Jessica Robertson SPILLS Which Robertson Man Dyes His Beard
Jessica Robertson SPILLS Which Robertson Man Dyes His Beard  
Podcast: Duck Call Room
Published On: Tue Mar 28 2023
Description: Uncle Si calls Jep and Jessica Robertson into the duck call room so he can personally ask them what happened in that limo. Martin hypes up Jep about his son playing flag football and even says he could go pro! Jep talks about how hard his old food truck business was and how the TV crew of "Duck Family Treasure" refused to drive him home from Houston because he was sick. Jep bemoans the sad state of toilet paper quality in hotels across the country. Jep and Jessica talk about their adoption journey with their son, Gus, and share encouragement for anyone considering this step for their family. Martin asks Jep and Jessica fan questions like if they would dye their hair matching colors — and which Robertson man dyes his beard! Plus, who are their celebrity crushes? Jep's answer shocked the room.  Learn more about All God's Children International and become a Cycle Breaker today! -- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit