Communist Party. Revolutionary currents soon turned against one another, however, as did Qasim and Nasser. Conflict stemmed from serious political and strategic differences, but also petty rivalries and bitter feuds. And in Iraq, class conflict often appeared dressed up in the sectarian and ethnic modalities through which class was lived. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15— a special offer for Dig listeners! Buy The Black Antifascist Tradition at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the NINTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment covers the creation of a Palestinian national liberation movement throughout the 1950s by a people dispersed by the Nakba: organizations, alliances, and theories of change assembled in the universities, cities, and refugee camps surrounding Palestine. We end with the 1959 foundation of Fatah, the first organization for Palestinians led by Palestinians focused first and foremost on Palestinian liberation. This is the story of the beginning of the Palestinian national liberation movement as we have come to know it today. Buy How to Abolish Prisons: Lessons from the Movement against Imprisonment at Buy States of the Earth: An Ecological and Racial History of Secularization at Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Spread the word about Thawra
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the EIGHTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. A compact introduction to the Movement of Arab Nationalists, which in the 1950s built a presence that stretched across the region, from Beirut and Jordan to Cairo and the Gulf—becoming a truly powerful force in Kuwait. Led in significant part by Palestinians, its early history offers a ground-level look at the organizational and theoretical currents shaping radical Arab politics. It is also the backstory for key Marxist groups that later grew out of the Movement: the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, South Yemen’s National Liberation Front, and the Dhofar Liberation Front. Buy Future of Denial at On May 1st, subscribe to a year of Jacobin's digital publication for just $1, or a year of Jacobin in print for only $10: Or this link for a gift: Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Spread the word about Thawra
Featuring Noura Erakat, Avi Shlaim, Ussama Makdisi, Ilan Pappé, Ghada Ageel Hamdan, and Abdel Razzaq Takriti on the ongoing Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Recorded at the World Academic Forum for Palestine in Houston. We’ll be back next week with episode eight of Thawra, our rolling series on 20th century Arab radicalisms. Support The Dig at Donate to Palestine Legal Watch more from the World Academic Forum for Palestine Check out our vast archives and newsletters at Buy An Enemy Such As This at Buy The Jail is Everywhere at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the SEVENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out the the US’s Eisenhower Doctrine, which in 1957 inaugurated a new era of imperialism in the Middle East; the Ba’ath Party driving Syria and Egypt into the United Arab Republic, a superstate under Nasser’s rule, in 1958; and, later that year, Eisenhower landing US Marines in Lebanon, the first American combat operation in the region. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy Burnout: The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat at Subscribe to Jacobin
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the SIXTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out the intensification of the Cold War across the Middle East. Western imperialist powers attempted to recruit Arab countries to the Baghdad Pact, a Middle Eastern NATO. Nasser rallied the Arab masses in opposition, becoming an anti-imperialist icon. In 1956, Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. In response, the British, French, and Israelis attacked Egypt. But Nasser and Arab anti-imperialism won the day. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy What Was Neoliberalism at Buy Abolition: Politics, Practices, Promises, Vol. 1 at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the FIFTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out the early years of a struggle for Syria that would decisively shape the Arab world: the fight for independence from France, the first (CIA-backed) coup of 1949, and the rise of the Ba’ath and Communist movements. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy The Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism Wont Save the Planet at Buy Care: The Highest Stage of Capitalism at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the FOURTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out the politics surrounding the Zionist settler colonial destruction of Palestine, the Nakba of 1948, and the ground-shifting event that followed in its wake: the Nasser-led 1952 Egyptian Free Officers Movement coup that would set the tone for two decades of revolutionary nationalism across the region. Also: the Soviet camp’s support for the colonial partition of Palestine and its calamitous impact on powerful Arab communist parties. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15— a special offer for Dig listeners! Buy Abolition: Politics, Practices, Promises, Vol. 1 at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the THIRD episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment is a comprehensive overview of the Middle Eastern Arab state system that crystalizes with the end of British and French colonial rule. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy Environmentalism from Below: How Global People’s Movements are Leading the Fight for our Planet at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the second episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out early 20th-century anti-colonialism: from the Iraqi, Syrian, and Palestinian Great Revolts, to the birth of Arab nationalism, Islamic resistance, Ba'athism, and communism. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Subscribe to a year of Jewish Currents at 50% off with special code DIG2024 Buy Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom at
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the first episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment sets the stage: European imperialism in the Arab Mashriq from the late 18th century through the early 20th. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Subscribe to a year of Jewish Currents at 50% off with special code DIG2024 Buy A Short History of Trans Misogyny at
Featuring Luke Messac on Your Money or Your Life: Debt Collection in American Medicine. An estimated 100 million people in the US are in debt because they sought medical treatment. Medical debt exacerbates poor and working-class people's physical and psychological suffering while undermining their financial well-being and freedom. Support The Dig at Subscribe to a year of Jewish Currents at off with special code DIG2024 Buy What Was Neoliberalism at
Featuring Emily Dische-Becker on how Germany became attached to a wildly narcissistic anti-antisemitism and Israeli proxy nationalism that have made it one of the most anti-Palestinian governments on earth. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletters and vast archives at Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15— a special offer for Dig listeners! Buy Against Erasure: A Photographic Memory of Palestine before the Nakba at
Featuring Helen Lackner on the Houthis, the politics of their attacks on Red Sea shipping, and the long history of Yemen from British colonial Aden through the current civil war. Read Helen's articles for Jacobin Support The Dig at Buy Environmentalism from Below: How Global People’s Movements are Leading the Fight for our Planet at Buy The Good Die Young: The Verdict on Henry Kissinger at
Featuring Ashley Mears on her book Very Important People: Status and Beauty in the Global Party Circuit. Mears, a sociologist and former fashion model, explores the super-elite "models and bottles" party scene where beautiful young women and conspicuous consumption heighten the status of rich men. Support The Dig at Contact Spotify and tell them: stop hiding The Dig! Why is The Dig so hard to find on Spotify? Buy Against Erasure: A Photographic Memory of Palestine before the Nakba at Subscribe to a year of Jacobin for only $15. A special offer for Dig listeners!
Featuring Ussama Makdisi on how Western colonialism and Zionism exploited, exacerbated, and imposed sectarianism across the Arab Middle East. This is the SECOND of a two-part interview. Support The Dig at Contact Spotify and tell them: stop hiding The Dig! Why is The Dig so hard to find on Spotify? Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy The Good Die Young: The Verdict on Henry Kissinger at Buy War Made Invisible
We are OFF this week. In the meantime, peruse our vast archives at Support The Dig at
Featuring Ussama Makdisi on the late Ottoman Empire's Arab culture of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish coexistence—an ecumenical frame that was interrupted by European colonialism and Zionism, which exacerbated and exploited sectarianism. This is the first of a two-part interview. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Shop Haymarket's ALL 40% off Holiday sale at Buy Let Them Eat Crypto at
Featuring Shaul Magid on post-1948 Jewish Zionism and Jewish anti-Zionism—including today's new generation of young, militant, left-wing, anti-Zionist American Jews and the Jewish establishment's quixotic efforts to deny and disavow them. PART TWO of a two-part interview. Support The Dig at Join Jewish Voice for Peace Buy The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation at Buy Let Them Eat Crypto at
Featuring Shaul Magid on the long history of Jewish Zionism and its antagonist, Jewish anti-Zionism. Defenders of Israel defame anti-Zionists as antisemites. In fact, today's growing ranks of anti-Zionist Jews draw on a powerful and diverse tradition. Support The Dig at Buy Ireland, Colonialism, and the Unfinished Revolution at Use code DIG2023 for 50% off a subscription to Jewish Currents at
Featuring Mohammed el-Kurd on Palestine. A short but expansive interview. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletters and vast archives at Shop Haymarket's ALL 40% off Holiday sale at Take the Bookmatch quiz
Featuring Richard Seymour on the global politics of the Palestinian struggle and Israel’s war on Gaza. The *second* of a two-part interview. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy Going for Broke Take the Bookmatch quiz
Featuring Richard Seymour on the global politics of the Palestinian struggle and Israel's war on Gaza. The first of a two-part interview. Support The Dig at Buy Ireland, Colonialism, and the Unfinished Revolution at Buy Care: The Highest Stage of Capitalism at
Featuring Beverly Gage on her masterful biography G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century. Guest hosted by Micah Uetricht. The Dig is an essential political education project. Support The Dig at Subscribe to Jacobin Buy War Made Invisible
Featuring Tareq Baconi on the history of Hamas. This is the context we need. And it is precisely what mainstream discourse mystifies, denies, and disavows. Support The Dig at Contribute to Palestinian relief: Buy Light in Gaza at Buy Palestine: A Socialist Introduction at
This episode is The Dig's Palestine Teach-In. The most informative clips from our archives on Palestine and Israel. Support The Dig at Check out our excellent newsletters—sent to you by email if you support us on Patreon Donate now to support Gaza relief Buy Ten Myths About Israel at Buy An Enemy Such As This at
Featuring Noura Erakat and Arielle Angel on the apartheid system and the violence it drives in Palestine. Support The Dig at Check out our excellent newsletters—sent to you by email if you support us on Patreon Donate now to support Gaza relief Buy On Edward Said Buy Palestine: A Socialist Introduction
Featuring Vincent Bevins on If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution. The second of a two-part interview on this important new book. Support The Dig at Check out our excellent newsletters—sent to you by email if you support us on Patreon Check out The Dig's vast archives on Palestine Donate now to support Gaza relief Subscribe to Jacobin Learn more about Haymarket’s Book Clubs at
Featuring Vincent Bevins on If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution. The first of a two-part interview on this important new book. Support The Dig at and ask Vincent a follow-up question. Buy Reform, Revolution, and Opportunism: Debates in the Second International, 1900-1910 Buy War Made Invisible
Featuring Jo Guldi on the global history of the long land war—a war over everything from agrarian reform to tenant rights, from India and China to England and Ireland, from the late 19th century through the present—and into the future. Support The Dig at Buy Blood Red Lines at Buy Abolition for the People at
Featuring Alex Han, Astra Taylor, and Rachel Gilmer on how we build powerful organizations that win both short-term fights and the long-term struggle for socialism. A live Dig recorded at the Socialism 2023 conference in Chicago. Support The Dig at and ask Dig guests follow-up questions! Buy Our History Has Always Been Contraband at Buy To Build a Black Future
If you look, you'll see. Most people don't look. Produced by Stephen Cassidy Jones and Liza Yeager. Edited by Mitchell Johnson, with editorial oversight from Daniel Denvir. Featuring Mark Pilkington, Valerie Kuletz, and Trevor Paglen. Support The Dig at Buy Blood Red Lines at Subscribe to Jacobin at
Featuring Alex Press and Eric Blanc on surging labor militancy and why US unions must seize this historic moment. Support The Dig at and ask our guests follow-up questions! Learn more about Haymarket’s Book Clubs at Subscribe to Jacobin and Catalyst
Featuring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the Latin American left and the long history of US intervention in the region. Support The Dig at Buy War Made Invisible Buy Quick Fixes: Drugs in America from Prohibition to the 21st Century Binge
Featuring Amna Akbar, Gabriel Winant, and Thea Riofrancos on the emerging terrain of struggle. Is American liberalism exhausted or revitalized? What are the successes and limits of the new US left electoral strategy? Is there a new anti-electoral mood amongst socialists? Why don't we have a powerful climate movement? What forces are making and remaking the American working class today? The second and final part of a very wide-ranging interview. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy Reform, Revolution, and Opportunism: Debates in the Second International, 1900-1910
Featuring Amna Akbar, Gabriel Winant, and Thea Riofrancos on the American conjuncture. Did an era that began with Occupy and Ferguson—marked by teachers strikes, two Bernie campaigns, the explosive growth of DSA, Standing Rock, and summer 2020 rebellions—just end? What social, political, and economic terrain is emerging in the wake of the pandemic, and how should the left navigate it? The first of a two-part and wide-ranging interview. Support The Dig at All Haymarket books are 40% off! Shop at Buy After Work by Helen Hester and Nick Srnicek
Reporter Dharna Noor learns about the Tennessee Valley Authority: the good, the bad, the past, and the future. This is the 5th episode of The Dig Presents. Produced by Dharna Noor. Edited by Liza Yeager and Mitchell Johnson. Support The Dig at All Haymarket books are 40% off! Shop at
Featuring Daniela Gabor, Ted Fertik, and Tim Sahay on Bidenomics. We define and debate the new American industrial policy, the energy transition, the New Cold War with China—and more. Support this podcast with a contribution at Subscribe to The Polycrisis newsletter Buy Travellers of the World Revolution Buy War Made Invisible
Featuring China Miéville on The Communist Manifesto. Miéville is the author of A Spectre, Haunting: On the Communist Manifesto. Support The Dig at Register for Dan's event with Miéville Subscribe to Jacobin Buy A Different Trek: Radical Geographies of Deep Space Nine by David K. Seitz
Writer and critic Andrea Long Chu wanted to ask her family one simple question. The Dig Presents is edited by Liza Yeager and Mitchell Johnson, with editorial oversight from Daniel Denvir and Alex Lewis. Support The Dig at Listen the episode of Al Jazeera's The Take featuring Dig Presents reporter Omar Etman and his story, A Garden in Cairo, here.
Featuring Meredith Whittaker, Edward Ongweso Jr., and Sarah Myers West on the mundane dystopia concealed beneath the AI hype machine. Support The Dig at Subscribe to New Left Review Register for the Socialism 2023 Conference
Featuring Giuliano Garavini on his book The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century. The second in a two-part series on the 20th-century history of petrostates, petrocapitalists, and the world system. Support this podcast at Subscribe to n+1. Go to and enter THEDIG at checkout Learn more about Haymarket's Book Clubs at
Featuring Giuliano Garavini on his book The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century. The first of a two-part series on the 20th-century history of petrostates, petrocapitalists, and the world system. Support this podcast at Subscribe to n+1. Go to and enter THEDIG at checkout
Featuring Brenna Bhandar on Colonial Lives of Property: Law, Land and Racial Regimes of Ownership. The centuries-long history of how dominant conceptions of private property were (and are) made alongside race and racial hierarchies in colonial encounters stretching from Ireland and British Columbia to Australia and Palestine. Support The Dig at Register for the Socialism Conference at Buy Let This Radicalize You by Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes
A sonic memorial to the Black women of the Peoples Temple. Produced and reported by Babette Thomas. Edited by Liza Yeager and Mitchell Johnson, with editorial oversight from Daniel Denvir and Alex Lewis. Support The Dig at Subscribe to The Dig Presents to find all of our documentary stories on one feed.
Featuring Quinn Slobodian on Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy. Radical libertarians, including anarcho-capitalists like Murray Rothbard, envision a world of micro-polities governed by private property and contract. In fact, we already live in their world, a world of zones—places where special rules tailor-made for capitalists prevail over the ordinary laws of the nation-state. Support The Dig at Listen to Quinn's interview on Globalists Buy Angela Davis: An Autobiography Buy Let This Radicalize You by Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes
Featuring Jules Gill-Peterson on Histories of the Transgender Child. Amid this right-wing reaction, a discussion of the history of trans medicine and trans children—and also trans politics more generally. Support The Dig at Register for Socialism 2023 at Register before July 7 for the early bird discount rate! Subscribe to n+1 at Enter THEDIG at checkout.
Featuring Stacy Davis Gates, Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, and Alex Han on how Chicago's labor left took over City Hall. Brandon Johnson's mayoral victory, the product of a decade-plus of social movement union struggle, is a model for the left everywhere in the United States. Guest hosted by Micah Uetricht. Subscribe to n+1. Go to and enter THEDIG at checkout Buy Occupation: Organizer by Clément Petitjean
Featuring Nikil Saval and Helen Gym on how the history of Philadelphia social movements brought Nikil into the state senate and has made Helen, a long-time public education organizer, a frontrunner in the mayoral race. Support The Dig at Subscribe to Dissent Buy Angela Davis: An Autobiography
We have as many roads in the United States as we have streams and rivers. Produced by Caroline Kanner and Jackson Roach, with original music by Jackson Roach. Edited by Liza Yeager and Mitchell Johnson. Subscribe to The Dig Presents, and support The Dig at Bibliography (in order of appearance): A Field Guide to Roadside Wildflowers at Full Speed - Chris Helzer Car Country: An Environmental History - Christopher W. Wells On Trails: An Exploration - Robert Moor Snell-Rood Lab Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet - Ben Goldfarb A Short History of the Blockade: Giant Beavers, Diplomacy, and Regeneration in Nishnaabewin - Leanne Betasamosake Simpson Who Belongs to the Land: An Essay on Camps, Blockades, and Indigenous Models of Remaking the World - Lou Cornum Further reading available here.
Featuring Jennifer Berkshire and Jack Schneider on the politics of public education. The authors of A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door: The Dismantling of Education and the Future of School and co-hosts of the education policy podcast Have You Heard discuss everything from charters and vouchers to teacher social movement unionism and the right-wing cultural wars against "woke" educators. Support The Dig at
Featuring Jane McAlevey on how to organize mass numbers of new workers into unions that wage mass strikes to fight employers and revive the labor movement. Support The Dig at Dan's 2019 interview with McAlevey Buy Set Fear on Fire by LASTESIS Buy The New Cold War by Gilbert Achcar
Featuring Edo Konrad and Joshua Leifer on how Zionism's long-running contradictions led to the current political crisis in Israel. Support The Dig at Check out +972 Magazine at Subscribe to Jewish Currents' Israel/Palestine newsletter at Buy The New Cold War: The United States, Russia, and China from Kosovo to Ukraine by Gilbert Achcar
It started with a few cones and a cryptic sign. Produced by Omar Etman. Edited by Liza Yeager, Mitchell Johnson, and Daniel Denvir. Special thanks to Alan Dean, Alex Lewis, and Nihal El Aasar. Support The Dig at
Featuring Max Fox and Chris Nealon on the late Christopher Chitty's book Sexual Hegemony: Statecraft, Sodomy, and Capital in the Rise of the World System. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletters and vast archive at Further reading: Buy Abolition Geography
Coming Soon: The Dig Presents is a new monthly series that features original documentary reporting, personal narrative, and other sonic experiments from a wide range of contributors.
Featuring Helena Hansen, Jules Netherland, and David Herzberg on how American capitalism and its illusions of whiteness both created the opioid crisis and shaped the response to it. We are discussing their book Whiteout: How Racial Capitalism Changed the Color of Opioids in America. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletters and vast archives at Subscribe to Jacobin and Catalyst
Featuring Nelson Lichtenstein on his life and scholarship, from membership in the International Socialists and studies of the early United Auto Workers and CIO to his later turn to studying Walmart and international supply chains. Guest host Micah Uetricht interviews one of the greatest living labor historians. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletters and vast archives at Buy Keywords for Capitalism by John Patrick Leary
Featuring Nadia Abu El-Haj on Combat Trauma: Imaginaries of War and Citizenship in Post-9/11 America. How the civil-military divide makes troops into super citizens and what it means that agents of state violence are turning to the grammar of identity politics—and more. The second in a two-part interview. Support The Dig at Subscribe to New Left Review Buy My Country is the World: Staughton Lynd’s Writings, Speeches, and Statements Against the Vietnam War
Featuring Nadia Abu El-Haj on Combat Trauma: Imaginaries of War and Citizenship in Post-9/11 America. A truly remarkable book about the unseen ideological foundations of American militarism: American civilians are enjoined to venerate troops, deferring to their traumatized positionality. The first in a two-part interview. Support The Dig at Check out our newsletter and vast archives at Buy: Fighting in a World on Fire by Andreas Malm The Sinking Middle Class: A Political History of Debt, Misery, and the Drift to the Right by David Roediger
Featuring Donna Murch and Todd Wolfson on Rutgers University workers' industrial unionism strategy. The second in a two-part series on the crisis in American higher education. Check out Dan's interview in The Nation: Support The Dig at Check out The Dig's newsletters and vast archives at Buy Haunted by Slavery: Buy David Harvey’s Companion to Marx’s Grundrisse:
Featuring Dennis Hogan on the crisis in higher education. The first in a two-part series. Next up: Donna Murch and Todd Wolfson on how university workers can fight back through industrial unionism. Read Dan's interview in The Nation Support The Dig at Check out our newsletters and vast archives at Buy On Shedding an Obsolete Past: Bidding Farewell to the American Century by Andrew Bacevich
Featuring Shanti Singh, Tracy Rosenthal, René Moya, and Cea Weaver on the politics and practice of organizing tenants. Please donate generously to support Pioneer Tenants United Peruse our vast archives and weekly newsletters at
Featuring Robin D.G. Kelley on Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination. Support The Dig at and get our weekly newsletter by email Peruse our newsletters and vast archives at Check out America as Overlord The Men With the Pink Triangle
Featuring Michael Denning on Antonio Gramsci. The second of a two-part interview. Read the passages of Selections from the Prison Notebooks that Dan read to prepare: Support The Dig at and get our weekly newsletter by email Peruse our newsletters and vast archives at Check out Socialism...Seriously: A Brief Guide to Surviving the 21st Century by Danny Katch Check out Black Women Writers at Work
Featuring Michael Denning on Antonio Gramsci. Part one of an expansive two-part interview. Read the passages of Selections from the Prison Notebooks that Dan read to prepare: Support The Dig at and get our weekly newsletter by email Check out our newsletter and vast archives at
Featuring historian Tim Barker on monetary politics, inflation, and the general capitalist conjuncture. The second of a two-part interview. Check out my July 2021 interview with Barker if you want a more expansive primer on inflation Support The Dig at Check out our brilliant newsletter and vast archives at Get After Life: A Collective History of Loss and Redemption in Pandemic America
Featuring historian Tim Barker on the state of monetary politics amid the current fight over inflation. Check out my July 2021 interview with Barker if you want a more expansive primer on inflation Support The Dig at Check out our brilliant newsletter and vast archives at
Featuring Edward Goetz on his book New Deal Ruins: Race, Economic Justice, and Public Housing Policy. Goetz tells the story of American public housing and then its destruction and dismantling, which took off in the 1980s and accelerated during the 90s under the Clinton Administration’s Hope VI program. Support The Dig at and get our weekly newsletter by email plus swag. Check out Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire
Featuring Gail Radford on her classic book Modern Housing for America: Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era. Radford tells the story of Catherine Bauer, the Labor Housing Conference, and the struggle to make the American housing system a radically social one. In place of the two-tier system that won out, Bauer and her allies proposed a massive federally-backed system of noncommercial housing that would appeal to and house the majority of Americans. Support The Dig at Check out Revolutionary Social Democracy: Working-Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882-1917) by Eric Blanc
Astra Taylor interviews William Hogeland on his book Founding Finance: How Debt, Speculation, Foreclosures, Protests, and Crackdowns Made Us a Nation. Hogeland recovers a fascinating crop of mostly-forgotten rebels, the movements they led, and their radical demands that put the landlords and lenders of their day on edge. He also recounts the complex and sometimes deadly machinations that went into suppressing them in order to create a nation that was safe for the owning and investing classes. Support The Dig at
Featuring Daniel Denvir on the Citations Needed podcast (as guest, not host) debunking the argument that "woke mobs" (liberal or left identity politics) drove white working-class men into MAGA's arms. Support The Dig at Check out our vast archives and newsletters at
Featuring Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi and Golnar Nikpour on the history of modern Iran. This is the fifth and final episode in what is now a FIVE-part series. We begin this episode in 1997, with reformist cleric Mohammad Khatami’s surprise landslide election to the presidency. Then we cover the reformists running into hardliner repression and George W. Bush's War on Terror, the 2005 election of hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, his 2009 reelection and Green Movement protests, Hassan Rouhani and the nuclear accord that Trump then tore up, the 2019 mass working-class protests, and the election (but really more coronation) of right-winger Ebrahim Raisi. We end with the death of Zhina Mahsa Amini in the custody of morality police and the current mass protest movement that erupted in response. Support The Dig at Check out our vast archives and the rest of this series at Buy Daring to Struggle, Daring to Win by Helen Shiller
Featuring Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi and Golnar Nikpour on the history of modern Iran. This is the fourth episode in what is now a FIVE-part series. We pick up in the wake of the Islamic Revolution as Khomeini consolidates power, represses his rivals, and confronts an invasion from Saddam Hussein's Iraq. We continue through the Iran-Iraq War, the mass execution of thousands of leftist prisoners, and Khamenei and Rafsanjani's rise to power after Khomeini's death. Support The Dig at Check out our vast archives and newsletter at
Featuring Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi and Golnar Nikpour on the history of modern Iran. This is the third episode in our four-part series. We pick up in the wake of the US-British 1953 coup against Mossadegh, assess the Shah's repression and attempts to manufacture consent through passive revolution, and then close by laying out the 1979 Islamic Revolution in all of its wild complexity. If you love The Dig, support the podcast at Check out our newsletter and archives at
Featuring Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi and Golnar Nikpour on the history of modern Iran. This is the second episode in our four-part series. We begin in 1941 with the British-Soviet occupation of Iran, the ouster of Reza Shah and his replacement by his son, Mohammad Reza Shah. We continue with the rise of the Tudeh communist party, the nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Mohammad Mosaddegh's National Party coming to power, and the 1953 US-British coup that overthrew Mosaddegh and reinstalled Mohammad Reza Shah as dictator. His brutal reign continued until the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which is where we will pick up in episode three. Support this podcast at Check out The Sinking Middle Class by David Roediger
Featuring Eskandar Sadeghi and Golnar Nikpour on the history of modern Iran, from 1906 through the present. This episode is the first in a four-part series, covering the period from 1906 until 1941, from the Constitutional Revolution that imposed constitutional limits on the Qajar dynasty through the 1921 coup that brought to power Reza Khan—who then in 1925 deposed the Qajars and became Reza Shah, the first shah of the Pahlavi dynasty. We end just before the 1941 occupation of Iran by longtime imperial powers, Britain and the Soviet Union, which forced Reza Shah out and replaced him with his son, Muhammad Reza Shah—which is where we will pick up in episode two. RIP Mike Davis. Listen to his Dig interviews here: Please support this podcast at Read our newsletters and explore our vast archives at
Featuring Laura Mason on her book The Last Revolutionaries: The Conspiracy Trial of Gracchus Babeuf and the Equals. Mason discusses Babeuf's call to abolish property, his radically egalitarian conspiracy against the Directory government, and the end of the French Revolution. How a centrist government turned its back on popular democracy, presided over growing inequality and working-class poverty, and abetted the rise of the reactionary right that would ultimately overthrow it. Check out the newsletter and our vast archives at Support The Dig at
Featuring Anton Jäger and Dominik Leusder on Europe and the European Union from the crises of social democratic welfare states in the 1970s and 80s, the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, through the eurozone crisis, to the present moment of war in Ukraine, renewed NATO expansion, and a resurgent far right. Listen to Anton and Dominik's Eurotrash podcast Support this podcast at to get our weekly newsletter by email Check out those newsletters and our vast archives at
Featuring Daisy Pitkin on her book On the Line: A Story of Class, Solidarity, and Two Women's Epic Fight to Build a Union, a memoir that powerfully captures the drama of an organizing drive—and so much more. Support The Dig at Check out The Dig newsletter at Subscribe to n+1 at Enter THEDIG at checkout for a discount.
Featuring Laura Weinrib on The Taming of Free Speech: America’s Civil Liberties Compromise. Did you know that the ACLU was founded as a radical labor organization allied with the IWW? Weinrib traces the rise of the modern civil liberties movement, and modern constitutional liberalism more broadly, from World War I through the New Deal. She explains how the ACLU went from defending free speech as a means to revolutionary ends to a liberal position exalting free speech as an end unto itself—including the anti-union speech of bosses and the political speech of corporations. Support The Dig at Check out Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America by Joshua Frank Abolishing State Violence: A World Beyond Bombs, Borders, and Cages by Ray Acheson
Featuring Thulani Davis on The Emancipation Circuit: Black Activism Forging a Culture of Freedom, a monumental history of freedpeople organizing amid the Civl War and Reconstruction. Support this podcast at Check out A Spectre, Haunting: On the Communist Manifesto by China Miéville
Featuring Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò, Robin D.G. Kelley, and Ruth Wilson Gilmore on racial capitalism, intergenerational organizing, internationalism, and a whole lot more. Dan's live Dig interview from the Socialism 2022 conference in Chicago. Support this podcast at Check out our archives and weekly newsletter at Check out Breaking the Impasse by Kim Moody
Featuring Rahmane Idrissa on Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso. The region has been beset by jihadist insurgencies and, in the case of Mali and Burkina Faso, recent military coups. This is a comprehensive interview that puts the present conflict—which has drawn in French military and then Russian mercenary intervention—into deep historical and political-economic context from struggles over the slave trade, through French colonialism, to the neocolonial imposition of neoliberalism. Idrissa’s work: Special outro music from Ali Farka Touré. Support The Dig at Check out Inside the Second Wave of Feminism:
Featuring Quinn Slobodian on his book Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism. The story of neoliberalism’s Geneva School—including Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Wilhelm Röpke—and their vision for a new global order to protect the market from democratic forces in the metropole and across the decolonizing world. An interview from archives first conducted in November 2018. Support The Dig at Check out these Haymarket titles: Keywords for Capitalism by John Patrick Leary Struggle Makes Us Human by Vijay Prashad
Featuring Adom Getachew on the story of how decolonization struggles across the Black Atlantic tried to not only cast off European rule but also to remake the entire world system. An October 2019 episode from the archives. Support The Dig at
Featuring Kojo Koram on his brilliant book Uncommon Wealth: Britain and the Aftermath of Empire. How neoliberalism reorganized colonial capitalist plunder to survive the Third Worldist challenge, and then boomeranged back into the British metropole—a history obscured by rendering “decolonization” into a symbolic culture war battle. Check out How to Sell a Poison: The Rise, Fall, and Toxic Return of DDT by Elena Conis Support The Dig at
Featuring Matt Christman on how American history brought us to this awful present. Support this podcast at
Featuring Nancy Fraser on why a total analysis of capitalism requires taking Marxism beyond a narrowly economistic view: what everyday labor exploitation requires from politics, care work, war-making, borders, appropriation of nature, sexism, racism, and more. Dan's 2018 interview from the archives. Support The Dig at
Featuring Evgeny Morozov on his essay "Critique of Techno-Feudal Reason." Thinkers from the Marxist left all the way to the neoliberal and even neo-reactionary right are convinced that we’ve exited capitalism entirely and entered neo-feudalism. Morozov argues that our bleak moment is in fact still a thoroughly capitalist one. Evgeny's essay: Evgeny's website: The Syllabus: Register for Socialism 2022: Support this podcast at Read our newsletter and explore the archives at
Featuring Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò on his essay "Being-in-the-Room Privilege: Elite Capture and Epistemic Deference," an interview first posted in December 2020. This pairs well with last week's Jared Clemons interview on In This House We Believe antiracism. Since 2020, Táíwò has published a book expanding on these ideas: Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (And Everything Else). Read Táíwò's essay: Support The Dig at Read our newsletter at
Political scientist Jared Clemons on feckless liberal anti-racism: how In This House We Believe racial liberalism leaves racial capitalism's inequalities in place and why, drawing on Martin Luther King and A. Philip Randolph, the Black Freedom Movement instead needs solidarity with the multi-racial working class. Read Jared's article: Interview with Matt Sitman and Sam Adler-Bell from February 2021: Support The Dig at
Know Your Enemy hosts Matthew Sitman and Sam Adler-Bell on terrifyingly protean right-wing American politics. Check out our newsletter: Read James Pogue on the New Right: Read Mie Inouye's Boston Review article on union salts:
Patrick Blanchfield analyzes the long history of US gun violence and the American death drive. Support this podcast at and get our weekly newsletter by email. Check out our most recent newsletter on the Progressive Era roots of Clintonism's conception of the "deserving poor" Register for Socialism 2022
Dan's second episode with historian Lily Geismer, who he interviewed in 2019 about Don't Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party. This interview is on Left Behind: The Democrats' Failed Attempt to Solve Inequality, which details the long history of Clintonism and the Democrats’ neoliberal turn. Read the latest newsletter. It's on what Ruthie meant when she said abolition was another word for communism: Listen to Geismer's first Dig interview: Support The Dig at
What role does mass incarceration play in American political economy? What does that reveal about what sort of politics are required to overcome it? Ruth Wilson Gilmore with Alberto Toscano and Brenna Bhandar, who edited the new collection Abolition Geography: Essays Towards Liberation. Support The Dig at Buy Assata Taught Me: State Violence, Racial Capitalism, and the Movement for Black Lives by Donna Murch
Historian Margarita Fajardo on her book The World That Latin America Created: The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America in the Development Era. Fajardo discusses the Latin American economists at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) who conceptualized the division of the global economy between center and periphery, and how that later gave rise to dependency theory and world systems theory. Plus Cuban Revolution and the Alliance for Progress, Allende's democratic road to socialism and right-wing coups in Chile and Brazil—and more. Support The Dig at
Live from New York: Dan interviews Amazon Labor Union president Chris Smalls, Jaz Brisack of Starbucks Workers United, SEIU Local 1199NE president Rob Baril, Jacobin writer Alex Press, and Labor Notes writer Luis Feliz Leon on the return of labor militancy that we see sweeping Amazon, Starbucks, and workplaces all around the US. Support The Dig at
A timely interview from the archives: legal scholars Aziz Rana and Amna Akbar, and Movement for Black Lives lawyer Marbre Stahly-Butts, on SCOTUS, liberal court veneration, and other big questions on the law and politics facing the left. Find Eslanda at Support The Dig at
Ayşe Zarakol on her book Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders. How centuries of Asian empires from Genghis Khan to Timur and the early Ming Dynasty through the Ottomans and Mughals built dominant world orders and, ultimately, shaped the rise of Europe—and how that all might shape how we think about the crisis in the world order today. Support The Dig at Check out
Destin Jenkins on his book The Bonds of Inequality: Debt and the Making of the American City, which makes a powerful argument about how the ubiquitous and in many ways invisible dependence of American cities on municipal debt to fund basic infrastructure has devastating consequences for democracy and entrenches spatial, racial, and wealth disparities. Support The Dig at Tickets for live NYC show on The Return of Labor Militancy:
Mariame Kaba and Geo Maher discuss police, the politics of policing, abolition, reform—and more. Support this podcast at
Rupert Russell and Isabella Weber discuss Russell's book Price Wars: How the Commodities Markets Made Our Chaotic World and also the current politics of inflation. Listen to Weber discuss her book How China Escaped Shock Therapy: Look at Rupert's precious puppy: Support this podcast at
Astra interviews Achal Prabhala on the lethal persistence of global vaccine apartheid. Moderna is selfishly refusing to share or even sell (license) its mRNA technology, leaving much of the world unprotected from the pandemic and incubating new variants. Moderna's annual shareholder meeting is April 28th. Join Justice is Global, Boston DSA, and others to challenge vaccine profiteering at their Cambridge headquarters. Sign up at Support this podcast at
The second of our two-part interview with sociologist Ho-fung Hung on Chinese political and economic history. This episode covers the 2008 financial crisis, how China’s response deepened global and domestic economic imbalances and (alongside the US) heightened geopolitical conflict, the current situation—including Russia’s invasion—and a lot more. Listen to part one first if you haven't already. Support this podcast at
Part one of a two-part interview with sociologist Ho-fung Hung on Chinese political economic history from the 18th century to 2008: why capitalism took off in England and then elsewhere but not in China; and then, how Maoist policy laid the groundwork for China’s ultimate capitalist takeoff and boom. Episode two will focus on the 2008 financial crisis, the deepening imbalances and heightened geopolitical conflict that resulted, and the current situation—including the impact of the crises surrounding Russia’s invasion. Support The Dig at
Sophie Pinkham and Nick Mulder on the war, its origins, how it’s being experienced by Ukrainians, Russians, Europeans, and Americans—and also its geopolitical and global economic ramifications, particularly sanctions. Support this podcast at Buy Angela Davis: An Autobiography
Tony Wood returns to The Dig to discuss Russia’s invasion, what it reflects about Russian politics and geopolitics today and historically, and how the Left should be thinking about it all. Tony's LRB essay: Listen to past Dig eps for context on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Tony Wood on Russia and Putin: Volodymyr Ishchenko on Ukraine: Support The Dig at
Dan interviews historian Kim Phillips-Fein on Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan. Listen to Kim's Dig interview on Fear City: New York’s Fiscal Crisis and the Rise of Austerity Politics Listen to past Dig eps for context on Russia's invasion of Ukraine: Tony Wood on Russia and Putin: Volodymyr Ishchenko on Ukraine: Support The Dig at
Feminist political theorist and organizer Verónica Gago on Argentina’s massive feminist movement and strike, the ties that bind domestic labor and financial exploitation, neoliberalism from below, and more. Support The Dig at Check out Coup: A Story of Violence and Resistance in Bolivia
Industrial capitalism and colonialism are literally making us sick. Raj Patel and Rupa Marya on Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice. Support this podcast at
Olúfẹmi Táíwò guest hosts an interview with Daniela Gabor and Ndongo Samba Sylla on how financial power has shaped the global economic order from colonialism through Bretton Woods, the Washington Consensus, and today's Wall Street Consensus. Read Daniela's work: Read Ndongo's work: Support The Dig at Buy The Border Crossed Us by Justin Akers Chacón:
An in-depth interview on the historical and political-economic context of the Ukraine crisis with Ukrainian sociologist Volodymyr Ishchenko. Read Volodymyr's work: Tony Wood on Russia: Support The Dig at
Epidemiologist Justin Feldman makes a comprehensive and devastating critique of Biden's pandemic response. Read Justin's essay: Support this podcast at Buy Angela Davis: An Autobiography
Historian Gabriel Winant discusses The Next Shift: The Fall of Industry and the Rise of Health Care in Rust Belt America. It's a fascinating study of the emergence of the service sector and a new working class out of the wreckage of deindustrialization through the story of the rise and fall of unionized steel in Pittsburgh and its replacement by a massive hospital industry. Listen to my past interview with Winant on the social worlds that make US politics and how that sociality is rooted in the economy, carceral state, social media, religion, and more Support this podcast at Check out The After-Normal: Brief, Alphabetical Essays on a Changing Planet, by David Carlin and Nicole Walker
Everyone feels bad right now because conditions are awful and the outlook is bleak. What is going on, and where might things be headed? How might we become unstuck from this interregnum? Dan interviews returning guests Aziz Rana, Nikhil Pal Singh, and Wendy Brown. Support The Dig at
Episode two of our two-part series on cryptocurrency: political theorist Stefan Eich on how crypto fits into Hayek's old neoliberal dream of private money and why that vision emerged in a new form in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Read Stefan's article: Support The Dig at Check out We're Not Here to Entertain: Punk Rock, Ronald Reagan, and the Real Culture War of 1980s America by Kevin Mattson
Edward Ongweso Jr. and Jacob Silverman on cryptocurrency, NFTs, Elon Musk, the metaverse, meme stocks, and techno-utopianism amid the crushing reality of our neoliberal hellscape. The first in a two-episode series on crypto. Read Dan's new essay on border control politics: Support The Dig at
How neoliberal conditions create popular constituencies, ideologies, and subjectivities among poor and working-class people for a violent, mean, and repressive neoliberalism—and how those reactionary politics from below converge with those generated from above. Political theorist Rodrigo Nunes analyzes Bolsonarismo (the ideology and politics surrounding far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro) and far-right politics everywhere. Read Rodrigo's essays: Support The Dig at and get that newsletter
Bolsonaro is presiding over mass COVID deaths and the destruction of the Amazon. Lula is free and polling way ahead for next year's presidential election. But the conditions that brought the far-right to power remain in place. Sociologist Sabrina Fernandes and historian Andre Pagliarini on Brazil. Check out Sabrina's Tese Onze YouTube channel Support The Dig and receive our weekly newsletter at
The second of Dan’s two-part interview with Piero Gleijeses on his book Visions of Freedom: Havana, Washington, Pretoria, and the Struggle for Southern Africa, 1976–1991. This is the story of Cuba’s military defense of the Angolan government against a US and South Africa-backed effort to overthrow the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). The future of the entire region was on the line—including the fate of apartheid in South Africa and of Namibia, then a South African colony. Learn Southern African geography by studying these maps: Support The Dig with money at and receive our weekly newsletter.
Part one of Dan's two-part interview with Piero Gleijeses on his book Visions of Freedom: Havana, Washington, Pretoria, and the Struggle for Southern Africa, 1976–1991. This is the story of Cuba's military defense of the Angolan government against a US and South Africa-backed effort to overthrow the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). The future of the entire region was on the line, including the fate of apartheid in South Africa and of Namibia, then a South African colony. Learn Southern African geography by studying these maps: Support The Dig with money at and receive our weekly newsletter. Check out Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why It Matters by Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp
Astra Taylor interviews archaeologist David Wengrow on The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity, his new book co-authored with the late David Graeber. Support us at Check out Hannah Arendt by Samantha Rose Hill
Guest host Gabriel Winant interviews labor journalists Alex Press and Jonah Furman, as well as IATSE member Victor P. Bouzi. Listen to Primer, Alex's podcast about Amazon Listen to Victor's podcast WAIT, Why Am I Talking? Support The Dig at
A Striketober episode from The Dig archives. Support The Dig at and receive our weekly newsletter by email
What are the politics of sex? Incels, porn, sexual racism, the feminist sex wars, and more. Philosopher Amia Srinivasan on her new essay collection The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. Want our very good weekly newsletter emailed to you? Support us at Interested in the book advertised on this week's Dig?
A very short ep on a great new documentary about the history and present of American socialism: The Big Scary S-Word. It’s by Yael Bridge, and it's the perfect film to show to your skeptical uncle or to someone new to (or curious about) socialist politics. You can watch The Big Scary S-Word on iTunes, Apple TV or a number of other sites by visiting:
Legendary socialist scholar Tariq Ali on the long history of Afghanistan: the 19th and early 20th-century wars against the British Empire; the communist coup, Soviet invasion, and US-backed mujahideen war; the rise of the Taliban; and the 2001 US-led NATO invasion through the recent US defeat and withdrawal. Plus, a lot about Pakistan. Pre-order Ali's forthcoming book The Forty-Year War in Afghanistan: A Chronicle Foretold Support this podcast at and receive our weekly newsletter
Kim Stanley Robinson on science fiction, climate crisis, Marxism, geo-engineering, political violence, green Keynesianism, and a lot more. Interviewed by guest host Daniel Aldana Cohen, who read 11 of Robinson’s books during the pandemic quarantine, running from Red Mars through The Ministry for the Future. Support this podcast at and receive our new weekly newsletter by email.
It's Occupy Wall Street's tenth anniversary. Dan interviews Astra Taylor. Support The Dig at and get our new weekly newsletter. Listen to other pods in the retrospective series
Episode three of The Dig’s War on Terror trilogy with Spencer Ackerman: Decadence, Trump, and Biden. Subscribe to Spencer’s Substack: Support The Dig at and (starting next week) get our weekly newsletter
Episode two of The Dig’s War on Terror trilogy with Spencer Ackerman: Obama, ISIS, and the Sustainable War. Subscribe to Spencer’s Substack: Support The Dig at and (starting next week) get our weekly newsletter
Episode one of The Dig's three-part War on Terror series the with Spencer Ackerman: 9/11, bipartisan war fever, and George W. Bush. Subscribe to Spencer's Substack: Support The Dig at and (very soon) get our weekly newsletter
Media critic Adam Johnson and New York Magazine's Eric Levitz on the media's warmongering attack on Biden's withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. Further reading: Sign up for Adam's Substack: Support The Dig at and get our (coming soon) weekly newsletter
Dan interviews scholars Aldo Madariaga and Camila Vergara about how Chilean politics have been playing out since the massive popular uprisings that began in October 2019. Further reading: Support The Dig at and (soon) receive our weekly newsletter.
Dan interviews historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez on her book Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation. "Having replaced the Jesus of the Gospels with the vengeful warrior Christ, it’s no wonder many came to think of Trump in the same way." Support The Dig at We now have a Discord for patrons and, starting in September, a weekly email newsletter too. If you want to join our Discord and cannot afford to contribute, just send us an email.
Inflation is once again at the center of political debate. Dan interviews Tim Barker to put monetary policy in its historical and class war context. Reading: Preferred Shares by Tim Barker email for PDFs of the following two articles: The Vietnam War and the Political Economy of Full Employment by Dean Baker, Robert Pollin and Elizabeth Zahrt Class Conflict and the "Natural Rate of Unemployment" by Robert Pollin Support The Dig at join The Dig's brand new Discord!
How China rejected neoliberal orthodoxy and became the new workshop of the world. Dan interviews economist Isabella Weber on her book How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate. Support this podcast at
Who governs? Upon closer inspection, the composition of the ruling class has undergone huge changes that are driving this political moment. Dan interviews Doug Henwood, the author of "Take Me to Your Leader," an extensive analysis of the changing composition of the ruling class published in Jacobin: Support this podcast at The Dig is taking it easy this summer so look for new episodes every two weeks until September.
The history of the United States is in no small part the history of US intervention in Latin America. Historian Greg Grandin on his classic book Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Making of an Imperial Republic. Support this podcast at Watch our new Dig video shorts on YouTube:
The Dig is taking a break to play catch up this week and posting a favorite interview from our archives: Nick Estes on his book Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance. First posted on June 29 2019. Support this podcast at
Journalist Kate Aronoff discusses climate policy and politics and her book Overheated: How Capitalism Broke the Planet—And How We Fight Back. Support this podcast at
How ecosocialists formed a powerful coalition with unions to fight for labor law reform and why we need a powerful labor movement to win a Green New Deal. An interview with four members of DSA's Green New Deal Campaign Committee: Ashik Siddique, Gustavo Gordillo, Sydney Ghazarian, and Thea Riofrancos. This is a collaborative episode with Bloc Party, a podcast from Justice Democrats. Get involved in DSA's PRO Act fight: Ryan Grim's post on breaking the filibuster: Support this podcast at
Dan speaks with Noura Erakat and Tareq Baconi: an in-depth interview on Israeli apartheid and dispossession, the history and future of the Palestinian struggle, Israeli politics, media false equivalences, and shifting US public opinion toward Palestine. DONATE NOW to the Palestinian people: We Are Not Numbers Multiple organizations: Support this podcast at
Two voices from Gaza. The first of two episodes on Palestine this week with teacher and BDS activist Aya Alghazzawi and journalist Issam Adwan, project manager for We Are Not Numbers. DONATE NOW to the Palestinian people: We Are Not Numbers Multiple organizations:
Dan interviews historian Robin D.G. Kelley on his classic book Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists during the Great Depression. Please support this podcast at
What is so-called cancel culture? Why has it suddenly emerged as arguably the issue in right-wing politics? How does today’s cancel culture discourse differ from the anti-PC discourse that first emerged in the early 1990s? How do we distinguish between liberal opponents of PC like Jonathan Chain and right-wing ones like Donald Trump? And then, finally, is there still a there there? Some problems with The Discourse that we should reflect upon? Readings: Some “Politically Incorrect” Pathways Through PC by Stuart Hall Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy by Moira Weigel The Use of Free Speech in Society by Asad Haider Support this podcast at
Dan interviews Laleh Khalili on Sinews of War and Trade: Shipping and Capitalism in the Arabian Peninsula. The Suez Canal, the colonial roots of contemporary maritime trade, Aden dock worker radicals, why Dubai is not exceptional, the impacts of steam engines and containerization—and so much more. Support this podcast at
US empire in the Philippines, Filipino migration, labor organizing in the fields, and the nativist campaign for Asian exclusion. Dan interviews Rick Baldoz on his remarkable book The Third Asiatic Invasion: Empire and Migration in Filipino America, 1898-1946. Please support this podcast at
Three thinkers and organizers on the much debated question of ultra-leftism post-Bernie 2020. Two texts that informed our discussion: The Liberal to Ultra-Left Pipeline: Breaking the Cycle by Brian W. Liberalism, ultraleftism or mass action, a speech delivered by Socialist Workers Party leader Peter Camejo. Support this podcast at
Dan interviews Charisse Burden-Stelly on racial capitalism, the history of the US Black left, and the US government's Red Scare attacks on Black radicals. Read Burden-Stelly's work Modern U.S. Racial Capitalism: Some Theoretical Insights Black Cold War Liberalism as an Agency Reduction Formation during the Late 1940s and the Early 1950s Constructing Deportable Subjectivity: Antiforeignness, Antiradicalism, and Antiblackness during the McCarthyist Structure of Feeling Caste Does Not Explain Race The Absence of Political Economy in African Diaspora Studies Meet with Charisse Burden-Stelly at the Dig's last Book Club event Support this podcast at
Dan interviews the hosts of Time to Say Goodbye podcast on Asian American politics and identity. Check out Time to Say Goodbye wherever you get podcasts. Support The Dig at
How the 60s counterculture went on to make the techno-utopian ideology that suffuses our techno-dystopian reality. Dan interviews Fred Turner on his classic From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism. Support this podcast at
Astra Taylor interviews Achal Prabhala on emerging global vaccine apartheid: from the neoliberal turn handing the pharmaceutical industry global patents to today's government-funded vaccines put under private pharma control. Groups fighting global vaccine apartheid Public Citizen: MSF: Prep4All: People's Vaccine Alliance: Recent work by Prabhala: Support this podcast at Join the Dig Book Club at
Why we need the PRO Act with Jimmy Williams, General Vice President of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades. Sign up to join DSA's PRO Act phonebank Support this podcast at Join The Dig Book Club and discuss The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy with Paolo Gerbaudo Same to zoom with Astra Taylor and Erick Stoll on their doc You Are Not a Loan.
Dan interviews Jacobin's Alex Press and organizer Jonah Furman on the state of the labor movement. Sign up to join DSA's Pro Act phonebank Read Alex Press's interview with political scientist Michael Goldfield on the Amazon organizing drive in Bessemer Subscribe to Jonah Furman's newsletter Support this podcast at Join The Dig Book Club and discuss The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy with Paolo Gerbaudo Same to zoom with Astra Taylor and Erick Stoll on their doc You Are Not a Loan.
We're taking a week off to play catch up and posting an early Dig episode from the archives that people keep returning to time and again: Barbara and Karen Fields on their book Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life (episode 75 from December 13, 2017). Peruse The Dig's vast archives at and we'll be back with a new ep next week. Support this podcast at Join The Dig Book Club and discuss The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy with Paolo Gerbaudo Same to zoom with Astra Taylor and Erick Stoll on their doc You Are Not a Loan.
Dan interviews Sarah Jaffe on her book Work Won't Love You Back: How Devotion To Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted and Alone. Support this podcast on Join The Dig Book Club and discuss The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy with Paolo Gerbaudo
Dan interviews Sam Adler-Bell and Matt Sitman on the history and post-Trump trajectory of conservative intelligentsia. Listen to Know Your Enemy, their really great podcast on the American Right, wherever you get your podcasts. Sign up on Patreon for bonus episodes: Recommended reading and listening: "What’s left of liberalism? Why the left and right both seem to agree that liberalism has failed us." By Sam Adler-Bell "Know Your Enemy #13: What Happened to Norman? with David Klion" "I Thought I Understood the American Right. Trump Proved Me Wrong." By Rick Perlstein "The dark history of Donald Trump's rightwing revolt." By Timothy Shenk "The Year the Clock Broke." By John Ganz "Anti-'68ers and the Racist-Libertarian Alliance: How a Schism among Austrian School Neoliberals Helped Spawn the Alt Right." By Quinn Slobodian "Leaving Conservatism Behind: How I renounced the God-and-guns conservatism of my blue-collar roots and embraced class politics." By Matt Sitman Join the Dig Book Club and zoom with Astra Taylor and Erick Stoll at Watch their doc You Are Not a Loan here. Support this podcast at
Dan interviews Jeanne Morefield on her book Empires Without Imperialism: Anglo-American Decline and the Politics of Deflection and how the disavowed wars have come home on the American Right. Support this podcast at Join the Dig Book Club at Check out our vast archives at
Dan interviews sociologist Paolo Gerbaudo on his book The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy. How does the promise of direct digital democracy obscure how leaders are made more powerful and less accountable? Examples from Italy (Five Star Movement) and Spain (Podemos). How does the failure to incorporate people into rooted forms of political organization undermine the left's power, coherence, and durability? Example from the USA (the funhouse mirror-appeal of a certain YouTube comedian). Related episodes from The Dig archives: Hegemony How-To with Jonathan Matthew Smucker How Left Parties Neoliberalized with Stephanie Mudge Support this podcast at Join a Dig Book Club at
Dan interviews author Fatima Bhutto on social media subjectivities; Pakistani history, politics, and identity; and her novel The Runaways. Support this podcast with a contribution at Join a Dig Book Club at
Dan interviews Thea Riofrancos on how Ecuador's Pink Tide government was constrained by an unequal world system and on the conflict over mining that erupted between leftist President Rafael Correa and the Indigenous movement that laid the groundwork for his rise to power. Support this podcast at Join a Dig book club at
Nikhil Pal Singh and Joe Lowndes discuss and debate today's American Right: what sort of threat does the Far-Right pose? How does it relate to the Republican Party and to the neoliberal imperial Center? What does that mean for the Left? Read Corey Robin's smart and short piece on impeachment Listen to Dan's interview with Joe Lowndes and Daniel Martinez HoSang & Joe Lowndes on their book Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race and the New Right-Wing Politics of Precarity Support this podcast with money at
Dan interviews historian and essayist Gabriel Winant on the social worlds that make US politics and how that sociality is rooted in the economy, carceral state, social media, religion, and more. Read these n+1 essays and Dissent interview for context: We Live in a Society Coronavirus and Chronopolitics Chasm “What’s Actually Going on in Our Nursing Homes”: An Interview with Shantonia Jackson Support this podcast at Join a Dig Book Club
From The Dig archives: Dan interviews Melinda Cooper about her book, Family Values: Between Neoliberalism and the New Social Conservatism, which makes the case that neoliberalism and social conservatism have been consistent collaborators in creating an economy that redistributed wealth ruthlessly upwards with a risk-absorbing family at its privatized center. We'll be back next week with a new episode. Listen to Antibody Support this podcast at Join a Dig book club
A big-picture interview with Tobita Chow and Jake Werner on China that puts today's geopolitical conflict and repression into the context of global capitalism. Join a Dig Book Club Support this podcast at
What happened to social democratic politics? Dan interviews sociologist Stephanie Mudge on her book Leftism Reinvented: Western Parties from Socialism to Neoliberalism. Join a Dig Book Club Support this podcast at